22 research outputs found

    Analysis of the sum rate for massive MIMO using 10 GHz measurements

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    Orientador: Gustavo FraidenraichTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho apresenta um conjunto de contribuições para caracterização e modelagem de canais reais de rádio abordando aspectos relacionados com as condições favoráveis de propagação para sistemas massive MIMO. Discutiremos como caracterizar canais de rádio em um ambiente real, processamento de dados e análise das condições favoráveis de propagação. Em uma segunda parte, focamos na determinação teórica de alguns aspectos da tecnologia de massive MIMO utilizando propriedades de distribuições matriciais Wishart. Inicialmente, apresentamos uma contribuição sobre a aplicação do algoritmo ESPRIT, para estimar parâmetros de um conjunto de dados multidimensional. Obtivemos dados por varredura em frequência de um Analisador Vetorial de Rede e os adaptamos para o algoritmo ESPRIT. Mostramos como remover a influência do ganho de padrão de antenas e como utilizar um gerador de modelo de canal baseado nas medidas reais de canal de rádio. As medidas foram feitas na frequência de 10.1 GHz com largura de faixa de 500 MHz. Utilizando um gerador de modelo de canal, fomos além do universo das simulações por distribuições Gaussianas. Introduzimos o conceito de propagação favorável e analisamos condições de linha-de-visada usando arranjos lineares uniformes e arranjos retangulares uniformes de antena. Como novidade da pesquisa, mostramos os benefícios de explorar um número extra de graus de liberdade devido à escolha dos formatos de arranjo de antenas e ao aumento do número de elementos. Esta propriedade é observada ao analisarmos a distribuição dos autovalores de matrizes Gramianas. Em seguida, estendemos o mesmo raciocínio para as matrizes de canal geradas a partir de informações reais e verificamos se as propriedades ainda permaneceriam válidas. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, incluímos mais de uma antena no terminal móvel e calculamos a probabilidade de indisponibilidade para várias configurações de antenas e número arbitrário de usuários. Esboçamos inicialmente a formulação para a informação mútua e, em seguida, calculamos os resultados exatos em uma situação com dois usuários e duas antenas, tanto na estação base (EB) como nos terminais de usuário(TU). Visto que as formulações para a derivação exata dos casos com mais antenas e mais usuários mostrou-se muito intrincada, propusemos uma aproximação Gaussiana para simplificar o problema. Esta aproximação foi validada por simulações Monte Carlo para diferentes relações sinal/ruídoAbstract: This thesis presents a set of contributions for channel modeling and characterization of real radio channels delineating aspects related with the favorable propagation for massive MIMO systems. We will discuss about how to proceed for characterizing radio channels in an real environment , data processing, and analysis of favorable conditions. In a second part, we focused on determination of some theoretical aspects of the Massive MIMO technology using properties of Wishart distribution matrices. We initially present a contribution on the application of ESPRIT algorithm for estimating a multidimensional set of measured data. We have obtained data by frequency sweep carried out by a vector network analyzer(VNA) and adapted it to fit in the ESPRIT algorithm. We show how to remove antenna pattern gain using virtual antenna arrays and how to use a channel model generator based on radio channel measurements of real environments. The measurements were conducted at the frequency of 10.1 GHz and 500 MHz bandwidth. By using a channel model generator, we have explored beyond the simulation of Gaussian Distributions. We will introduce the concept of favorable propagation and analyze the line-of-sight conditions using ULA and URA array shapes. As a research novelty, we will show the benefits of exploiting an extra degree of freedom due to the choice of the antenna shapes and amount of antenna elements. We observe these properties through the distribution of the Gramian Matrices. Next, we extend the same rationale to channel matrices generated from real channels and we verify that the properties are still valid. In a second part of the research work, we included more than one antenna in the mobile terminals and calculated the outage probability for several antenna configurations and arbitrary number users. We introduce a formulation for mutual information and then we calculate exact results in a case with two users with two antennas in both Base Station (BS) and User Terminals (UT). Since the formulations to the exact derivation for cases with more antennas and users seems to be intricate, we propose a Gaussian approximation solution to simplify the problem. We validated this approximation with Monte Carlo simulations for different signal-to-noise ratiosDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica248416/2013-8CNPQCAPE

    Beam Tracking Strategies for 5G New Radio Networks Operating in the Millimetre Wave Bands

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    [ES] La llegada de la próxima generación del estándar de comunicaciones móviles, la llamada quinta generación (5G), es prácticamente una realidad. Las primeras redes comerciales han comenzado a ser desplegadas, centrándose en ofrecer altas velocidades de transferencia de datos. Sin embargo, el estándar 5G va mucho más allá y prevé dar soporte a nuevos servicios que pretenden revolucionar la sociedad. Estos nuevos servicios imponen un nivel alto de requisitos en no solo en cuanto a velocidad del tráfico de datos, sino en cuanto a latencia o número de dispositivos conectados simultáneamente. La amplia variedad de requisitos no puede ser soportada por las redes de cuarta generación (4G), por lo que se hizo necesario plantear un nuevo paradigma para las redes inalámbricas. Con la promesa de grandes cantidades de ancho de banda sin utilizar, el estándar 5G contempla utilizar frecuencias en la comúnmente conocida como banda de milimétricas (mmWave). Esta banda presenta grandes pérdidas de propagación, que se acentúan si existen bloqueos de señal. Actividades regulatorias del uso de las bandas de milimétricas atrajo el interés tanto de la industria como de la academia en plantear soluciones para dar servicio en estas bandas. En los últimos años se han presentado infinidad de trabajos basados en sistemas con múltiples antenas o MIMO, para conformar las señales transmitidas o recibidas en haces apuntando en determinadas direcciones. La ganancia que aportan los sistemas MIMO pueden compensar las altas pérdidas de propagación, asegurando la viabilidad de las comunicaciones mmWave. Se ha detectado una evidente falta de estudios sobre la viabilidad de sistemas MIMO en entornos móviles y dinámicos con bloqueos que hagan necesario que el sistema se reconfigure. Esta Tesis pretende cubrir este espacio desde un enfoque práctico y propone mecanismos de gestión de los haces para hacerles un seguimiento utilizando los recursos y mecanismos del nuevo estándar 5G. Las soluciones aportadas se basan en el uso eficiente de los reportes de medidas de las señales de referencia estandarizadas en enlace descendente. En primer lugar, esta Tesis recoge un análisis minucioso del estado del arte, donde se corrobora la necesidad de aportar soluciones de seguimiento de haces en sistemas de comunicaciones en la banda de milimétricas. Además, se estudian los diferentes mecanismos definidos en el estándar 5G y que posibilitan el seguimiento. Cabe destacar que el estándar no define un mecanismo único a seguir, permitiendo presentar propuestas. Una vez conocidas las tecnologías, se centra el estudio en el impacto del seguimiento sobre las prestaciones a nivel de red y de enlace. Dicho estudio se realiza sobre un sistema punto a punto, donde el terminal móvil se desplaza por un entorno urbano. En base a simulaciones de red, se cuantifica el índice de seguimiento de haz y de cómo dicho seguimiento afecta a la relación señal a ruido más interferencia (SINR) y la tasa de transmisión del usuario. Las soluciones de seguimiento propuestas en esta Tesis se pueden clasificar en dos categorías. En una primera categoría, se realiza el seguimiento en base a reportes de medidas de las señales de referencia. Independientemente de la velocidad, se alcanza un seguimiento del 91% con poca penalización en la tasa de transmisión si se monitorizan los haces de interés con una periodicidad menor de 20 ms. En la segunda categoría caben mecanismos de seguimiento que hacen uso de fuentes externas de información. Dentro de esta categoría, se propone un fingerprinting que relacione haces con la localización reportada y un modelo de machine learning (ML) que prediga los haces a utilizar. El fingerprinting proporciona los mismos niveles de rendimiento. Sin embargo, esta solución es muy sensible a errores y requiere considerar todos los casos posibles, lo que la hace tecnológicamente inviable. En cambio, el modelo de ML, que hace p[CA] L'arribada de la següent generació de l'estàndard de comunicacions mòbils, l'anomenada cinquena generació (5G), es pràcticament una realitat. Les primeres xarxes comercials han començat a desplegar-se i s'han centrat en oferir altes velocitats de transferència de dades. No obstant, l'estàndard 5G va molt mes allà y preveu donar suport a nous serveis que pretenen revolucionar la societat. Estos nous serveis imposen un alt nivell de requisits no sols en quant a velocitat de tràfic de dades, si no també en quant a latència o número de connexions simultànies. L'ampla varietat de requisits no es suportada per les xarxes de quarta generació (4G) actuals, per el qual es va fer necessari un nou paradigma de xarxes sense fil. Amb la promesa de amplies quantitats d'ample de banda, l'estàndard 5G contempla utilitzar freqüències a la banda de mil·limètriques. Esta banda presenta l'inconvenient d'experimentar grans pèrdues de propagació, que s'accentuen en cas de bloqueigs. L'apertura de les bandes de mil·limètriques va atraure l'interès tant de l'industria com de l'acadèmia en plantejar solucions per a donar servei en estes bandes. En els últims anys s'han presentat infinitat de treballs basats en sistemes amb múltiples antenes o MIMO, per a conformar els senyals transmesos o rebuts en feixos apuntant en determinades direccions d'interès. El guany de feix es pot utilitzar per a compensar les pèrdues de propagació, assegurant la viabilitat de les comunicacions en la banda de mil·limètriques. No obstant això, s'ha detectat una preocupant manca d'estudis sobre la viabilitat d'estos sistemes en entorns mòbils i dinàmics, amb obstacles que bloquejen els feixos i facen necessari que el sistema es reconfigure. El present treball de Tesi pretén cobrir este espai buit i des d'un punt de vista pràctic, es proposen mecanismes de gestió dels feixos per a ser el seguiment utilitzant els recursos i mecanismes dels que disposa l'estàndard 5G. D'esta manera, les solucions aportades es basen en la utilització eficient dels reports de mesures dels senyals de referència del enllaç descendent. En primer lloc, esta Tesi recull una anàlisi minuciosa de l'estat de l'art on es corrobora la necessitat de aportar solucions de seguiment de feixos per a comunicacions en la banda de freqüències mil·limètriques. A més a més, s'estudien els diferents mecanismes definits a l'estàndard 5G i que possibiliten el seguiment. Cap destacar que l'estàndard no defineix un mecanisme únic, si no que deixa la porta oberta a presentar propostes. Una vegada conegudes les tecnologies, l'estudi es centra en l'impacte del seguiment sobre les prestacions a nivell de xarxa i d'enllaç. Este estudi es realitza sobre un sistema MIMO punt a punt, en una única estació base i un terminal mòbil desplaçant-se en un entorn urbà. En base a simulacions d'extrem a extrem, es quantifica l'índex de seguiment de feix i com l'anomenat seguiment afecta a la relació senyal a soroll més interferència (SINR) i a la taxa instantània de transmissió de l'usuari. Les solucions de seguiment de feixos propostes a la Tesi es poden classificar en dos categories. A la primera categoria, el seguiment de feixos es realitza en base als reports de mesures dels senyals de referència. Independentment de la velocitat, s'arriba a una taxa de seguiment del 91% amb poca penalització de taxa de transmissió si els feixos d'interès es mesuren amb una periodicitat menor a 20 ms. A la segona categoria pertanyen els algoritmes que utilitzen fonts d'informació externes. Dins d'aquesta categoria es proposa un fingerprinting que relaciona un parell de feixos amb la ubicació de l'usuari, i a banda un model d'intel·ligència artificial (IA) que preveu el feix a utilitzar. El fingerprinting ofereix el mateix rendiment. Però, esta solució es molt sensible a errors i requereix considerar tots els casos possibles, fent-la tecnològicament inviable. En canvi, el[EN] The arrival of the next generation of mobile communication standards, the so-called Fifth Generation (5G), is already a reality. The first commercial networks have begun to be deployed, and they focus on providing higher data rates. However, the 5G standard goes much further from that and aims at providing support to new services which will revolutionise the society. These new services impose a high level of requirements not only in terms of the data traffic speed, but also in terms of very low latency or incredibly large number of simultaneous connections. This wide variety of requirements cannot be technologically supported by the current Fourth Generation (4G) networks, so it became necessary to move forward with a new paradigm for wireless networks. With the promise of large amounts of bandwidth, in the order of GHz, the 5G standard contemplates the use of frequencies in the commonly known Millimetre Wave (mmWave) band. The mmWave band experiences large propagation losses, which are accentuated in blockage events. Regulatory activities worldwide in the mmWave bands attracted the interest of both the industry and the academia. In the last few years, a tremendous number of contributions on mmWave propagation studies and networks have appeared, most of them based on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) solutions. MIMO architectures allow to beamform, which focuses the radiated energy on certain directions of interest called beams. The additional beam gain compensates the high propagation losses, ensuring the viability of the communications in the mmWave band. There is an evident lack of viability studies of mmWave MIMO systems in mobile and highly-dynamic environments, where obstacles may block beams and forcing frequent re-configurations. This Thesis work aims to fill this gap from a practical approach. This Thesis proposes beam management mechanisms utilising the mechanisms and resources offered by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G radio access standard: 5G New Radio (NR). The practical solutions are based on the efficient use of measurement reports of standardised downlink Reference Signals (RS). In first place, this Thesis provides a thorough state-of-the-art analysis and corroborates the need of adopting beam tracking solutions for mmWave networks. Then, a complete overview of the 5G standard mechanisms that enable beam tracking is given. The NR standard does not define a standardised mechanism for beam tracking, leaving the door open to proposals to carry out such monitoring. Once the technologies have been identified, the Thesis continues with assessing the impact of the beam tracking strategies on the network and link-level performance. The study is focused on individual point-to-point mmWave links in a realistic urban environment. Based on end-to-end network simulations, the Thesis is interested in assessing the beam tracking success ratio and how beam misalignment affects the perceived Signal to Noise plus Interference Ratio (SINR) and user throughput at pedestrian and vehicular speeds. The beam tracking solutions proposed in this Thesis fall into two categories. The first category monitors beams based on measuring and reporting beamformed RS. Regardless of the speed, this beam tracking category provides up to 91 % tracking performance, with little throughput reduction if the beams of interest are measured with a periodicity below 20 ms. Beam tracking in the second category relies on external information sources. Within this category, this Thesis proposes a fingerprinting database relating beams to the user position and a machine learning (ML) model. Fingerprinting beam tracking is technologically viable and provides similar performance levels. However, this solution is very sensitive to errors and requires considering all possible situations. The ML beam tracking, which makes predictions with a 16 % of estimation error for the reference data set.I want to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Formation for funding this Thesis work with an official pre-doctoral contract grant.Herranz Claveras, C. (2019). Beam Tracking Strategies for 5G New Radio Networks Operating in the Millimetre Wave Bands [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/130845TESI

    Statistical millimeter wave channel modelling for 5G and beyond

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    Millimetre wave (mmWave) wireless communication is one of the most promising technologies for the fifth generation (5G) wireless communication networks and beyond. The very broad bandwidth and directional propagation are the two features of mmWave channels. In order to develop the channel models properly reflecting the characteristics of mmWave channels, the in-depth studies of mmWave channels addressing those two features are required. In this thesis, three mmWave channel models and one beam alignment scheme are proposed related to those two features. First, for studying the very broad bandwidth feature of mmWave channels, we introduce an averaged power delay profile (APDP) method to estimate the frequency stationarity regions (FSRs) of channels. The frequency non-stationary (FnS) properties of channels are found in the data analysis. A FnS model is proposed to model the FnS channels in both the sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequency bands and cluster evolution in the frequency domain is utilised in the implementation of FnS model. Second, for studying the directional propagation feature of mmWave channels, we develop an angular APDP (A-APDP) method to study the planar angular stationarity regions (ASRs) of directional channels (DCs). Three typical directional channel impulse responses (D-CIRs) are found in the data analysis and light-of-sight (LOS), non-LOS (NLOS), and outage classes are used to classify those DCs. A modified Saleh-Valenzuela (SV) model is proposed to model the DCs. The angular domain cluster evolution is utilised to ensure the consistency of DCs. Third, we further extend the A-APDP method to study the spherical-ASRs of DCs. We model the directional mmWave channels by three-state Markov chain that consists of LOS, NLOS, and outage states and we use stationary model, non-stationary model, and “null” to describe the channels in each Markov state according to the estimated ASRs. Then, we propose to use joint channel models to simulate the instantaneous directional mmWave channels based on the limiting distribution of Markov chain. Finally, the directional propagated mmWave channels when the Tx and Rx in motion is addressed. A double Gaussian beams (DGBs) scheme for mobile-to-mobile (M2M) mmWave communications is proposed. The connection ratios of directional mmWave channels in each Markov state are studied

    Cooperative Position and Orientation Estimation with Multi-Mode Antennas

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    Robotic multi-agent systems are envisioned for planetary exploration and terrestrial applications. Autonomous operation of robots requires estimations of their positions and orientations, which are obtained from the direction-of-arrival (DoA) and the time-of-arrival (ToA) of radio signals exchanged among the agents. In this thesis, we estimate the signal DoA and ToA using a multi-mode antenna (MMA). An MMA is a single antenna element, where multiple orthogonal current modes are excited by different antenna ports. We provide a first study on the use of MMAs for cooperative position and orientation estimation, specifically exploring their DoA estimation capabilities. Assuming the agents of a cooperative network are equipped with MMAs, lower bounds on the achievable position and orientation accuracy are derived. We realize a gap between the theoretical lower bounds and real-world performance of a cooperative radio localization system, which is caused by imperfect antenna and transceiver calibration. Consequentially, we theoretically analyze in-situ antenna calibration, introduce an algorithm for the calibration of arbitrary multiport antennas and show its effectiveness by simulation. To also improve calibration during operation, we propose cooperative simultaneous localization and calibration (SLAC). We show that cooperative SLAC is able to estimate antenna responses and ranging biases of the agents together with their positions and orientations, leading to considerably better position and orientation accuracy. Finally, we validate the results from theory and simulation by experiments with robotic rovers equipped with software-defined radios (SDRs). In conclusion, we show that DoA estimation with an MMA is feasible, and accuracy can be improved by in-situ calibration and SLAC

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion

    Ultra Wideband Wearable Sensors for Motion Tracking Applications

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    The increasing interest and advancements in wearable electronics, biomedical applications and digital signal processing techniques have led to the unceasing progress and research in novel implementations of wireless communications technology. Human motion tracking and localisation are some of the numerous promising applications that have emerged from this interest. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is particularly seen as a very attractive solution for microwave-based localisation due to the fine time resolution capabilities of the UWB pulses. However, to prove the viability of utilizing UWB technology for high precision localisation applications, a considerable amount of research work is still needed. The impact of the presence of the human body on localisation accuracy needs to be investigated. In addition, for guaranteeing accurate data retrieval in an impulse-radio based system, the study of pulse distortion becomes indispensable. The objective of the research work presented in this thesis is to study and carry out experimental investigations to formulate new techniques for the development of an Impulse-radio UWB sensor based localisation system for human motion tracking applications. This research work initiates a new approach for human motion tracking by making use of pulsed UWB technology which will allow the development of advanced tracking solutions with the capacity to meet the needs of professional users. Extensive experimental studies involving several ranging and three dimensional localisation investigations have been undertaken, and the potential of achieving high precision localisation using ultra-wideband technology has been demonstrated. Making use of the upper portion of the UWB band, a novel miniature antenna designed for integration in the UWB localisation system is presented and its performance has been examined. The key findings and contributions of this research work include UWB antenna characterisation for pulse based transmission, evaluation of comprehensive antenna fidelity patterns, impact of pulse fidelity on the communication performance of a UWB radio system, along with studies regarding the effect of the human body on received pulse quality and localisation accuracy. In addition, an innovative approach of making use of antenna phase centre information for improving the localisation accuracy has been presented

    Wireless Channel Modeling and Reconstruction in Massive MIMO Systems

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    The past few years have witnessed dramatic growth in the number of wirelessly connected devices, which will continue to increase in the future. Following this trend, the capacity of the wireless networks has been enhanced to provide high-quality service to tens of billions of devices. At the same time, in response to the network enhancement, each device unashamedly requests more and more throughput to support high-data-consuming applications such as video calls, high-definition video streaming, and online multiplayer video games. This undoubtedly indicates that the demand for high wireless throughput and numerous new connections will keep increasing in the near future. In addition, the development of new technologies such as virtual/augmented reality, self-driving cars, remote surgery, and other latency-critical applications has caused concern regarding the network response latency. Thus, next-generation wireless networks have to satisfy three main requirements: i) high throughput; ii) simultaneous service to many users; and iii) low latency. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology, where a base station (BS) equipped with a large antenna array is capable of serving many users simultaneously in the same time-frequency domain, has been developed to mitigate these requirements except the last. However, massive MIMO technology has to overcome the challenges related to the channel estimation (CE) overhead, which inevitably increases the communication latency, to become the absolute leader in the list of promising technologies for next-generation wireless communication. This dissertation focuses on developing solutions that are aimed to mitigate massive MIMO CE challenges. The dissertation consists of three main parts: massive MIMO channel modeling, user localization in massive MIMO networks, and full downlink channel reconstruction. The first part (Chapter 3) discusses an approach for modeling spatially consistent channels in massive MIMO networks. The main focus is put on describing specular reflections of wireless signals from arbitrarily inclined surfaces by taking into account the signals' polarizations and the spatial distributions of massive MIMO antennas. The proposed approach has been validated through simulating signal transmissions in a realistic environment model based on Google Maps. Results show the importance of incorporating a spherical wave propagation model and the consideration of detailed 3D characteristics of the surroundings in the simulation of massive MIMO channels. The second part (Chapter 4) introduces a solution for localizing users in massive MIMO networks. The main focus is on designing algorithms that are capable of estimating the positions of users using only uplink signals by exploring the advantages of the spherical wave propagation model proposed in the first section. The designed localization schemes have been evaluated through both simulation and proof-of-concept experiments. Simulation results show that the schemes can achieve decimeter-level localization accuracy using 64 and more antenna elements for distances up to 300 meters. The proof-of-concept experiment justifies the feasibility of user localization based on the estimation of the spherical shape of the incoming wavefront. The third part (Chapter 5) investigates the problem of reconstructing the full downlink channel from incomplete uplink channel measurements in massive MIMO systems. This problem arises in the next-generation networks, where connected devices have multiple transmitting and non-transmitting antennas. To achieve high throughput, channels for non-transmitting antennas have to be reconstructed. This section presents ARDI, a scheme that builds a bridge between the radio channel and physical signal propagation environment to link spatial information about the non-transmitting antennas with their radio channels. By inferring locations and orientations of the non-transmitting antennas from an incomplete set of uplink channels, ARDI can reconstruct the downlink channels for non-transmitting antennas. The performance evaluation results demonstrate that ARDI is capable of accurately reconstructing full downlink channels when the signal-to-noise ratio is higher than 15dB, thereby expanding the channel capacity of massive MIMO networks

    Sistemas de posicionamento baseados em comunicação por luz para ambientes interiores

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    The demand for highly precise indoor positioning systems (IPSs) is growing rapidly due to its potential in the increasingly popular techniques of the Internet of Things, smart mobile devices, and artificial intelligence. IPS becomes a promising research domain that is getting wide attention due to its benefits in several working scenarios, such as, industries, indoor public locations, and autonomous navigation. Moreover, IPS has a prominent contribution in day-to-day activities in organizations such as health care centers, airports, shopping malls, manufacturing, underground locations, etc., for safe operating environments. In indoor environments, both radio frequency (RF) and optical wireless communication (OWC) based technologies could be adopted for localization. Although the RF-based global positioning system, such as, Global positioning system offers higher penetration rates with reduced accuracy (i.e., in the range of a few meters), it does not work well in indoor environments (and not at all in certain cases such as tunnels, mines, etc.) due to the very weak signal and no direct access to the satellites. On the other hand, the light-based system known as a visible light positioning (VLP) system, as part of the OWC systems, uses the pre-existing light-emitting diodes (LEDs)-based lighting infrastructure, could be used at low cost and high accuracy compared with the RF-based systems. VLP is an emerging technology promising high accuracy, high security, low deployment cost, shorter time response, and low relative complexity when compared with RFbased positioning. However, in indoor VLP systems, there are some concerns such as, multipath reflection, transmitter tilting, transmitter’s position, and orientation uncertainty, human shadowing/blocking, and noise causing the increase in the positioning error, thereby reducing the positioning accuracy of the system. Therefore, it is imperative to capture the characteristics of different VLP channel and properly model them for the dual purpose of illumination and localization. In this thesis, firstly, the impact of transmitter tilting angles and multipath reflections are studied and for the first time, it is demonstrated that tilting the transmitter can be beneficial in VLP systems considering both line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight transmission paths. With the transmitters oriented towards the center of the receiving plane, the received power level is maximized due to the LOS components. It is also shown that the proposed scheme offers a significant accuracy improvement of up to ~66% compared with a typical non-tilted transmitter VLP. The effect of tilting the transmitter on the lighting uniformity is also investigated and results proved that the uniformity achieved complies with the European Standard EN 12464-1. After that, the impact of transmitter position and orientation uncertainty on the accuracy of the VLP system based on the received signal strength (RSS) is investigated. Simulation results show that the transmitter uncertainties have a severe impact on the positioning error, which can be leveraged through the usage of more transmitters. Concerning a smaller transmitter’s position epochs, and the size of the training set. It is shown that, the ANN with Bayesian regularization outperforms the traditional RSS technique using the non-linear least square estimation for all values of signal to noise ratio. Furthermore, a novel indoor VLP system is proposed based on support vector machines and polynomial regression considering two different multipath environments of an empty room and a furnished room. The results show that, in an empty room, the positioning accuracy improvement for the positioning error of 2.5 cm are 36.1, 58.3, and 72.2 % for three different scenarios according to the regions’ distribution in the room. For the furnished room, a positioning relative accuracy improvement of 214, 170, and 100 % is observed for positioning error of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 m, respectively. Ultimately, an indoor VLP system based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) is proposed and demonstrated experimentally in which LEDs are used as transmitters and a rolling shutter camera is used as receiver. A detection algorithm named single shot detector (SSD) is used which relies on CNN (i.e., MobileNet or ResNet) for classification as well as position estimation of each LED in the image. The system is validated using a real-world size test setup containing eight LED luminaries. The obtained results show that the maximum average root mean square positioning error achieved is 4.67 and 5.27 cm with SSD MobileNet and SSD ResNet models, respectively. The validation results show that the system can process 67 images per second, allowing real-time positioning.A procura por sistemas de posicionamento interior (IPSs) de alta precisão tem crescido rapidamente devido ao seu interesse nas técnicas cada vez mais populares da Internet das Coisas, dispositivos móveis inteligentes e inteligência artificial. O IPS tornou-se um domínio de pesquisa promissor que tem atraído grande atenção devido aos seus benefícios em vários cenários de trabalho, como indústrias, locais públicos e navegação autónoma. Além disso, o IPS tem uma contribuição destacada no dia a dia de organizações, como, centros de saúde, aeroportos, supermercados, fábricas, locais subterrâneos, etc. As tecnologias baseadas em radiofrequência (RF) e comunicação óptica sem fio (OWC) podem ser adotadas para localização em ambientes interiores. Embora o sistema de posicionamento global (GPS) baseado em RF ofereça taxas de penetração mais altas com precisão reduzida (ou seja, na faixa de alguns metros), não funciona bem em ambientes interiores (e não funciona bem em certos casos como túneis, minas, etc.) devido ao sinal muito fraco e falta de acesso direto aos satélites. Por outro lado, o sistema baseado em luz conhecido como sistema de posicionamento de luz visível (VLP), como parte dos sistemas OWC, usa a infraestrutura de iluminação baseada em díodos emissores de luz (LEDs) pré-existentes, é um sistemas de baixo custo e alta precisão quando comprado com os sistemas baseados em RF. O VLP é uma tecnologia emergente que promete alta precisão, alta segurança, baixo custo de implantação, menor tempo de resposta e baixa complexidade relativa quando comparado ao posicionamento baseado em RF. No entanto, os sistemas VLP interiores, exibem algumas limitações, como, a reflexão multicaminho, inclinação do transmissor, posição do transmissor e incerteza de orientação, sombra/bloqueio humano e ruído, que têm como consequência o aumento do erro de posicionamento, e consequente redução da precisão do sistema. Portanto, é imperativo estudar as características dos diferentes canais VLP e modelá-los adequadamente para o duplo propósito de iluminação e localização. Esta tesa aborda, primeiramente, o impacto dos ângulos de inclinação do transmissor e reflexões multipercurso no desempenho do sistema de posicionamento. Demonstra-se que a inclinação do transmissor pode ser benéfica em sistemas VLP considerando tanto a linha de vista (LOS) como as reflexões. Com os transmissores orientados para o centro do plano recetor, o nível de potência recebido é maximizado devido aos componentes LOS. Também é mostrado que o esquema proposto oferece uma melhoria significativa de precisão de até ~66% em comparação com um sistema VLP de transmissor não inclinado típico. O efeito da inclinação do transmissor na uniformidade da iluminação também é investigado e os resultados comprovam que a uniformidade alcançada está de acordo com a Norma Europeia EN 12464-1. O impacto da posição do transmissor e incerteza de orientação na precisão do sistema VLP com base na intensidade do sinal recebido (RSS) foi também investigado. Os resultados da simulação mostram que as incertezas do transmissor têm um impacto severo no erro de posicionamento, que pode ser atenuado com o uso de mais transmissores. Para incertezas de posicionamento dos transmissores menores que 5 cm, os erros médios de posicionamento são 23.3, 15.1 e 13.2 cm para conjuntos de 4, 9 e 16 transmissores, respetivamente. Enquanto que, para a incerteza de orientação de um transmissor menor de 5°, os erros médios de posicionamento são 31.9, 20.6 e 17 cm para conjuntos de 4, 9 e 16 transmissores, respetivamente. O trabalho da tese abordou a investigação dos aspetos de projeto de um sistema VLP indoor no qual uma rede neuronal artificial (ANN) é utilizada para estimativa de posicionamento considerando um canal multipercurso. O estudo considerou a influência do ruído como indicador de desempenho para a comparação entre diferentes abordagens de projeto. Três algoritmos de treino de ANNs diferentes foram considerados, a saber, Levenberg-Marquardt, regularização Bayesiana e algoritmos de gradiente conjugado escalonado, para minimizar o erro de posicionamento no sistema VLP. O projeto da ANN foi otimizado com base no número de neurónios nas camadas ocultas, no número de épocas de treino e no tamanho do conjunto de treino. Mostrou-se que, a ANN com regularização Bayesiana superou a técnica RSS tradicional usando a estimação não linear dos mínimos quadrados para todos os valores da relação sinal-ruído. Foi proposto um novo sistema VLP indoor baseado em máquinas de vetores de suporte (SVM) e regressão polinomial considerando dois ambientes interiores diferentes: uma sala vazia e uma sala mobiliada. Os resultados mostraram que, numa sala vazia, a melhoria da precisão de posicionamento para o erro de posicionamento de 2.5 cm são 36.1, 58.3 e 72.2% para três cenários diferentes de acordo com a distribuição das regiões na sala. Para a sala mobiliada, uma melhoria de precisão relativa de posicionamento de 214, 170 e 100% é observada para erro de posicionamento de 0.1, 0.2 e 0.3 m, respetivamente. Finalmente, foi proposto um sistema VLP indoor baseado em redes neurais convolucionais (CNN). O sistema foi demonstrado experimentalmente usando luminárias LED como transmissores e uma camara com obturador rotativo como recetor. O algoritmo de detecção usou um detector de disparo único (SSD) baseado numa CNN pré configurada (ou seja, MobileNet ou ResNet) para classificação. O sistema foi validado usando uma configuração de teste de tamanho real contendo oito luminárias LED. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o erro de posicionamento quadrático médio alcançado é de 4.67 e 5.27 cm com os modelos SSD MobileNet e SSD ResNet, respetivamente. Os resultados da validação mostram que o sistema pode processar 67 imagens por segundo, permitindo o posicionamento em tempo real.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Wideband mobile propagation channels: Modelling measurements and characterisation for microcellular environments

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