6,313 research outputs found

    Extreme Programming Approach in E-PANJO Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home

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    Abstrak. Selain melaksanakan pelayanan perawatan lansia, panti jompo juga melaksanakan pekerjaan rutin terkait pengelolaan informasi. Informasi ini didapat dari berbagai kegiatan, mulai dari lansia yang masuk ke panti jompo hingga keluar dari panti jompo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah aplikasi “EPANJO” yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk mendukung pengelolaan informasi panti jompo. Agar perancangan dapat menghasilkan aplikasi yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan maka pengembangannya akan menggunakan metode Extreme Programming (XP). XP dipilih karena kemampuannya untuk mendukung proses pengembangan aplikasi skala kecil. XP merupakan metode yang terdiri dari fase eksplorasi, fase perencanaan, fase iterasi hingga fase rilis, fase produksi, dan fase kematian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa XP efektif dalam mendukung perancangan E-PANJO dibuktikan dengan uji fungsionalitas black box yang dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan pengelolaan informasi panti jompo seperti pengelolaan informasi pemantauan riwayat kesehatan, mutasi lansia, kunjungan keluarga , menerima sumbangan dan biaya bulanan untuk orang tuaKata Kunci: E-PANJO, Extreme Programming, Panti Werdha Abstract. In addition to carrying out elderly care services, nursing homes also carry out routine work related to information management. This information was obtained from various activities, from the elderly entering the nursing home to leaving the nursing home. This study aims to design an "E-PANJO" application as a tool to support the management of nursing home information. So that the design can produce the proper application and according to the needs, the development used the Extreme Programming (XP) method. XP was chosen because of its ability to support small-scale application development processes. XP is a method consisting of an exploration phase, planning phase, iteration to release phase, production phase, and death phase. The results of this study indicate that XP is effective in supporting the design of E-PANJO as evidenced by a black box functionality test that can accommodate the needs of nursing home information management such as managing information on monitoring health history, elderly mutations, family visits, receiving donations and monthly fees for the elderly.Keywords: E-PANJO, Extreme Programming, Nursing Hom

    An empirical analysis on the effects of investment assessment methods on IS/IT project success

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    As organizations’ investments on information systems/information technology (IS/IT) increase, the assessment methods used during IS/IT investment decision-making process holds more and more importance. Since successful IS/IT projects are key to the sustainability of an organization, identifying the factors which have effects on project success carries useful insights. In this study, 18 assessment methods are identified based on the literature. A novel classification method is proposed and assessment methods are classified into financial, strategic, and organizational categories. A novel rule-based method for determining the size of IS/IT projects is also proposed. Detailed information on project characteristics, employed IS/IT assessment methods, and project success is collected for 110 real-world IS/IT projects. The collected data is utilized in ANOVA and Regression tests to examine the factors which affect project success. Use of organization-related assessment methods, which is proposed in this study, is found to increase the success rate of the projects. Obligation towards the project and use of multi-criteria methodology have significant relationships with project success whereas project size, use of gut feeling during evaluation, and employed system development methodology do not have statistically significant impacts on project success

    Strategic asset management: relating to open building concepts

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    Healthcare services are provided in increasingly complex environments which are driven by multifaceted internal activities and the management of the physical assets is vital for efficient delivery of these services. Healthcare estates planning are supported by Trusts’: Strategic Service Development Plan (SSDP); Strategic Outline Case (SOC); Commissioners Investment & Asset Management Strategy (CIAMS); Estates Code; service specifications along with programme management; and investment appraisal and planning. This paper aims to explore current approaches and develop an approach to Strategic Asset Management using open building concepts that can be applied to healthcare projects to enable a flexible estates response to service redesign, technology innovation and changing business demands. This is achieved through collation and comparison of these approaches to identify existing gaps and inform how open thinking can transform business case procedures for estates planning and assist in the strategic evaluation of healthcare assets

    An empirical analysis on the effects of investment assessment methods on IS/IT project success

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    As organizations’ investments on information systems/information technology (IS/IT) increase, the assessment methods used during IS/IT investment decision-making process holds more and more importance. Since successful IS/IT projects are key to the sustainability of an organization, identifying the factors which have effects on project success carries useful insights. In this study, 18 assessment methods are identified based on the literature. A novel classification method is proposed and assessment methods are classified into financial, strategic, and organizational categories. A novel rule-based method for determining the size of IS/IT projects is also proposed. Detailed information on project characteristics, employed IS/IT assessment methods, and project success is collected for 110 real-world IS/IT projects. The collected data is utilized in ANOVA and Regression tests to examine the factors which affect project success. Use of organization-related assessment methods, which is proposed in this study, is found to increase the success rate of the projects. Obligation towards the project and use of multi-criteria methodology have significant relationships with project success whereas project size, use of gut feeling during evaluation, and employed system developmentmethodology do not have statistically significant impacts on project success

    Medical devices with embedded electronics: design and development methodology for start-ups

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    358 p.El sector de la biotecnología demanda innovación constante para hacer frente a los retos del sector sanitario. Hechos como la reciente pandemia COVID-19, el envejecimiento de la población, el aumento de las tasas de dependencia o la necesidad de promover la asistencia sanitaria personalizada tanto en entorno hospitalario como domiciliario, ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de desarrollar dispositivos médicos de monitorización y diagnostico cada vez más sofisticados, fiables y conectados de forma rápida y eficaz. En este escenario, los sistemas embebidos se han convertido en tecnología clave para el diseño de soluciones innovadoras de bajo coste y de forma rápida. Conscientes de la oportunidad que existe en el sector, cada vez son más las denominadas "biotech start-ups" las que se embarcan en el negocio de los dispositivos médicos. Pese a tener grandes ideas y soluciones técnicas, muchas terminan fracasando por desconocimiento del sector sanitario y de los requisitos regulatorios que se deben cumplir. La gran cantidad de requisitos técnicos y regulatorios hace que sea necesario disponer de una metodología procedimental para ejecutar dichos desarrollos. Por ello, esta tesis define y valida una metodología para el diseño y desarrollo de dispositivos médicos embebidos

    How Scrum Adds Value to Achieving Software Quality?

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    Scrum remains the most popular agile software development method implementation for a variety of reasons; one important motive is to improve software quality. Yet many organizations fail to achieve quality improvements through the use of Scrum, and existing research sheds little light on the value-add of Scrum for software quality. More specifically, (1) how notions of software quality among Scrum practitioners relate to established quality perspectives, (2) how Scrum helps teams to achieve higher software quality and (3) why some teams fail to meet the objective of higher quality. We addressed these gaps through a two-phased qualitative study based on 39 interviews and two in-depth case studies. We find that Scrum practitioners emphasize established notions of external quality comprising of conformity to business needs and absence of defects, while they also value internal quality, especially sustainable software design. Our results show that Scrum helps teams achieve both dimensions of quality by promoting some social antecedents (collaboration, psychological safety, accountability, transparency) and process-induced advantages (iterative development, formal inspection, and adaptation). Our findings unveil how these factors contribute to achieving software quality and under what conditions their effects can fail to materialize. These conditions include inconsistent Scrum implementations, cultural constraints, team tensions, and inaccessibility of end-users. In addition, the complexity of the project aggravates the impact of these conditions. Taken together, these findings show that Scrum can complement established quality assurance and software engineering practices by promoting a social environment that is conducive to creating high-quality software. Based on our findings, we provide specific recommendations for how practitioners can create such an environment

    Selecting the right method for the right project

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    The development of information systems is constantly changing. As a background of the change, there is almost a traditional problem about the high failure rates of information systems development (ISD) projects, but it is no longer the only change-driving force. The role of information systems and their strategic significance has increased considerably due digitalization. This has happened also in the areas of business, which have not been traditionally thought as IT-oriented. Furthermore, the new agile development methods have forced ISD clients to take more responsibility for ISD than before. In practice, this means that completely outsourcing ISD is not as sensible nor as simple as before. ISD clients who acquire information systems must be aware of the different ISD methods and be able to compare and choose the most suitable for the business situation and the objectives in question. ISD method selection is rarely studied, and the majority of publications concentrate on different selection criteria relating to the ISD method choice without a clear selection model. Only a few ISD method selection models were found in the literature. Furthermore, the earlier ISD method selection models are restricted by two factors: firstly, the recommendations behind the prior ISD selection models do not correspond to today’s thoughts about the ISD methods; secondly, prior ISD selection models concentrate only on the properties of the ISD pro-jects, and attention is not really given to the business environment or the business to be developed. In a situation like this, it was considered necessary to develop and study an ISD selection framework which takes the business development and business environment into account as well. Furthermore, it was seen as necessary to study both the customer and supplier practices related to the ISD method choice. The objective was to understand the present situation and estimate how the developed ISD selection framework could be utilized in the future. The study was carried out in several stages. Firstly, two unsuccessful ISD projects were studied in the case study, and it was found that the ISD method used in the projects did not correspond to the properties of the business environment in either case. After that, a contingency theory–motivated ISD selection framework was developed, and a systematic literature review was conducted to study earlier ISD method selection criteria and compare them with the developed ISD method selection framework. In the next stage, expert interviews were done. Altogether, 31 ISD experts working on the borderline between the IS sup-plier and client were interviewed and asked their opinions on existing ISD method selection practices by both the client and the supplier. Furthermore, the experts were asked for their opinions on the recommendations of earlier ISD method selection models and on the developed ISD method selection framework. As a result of the study, it can be stated that the developed ISD method framework covers both the previous ISD method selection criteria, which mainly concentrates on ISD project factors, and the business environment factors. Whereas the majority of the interviewed experts considered the developed ISD method selection framework useful, the recommendations of earlier ISD method selection models were regarded as outdated. Furthermore, it was noticed that in IS client organizations, there was almost no discussion about the ISD methods, and in the supplier organizations, the discussion was very rare. Any systematic projectspecific ISD method selection practice had not been perceived in either organizations. Supplier organizations can justify their reasons for favouring a certain ISD method with the bounded rationality, whereas the operation of customer companies doing (or not doing) the ISD method selection seems to be filling the features of functional stupidity. In the future, it is important to study how to plant the ISD method selection as part of the starting stage of the ISD project. In addition, the developed ISD method selection framework should be tested in the practice.Tietojärjestelmien kehittäminen on jatkuvassa murroksessa. Muutoksen taustalla on jo perinteiseksi muodostunut ongelma tietojärjestelmäprojektien epäonnistumisesta, mutta se ei ole enää ainoa syy. Digitalisaation myötä tietojärjestelmien rooli ja strateginen merkitys on kasvanut huomattavasti myös sellaisilla liiketoiminta-alueilla, joita ei ole ajateltu IT-orientoituneina. Lisäksi uudet ketterät tietojärjestelmien kehittämismenetelmät osallistavat tietojärjestelmäprojektien asiakkaat, jotka joutuvat entistä vastuullisempaan asemaan. Käytännössä tämä kaikki merkitsee sitä, että tietojärjestelmien kehittämisen täydellinen ulkoistaminen ei enää ole yhtä mielekästä, eikä myös yhtä yksinkertaista kuin ennen. Tässä tilanteessa myös tietojärjestelmiä hankkivan asiakkaan pitää tietää erilaisista kehittämismenetelmistä ja kyetä vertailemaan ja valitsemaan kyseiseen liiketoimintatilanteeseen ja tavoitteisiin parhaiten sopiva kehittämismenetelmä. Tietojärjestelmien kehittämismenetelmien valintaa on tutkittu vähän ja suurin osa löydetyistä julkaisuista keskittyy listaamaan erilaisia menetelmävalintaan liittyviä kriteerejä. Varsinaisia tietojärjestelmien kehitysmenetelmien valintamalleja on esitetty vain muutamia. Aiempien valintamallien käyttökelpoisuutta rajoittaa kaksi tekijää: ensinnäkin mallien taustalla olevat olettamukset eivät välttämättä täsmää tämän päivän ajatuksiin kehittämismenetelmistä, ja toisekseen valintamallit keskittyvät tietojärjestelmien kehittämisprojektien ominaisuuksiin, kehitettävää liiketoimintaa tai liiketoimintaympäristöä ei aikaisemmissa valintamalleissa juurikaan huomioida. Tilanteen ollessa tämä kehitimme ja tutkimme tietojärjestelmän kehittämismenetelmien valintamallia, joka ottaa huomioon myös samaan aikaan tapahtuvan liiketoiminnan kehittämisen ja liiketoimintaympäristön. Lisäksi tutkimme tietojärjestelmän kehittämismenetelmien valintaan liittyviä käytäntöjä sekä asiakkaan että toimittajan näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena oli ymmärtää menetelmävalinnan nykytilannetta ja arvioida miten valintamallia voisi jatkossa hyödyntää. Tutkimus toteutettiin useammassa vaiheessa. Ensimmäiseksi tapaustutkimuksin tutkittiin kahta epäonnistunutta tietojärjestelmäkehitysprojektia, ja havaittiin että kummassakaan tapauksessa valittu tietojärjestelmän kehittämismalli ei vastannut liiketoimintaympäristön tarpeita. Sen jälkeen kehitimme kontingenssiteoreettisen tietojärjestelmän kehitysmenetelmän valintamallin, jota verrattiin systemaattisella kirjallisuuskatsauksella löydettyihin aikeisempiin valintasuosituksiin. Vertailun jälkeen haastateltiin 31 asiantuntijaa. Haastatteluilla selvitettiin nykyisiä tietojärjestelmän kehitysmenetelmien valintaan liittyviä käytäntöjä, niin tietojärjestelmäasiakkaan kuin toimittajan näkökulmasta. Lisäksi asiantuntijoilta kysyttiin heidän mielipidettään aiempien valintamallien taustalla olevista väittämistä sekä nyt kehitetystä valintamallista. Tulos on, että ehdottamamme kontingessimalli kattaa sekä aiemmat, projektinominaisuuksiin keskittyvät valintakriteerit, että myös liiketoimintaympäristön epävarmuuteen liittyvät tekijät. Suurin osa haastatelluista asiantuntijoista (23 vastaajaa 31 haastatellusta) piti ehdotettua valintamallia käyttökelpoisena. Aiempien valintamallien taustalla olevat väittämät koettiin ajastaan jälkeen jääneiksi. Lisäksi havaittiin, että asiakasyrityksissä keskustelua tietojärjestelmän kehittämismenetelmistä ei käytännössä ollut juuri lainkaan, eikä myöskään suurimmassa osassa toimittajayrityksiä. Mitään säännöllistä projektikohtaista valintakäytäntöä ei kummissakaan yrityksissä oltu havaittu. Haastateltujen asiantuntijoiden mukaan kehittämisprojekteissa kuitenkin pääsääntöisesti käytetään jotain tietojärjestelmän kehittämismenetelmää, ja syyt menetelmän käyttöön vaihtelevat. Toimittajayritysten syyt tietyn menetelmän suosimiseen ovat pääosin perusteltavissa rajoitetulla rationaalisuudella (bounded rationality), kun taas asiakasyritysten toiminta menetelmän valinnassa näyttää täyttävän toiminnallisen typeryyden (functional stupidity) tunnuspiirteet. Jotta kehitetystä mallista tulee asiakasyrityksille hyödyllinen käytännön työkalu, on seuraavaksi syytä tutkia miten tietojärjestelmän kehittämismenetelmän valinta saadaan osaksi projektin käynnistämisvaiheen tehtäviä. Tärkeää on myös testata nyt esitetyn kontingenssimallin toimivuutta käytännön tilanteissa

    Rapid manufacturing as an enabling technology in supply chain improvements

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    Rapid Manufacturing (RM), the direct production of a finished product, is a newly emerging manufacturing technology projected to provide supply chain benefits. However, there is a lack of information detailing its expected benefits in the supply chain. Robust, generic guidelines are needed in order to help practitioners cope with this emerging manufacturing technology. The aim of this research is to establish the benefits and difficulties of RM in supply chain along with an indication of the possible changes required to sustain RM as a future potential manufacturing machine. There is a common consensus that an information system is required for the effective functioning of the supply chain. This study concerns the integration of RM within the supply chain information system. As the parameters of the supply chain and information system applications are many, the research is focused on a specific set of parameters. Critically, the focus of the study is on identifying how RM would improve customisation and reduce lead time and inventory on products. The application of the information system is also examined. With the research focused towards the future, technological forecasting of RM's impact on the supply chain and information system is considered. Adopting scenarios the application of RM is explored in various supply chain structures, A performance analysis of RM is undertaken by means of a questionnaire involving people with relevant experience. From the results, decision analysis on supply chain structures adopting RM is undertaken to select a suitable structure for the manufacture of a product through RM. A decision-analysis tool kit is developed and products are grouped according to the criteria suitable for the application of RM. Validation of the decision-analysis tool kit and the suitability of RM in the supply chain is carried out via a case study of the production of a prosthetic product. The results how that the developed decision-analysis system works simply and effectively. RM is suitable for application in various supply chain structures; it provides a new dimension ('in-depth') in customising products as well as reducing inventory and lead-time. However, the full effectiveness of RM is entirely dependent on the supply chain structure adopted. Hence, some changes required to sustain RM as a future potential manufacturing system are suggested. Finally, the case study is used to illustrate the possible application of RM in improving selected parameters of supply chain performance for the manufacture of customised products