425 research outputs found

    GIS platform for management of shallow geothermal resources

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit d’Enginyeria CivilThis thesis promotes an efficient use of shallow geothermal energy by means of an integrated management system to organize its exploitation. Shallow geothermal energy is a renewable resource based on thermal energy exchange with the ground. Due to the growth in demand for this energy, the development of management techniques to organize the exploitation of this resource is mandatory to protect both groundwater and the users' rights. Shallow geothermal performance of underground is closely related to groundwater behavior, so it is necessary to understand and improve the knowledge about it. Thus, an integrated methodology is proposed for the 3D visualization of underground resources related to groundwater. A set of tools named HEROS3D was developed in a GIS environment to support the generation of 3D entities representing geological, hydrogeological, hydrochemical and geothermal features. The GIS technology also gives a wide-ranging support to environmental modeling, either conceptual or numerical, especially to groundwater modeling. However, there is a scarcity of tools to implement the conceptual model in numerical modeling platforms. This transition needs of specific methodologies to adapt the geometries and alpha-numerical data from the conceptual model to the numerical model to get optimal numerical results. Although most necessities can be satisfied with inherent GIS tools, there are particular steps in the implementation of hydrogeological conceptual model into the numerical modeling software that have not been solved yet. To overcome this gap, a set of tools is presented, named ArcArAz. It focuses on the configuration of geometry and parameterization for groundwater numerical models. Once both the hydrogeological conceptual model and the numerical model are defined, a solid basis for management of Shallow Geothermal energy is available. This thesis proposes two methodologies for the management of this energy resource at two different scales: for a regional scale and for a metropolitan scale. The first GIS methodology provides a response to the need for a regional quantification of the geothermal potential that can be extracted by Boreholes Heat Exchangers and its associated environmental impacts. For the first time, advection and dispersion heat transport mechanisms and the temporal evolution from the start of operation of the BHE are considered in the regional estimation of the variables of interest. A sensitivity analysis leads to the conclusion that the consideration of dispersion effects and temporal evolution of the exploitation prevent significant differences up to a factor 2.5 in the heat exchange rate accuracy and up to several orders of magnitude in the impacts generated. To deepen the management of Shallow Geothermal Energy, this thesis proposes to establish a market of shallow geothermal energy use rights which would allow managing this resource at a metropolitan scale. This methodology is based on a GIS framework and is composed of a geospatial database to store the main information required to manage the installations and a set of GIS tools used to define, implant and control this use rights market. Thermal impacts derived from the exploitation of this resource can also be registered geographically, by taking into account the groundwater flow direction and adjusting the thermal impact to the available plot.Esta tesis promueve el uso eficiente de la geotermia somera a través de un sistema integrado de gestión de este recurso. La geotermia somera es un recurso renovable que se basa en el intercambio de energía con el suelo. Los Intercambiadores de calor, o Borehole Heat Exchangers (BHEs) se están popularizando como sistema para explotarla. Debido al crecimiento en la demanda de geotermia somera, es imprescindible establecer una gestión integrada de este recurso para organizar su explotación y proteger tanto a las aguas subterráneas como a los beneficiarios de esta energía renovable. Debido a que la geotermia somera está íntimamente relacionada con el comportamiento de las aguas subterráneas, es imprescindible ahondar y mejorar su conocimiento. Para ello, se propone una metodología para la visualización tridimensional de los recursos subterráneos relacionados con la hidrogeología. Se ha desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas, llamado HEROS3D, en un entorno SIG. Estas herramientas facilitan la creación de entidades tridimensionales que representan datos geológicos, hidrogeológicos, hidrogeoquímicos y geotermales. Están relacionadas con una base de datos donde tanto la información bruta como la interpretada se encuentran almacenadas. La tecnología SIG también da soporte, no sólo a la modelación conceptual, sino también a la numérica, especialmente en el caso de la hidrogeología. Para facilitar la implementación de los modelos conceptuales en las plataformas de modelación numérica, esta tesis presenta un segundo conjunto de herramientas llamado ArcArAz. Estas herramientas ofrecen soluciones a los problemas más comunes relacionados con la configuración de la geometría de entrada al modelo numérico, así como su parametrización. Las bases para una gestión eficiente de la geotermia somera se establecen llamado ArcArAz. Estas herramientas ofrecen soluciones a los problemas más comunes relacionados con la configuración de la geometría de entrada al modelo numérico, así como su parametrización. Las bases para una gestión eficiente de la geotermia somera se establecen una vez que hemos definido y están disponibles tanto el modelo hidrogeológico conceptual como el modelo numérico. En relación a este aspecto, en esta tesis se proponen dos metodologías de gestión enfocadas a escalas diferentes: escala regional y escala metropolitana o local. La primera metodología SIG ofrece una respuesta a la necesidad de una cuantificación regional del potencial geotérmico somero que puede extraerse con intercambiadores de calor o Borehole Heat Exchangers, así como sus impactos térmicos asociados. Por primera vez pueden tenerse en cuenta en la estimación regional de las variables de interés la advección y dispersión de calor, como mecanismos de transporte de calor, así como la evolución temporal desde el inicio de la explotación. Un análisis de sensibilidad demuestra que la consideración de los efectos de dispersión así como el régimen temporal de la explotación supone diferencias de hasta 2.5 veces el potencial extraído y hasta de varios ordenes de magnitud en los impactos térmicos generados. Para profundizar en la gestión de la geotermia somera a escala local, esta tesis propone establecer un mercado de derechos de uso de este recurso. Esta metodología se ha implementado en un ambiente SIG y está compuesta de una base de datos donde se almacena la información principal necesaria para gestionar las instalaciones y de un conjunto de herramientas para definir, implantar y controlar este mercado de derechos de uso de geotermia somera. Los impactos térmicos derivados de la explotación de este recurso pueden quedar registrados geográficamente, teniendo en cuenta la dirección de flujo de las aguas subterráneas y ajustando estos impactos a la superficie de la parcela disponible una vez que hemos definido y están disponibles tanto el modelo hidrogeológico conceptual como el modelo numérico. En relación a este aspecto, en esta tesis se proponen dos metodologías de gestión enfocadas a escalas diferentes: escala regional y escala metropolitana o local. La primera metodología SIG ofrece una respuesta a la necesidad de una cuantificación regional del potencial geotérmico somero que puede extraerse con intercambiadores de calor o Borehole Heat Exchangers, así como sus impactos térmicos asociados. Por primera vez pueden tenerse en cuenta en la estimación regional de las variables de interés la advección y dispersión de calor, como mecanismos de transporte de calor, así como la evolución temporal desde el inicio de la explotación. Un análisis de sensibilidad demuestra que la consideración de los efectos de dispersión así como el régimen temporal de la explotación supone diferencias de hasta 2.5 veces el potencial extraído y hasta de varios ordenes de magnitud en los impactos térmicos generados. Para profundizar en la gestión de la geotermia somera a escala local, esta tesis propone establecer un mercado de derechos de uso de este recurso. Esta metodología se ha implementado en un ambiente SIG y está compuesta de una base de datos donde se almacena la información principal necesaria para gestionar las instalaciones y de un conjunto de herramientas para definir, implantar y controlar este mercado de derechos de uso de geotermia somera. Los impactos térmicos derivados de la explotación de este recurso pueden quedar registrados geográficamente, teniendo en cuenta la dirección de flujo de las aguas subterráneas y ajustando estos impactos a la superficie de la parcela disponibleAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Advancing the Implementation of Hydrologic Models as Web-Based Applications

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    Deeper understanding of relationships between flow in river sand various hydrologic elements such as rainfall, land use, and soil type is imperative to solve water related problems like droughts and floods. Advanced computer models are becoming essential in helping us understand such relationships. However, preparing such models requires huge investment of time and resources, much of which are concentrated on acquisition and curation of data. This work introduces agree and open source web Application (web App) that provides researchers with simplified access to hydrological data and modeling functionality. The web App helps in the creation of both hydrologic models, and climatic and geographic data. Free and open source platforms such as Tethys and Hydro Share were used in the development of the web Apia physics based model called TOPographic Kinematic APproximation and Integration (TOPKAPI) was used as the driving use case for which a complete hydrologic modeling service was developed to demonstrate the approach. The final product is a complete modeling system accessible through the web to create hydrologic data and run a hydrologic model for a watershed of interest. An additional model, TOPNET, was incorporated to demonstrate the generality of the approach and capability for adding other models into the framework

    Developing Data Extraction and Dynamic Data Visualization (Styling) Modules for Web GIS Risk Assessment System (WGRAS)

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    Interactive web-GIS tools play an important role in determining disaster risk assessment which ultimately result in reduction of unexpected damages, cost and saves millions of lives. Disaster management practitioners largely benefited information at their disposal about location where possible incidents are eminent, anticipate the impact and project possible outcomes to help mitigate and organize proper response. It is also important to note that, accurate and timely information is critical for coherent coordination in response to disasters. All the above can be achieved through proper data collection combined with computer assisted modelling, analysis, production and timely dissemination of spatial information. This Master’s thesis aims to extend features of Web GIS for Risk Assessment (WGRAS) project conducted at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science at Lund University. The work includes development of tools for geospatial data acquisition and extraction from freely available external open non-commercial sources and dynamic, user-oriented map Visualization allowing user-defined symbolization and coloring resulting flexible visual portrayal of geospatial data in the web environment. In this regard, solutions are driven based upon open source, open data and implementation strictly complies with open web standard protocols and web services. As a result, WGRAS is furnished with easy and user driven raw geo-spatial data extracts for an area of interest from OpenStreetMap (OSM). Thus, data is automatically stored for later use for different spatial modelling and analysis. The second most important contribution of this thesis is the feature developed to solve visualization of geographic information through a map server where maps are generated with a pre-defined style that limits user’s visual needs. Visualization module enables dynamic definition of style (symbolization and coloring) data which assist non-GIS expert to produce instant and meaningful presentation of maps to the end user. Overall, the work in this practical thesis adds value to disaster management and analysis in terms of easy provision of data and enabling clear dissection of disaster prone areas using effective visualization mechanism.Interactive web-GIS tools play an important role in determining disaster risk assessment which ultimately result in reduction of unexpected damages, cost and saves millions of lives. Disaster management practitioners largely benefited information at their disposal about location where possible incidents are eminent, anticipate the impact and project possible outcomes to help mitigate and organized response. It is also important to note that, accurate and timely information is critical for coherent coordination in response to disasters. This can be achieved through proper data collection combined with computer assisted modelling, analysis, production and timely dissemination of spatial information. This Master’s thesis aims to extend features of Web GIS for Risk Assessment (WGRAS) project conducted at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science at Lund University. Modules are developed to enable easy integration of geospatial data extraction from freely available sources which are open to use and non-commercial. Implementation is facilitated with intuitive user interface which allows extracts for an area by location name(s) or area defined by two latitude and two longitude values. The other major contribution of the study focuses on visualization of geographic information in the web environment. Currently, map servers use pre-defined styling mechanism which virtually doesn’t satisfy user’s visual needs. This module enable dynamic and user-oriented map visualization allowing non-GIS experts to define (symbolization and colouring) and produce instant and meaningful presentation of maps to the end user. As recommendation, visualization of geographic data in the web environment should further be examined, especially the map servers in use should integrate powerful and meaningful dynamic styling on top existing pre-defined style. In conclusion, this thesis adds value for disaster management and analysis in terms of easy provision of geographic data and enabling clear dissection of disaster prone areas using effective visualization mechanism

    Knowledge-Based Decision Support for Integrated Water Resources Management with an application for Wadi Shueib, Jordan

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    This book takes a two-staged approach to contribute to the contemporary Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) research. First it investigates sub-basin-scale IWRM modelling and scenario planning. The Jordanian Wadi Shueib is used as exemplary case study. Then, it develops a framework to collaboratively manage planning and decision making knowledge on the basis of semantic web technologies. Future IWRM initiatives can benefit from the valuable insights achieved in the presented study

    Geo-Spatial Analysis in Hydrology

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    Geo-spatial analysis has become an essential component of hydrological studies to process and examine geo-spatial data such as hydrological variables (e.g., precipitation and discharge) and basin characteristics (e.g., DEM and land use land cover). The advancement of the data acquisition technique helps accumulate geo-spatial data with more extensive spatial coverage than traditional in-situ observations. The development of geo-spatial analytic methods is beneficial for the processing and analysis of multi-source data in a more efficient and reliable way for a variety of research and practical issues in hydrology. This book is a collection of the articles of a published Special Issue Geo-Spatial Analysis in Hydrology in the journal ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. The topics of the articles range from the improvement of geo-spatial analytic methods to the applications of geo-spatial analysis in emerging hydrological issues. The results of these articles show that traditional hydrological/hydraulic models coupled with geo-spatial techniques are a way to make streamflow simulations more efficient and reliable for flood-related decision making. Geo-spatial analysis based on more advanced methods and data is a reliable resolution to obtain high-resolution information for hydrological studies at fine spatial scale

    Sistemas de soporte de decisiones (SSD) aplicados a la formulación de políticas públicas agrarias

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    Context: The process of formulating agricultural public policies is very complex due to the large number of variables involved in the process. That is why the development of decision support systems (DSS) help to improve this process. The article reviews the developments that have been made regarding the subject. Method: The method was to conduct a bibliographic review in several scientific databases, looking for developments of DSS systems applied to the process of formulating agricultural policies. When determining which DSS systems have been developed, a qualitative and descriptive analysis of the systems was carried out.Contexto: El proceso de formulación de políticas públicas agrarias es muy complejo por la gran cantidad de variables que intervienen en el proceso. Por eso el desarrollo de sistemas de soporte de decisiones (SSD) ayudan a mejorar dicho proceso. El artículo revisa los desarrollo que se han realizado con respecto al tema. Método: El método fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica en varias bases de datos científicas, buscando desarrollos de sistemas SSD aplicados al proceso de formulación de políticas agrarias. Al determinar cuales sistemas SSD se han desarrollado, se procedió a realizar un análisis cualitativo y también descriptivo de los sistemas.  Resultados: Se encontraron 30 sistemas SSD aplicados a la formulación de políticas agrarias, donde la mayoría están enfocados al proceso de producción agrícola y su relación con el medio ambiente. Conclusiones: La más relevante es la necesidad de generar sistemas SSD que determinen posibles comportamientos futuros de los interesados, al desarrollar potenciales políticas agrarias. Ajustadas a las características propias de los países ubicados en la zona tropical

    Modelling and Simulation of Human-Environment Interactions

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    Computational models provide intelligent environmental decision support systems to understand how human decisions are shaped by, and contribute to changes in, the environment. These models provide essential tools to tackle the important issues raised by climate change, including migrations and conflicts due to resource scarcity (e.g., water resources), while accounting for the necessity of co-managing ecosystems across a population of stakeholders with diverse goals. Such socio-environmental systems are characterized by their complexity, which is reflected by an abundance of open questions. This book explores several of these open questions, based on the contributions from over 50 authors. While several books account for methodological developments in modeling socio-environmental systems, our book is unique in combining case studies, methodological innovations, and a holistic approach to training the next generation of modelers. One chapter covers the ontological, epistemological, and ethical issues raised at the intersection of sustainability research and social simulation. In another chapter, we show that the benefits of simulations are not limited to managing complex eco-systems, as they can also serve an educational mission in teaching essential rules and thus improve systems thinking competencies in the broader population

    Reinforcement Learning

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    Brains rule the world, and brain-like computation is increasingly used in computers and electronic devices. Brain-like computation is about processing and interpreting data or directly putting forward and performing actions. Learning is a very important aspect. This book is on reinforcement learning which involves performing actions to achieve a goal. The first 11 chapters of this book describe and extend the scope of reinforcement learning. The remaining 11 chapters show that there is already wide usage in numerous fields. Reinforcement learning can tackle control tasks that are too complex for traditional, hand-designed, non-learning controllers. As learning computers can deal with technical complexities, the tasks of human operators remain to specify goals on increasingly higher levels. This book shows that reinforcement learning is a very dynamic area in terms of theory and applications and it shall stimulate and encourage new research in this field