29,742 research outputs found

    RSA:dagli anni '70 al giorno d'oggi

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    In this note, after a brief historical excursus, we describe the revolution in cryptography of the 70es, due to the introduction of public key cryptography and the RSA algorithm. We also consider some contemporary applications of this algorithm. Modern cryptography has indeed become a commodity technology, which is currently used for applications ranging from e–commerce to digital television

    Some cryptographic algorithms

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    Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties, called adversaries. Modern cryptography is heavily based on mathematical theory and computer science practice. Cryptographic algorithms are designed so that in practice they are hard to break by any adversary. In the present thesis consisting of two chapters first we have given a brief review of some important number theoretic concepts and results. Then we have discussed S-DES and DES algorithms for Secret key cryptography, RSA and DSA algorithms for Public key cryptography and at last a brief introduction of elliptic curves and their use in Cryptography is given

    RSA: Dagli anni '70 al giorno d'oggi

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    In this note, after a brief historical excursus, we describe the revolution in cryptography of the 70es, due to the introduction of public key cryptography and the RSA algorithm. We also consider some contemporary applications of this algorithm. Modern cryptography has indeed become a commodity technology, which is currently used for applications ranging from e–commerce to digital television

    Chasing diagrams in cryptography

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    Cryptography is a theory of secret functions. Category theory is a general theory of functions. Cryptography has reached a stage where its structures often take several pages to define, and its formulas sometimes run from page to page. Category theory has some complicated definitions as well, but one of its specialties is taming the flood of structure. Cryptography seems to be in need of high level methods, whereas category theory always needs concrete applications. So why is there no categorical cryptography? One reason may be that the foundations of modern cryptography are built from probabilistic polynomial-time Turing machines, and category theory does not have a good handle on such things. On the other hand, such foundational problems might be the very reason why cryptographic constructions often resemble low level machine programming. I present some preliminary explorations towards categorical cryptography. It turns out that some of the main security concepts are easily characterized through the categorical technique of *diagram chasing*, which was first used Lambek's seminal `Lecture Notes on Rings and Modules'.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; to appear in: 'Categories in Logic, Language and Physics. Festschrift on the occasion of Jim Lambek's 90th birthday', Claudia Casadio, Bob Coecke, Michael Moortgat, and Philip Scott (editors); this version: fixed typos found by kind reader

    A Comparison of Cryptography Courses

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    The author taught two courses on cryptography, one at Duke University aimed at non-mathematics majors and one at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology aimed at mathematics and computer science majors. Both tried to incorporate technical and societal aspects of cryptography, with varying emphases. This paper will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both courses and compare the differences in the author's approach.Comment: 14 pages; to appear in Cryptologi

    Review on DNA Cryptography

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    Cryptography is the science that secures data and communication over the network by applying mathematics and logic to design strong encryption methods. In the modern era of e-business and e-commerce the protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA triad) of stored information as well as of transmitted data is very crucial. DNA molecules, having the capacity to store, process and transmit information, inspires the idea of DNA cryptography. This combination of the chemical characteristics of biological DNA sequences and classical cryptography ensures the non-vulnerable transmission of data. In this paper we have reviewed the present state of art of DNA cryptography.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Model for cryptography protection of confidential information

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    УДК 004.056 Борсуковський Ю.В., Борсуковська В.Ю. Модель криптографічного захисту конфіденційної інформації В даній статті проведено детальний аналіз вимог щодо формування моделі криптографічного захисту конфіденційної інформації. Розглянуто використання засобів криптографічного захисту інформації з метою реалізації організаційних та технічних заходів по запобіганню витокам конфіденційної інформації на об’єктах критичної інфраструктури. Сформульовані базові вимоги та рекомендації щодо структури та функціональних складових моделі захисту конфіденційної інформації. Формалізовані вимоги щодо створення, впровадження та експлуатації превентивних процедур управління багатоступінчатим захистом конфіденційної інформації. Наведено приклад використання моделі криптографічного захисту інформації для створення захищеної і прозорої в використанні бази аутентифікаційних даних користувача. Запропонована модель захисту дозволяє мати кілька ступенів програмного та апаратного захисту, що із однієї сторони спрощує їх використання при виконанні чинних політик безпеки і зменшує ймовірність дискредитації аутентифікаційних даних, а із іншої сторони підвищує ймовірність виявлення зловмисних дій третьої сторони за рахунок багатоступінчатої системи захисту. Враховано практичний досвід створення типових моделей захисту конфіденційної інформації для розробки, впровадження та управління сучасними політиками інформаційної безпеки щодо питань використання засобів криптографічного захисту конфіденційної інформації на підприємствах різних форми власності.UDC 004.056 Borsukovskyi Y., Borsukovska V. Model for Cryptography Protection of Confidential Information Current article provides the detailed analysis of requirements for creation of model for cryptography protection of confidential information. Article defines the use of information cryptography protection tools in order to ensure the application of organizational and technical actions to prevent leakage of confidential information at critical infrastructure assets. It provides the basic requirements for the structure and functional elements of model for protection of confidential information. Formalize requirements on creation, implementation and exploitation of preventive procedure in management of multi-level protection of confidential information. The article includes example of use of model for cryptography protection of information for creation of secure and transparent in use the authenticating data base of user. The presented model of protection ensures to have a few levels of firewalls, that, on one hand, simplifies its use in execution of acting security policies and decrease the probability of discrediting of authenticating data, and, on other hand, increase the probability to detect the criminal actions of third party by means of multi-level protection system. It considers the practical experience in creation of standard models for protection of confidential information for development, implementation and management of modern policies on information security in part of use of cryptography protection tools for confidential information at enterprises of different forms of incorporation