9 research outputs found

    Entwicklung und Betrieb eines Anonymisierungsdienstes für das WWW

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    Die Dissertation erläutert, wie ein Anonymisierungsdienst zu gestalten ist, so daß er für den durchschnittlichen Internetnutzer benutzbar ist. Ein Schwerpunkt dabei war die Berücksichtigung einer möglichst holistischen Sichtweise auf das Gesamtsystem "Anonymisierungsdienst". Es geht daher um die ingenieurmäßige Berücksichtigung der vielschichtigen Anforderungen der einzelnen Interessengruppen. Einige dieser Anforderungen ergeben sich aus einem der zentralen Widersprüche: auf der einen Seite die Notwendigkeit von Datenschutz und Privatheit für den Einzelnen, auf der anderen Seite die ebenso notwendige Überwachbarkeit und Zurechenbarkeit, etwa für die Strafverfolgung. Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Aufzeigen und Entwickeln von technischen Möglichkeiten, die zur Lösung dieses Widerspruches herangezogen werden können

    Client-side privacy-enhancing technologies in web search

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    Els motors de cerca (En anglès, Web Search Engines - WSEs-), són eines que permeten als usuaris localitzar informació específica a Internet. Un dels objectius dels WSEs és retornar els resultats que millor coincideixen amb els interessos de cada usuari. Amb aquesta finalitat, l'WSEs recull i analitza l' historial de cerca per construir perfils. Com a resultat, un usuari que envia una certa consulta rebrà els resultats més interessants en les primeres posicions. Encara que proporcionen un servei molt útil, també representen una amenaça per a la privacitat dels seus usuaris. Es construeixen els perfils basats en la història de les consultes i altres dades relacionades que poden contenir informació personal i privada. Per evitar aquesta amenaça de privacitat, és necessari establir mecanismes per a la protecció de la privacitat dels usuaris dels motors de cerca. Actualment, hi ha diverses solucions en la literatura per proporcionar privacitat a aquests usuaris. Un dels objectius d'aquest estudi és analitzar les solucions existents, estudiar les seves diferències i els avantatges i inconvenients de cada proposta. Llavors, basat en l'estat de l'art, presentem noves propostes per protegir la privadesa dels usuaris. Més concretament, aquesta tesi proposa tres protocols per preservar la privacitat dels usuaris en la cerca web. La idea general és distribuir als usuaris en grups on intercanvi consultes, com a mètode d'ofuscació ocultar les consultes reals de cada usuari. El primer protocol distribuït que proposem es centra en la reducció del temps d'espera de consulta, és a dir, el temps que cada membre del grup ha d'esperar per rebre els resultats de la seva consulta. El segon protocol proposat millora les propostes anteriors ja que resisteix els atacs interns, i obté millors resultats que les propostes similars en termes de càlcul i comunicació. La tercera proposta és un protocol P2P, on els usuaris estan agrupats segons les seves preferències. Això permet ocultar els perfils d'usuari però conservar els interessos generals. En conseqüència, el motor de cerca és capaç de classificar millor els resultats de les seves consultes.Los motores de búsqueda (en inglés, Web Search Engines -WSEs-) son herramientas que permiten a los usuarios localizar información específica en Internet. Uno de los objetivos de los WSEs es devolver los resultados que mejor coinciden con los intereses de cada usuario. Para ello, los WSEs recogen y analizan el historial de búsqueda de los usuarios para construir perfiles. Como resultado, un usuario que envía una cierta consulta recibirá los resultados más interesantes en las primeras posiciones. Aunque ofrecen un servicio muy útil, también representan una amenaza para la privacidad de sus usuarios. Los perfiles se construyen a partir del historial de consultas y otros datos relacionados que pueden contener información privada y personal. Para evitar esta amenaza de privacidad, es necesario establecer mecanismos de protección de privacidad de motores de búsqueda. En la actualidad, existen varias soluciones en la literatura para proporcionar privacidad a estos usuarios. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es examinar las soluciones existentes, analizando sus diferencias y las ventajas y desventajas de cada propuesta. Después, basándonos en el estado del arte actual, presentamos nuevas propuestas que protegen la privacidad de los usuarios. Más concretamente, esta tesis doctoral propone tres protocolos que preservan la privacidad de los usuarios en las búsquedas web. La idea general es distribuir a los usuarios en grupos donde intercambian sus consultas, como método de ofuscación para ocultar las consultas reales de cada usuario. El primer protocolo distribuido que proponemos se centra en reducir el tiempo de espera de la consulta, es decir, el tiempo que cada miembro del grupo tiene que esperar para recibir los resultados de la consulta. El segundo protocolo propuesto mejora anteriores propuestas porque resiste ataques internos, mejorando propuestas similares en términos de cómputo y comunicación. La tercera propuesta es un protocolo P2P, donde los usuarios se agrupan según sus preferencias. Esto permite ofuscar los perfiles de los usuarios pero conservando a sus intereses generales. En consecuencia, el WSE es capaz de clasificar mejor los resultados de sus consultas.Web search engines (WSEs) are tools that allow users to locate specific information on the Internet. One of the objectives of WSEs is to return the results that best match the interests of each user. For this purpose, WSEs collect and analyze users’ search history in order to build profiles. Consequently, a profiled user who submits a certain query will receive the results which are more interesting for her in the first positions. Although they offer a very useful service, they also represent a threat for their users’ privacy. Profiles are built from past queries and other related data that may contain private and personal information. In order to avoid this privacy threat, it is necessary to provide privacy-preserving mechanisms that protect users. Nowadays, there exist several solutions that intend to provide privacy in this field. One of the goals of this work is to survey the current solutions, analyzing their differences and remarking the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Then, based on the current state of the art, we present new proposals that protect users’ privacy. More specifically, this dissertation proposes three different privacy-preserving multi-party protocols for web search. A multi-party protocol for web search arranges users into groups where they exchange their queries. This serves as an obfuscation method to hide the real queries of each user. The first multi-party protocol that we propose focuses on reducing the query delay. This is the time that every group member has to wait in order to receive the query results. The second proposed multi-party protocol improves current literature because it is resilient against internal attacks, outperforming similar proposals in terms of computation and communication. The third proposal is a P2P protocol, where users are grouped according to their preferences. This allows to obfuscate users’ profiles but conserving their general interests. Consequently, the WSE is able to better rank the results of their queries

    Private and censorship-resistant communication over public networks

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    Society’s increasing reliance on digital communication networks is creating unprecedented opportunities for wholesale surveillance and censorship. This thesis investigates the use of public networks such as the Internet to build robust, private communication systems that can resist monitoring and attacks by powerful adversaries such as national governments. We sketch the design of a censorship-resistant communication system based on peer-to-peer Internet overlays in which the participants only communicate directly with people they know and trust. This ‘friend-to-friend’ approach protects the participants’ privacy, but it also presents two significant challenges. The first is that, as with any peer-to-peer overlay, the users of the system must collectively provide the resources necessary for its operation; some users might prefer to use the system without contributing resources equal to those they consume, and if many users do so, the system may not be able to survive. To address this challenge we present a new game theoretic model of the problem of encouraging cooperation between selfish actors under conditions of scarcity, and develop a strategy for the game that provides rational incentives for cooperation under a wide range of conditions. The second challenge is that the structure of a friend-to-friend overlay may reveal the users’ social relationships to an adversary monitoring the underlying network. To conceal their sensitive relationships from the adversary, the users must be able to communicate indirectly across the overlay in a way that resists monitoring and attacks by other participants. We address this second challenge by developing two new routing protocols that robustly deliver messages across networks with unknown topologies, without revealing the identities of the communication endpoints to intermediate nodes or vice versa. The protocols make use of a novel unforgeable acknowledgement mechanism that proves that a message has been delivered without identifying the source or destination of the message or the path by which it was delivered. One of the routing protocols is shown to be robust to attacks by malicious participants, while the other provides rational incentives for selfish participants to cooperate in forwarding messages

    Introducing Perfect Forward Secrecy for AN.ON

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    In this paper we discuss AN.ON’s need to provide perfect forward secrecy and show by an estimation of the channel build up time that the straight forward solution is not a practical solution. In the remaining paper we propose an improvement which enables AN.ON to provide perfect forward secrecy with respect to their current attacker model. Finally, we show that the delay, caused by our improvement, does not decrease the performance significantly

    Data Protection for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (abbreviated: “IoT”) is acknowledged as one of the most important disruptive technologies with more than 16 billion devices forecasted to interact autonomously by 2020. The idea is simple, devices will help to measure the status of physical objects. The devices, containing sensors and actuators, are so small that they can be integrated or attached to any object in order to measure that object and possibly change its status accordingly. A process or work flow is then able to interact with those devices and to control the objects physically. The result is the collection of massive data in a ubiquitous form. This data can be analysed to gain new insights, a benefit propagated by the “Big Data” and “Smart Data” paradigms. While governments, cities and industries are heavily involved in the Internet of Things, society’s privacy awareness and the concerns over data protection in IoT increase steadily. The scale of the collection, processing and dissemination of possibly private information in the Internet of Things has long begun to raise privacy concerns. The problem is a fundamental one, it is the massive data collection that benefits the investment on IoT, while it contradicts the interest on data minimization coming from privacy advocates. And the challenges go even further, while privacy is an actively researched topic with a mature variety of privacy preserving mechanisms, legal studies and surveillance studies in specific contexts, investigations of how to apply this concepts in the constrained environment of IoT have merely begun. Thus the objective of this thesis is threefold and tackles several topics, looking at them in a differentiated way and later bringing them together for one of the first, (more) complete pictures of privacy in IoT. The first starting point is the throughout study of stakeholders, impact areas and proposals on an architectural reference model for IoT. At the time of this writing, IoT was adversed heavily by several companies, products and even governments, creating a blurred picture of what IoT really is. This thesis surveys stakeholders, scenarios, architecture paradigms and definitions to find a working definition for IoT which adequately describes the intersection between all of the aforementioned topics. In a further step, the definition is applied exemplary on two scenarios to identify the common building blocks of those scenarios and of IoT in general. The building blocks are then verified against a similar approach by the IoT-A and Rerum projects and unified to an IoT domain model. This approach purposefully uses notions and paradigms provided in related scientific work and European projects in order to benefit from existing efforts and to achieve a common understanding. In this thesis, the observation of so called cyber-physical properties of IoT leads to the conclusion that IoT proposals miss a core concept of physical interaction in the “real world”. Accordingly, this thesis takes a detour to jurisdiction and identifies ownership and possession as a main concept of “human-to-object” relationships. The analysis of IoT building blocks ends with an enhanced IoT domain model. The next step breaks down “privacy by design”. Notably hereby is that privacy by design has been well integrated in to the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation heavily affects IoT and thus serves as the main source of privacy requirements. Gürses et al.’s privacy paradigm (privacy as confidentiality, privacy as control and privacy as practice) is used for the breakdown, preceded by a survey of relevant privacy proposals, where relevancy was measured upon previously identified IoT impact areas and stakeholders. Independently from IoT, this thesis shows that privacy engineering is a task that still needs to be well understood. A privacy development lifecycle was therefore sketched as a first step in this direction. Existing privacy technologies are part of the survey. Current research is summed up to show that while many schemes exist, few are adequate for actual application in IoT due to their high energy or computational consumption and high implementation costs (most notably caused by the implementation of special arithmetics). In an effort to give a first direction on possible new privacy enhancing technologies for IoT, new technical schemes are presented, formally verified and evaluated. The proposals comprise schemes, among others, on relaxed integrity protection, privacy friendly authentication and authorization as well as geo-location privacy. The schemes are presented to industry partners with positive results. This technologies have thus been published in academia and as intellectual property items. This thesis concludes by bringing privacy and IoT together. The final result is a privacy enhanced IoT domain model accompanied by a set of assumptions regarding stakeholders, economic impacts, economic and technical constraints as well as formally verified and evaluated proof of concept technologies for privacy in IoT. There is justifiable interest in IoT as it helps to tackle many future challenges found in several impact areas. At the same time, IoT impacts the stakeholders that participate in those areas, creating the need for unification of IoT and privacy. This thesis shows that technical and economic constraints do not impede such a process, although the process has merely begun

    Studies in the social background to the "Arabian Nights".

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    CHAPTER I This chapter deals with the history and origin of the "Nights", and shows that the development of its contents have taken place in phases. The non-extant Baghdadi collection of the "Nights " is investigated in the light of an existing early collection of stories similar to the "Nights" in contents and background. CHAPTER II An attempt is made here to assess the place of the 'Abbasid aristocracy, and to demonstrate striking social changes at the court. Special attention is given to the historicity of the Caliphs' stories. CHAPTER III The background to the Middle-class of the "Nights" is discussed to show the significant changes in the spheres of commerce and culture. Special attention is given to trade, travels and business. The conditions and status of the merchant class are also discussed here. CHAPTER IV The economic and social gulf between the upper classes and the lower class is carefully examined. The chapter discusses in some detail the craft-guilds and other organisations of the people of the lower-classes. CHAPTER V Aspects of the relations between Muslims and non-Muslims are explored, and special attention is given to martial relations. The social, economic and cultural standards of the Dhimmis are discussed to assess their status in Muslim society. CHAPTER VI This chapter deals with Islamic institutions and customs and throws light on the position of women under Islam. The division between free and slave women is pointed out, and the effects of this division on moral and social attitudes are discussed. The picture of womenhood in the "Nights" is correlated with evidence from other Arabic sources. Special attention is given to the educated and fictitious women presented in the "Nights"

    Privacyrecht is code. Over het gebruik van Privacy Enhancing Technologies

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    Omgevingsanalyse van onze samenleving toont aan dat door de toenemende informatisering privacyproblemen (identiteitsfraude, datalekken) zullen toenemen. Door gegevensontdekkende-, gegevensvolgende- en gegevenskoppelende technologieën erodeert de privacy van de burger in onze risico-toezichtmaatschappij ernstig. Het vertrouwen in het gebruik van ICT en het elektronisch zaken doen komt hierdoor sterk onder druk te staan.Er bestaat uitvoerige Europese wet- en regelgeving om onze privacy te beschermen. In dit boek is deze wetgeving geanalyseerd. De wetsartikelen die direct betrekking hebben op de verwerking van persoonsgegevens kunnen beschouwd worden als de juridische specificaties voor het ontwerp van informatiesystemen. De wetgeving verplicht tot een privacyrisico analyse voorafgaande aan het gebruik van informatiesystemen. Dit vindt nauwelijks plaats. In dit boek worden zeven privacy bedreigingsanalyses (o.a PIA) besproken. Met de privacyrisicoanalyse kan opdrachtgevers en ontwerpers van informatiesystemen de potentiële risico’s voor de privacy van de burger in kaart te brengen. Uit onderzoek is duidelijk geworden dat persoonsgegevens het best beschermd kunnen worden als bij de verwerking van de persoonsgegevens de identificeerde gegevens direct worden scheiden worden van andere gegevens. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET), die de juridische vereisten omzetten in technische specificaties, kunnen hiervoor zorgdragen. De inhoud, reikwijdte en succesvolle toepassingen van PET worden in dit boek uiteengezet.Aan de hand van de Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theorie van Rogers kunnen de positieve en negatieve factoren voor organisaties worden vastgesteld, die van invloed zijn op het invoeren van identity en access management, privacy bescherming en de adoptie van PET voor de bescherming van persoonsgegevens. Bovendien is gebleken dat de maturiteit van de organisatie bepalend is of de organisatie aandacht besteedt aan privacybescherming. Met de in dit boek toegelichte Return On Investment (ROI) formules kan de economische rechtvaardiging voor privacy beschermende investeringen worden onderbouwd. Het boek sluit af met een stappenplan om privacyveilige informatiesystemen in organisaties te implementeren en doet tien aanbevelingenLEI Universiteit LeidenEffective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl