385 research outputs found

    Improving a data-acquisition software system with abstract data type components

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    Abstract data types and object-oriented design are active research areas in computer science and software engineering. Much of the interest is aimed at new software development. Abstract data type packages developed for a discontinued software project were used to improve a real-time data-acquisition system under maintenance. The result saved effort and contributed to a significant improvement in the performance, maintainability, and reliability of the Goldstone Solar System Radar Data Acquisition System

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    RK: A Real-Time Kernel for a Distributed System With Predictable Response

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    Robotics applications must execute in real-time. In addition, complex robotics applications include many physically distributed components such as manipulator arms and sensors. This paper presents the real-time kernel RK which is designed to facilitate the development of a distributed sensory system with multiple arms and sensors. The goal of the kernel is to support distributed applications that require predictable timing behavior. Our kernel design guarantees predictable response times by scheduling processes and communications based on timing constraints. In addition, the kernel provides a set of primitives that can be used to implement applications requiring predictable timing behavior. These primitives allow the specification of timing requirements that can be guaranteed in advance by the scheduler and the direct control of devices by application processes for faster and predictable feedback control. To illustrate the use of our kernel, this paper also describes a multiple sensory system which is being ported to our distributed test-bed

    Study on orbital propagators: constellation analysis with NASA 42 and MATLAB/SIMULINK

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    Desde el comienzo de la era espacial, la filosofía de diseño de satélites estuvo dominada por diseños conservadores construidos con componentes altamente duraderos para soportar condiciones ambientales extremas. Durante las últimas dos décadas, la aparición de los CubeSats ha cambiado esta filosofía permitiendo todo un mundo de nuevas posibilidades. El despliegue de grandes constelaciones de CubeSats en órbita terrestre baja (LEO, en inglés) revolucionará el sector espacial al permitir ciclos de innovación más rápidos y económicos. Sin embargo, la confiabilidad de los CubeSats todavía se considera un obstáculo debido a las considerables tasas de fallo entre universidades y empresas, generalmente atribuidas a casos de pérdida completa de misión tras la eyección del desplegador orbital y al fallo de los subsistemas. Esta tesis se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto de investigación PLATHON, que pretende desarrollar una plataforma de emulación Hardware-in-the-loop para constelaciones de nanosatélites con comunicación óptica entre satélites y enlaces tierra-satélite. Un aspecto crucial de este proyecto es tener un propagador orbital suficientemente preciso con control de maniobras y representación gráfica en tiempo real. Los programas de propagadores disponibles se han analizado para seleccionar el sistema OpenSatKit de la NASA, una plataforma multifacética con un propagador incorporado conocido como 42. El propósito de esta disertación es analizar la viabilidad de implementación del programa para la creación de un banco de pruebas de constelaciones en comparación con un propagador previo desarrollado en MATLAB/Simulink. La documentación inicial es un enfoque de exploración para examinar las capacidades del 42 en distintos escenarios con objeto de adaptar el sistema PLATHON al funcionamiento interno y las limitaciones del programa. Las modificaciones y simulaciones del programa allanan el camino para el futuro desarrollo de la red interconectada PLATHON; específicamente, las comunicaciones entre procesos se han probado para imitar las entradas de los sistemas de control de actitud de las naves espaciales a través de interfaces de comunicación bidireccionales.Since the beginning of the space age, satellite design philosophy was dominated by conservative designs built with highly reliable components to endure extreme environmental conditions. During the last two decades, the dawn of the CubeSats has changed this philosophy enabling a whole world of new possibilities. The deployment of monumental CubeSat constellations in low Earth orbit is set to revolutionise the space sector by enabling faster and economical innovation cycles. However, CubeSat reliability is still considered an obstacle due to the sizeable fail rates among universities and companies, generally attributed to the dead-on-arrival cases and subsystem malfunctions. This thesis is developed in the framework of the PLATHON research project that intends to develop a Hardware-in-the-loop emulation platform for nanosatellite constellations with optical inter-satellite communication and ground-to-satellite links. A crucial aspect of this project is to have a sufficiently precise orbital propagator with real-time manoeuvring control and graphical representation. The available propagator programmes are analysed to select NASA’s OpenSatKit, a multi-facet platform with an inbuilt propagator known as 42. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the implementation feasibility of the programme for the creation of a constellation testing bench compared to previously selfdeveloped propagators based on MATLAB/Simulink. The initial documentation is a scouting approach to examine 42’s capabilities under distinct scenarios to adapt the PLATHON system to the programme’s inner workings and constraints. The programme modifications and simulations pave the way for the future development of the interconnected PLATHON network; specifically, the inter-process communication capabilities have been tested to imitate the inputs of spacecraft attitude control systems through bidirectional socket interfaces

    Intra-node Memory Safe GPU Co-Scheduling

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    [EN] GPUs in High-Performance Computing systems remain under-utilised due to the unavailability of schedulers that can safely schedule multiple applications to share the same GPU. The research reported in this paper is motivated to improve the utilisation of GPUs by proposing a framework, we refer to as schedGPU, to facilitate intra-node GPU co-scheduling such that a GPU can be safely shared among multiple applications by taking memory constraints into account. Two approaches, namely a client-server and a shared memory approach are explored. However, the shared memory approach is more suitable due to lower overheads when compared to the former approach. Four policies are proposed in schedGPU to handle applications that are waiting to access the GPU, two of which account for priorities. The feasibility of schedGPU is validated on three real-world applications. The key observation is that a performance gain is achieved. For single applications, a gain of over 10 times, as measured by GPU utilisation and GPU memory utilisation, is obtained. For workloads comprising multiple applications, a speed-up of up to 5x in the total execution time is noted. Moreover, the average GPU utilisation and average GPU memory utilisation is increased by 5 and 12 times, respectively.This work was funded by Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2017/77.Reaño González, C.; Silla Jiménez, F.; Nikolopoulos, DS.; Varghese, B. (2018). Intra-node Memory Safe GPU Co-Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 29(5):1089-1102. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2017.2784428S1089110229

    Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Distributed Real-Time Kernel for Distributed Robotics (Dissertation Proposal)

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    Modern robotics applications are becoming more complex due to greater numbers of sensors and actuators. The control of such systems may require multiple processors to meet the computational demands and to support the physical topology of the sensors and actuators. A distributed real-time system is needed to perform the required communication and processing while meeting application-specified timing constraints. We are designing and implementing a real-time kernel for distributed robotics applications. The kernel\u27s salient features are consistent, user-definable scheduling, explicit dynamic timing constraints, and a two-tiered interrupt approach. The kernel wi1l be evaluated by implementing a two-arm robot control example. Its goal is to locate and manipulate cylindrical objects with spillable contents. Using the application and the kernel, we will investigate the effects of time granularity, network type and protocol, and the handling of external events using interrupts versus polling. Our research will enhance understanding of real-time kernels for distributed robotics control

    Hyperswitch communication network

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    The Hyperswitch Communication Network (HCN) is a large scale parallel computer prototype being developed at JPL. Commercial versions of the HCN computer are planned. The HCN computer being designed is a message passing multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD) computer, and offers many advantages in price-performance ratio, reliability and availability, and manufacturing over traditional uniprocessors and bus based multiprocessors. The design of the HCN operating system is a uniquely flexible environment that combines both parallel processing and distributed processing. This programming paradigm can achieve a balance among the following competing factors: performance in processing and communications, user friendliness, and fault tolerance. The prototype is being designed to accommodate a maximum of 64 state of the art microprocessors. The HCN is classified as a distributed supercomputer. The HCN system is described, and the performance/cost analysis and other competing factors within the system design are reviewed