135 research outputs found

    Simple optimizing JIT compilation of higher-order dynamic programming languages

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    ImplĂ©menter efficacement les langages de programmation dynamiques demande beaucoup d’effort de dĂ©veloppement. Les compilateurs ne cessent de devenir de plus en plus complexes. Aujourd’hui, ils incluent souvent une phase d’interprĂ©tation, plusieurs phases de compilation, plusieurs reprĂ©sentations intermĂ©diaires et des analyses de code. Toutes ces techniques permettent d’implĂ©menter efficacement un langage de programmation dynamique, mais leur mise en oeuvre est difficile dans un contexte oĂč les ressources de dĂ©veloppement sont limitĂ©es. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche et de nouvelles techniques dynamiques permettant de dĂ©velopper des compilateurs performants pour les langages dynamiques avec de relativement bonnes performances et un faible effort de dĂ©veloppement. Nous prĂ©sentons une approche simple de compilation Ă  la volĂ©e qui permet d’implĂ©menter un langage en une seule phase de compilation, sans transformation vers des reprĂ©sentations intermĂ©diaires. Nous expliquons comment le versionnement de blocs de base, une technique de compilation existante, peut ĂȘtre Ă©tendue, sans effort de dĂ©veloppement significatif, pour fonctionner interprocĂ©duralement avec les langages de programmation d’ordre supĂ©rieur, permettant d’appliquer des optimisations interprocĂ©durales sur ces langages. Nous expliquons Ă©galement comment le versionnement de blocs de base permet de supprimer certaines opĂ©rations utilisĂ©es pour implĂ©menter les langages dynamiques et qui impactent les performances comme les vĂ©rifications de type. Nous expliquons aussi comment les compilateurs peuvent exploiter les reprĂ©sentations dynamiques des valeurs par Tagging et NaN-boxing pour optimiser le code gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© avec peu d’effort de dĂ©veloppement. Nous prĂ©sentons Ă©galement notre expĂ©rience de dĂ©veloppement d’un compilateur Ă  la volĂ©e pour le langage de programmation Scheme, pour montrer que ces techniques permettent effectivement de construire un compilateur avec un effort moins important que les compilateurs actuels et qu’elles permettent de gĂ©nĂ©rer du code efficace, qui rivalise avec les meilleures implĂ©mentations du langage Scheme.Efficiently implementing dynamic programming languages requires a significant development effort. Over the years, compilers have become more complex. Today, they typically include an interpretation phase, several compilation phases, several intermediate representations and code analyses. These techniques allow efficiently implementing these programming languages but are difficult to implement in contexts in which development resources are limited. We propose a new approach and new techniques to build optimizing just-in-time compilers for dynamic languages with relatively good performance and low development effort. We present a simple just-in-time compilation approach to implement a language with a single compilation phase, without the need to use code transformations to intermediate representations. We explain how basic block versioning, an existing compilation technique, can be extended without significant development effort, to work interprocedurally with higherorder programming languages allowing interprocedural optimizations on these languages. We also explain how basic block versioning allows removing operations used to implement dynamic languages that degrade performance, such as type checks, and how compilers can use Tagging and NaN-boxing to optimize the generated code with low development effort. We present our experience of building a JIT compiler using these techniques for the Scheme programming language to show that they indeed allow building compilers with less development effort than other implementations and that they allow generating efficient code that competes with current mature implementations of the Scheme language

    Interprocedural Specialization of Higher-Order Dynamic Languages Without Static Analysis

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    Function duplication is widely used by JIT compilers to efficiently implement dynamic languages. When the source language supports higher order functions, the called function\u27s identity is not generally known when compiling a call site, thus limiting the use of function duplication. This paper presents a JIT compilation technique enabling function duplication in the presence of higher order functions. Unlike existing techniques, our approach uses dynamic dispatch at call sites instead of relying on a conservative analysis to discover function identity. We have implemented the technique in a JIT compiler for Scheme. Experiments show that it is efficient at removing type checks, allowing the removal of almost all the run time type checks for several benchmarks. This allows the compiler to generate code up to 50% faster. We show that the technique can be used to duplicate functions using other run time information opening up new applications such as register allocation based duplication and aggressive inlining

    On the fly type specialization without type analysis

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    Les langages de programmation typĂ©s dynamiquement tels que JavaScript et Python repoussent la vĂ©rification de typage jusqu’au moment de l’exĂ©cution. Afin d’optimiser la performance de ces langages, les implĂ©mentations de machines virtuelles pour langages dynamiques doivent tenter d’éliminer les tests de typage dynamiques redondants. Cela se fait habituellement en utilisant une analyse d’infĂ©rence de types. Cependant, les analyses de ce genre sont souvent coĂ»teuses et impliquent des compromis entre le temps de compilation et la prĂ©cision des rĂ©sultats obtenus. Ceci a conduit Ă  la conception d’architectures de VM de plus en plus complexes. Nous proposons le versionnement paresseux de blocs de base, une technique de compilation Ă  la volĂ©e simple qui Ă©limine efficacement les tests de typage dynamiques redondants sur les chemins d’exĂ©cution critiques. Cette nouvelle approche gĂ©nĂšre paresseusement des versions spĂ©cialisĂ©es des blocs de base tout en propageant de l’information de typage contextualisĂ©e. Notre technique ne nĂ©cessite pas l’utilisation d’analyses de programme coĂ»teuses, n’est pas contrainte par les limitations de prĂ©cision des analyses d’infĂ©rence de types traditionnelles et Ă©vite la complexitĂ© des techniques d’optimisation spĂ©culatives. Trois extensions sont apportĂ©es au versionnement de blocs de base afin de lui donner des capacitĂ©s d’optimisation interprocĂ©durale. Une premiĂšre extension lui donne la possibilitĂ© de joindre des informations de typage aux propriĂ©tĂ©s des objets et aux variables globales. Puis, la spĂ©cialisation de points d’entrĂ©e lui permet de passer de l’information de typage des fonctions appellantes aux fonctions appellĂ©es. Finalement, la spĂ©cialisation des continuations d’appels permet de transmettre le type des valeurs de retour des fonctions appellĂ©es aux appellants sans coĂ»t dynamique. Nous dĂ©montrons empiriquement que ces extensions permettent au versionnement de blocs de base d’éliminer plus de tests de typage dynamiques que toute analyse d’infĂ©rence de typage statique.Dynamically typed programming languages such as JavaScript and Python defer type checking to run time. In order to maximize performance, dynamic language virtual machine implementations must attempt to eliminate redundant dynamic type checks. This is typically done using type inference analysis. However, type inference analyses are often costly and involve tradeoffs between compilation time and resulting precision. This has lead to the creation of increasingly complex multi-tiered VM architectures. We introduce lazy basic block versioning, a simple just-in-time compilation technique which effectively removes redundant type checks from critical code paths. This novel approach lazily generates type-specialized versions of basic blocks on the fly while propagating context-dependent type information. This does not require the use of costly program analyses, is not restricted by the precision limitations of traditional type analyses and avoids the implementation complexity of speculative optimization techniques. Three extensions are made to the basic block versioning technique in order to give it interprocedural optimization capabilities. Typed object shapes give it the ability to attach type information to object properties and global variables. Entry point specialization allows it to pass type information from callers to callees, and call continuation specialization makes it possible to pass return value type information back to callers without dynamic overhead. We empirically demonstrate that these extensions enable basic block versioning to exceed the capabilities of static whole-program type analyses

    Compiling for parallel multithreaded computation on symmetric multiprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-149).by Andrew Shaw.Ph.D

    R Melts Brains -- An IR for First-Class Environments and Lazy Effectful Arguments

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    The R programming language combines a number of features considered hard to analyze and implement efficiently: dynamic typing, reflection, lazy evaluation, vectorized primitive types, first-class closures, and extensive use of native code. Additionally, variable scopes are reified at runtime as first-class environments. The combination of these features renders most static program analysis techniques impractical, and thus, compiler optimizations based on them ineffective. We present our work on PIR, an intermediate representation with explicit support for first-class environments and effectful lazy evaluation. We describe two dataflow analyses on PIR: the first enables reasoning about variables and their environments, and the second infers where arguments are evaluated. Leveraging their results, we show how to elide environment creation and inline functions

    Declassification: transforming java programs to remove intermediate classes

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    Computer applications are increasingly being written in object-oriented languages like Java and C++ Object-onented programming encourages the use of small methods and classes. However, this style of programming introduces much overhead as each method call results in a dynamic dispatch and each field access becomes a pointer dereference to the heap allocated object. Many of the classes in these programs are included to provide structure rather than to act as reusable code, and can therefore be regarded as intermediate. We have therefore developed an optimisation technique, called declassification, which will transform Java programs into equivalent programs from which these intermediate classes have been removed. The optimisation technique developed involves two phases, analysis and transformation. The analysis involves the identification of intermediate classes for removal. A suitable class is defined to be a class which is used exactly once within a program. Such classes are identified by this analysis The subsequent transformation involves eliminating these intermediate classes from the program. This involves inlinmg the fields and methods of each intermediate class within the enclosing class which uses it. In theory, declassification reduces the number of classes which are instantiated and used in a program during its execution. This should reduce the overhead of object creation and maintenance as child objects are no longer created, and it should also reduce the number of field accesses and dynamic dispatches required by a program to execute. An important feature of the declassification technique, as opposed to other similar techniques, is that it guarantees there will be no increase in code size. An empirical study was conducted on a number of reasonable-sized Java programs and it was found that very few suitable classes were identified for miming. The results showed that the declassification technique had a small influence on the memory consumption and a negligible influence on the run-time performance of these programs. It is therefore concluded that the declassification technique was not successful in optimizing the test programs but further extensions to this technique combined with an intrinsically object-onented set of test programs could greatly improve its success

    Hybrid eager and lazy evaluation for efficient compilation of Haskell

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 208-220).This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.The advantage of a non-strict, purely functional language such as Haskell lies in its clean equational semantics. However, lazy implementations of Haskell fall short: they cannot express tail recursion gracefully without annotation. We describe resource-bounded hybrid evaluation, a mixture of strict and lazy evaluation, and its realization in Eager Haskell. From the programmer's perspective, Eager Haskell is simply another implementation of Haskell with the same clean equational semantics. Iteration can be expressed using tail recursion, without the need to resort to program annotations. Under hybrid evaluation, computations are ordinarily executed in program order just as in a strict functional language. When particular stack, heap, or time bounds are exceeded, suspensions are generated for all outstanding computations. These suspensions are re-started in a demand-driven fashion from the root. The Eager Haskell compiler translates Ac, the compiler's intermediate representation, to efficient C code. We use an equational semantics for Ac to develop simple correctness proofs for program transformations, and connect actions in the run-time system to steps in the hybrid evaluation strategy.(cont.) The focus of compilation is efficiency in the common case of straight-line execution; the handling of non-strictness and suspension are left to the run-time system. Several additional contributions have resulted from the implementation of hybrid evaluation. Eager Haskell is the first eager compiler to use a call stack. Our generational garbage collector uses this stack as an additional predictor of object lifetime. Objects above a stack watermark are assumed to be likely to die; we avoid promoting them. Those below are likely to remain untouched and therefore are good candidates for promotion. To avoid eagerly evaluating error checks, they are compiled into special bottom thunks, which are treated specially by the run-time system. The compiler identifies error handling code using a mixture of strictness and type information. This information is also used to avoid inlining error handlers, and to enable aggressive program transformation in the presence of error handling.by Jan-Willem Maessen.Ph.D
