581,202 research outputs found

    Exploring Consumers’ Attitudes of Smart TV Related Privacy Risks

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    A number of privacy risks are inherent in the Smart TV ecosystem. It is likely that many consumers are unaware of these privacy risks. Alternatively, they might be aware but consider the privacy risks acceptable. In order to explore this, we carried out an online survey with 200 participants to determine whether consumers were aware of Smart TV related privacy risks. The responses revealed a meagre level of awareness. We also explored consumers’ attitudes towards specific Smart TV related privacy risks. We isolated a number of factors that influenced rankings and used these to develop awareness-raising messages. We tested these messages in an online survey with 155 participants. The main finding was that participants were generally unwilling to disconnect their Smart TVs from the Internet because they valued the Smart TV’s Internet functionality more than their privacy. We subsequently evaluated the awareness-raising messages in a second survey with 169 participants, framing the question differently. We asked participants to choose between five different Smart TV Internet connection options, two of which retained functionality but entailed expending time and/or effort to preserve privacy

    High Tech or High Risk: Moral Panics about Girls Online

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    Part of the Volume on Digital Young, Innovation, and the Unexpected We argue that the current moral outrage and national panic over the risks of victimization faced by girls on the Internet has nothing to do with risks faced by girls on the Internet. Based on historical, cross-cultural, and discourse analyses, we draw four conclusions. Each and every time a new communication technology is introduced, it spurs very public fears on the part of parents and educators, putatively about the effects of that technology on girls' (sexual) innocence. The statistics show that predatory behavior on adolescent girls has a certain profile that has either not changed over the decade since the Internet became popular, or has improved over time. The Internet dangerously unfetters girls' spaces and risks changing our image of what girls can do, and where they can go. This challenges the social order. Girls' masterful use of the Internet also challenges the view that technology is dangerous and an inappropriate interest for girls, and in this sense the moral panic around girls online is a way of policing the relationship between girls and technology

    Risks associated with Logistics 4.0 and their minimization using Blockchain

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    Currently we are saying that we are at the dawn of the fourth revolution, which is marked by using cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things. This is marked as Industry 4.0 (I4.0). With Industry 4.0 is also closely linked concept Logistics 4.0. The highly dynamic and uncertain logistic markets and huge logistic networks require new methods, products and services. The concept of the Internet of Things and Services (IoT&S), Big Data/Data Mining (DM), cloud computing, 3D printing, Blockchain and cyber physical system (CPS) etc. seem to be the probable technical solution for that. However, associated risks hamper its implementation and lack a comprehensive overview. In response, the paper proposes a framework of risks in the context of Logistics 4.0. They are here economic risks, that are associated e.g. with high or false investments. From a social perspective, risks the job losses, are considered too. Additionally, risks can be associated with technical risks, e.g. technical integration, information technology (IT)-related risks such as data security, and legal and political risks, such as for instance unsolved legal clarity in terms of data possession. It is therefore necessary to know the potential risks in the implementation process.Web of Science101857

    New Trends regarding the Operational Risks in Financial Sector

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    Risks, especially "operational risks" are part of corporate life, they are the essence of financial institutions' activities. Operational risks are complex and often interlinked and have to be managed properly. Today, there is more pressure to avoid operational risks while continuing to improve corporate performance in the new environment. The operational risk management of the future has to be seen in the wider context of globalization and Internet-related technologies. The two major future drivers - globalization and Internet-related technologies - will challenge the firms from financial sector to take on additional and partly new operational risk.operational risk, financial sector, models, trends

    Internet social network risks

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    En los últimos años hemos asistido a un fuerte y sostenido auge de las redes sociales creadas para fomentar las relaciones personales y la compartición de información personal a través de internet. El presente trabajo de investigación teórica se centra en analizar los riesgos que un uso masivo e irrestricto de las redes sociales suponen para sus usuarios, la motivación que les lleva a tales prácticas y el nivel de conocimiento que los usuarios tienen de los riesgos asociados. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión sistemática y un meta-análisis de los estudios y trabajos realizados más representativos, tanto de estudios académicos pioneros como de otros más recientes y de instituciones gubernamentales, intentando llegar a una generalización integradora respecto a los objetivos perseguidos, para concluir finalmente que su uso indiscriminado y la publicación de datos de carácter personal suponen importantes riesgos para la privacidad, intimidad y seguridad de los usuarios, sobre todo de los menores y jóvenes

    Interferences Between e-Commerce and Insurance

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    Internet use grew faster than any other technology in the last few years and it has a powerful impact on international commerce development. New opportunities appear for small and medium companies which use the internet to make commerce across the borders. Citizens save their time and money making payments on the internet, ordering goods and services using their home computers. With all this advantages, a wide variety of barriers show up and disturb the internet activity. Using the internet, companies can be affected by the losses of revenues, losses of information, security dates, reputation damage, interruption of activity, theft of private information, etc. To cover all this internet risks, insurers develop new products in order to meet all the company and citizens expectations.electronic commerce, internet risks, insurance

    Assessing the validity of western measurement of online risks to children in an Asian context

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    Before the advent of the Internet, television with limited channels was the only media choice that most children were exposed to, and took place under family supervision. Children’s television viewing was controllable and the risks were limited to watching sexual and violent content. Nowadays, children are surrounded by a variety of digital media and are exposed to many different risks, many of which are still unknown and under-researched. For many children, the Internet is fully integrated into their daily lives, along with the potential risks. The present study aimed to (i) describe the level of risks children are exposed to, and (2) test the measurement validity of a total of 45 items assessing nine scales online risky behavior in children were adapted from studies carried out in Europe and the United States. The study comprised 420 school going children aged 9, 11, 13, 14, and 16 studying in Malaysia. Descriptive analyses showed that children were more exposed to ‘unwanted exposure to pornography’ and less to ‘conduct risk’. Boys and older children were more exposed to the risks compared to girls and younger children. The study validated five dimensions (inappropriate materials, sexting, contact-related risks on, risky online sexual behavior, and bullying/being bullied) assessing children’s online risky behavior by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Further research is needed to investigate the measurement of children’s online risk, since the scales developed in Europe and the United States are not wholly suitable to an Asian context