24,454 research outputs found

    Developing educational materials about risks on social network sites: a design based research approach

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    Nearly all of today’s Western teenagers have a profile on a social network site (SNS). As many risks have been reported, researchers and governments have emphasized the role of school education to teach teenagers how to deal safely with SNSs. However, little is known about the specific characteristics which would make interventions effective. Therefore, the overall objective of this research aims to propose a list of validated theoretical design principles for future development of educational materials about risks on SNSs. This research goal was pursued through a design-based research procedure. Thereby targeting teenagers of secondary education in 8 separate studies, the different steps of the design-based research procedure have iteratively been completed. Firstly, a problem analysis was executed through 3 explorative studies, including an observational study, a theoretical evaluation of existing materials and a survey study. Secondly, initial solutions were developed and evaluated in practice through 5 quasi-experimental intervention studies. Thirdly, we reflected upon all the previous results to produce design principles. Finally, we conclude with an analysis of the design-based research methodology

    Digital Competence and Family Mediation in the Perception of Online Risk to Adolescents. Analysis of the Montenegro Case Study

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    Da diversi anni il dibattito scientifico e politico internazionale ha manifestato un interesse sempre piĂč crescente sulla digital literacy e la digital education, quali strumenti di tutela del minore rispetto ai rischi derivanti dall’utilizzo incontrollato e inconsapevole di diversi mezzi di comunicazione. Contemporaneamente, diversi filoni della letteratura scientifica hanno approfondito i temi dei rischi e delle opportunitĂ  legate all’utilizzo della rete, da cui spesso sono stati promossi interventi territoriali politici, di sensibilizzazione o di formazione per arginare gli effetti potenzialmente nocivi e incrementare quelli positivi, legati soprattutto alle opportunitĂ  di crescita individuale e di inclusione socioculturale che le tecnologie possono contribuire a determinare. Il paper si inserisce all’interno di questo quadro per riflettere sul modo in cui il possesso o meno di alcune competenze digitali possa influenzare o meno il comportamento di fruizione mediale dei giovani, incrementando o meno il rischio di esposizione mediale all’interno di un contesto socioculturale circoscritto. Per intraprendere questo tipo di riflessione, il paper focalizza la propria attenzione sul caso di studio del Montenegro e analizza alcuni risultati della ricerca Eukids on line del 2016, per riflettere sulla relazione fra competenze digitali e livello di rischio espositivo dei bambini compresi fra i 9 e i 17 anni all’interno di aree territoriali socioculturali circoscritte.For several years, international scientific and political debate has shown increasing interest in digital literacy and digital education as tools to protect minors from the risks associated with the unmonitored and unaware use of various media. At the same time, various strains in the scientific literature have more deeply analyzed the themes of the risks and opportunities associated with using the web; this has often resulted in the promotion of political, awareness-raising, or educational interventions on the local level, to contain the potentially harmful effects and augment the positive ones linked especially to the opportunities for individual growth and sociocultural inclusion that these technologies can help bring about. This paper enters into this framework to explore how whether or not digital competence is possessed can influence young people’s media use behaviour, while increasing or not increasing the risk of media exposure within a circumscribed sociocultural context. To undertake this kind of reflection, this paper focuses its attention on the Montenegro case study and analyzes some results of the 2016 Global kids on line research work, to consider the relationship between digital competence and the exposure risk level of children between 12 and 17 years of age within circumscribed sociocultural areas

    Towards an integrated model for citizen adoption of E-government services in developing countries: A Saudi Arabia case study

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    This paper considers the challenges that face the widespread adoption of E-government in developing countries, using Saudi Arabian our case study. E-government can be defined based on an existing set of requirements. In this paper we define E-government as a matrix of stakeholders; governments to governments, governments to business and governments to citizens using information and communications technology to deliver and consume services. E-government has been implemented for a considerable time in developed countries. However E-government services still faces many challenges their implemented and general adoption in developing countries. Therefore, this paper presents an integrated model for ascertaining the intention to adopt E-government services and thereby aid governments in accessing what is required to increase adoption

    Case study:exploring children’s password knowledge and practices

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    Children use technology from a very young age, and often have to authenticate themselves. Yet very little attention has been paid to designing authentication specifically for this particular target group. The usual practice is to deploy the ubiquitous password, and this might well be a suboptimal choice. Designing authentication for children requires acknowledgement of child-specific developmental challenges related to literacy, cognitive abilities and differing developmental stages. Understanding the current state of play is essential, to deliver insights that can inform the development of child-centred authentication mechanisms and processes. We carried out a systematic literature review of all research related to children and authentication since 2000. A distinct research gap emerged from the analysis. Thus, we designed and administered a survey to school children in the United States (US), so as to gain insights into their current password usage and behaviors. This paper reports preliminary results from a case study of 189 children (part of a much larger research effort). The findings highlight age-related differences in children’s password understanding and practices. We also discovered that children confuse concepts of safety and security. We conclude by suggesting directions for future research. This paper reports on work in progress.<br/

    Can Privacy and Security Be Friends? A Cultural Framework to Differentiate Security and Privacy Behaviors on Online Social Networks

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    The boundaries between online privacy and security behaviors in the literature seem blurred. Although these two behaviors are conceptually related, we argue that one does not necessarily imply the other. In this study we aimed to (1) explore the subtle differences between online privacy and security behaviors, and (2) examine how users’ cultural characteristics and a group of multi-level factors exert different effects on the two behaviors. To achieve these two goals, we created a framework by coupling the grid-group theory and INDCOL scale to segment individuals into four categories based on autonomy (individualist vs. collectivist) and acceptance of control (hierarchy vs. equality). The results of one-way ANOVA and path analysis partially confirmed that the underlying mechanisms of online privacy and security behaviors were inherently different. This study provides a basis for creating contextualized security trainings and warnings based on individual differences to promote better privacy and security behaviors


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    It becomes increasingly common for governments, service providers and specialized data aggregators to systematically collect traces of personal communication on the Internet without the user’s knowledge or approval. An analysis of these personal traces by data mining algorithms can reveal sensitive personal information, such as location data, behavioral patterns, or personal profiles including preferences and dislikes. Recent studies show that this information can be used for various purposes, for example by insurance companies or banks to identify potentially risky customers, by governments to observe their citizens, and also by repressive regimes to monitor political opponents. Online anonymity software, such as Tor, can help users to protect their privacy, but often comes at the prize of low usability, e.g., by causing increased latency during surfing. In this exploratory study, we determine factors that influence the usage of Internet anonymity software. In particular, we show that Internet literacy, Internet privacy awareness and Internet privacy concerns are important antecedents for determining an Internet user’s intention to use anonymity software, and that Internet patience has a positive moderating effect on the intention to use anonymity software, as well as on its perceived usefulness
