9,169 research outputs found

    The London Charter and the Seville Principles as sources of requirements for e-archaeology systems development purposes

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    [EN] Requirements engineering (RE) is a discipline of critical importance in software development. This paper provides a process and a set of software artefacts to help in the production of e-archaeology systems with emphasis on requirements reuse and standards. In particular, two important guidelines in the field of earchaeology, the London Charter and the Principles of Seville, have been shown as two sources of requirements to be considered as a starting point for developing this type of systems.[ES] La IngenierĂ­a de Requisitos (IR) es una disciplina de importancia crĂ­tica en el desarrollo de software. Este artĂ­culo proporciona un proceso y un conjunto de artefactos software para ayudar en la producciĂłn de sistemas de e-arqueologĂ­a con Ă©nfasis en reutilizaciĂłn de requisitos y estĂĄndares. En particular, dos guĂ­as relevantes en el campo de la e-arqueologĂ­a, la Carta de Londres y los Principios de Sevilla, se han mostrado como dos fuentes de requisitos a tener en cuenta como punto de partida para el desarrollo de este tipo de sistemas.This research is part of the project PEGASO-PANGEA (TIN2009-13718-C02-02), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain).Carrillo Gea, JM.; Toval, A.; FernĂĄndez AlemĂĄn, JL.; NicolĂĄs, J.; Flores, M. (2013). The London Charter and the Seville Principles as sources of requirements for e-archaeology systems development purposes. Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(9):205-211. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4275OJS20521149CH'NG, E. et al. (2011): "From sites to landscapes: how computing technology is shaping archaeological practice", en Computer, vol. 44, n. 7, pp. 40-46.COS, J.A. et al. (2012): "Internationalization requirements for e-learning audit purposes", en Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2012, pp. 90-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/educon.2012.6201027GLASS, R.L. (2002): Software engineering: facts and fallacies. Addison-Wesley. Boston.GREENFIELD, J. and SHORT, K. (2004): Software factories: assembling applications with patterns, models, frameworks, and tools. Wiley. Indianapolis.KÄKÖLÄ, T. and DUEÑAS, J.C. (Eds.) (2006): Software Product Lines. Research issues in engineering and management. Springer. Berlin Heidelberg. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-33253-4TOVAL, A. et al. (2002): "Requirements reuse for improving information systems security: a practitioner's approach", en REJ Requirements Engineering Journal, vol. 6, n. 4, pp. 205-219.TOVAL, A. et al. (2008): "Eight key issues for an effective reuse-based requirements process", en IJCSSE International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 23, n. 6, pp. 373-385.TOVAL, A. et al. (2011): "Learning systems development using reusable standard-based requirements catalogs", en Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011, pp. 907- 912. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/educon.2011.577325

    Advancing Employee Engagement With Internationalization Through Networked Leadership Approaches at a Canadian Community College

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    This organizational improvement plan, undergirded by social network theory, addresses the lack of engagement by many organizational members with an ambitious internationalization goal at Sky College (a pseudonym). The institutional climate is one in which day-to-day challenges prevail and motives for internationalization are questioned. Drawing on system and adaptive leadership, and within the functionalist paradigm, the case is made for advancing 4 factors to increase engagement with internationalization: a shared vision and understanding of internationalization, improving internal communication systems, fostering knowledge creation and sharing, and increasing connections in the network. The proposed solution is a 12-month series of focus on internationalization workshops, presentations, knowledge sharing, and dialogue (Series). To achieve these goals, deliver a successful Series, and advance internationalization as a greater strategic initiative, an integrated framework of change based on the change path model and the dual operating system is presented. Series implementation is situated in the awakening and mobilization phases of the change path model. The framework of change emphasizes creating and maintaining urgency around the big opportunity of internationalization, refining the change vision, and clarifying and adjusting Sky College’s internationalization change initiatives. Although the proposed Series may appear to be a simple solution, from a system leadership perspective, it can prove impactful. This approach can create opportunities for collaboration, mobilize stakeholders, and foster an environment in which the change becomes self-sustaining, becoming embedded within the institution. Similarly, from an adaptive leadership perspective, the Series promotes stakeholders as becoming change agents who collaboratively find their way to solutions. Change leaders work to deepen the debate, facilitate focus, and awaken and mobilize the system toward the desired future state. The Series aims to accomplish this outcome and prime Sky College and its organizational members for achieving the internationalization plan’s ambitious goals

    Company law reform in Germany

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    The paper was submitted to the conference on company law reform at the University of Cambridge, July 4th, 2002. Since the introduction of corporation laws in the individual German states during the first half of the 19th century, Germany has repeatedly amended and reformed its company law. Such reforms and amendments were prompted in part by stock exchange fraud and the collapse of large corporations, but also by a routine adjustment of law to changing commercial and societal conditions. During the last ten years, a series of significant changes to German company law led one commentator to speak from a "company law in permanent reform". Two years ago, the German Federal Chancellor established a Regierungskommission Corporate Governance ("Government Commission on Corporate Governance") and instructed it to examine the German Corporate Governance system and German company law as a whole, and formulate recommendations for reform

    Education 2.0: Exploring the challenges of Corvinus University in the long tail economy of global higher education

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    Our basic storyline is how the business and economics higher education landscape has changed with the introduction of the Bologna programs. We borrowed the fashionable long tail concept from e-business, and used it for modeling the new landscape of internationalization of universities. Internationalization, mobility, and the appearance of the internet generation at the gates of our universities in our opinion has brought us to a new e-era which, appropriately to our web analogies we might as well call Education 2.0.In our paper first we show the characteristics of the long tail model of the Bologna-based European higher education and potential messages for strategy making in this environment. We illustrate that benchmarking university strategies situated in the head of the long tail model will not always provide strategic guidance for universities sitting in the tail. For underlining some key concerns in the Hungarian niche, we used Corvinus University as a case study to illustrate some untapped challenges of the Hungarian Bologna reform. We explored three areas which are crucial elements of the “tail” strategy in our opinion: a) the influence of state regulation, b) social situations and impacts and c) internal university capabilities

    Business English course syllabus for future employees of multinational companies

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    W wielojęzycznej i wielokulturowej Europie, z ktĂłrą wiÄ…ĆŒe się wiele programĂłw europejskich, ten tom mƂodych naukowcĂłw jest bardzo potrzebny. ƚwiadczy o tym, ĆŒe mƂodzi ludzie widzą sens Unii Europejskiej, doceniają programy europejskie i aktywnie w nich uczestniczą. Chcą rĂłwnieĆŒ przybliĆŒyć Polskę, jej język i kulturę innym narodom. Sprzyja temu aktywna wymiana naukowcĂłw i studentĂłw między krajami Unii. W tym aspekcie podejmowane badania są jak najbardziej uzasadnione. Jest to juĆŒ czwarty tom z cyklu „Bogactwo językowe i kulturowe Europy w oczach PolakĂłw i cudzoziemcĂłw”. Są w nim przedstawione dwa ujęcia: spojrzenie PolakĂłw na cudzoziemcĂłw i cudzoziemcĂłw na nas. Znaczna częƛć artykuƂów poƛwięcona jest teĆŒ glottodydaktyce językĂłw obcych, a przede wszystkim nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego.Publikacja wydana dzięki wsparciu finansowemu WƂadz Rektorskich Uniwersytetu Ɓódzkiego oraz Pani Dziekan WydziaƂu Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Ɓódzkieg

    Transforming education policy in New Zealand: a case study analysis

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    This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the changing face of New Zealand education policy over the past 25 years. It highlights the phase of socio-economic trans-formation in the late 1980s and its far-reaching impact on the education system, before turning to the last two decades, in which New Zealand's education policy has been in-creasingly shaped by its system of education export, its willingness to engage in interna-tional comparison and its close cooperation with international organizations. The article also emphasizes the various domestic forces, which have shaped education policy-making. They include a unique willingness to experiment, pragmatism, and an underly-ing culture of balance and inclusion, which account for the high degree of flexibility and adaptiveness of the country's secondary and tertiary education systems. -- Diese Studie gibt einen umfassenden Überblick des Wandels in der neuseelĂ€ndischen Bildungspolitik, der bereits vor ca. 25 Jahren begann. Der Fokus wird zuerst auf die Phase der sozioökonomischen Transformation Ende der 1980er Jahre und deren Auswirklungen auf das Bildungssystem gelegt. Danach werden die Reformen der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte skizziert. Sowohl im tertiĂ€ren als auch im sekundĂ€ren Bildungsbereich wird Bildung in diesem Zeitraum zunehmend as liberalisiertes Servicegut interpretiert, welches zudem exportierbar ist. Gleichzeitig wurde die neuseelĂ€ndische Hochschulpolitik durch die Ergebnisse internationaler Leistungsvergleiche und durch enge Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Organisationen stark geprĂ€gt. Der Artikel zeigt außerdem wie verschiedene innenpolitische Faktoren bildungspolitische Reformen in Neuseeland beschleunigt haben. Dazu gehören eine starke Bereitschaft mit neuen LösungsansĂ€tzen zu experimentieren, ein stark ausgeprĂ€gter Pragmatismus und eine fĂŒr Neuseeland charakteristische Kultur des sozialen Gleichgewichtes und Ausgleiches. Diese Faktoren erklĂ€ren den hohen Grad an FlexibilitĂ€t sowie die AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit des sekundĂ€ren und tertiĂ€ren Bildungssystems des Landes.

    From Value Protection to Value Creation: Rethinking Corporate Governance Standards for Firm Innovation

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    A company’s pro-innovation needs are often met by the exploitation of its resources, widely defined. The resource-based theory of the firm provides immense empirical insights into how a firm’s corporate governance factors can contribute to promoting innovation. However, these implications may conflict with the prevailing standards of corporate governance imposed on many securities markets for listed companies, which have developed based on theoretical models supporting a shareholder-centered and agency-based theory of the firm. Although prevailing corporate governance standards can to an extent support firm innovation, tensions are created in some circumstances where companies pit their corporate governance compliance against resource-based needs that promote innovation. In the present context of steady internationalization and convergence in corporate governance standards in global securities markets towards a shareholder-centered agency-based model, we argue that there is a need to provide some room for accommodating the resource-based needs for companies in relation to promoting innovation. We explore a number of options and suggest that the most practicable option would be the development of recognized exceptions that deviate from prevailing corporate governance standards. We further suggest as to how an exceptions-based regime can be implemented in the U.K. and U.S., comparing the rules-based regime in the U.S. with the principles-based regime in the U.K

    Development of an international written communication audit

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    Although localization, internationalization, and globalization efforts to meet international customers\u27 product and information needs are accepted strategies in the US computer industry, the needs of second language (L2) English speakers are less directly addressed in the international workplace. Application of strategies similar to these three technical communication strategies may benefit international workplace communication;The international writing approaches represented by these three communication strategies are related to the global management strategies of organizations (e.g., ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric). This categorization, based on Perlmutter and Hedlund, considers organizations\u27 strategic missions and can be used to align management strategies with international writing approaches and individual rhetorical strategies. For example, an ethnocentric organization, entering the international market from a broad national base, instead of immediately changing its communication approach, might continue to use its source-localized information to communicate internationally. An organization might enter the global arena with an ethnocentric strategy, and, in reaction to emerging problems, focus on localization for each market and rely heavily on translation and translators, becoming more polycentric in its approach. A geocentric organization, balancing between ethnocentric and polycentric management strategies, is in constant communication across national and language borders, and might use both internationalization and globalization approaches in communication. Organizations\u27 global management strategies should align with their international communication practices, both for customers and in the workplace. An organization seeking a larger role in international ventures, yet with ethnocentric, localized communication strategies, might be less successful than one with similar goals and a more geocentric, globalized communication;In recognition of the diverse needs of organizations and individuals, an assessment method, an International Written Communication Audit (IWCA), is developed in this dissertation. The IWCA, based on linguistic and contrastive rhetoric research, focuses on cultural, pragmatic, and translation issues important to international workplace writing in US-English. The basic IWCA combines internationalization and globalization approaches. A localization module for the PRC is offered as an example of tailoring the audit methodology to the needs of L2 English readers from a specific language group. The construction of a workplace sampling frame and the analysis of the IWCA data are discussed
