275 research outputs found

    Assessment of Students’ Familiarity, Adoption, and Use of Social Media in Bahrain.

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    Social media is used in many higher education institutions for educational purposes in numerous new and innovative ways. However, in Bahrain the number of higher education students who are aware of and use social media is not clear. It was therefore necessary to conduct an empirical study that would investigate the students’ use of social media in higher education in Bahrain. Moreover, the actual adoption of social media in everyday learning situations still remain underexplored, especially in higher education settings. This paper describes a study conducted to investigate the influence of social media use by student in Bahrain. The aims of this study are to assess students’ level of familiarity, engagement and frequency of use with social media. The data was collected using two questionnaires. The findings indicate that social media has introduce a new culture of learning among students. In addition, social media applications which are on the increase in usage by students for activities that include studying, access of education content, social communication

    Current adoption and future use of RFID tags

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    The adoption of technology depends on the perceived value of the technology to the business. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, a contactless and short distance wireless communication, has been adopted across a spectrum of retailers and retail merchandise, particularly since 2003 when Wal-Mart instituted requirements to their top 100 suppliers to start using this technology. Retail merchandisers from the first introduction of item level RFID and supply chain management requirements to vendors and within stores at Wal-Mart have seen the benefits and challenges of adding RFID technology. Modern RFID sensors, specifically for retail, are made with a high memory capacity that is superior to a typical barcode. Store level RFID has improved with newer label readers for stacks of garments, improvements to identify inventory outages and mapping the stores to improve store merchandise placement. Design, Housing and Merchandisin

    Applying information science lens for advancing critical research on IT adoption: Insights from continued usage of mobile phones by poor women in rural India

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    Critical research on IT adoption dominated by cognitive models grounded in psychology and communication is always in search of new theoretical perspectives to understand, explain, and interpret social issues. Since information plays an important role in IT adoption, this study applies an information science lens to investi-gate the factors affecting the continued usage of mobile phones in rural India. Analysis of interviews with 22 women earning less than a dollar day reveals the influence of social, economic, cognitive, technological, and information-related factors on their continued usage of mobiles. Micro- and meso-level socioeconomic motives and active information-seeking behavior emerge as the most significant factors encouraging respondents to continue using mobiles against several technical and human barriers. The application of information science lens yields three constructs and ten micro-, meso-, and macro-level variables, advancing critical research on IT adoption with the help of a theoretical lens outside of psychology and communication literature

    The Impact of Internet on the Market for Daily Newspapers in Italy

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    Recent years have seen a surge in websites that provide news for free and, up to the end of 2001, daily newspapers in Italy have shown a growing trend towards making available online for free; the exact articles published on paper. To assess whether on-line news and traditional daily newspapers are substitute, complement or independent goods, I model the choice between different daily newspapers as a discrete choice among differentiated products. Considering the availability of a website as a newspaper characteristic and controlling for other observable and unobservable characteristics of newspapers and of the outside good, I estimate a logit model of demand on market level data from 1976 to 2001 for the main national daily newspapers in Italy. Results suggest that opening a website had a negative impact both on the sales of the newspaper who opened it and on those of its rivals. I calculate the implied short-run and approximated long-run losses in both sales and profits and provide some evidence of the additional negative effect stemming from the general availability of Internet and on-line news. Results also contribute to explaining why, starting from the end of 2001, many publishers introduced a fee to read on-line the paper edition of the newspaper.daily newspapers, Internet, websites, substitution, discrete choice models, product differentiation, dynamics, market level data

    Opini Warganet mengenai Moderasi Beragama dalam Percakapan Twitter

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    The purpose of the study was to describe the opinions of influencers in netizen conversations on Twitter regarding religious moderation. The research uses public opinion, agenda setting models, and the spiral of silence to analyze opinions and topics discussed by Mega influencers, Macro influencers, Micro influencers, and Nano influencers. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive content analysis method. Research data obtained using NVivo with the keyword religious moderation. Research results: Most of the public opinion of influencers on twitter are positive. In the account of the nano-influencer, 11 accounts have a negative tone, and 1 account has a neutral tone regarding religious moderation. This study concludes that religious moderation is a government agenda that is socialized through the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and all its staff. The parties who have different opinions, only a small part express their disapproval of the religious moderation program through Twitter

    An Empirical Investigation of Factors that Influence Government Apps Usage/Adoption

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    Governments worldwide are using technology to provide effective and efficient services; and to improve the lives of all citizens. To date, there are few studies relating to unstructured text data that investigate the factors that influence government and mobile apps’ usage and adoption. To address this issue, we conducted our research and developed the Natural Language Processing Model to sequentially analyze our unstructured text data, which we collected from MetricsCat’s website. Our results from text analysis show that some of the most influential factors in why users adopt and use government apps are the quality of the app, the app’s usefulness, whether or not the app is informative, and whether or not the app remains up to date. Our research contains practical and research implications for key government officials and designers of mobile apps


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    Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a critical issue in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Management of solid waste in crowded conditions, especially in main cities such as the Al-Taif Province. This paper deals with that case study and focuses on how to solve material handling problems by applying conventional methods and computer ability. One of the costliest operations in the civil sector is transportation for material handling. City mayors considered transportation and materials handling as a subclass of the linear programming technique, thus linear programming problems take into consideration that the main objective is to handle materials from the city centre site to the identified dumping area. There are many methods and tools used to solve the transportation problem (TP) to find out the maximum or minimum in order to reduce cost or maximize profit. The methods related to manual solutions and others used many different computer applications. Manual solutions include the northwest corner method, the minimum cost method, the row minimum cost method, the column minimum cost method, and Vogel\u27s approximation method, and computer applications such as LINGO, Lingo, and solver function using Microsoft Excel. This case study focuses on applying the Microsoft Excel function to find the minimum cost of the transportation system in waste materials to reduce the transportation cost from the city centre to the final destination (dumping area) to be used. The results achieved with the model aided in obtaining optimal solutions and finally, the optimal solutions were checked.Gospodarenje čvrstim komunalnim otpadom kritično je pitanje u Kraljevini Saudijskoj Arabiji (KSA), posebice u uvjetima guste naseljenosti u glavnim gradovima i pokrajinama kao što je Taif. Ovaj rad prikazuje studiju slučaja i usredotočen je na to kako riješiti probleme gospodarenja i manipulacije materijalima primjenom konvencionalnih metoda i informatičkom tehnologijom. Jedan od najskupljih poslova u komunalnome sektoru jest transport materijala. Gradske uprave transport i rukovanje materijalima smatraju potklasom tehnologije linearnoga programiranja, stoga problemi linearnoga programiranja uzimaju u obzir da je glavni cilj rukovanje materijalima od središta grada do identificiranoga odlagališta. Postoje mnoge metode i alati koji se koriste za rješavanje problema transporta (TP) kako bi se saznao maksimum ili minimum u smislu smanjenja troškova ili maksimiziranja profita. Te metode primarno su se odnosile na manualna rješenja, a druge su se koristile mnogim različitim računalnim aplikacijama. Manualna rješenja uključuju metodu sjeverozapadnoga kuta (northwest corner method), metodu minimalnoga troška, metodu minimalnoga troška retka, metodu minimalnoga troška stupca i Vogelovu metodu aproksimacije te računalne aplikacije kao što su LINGO, Lingo i funkciju Solver koja je uključena u Microsoft Excel. Ova studija slučaja usredotočuje se na primjenu Microsoft Excel funkcije za pronalaženje minimalne cijene sustava transporta otpadnoga materijala kako bi se smanjio trošak transporta od centra grada do konačnoga odredišta (odlagalište). Rezultati dobiveni modeliranjem dali su optimalna rješenja koja su na kraju rada i provjerena

    Online Repurchase Intention: Empirical Study on The Fashion Market Shopee

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    The appearance of the Covid-19 virus makes people feel anxious, when they want to leave the house, when they want to do activities or shopping for necessities. With the fast development of the internet which is used by entrepreneurs to sell their goods through e-commerce. People are starting to use e-commerce to fulfill their needs, such as shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada and other e-commerce sites. Shopee is the object of this research, because Shopee has the largest number of active users in Southeast Asia. In this study we will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. This study aims to determine the effect of trust, satisfaction, confirmation, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment , perceived usefulness and past internet shopping experience by the intention to repurchase on Shopee. Types of data used in this study using primary data and interviews. The population used in this study has the characteristics of making purchases or transactions for 1 year at shopee. The sample technique in this study used non-probability sampling. The analytical tool used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using AMOS 22.0 software. The results obtained from this study indicate that there are 11 supported hypotheses and 4 unsupported hypothese

    Financial Technology Solutions for Financial Inclusion: A review and future agenda

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    Objective- This research aims to review the extant literature and the contribution of digital technology (DT) in financial inclusion (FI). In this study, researchers attempted to suggest some directions to policymakers towards furthering the initiatives for financial inclusion. The objectives are to explore user behaviour for technology adaptation of financial transactions. Design/ Methodology- A systematic literature review was conducted by using a method suggested by Cook and West (2012). The articles were selected between 2001 to 2020. Keywords such as ‘digital technology’ and Financial Inclusion (FI) were chosen for study. Full text articles in English language from SCOPUS, Web of Science and Google scholar were considered. A conceptual framework has been suggested based on the literature review, which can help future researchers to examine the current issues and challenges in the financial technology and digital technology field. Findings/Conclusion- The overall review of existing literature available on the topic signifies that digital technology is the driver of FI and economic growth. However, there are some gaps noted on which future studies can focus. Originality/Contribution/Value-In the literature review, research papers deal with problems, factors, and gaps in the use of digital technology. Thus, there is a need for more research on this topic. It is a unique study in the context of emerging economies

    Performance evaluation of an RDB and an ORDB: A comparative study using the BUCKY benchmark

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    This paper highlights the functionality of object-based database systems by comparing the performance of relational database (RDB) and object-relational database (ORDB) systems. The study focuses on assessing the efficiency of database systems based on query processing and object complexity. We conducted an experiment that includes running the queries on the RDB and ORDB that were used in the BUCKY benchmark and implemented on Oracle 11g. The findings of this research show that the performance of both database systems depends on various factors, such as the size and type of databases, the schema and query structures, the number of tuples scanned in tables, indexes as well as the environment, in which the experiment was carried out