69 research outputs found

    DTW-Radon-based Shape Descriptor for Pattern Recognition

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a pattern recognition method that uses dynamic programming (DP) for the alignment of Radon features. The key characteristic of the method is to use dynamic time warping (DTW) to match corresponding pairs of the Radon features for all possible projections. Thanks to DTW, we avoid compressing the feature matrix into a single vector which would otherwise miss information. To reduce the possible number of matchings, we rely on a initial normalisation based on the pattern orientation. A comprehensive study is made using major state-of-the-art shape descriptors over several public datasets of shapes such as graphical symbols (both printed and hand-drawn), handwritten characters and footwear prints. In all tests, the method proves its generic behaviour by providing better recognition performance. Overall, we validate that our method is robust to deformed shape due to distortion, degradation and occlusion

    Robust Face Recognition Providing the Identity and its Reliability Degree Combining Sparse Representation and Multiple Features

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    For decades, face recognition (FR) has attracted a lot of attention, and several systems have been successfully developed to solve this problem. However, the issue deserves further research effort so as to reduce the still existing gap between the computer and human ability in solving it. Among the others, one of the human skills concerns his ability in naturally conferring a \u201cdegree of reliability\u201d to the face identification he carried out. We believe that providing a FR system with this feature would be of great help in real application contexts, making more flexible and treatable the identification process. In this spirit, we propose a completely automatic FR system robust to possible adverse illuminations and facial expression variations that provides together with the identity the corresponding degree of reliability. The method promotes sparse coding of multi-feature representations with LDA projections for dimensionality reduction, and uses a multistage classifier. The method has been evaluated in the challenging condition of having few (3\u20135) images per subject in the gallery. Extended experiments on several challenging databases (frontal faces of Extended YaleB, BANCA, FRGC v2.0, and frontal faces of Multi-PIE) show that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art sparse coding FR systems, thus demonstrating its effectiveness and generalizability

    Analysis and approximation of some Shape-from-Shading models for non-Lambertian surfaces

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    The reconstruction of a 3D object or a scene is a classical inverse problem in Computer Vision. In the case of a single image this is called the Shape-from-Shading (SfS) problem and it is known to be ill-posed even in a simplified version like the vertical light source case. A huge number of works deals with the orthographic SfS problem based on the Lambertian reflectance model, the most common and simplest model which leads to an eikonal type equation when the light source is on the vertical axis. In this paper we want to study non-Lambertian models since they are more realistic and suitable whenever one has to deal with different kind of surfaces, rough or specular. We will present a unified mathematical formulation of some popular orthographic non-Lambertian models, considering vertical and oblique light directions as well as different viewer positions. These models lead to more complex stationary nonlinear partial differential equations of Hamilton-Jacobi type which can be regarded as the generalization of the classical eikonal equation corresponding to the Lambertian case. However, all the equations corresponding to the models considered here (Oren-Nayar and Phong) have a similar structure so we can look for weak solutions to this class in the viscosity solution framework. Via this unified approach, we are able to develop a semi-Lagrangian approximation scheme for the Oren-Nayar and the Phong model and to prove a general convergence result. Numerical simulations on synthetic and real images will illustrate the effectiveness of this approach and the main features of the scheme, also comparing the results with previous results in the literature.Comment: Accepted version to Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 57 page

    Graph indexing and retrieval based on graph prototypes

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    [ANGLÈS] Taking a query from a high number of data stored into a database, as fast as possible, is a recurrent problem in the field of computer sciences practically since its origins. At the existence of this problem, it’s necessary to add, moreover, the fact that actually databases contains data types of more diverse and unexpected character possible. Now we are not talking about originating databases which only contained sets of numbers or characters strings. (...) All that I want to make into the present work and I think that was achieved as far as possible, has been to develop and to present a methodology to carry out this process. The Metric Trees of prototypes are based on a well-known strategy, which is based on grouping the data stored in database at the smartest possible way. But also we has added the concept of a graph prototype. A structure that contains information of a set of instances represented by graphs, used until now for classification and recognition. In this thesis we have used graphs as representatives of elements that have to be queried in databases. Note that graphs have the capacity to represent complex objects, for this reason the number of graph databases is increasing. Due to in the literature appears different ways to build a prototype, the work presented here shows a comparative study between the main methods. Combining these two concepts, the Metric Tree and the graph prototype, we propose the construction of metric trees where the graph prototypes are routing nodes to help to decide the way to explore when we make a search in the tree. We have used Metric Trees to make classification and to find all instances that are lower than a maximum distance. (...)[CATALÀ] El trobar-nos davant una gran quantitat de dades i tenir que fer cerques d’aquestes el més ràpid possible és un problema recurrent en el camp de les ciències de la computació pràcticament des dels seus orígens. A l'existència d'aquest problema, se li ha d’afegir, a més a més, el fet de que actualment les bases de dades emmagatzemen tipus de dades de la naturalesa més diversa i molts cops inesperada possible. Ja no parlem de les bases de dades originaries que únicament contenien números o cadenes caràcters. (...) El que he volgut en aquest treball i penso que en la mesura del que era possible s'ha aconseguit, és desenvolupar i presentar una metodologia per portar a terme aquest procés. Els Metric Trees de prototips, que es basen en la ja coneguda estratègia d'agrupar les dades que anem guardant a una base de dades de la forma més intel·ligent possible per no haver d’explorar totes les instàncies que tenim quan volem fer una cerca, però a més a més s'ha afegit el concepte de prototip. Una estructura, que agrupa la informació d'un conjunt d'instàncies, utilitzada fins ara per a fer classificació i reconeixement. Conjugant aquests dos conceptes, el de Metric Tree i el de prototip, plantejem la construcció d'arbres de cerca on els prototips siguin els nodes intermedis, que ens ajudin a decidir quin camí explorar quan volem fer una cerca sobre l'arbre. I utilitzant, aquests tant per a fer classificació com per a buscar totes les instàncies que estiguin una distància més petita d’una distància máxima. Tot això tenint present, que les dades amb que treballem són grafs, és a dir que la metodologia presentada, té la versatilitat de poder-se aplicar, a qualsevol tipus d'informació que es pugui representar d'aquesta manera. (...
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