13,854 research outputs found

    Ambiente educacional como recurso de desenvolvimento para o processo de aprendizagem

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    Following overseas examples, educational institutions in Russia are trying to interact with other organizations implementing practical competence approach. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that modern educational environment is constantly changing both due to the dynamics of everyday and professional conditions. Due to competence approach constant monitoring and new resources are required for the development of each subject in this educational environment. The goal of the work is to create means for open social and educational environment realization which allows achieving positive results for all participants in the project. In this article, the authors raise the issue of modern educational environment creation as a resource for each subject of the educational process development.The article attempts to improve students’, teachers’ and others participants’ interested in educational environment development interaction. We try to achieve a qualitatively new level of participants’ skills and competencies development in this process. For this, analysis of the essence and structure of educational process in a higher educational institution was carried out. After that, the authors propose, within the framework of a project implemented by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University on the organization and development of the social and educational environment, to conduct special computer literacy courses for the elderly. The courses offered combine the activities of a large number of people who, working for a common result, achieve the development of individual qualities. The results obtained are the basis for further improvement of educational environment.Siguiendo ejemplos en el extranjero, las instituciones educativas en Rusia están tratando de interactuar con otras organizaciones implementando un enfoque de competencia práctica. La relevancia del tema radica en el hecho de que el entorno educativo moderno está cambiando constantemente debido a la dinámica de las condiciones cotidianas y profesionales. Debido al enfoque de competencia, el monitoreo constante y nuevos recursos son necesarios para el desarrollo de cada asignatura en este entorno educativo. El objetivo del trabajo es crear medios para la realización de un entorno social y educativo abierto que permita lograr resultados positivos para todos los participantes en el proyecto. En este artículo, los autores plantean el tema de la creación de un entorno educativo moderno como un recurso para cada tema del desarrollo del proceso educativo.El artículo intenta mejorar la interacción entre los estudiantes, los maestros y otros participantes interesados en el desarrollo del entorno educativo. Intentamos alcanzar un nivel cualitativamente nuevo de desarrollo de habilidades y competencias de los participantes en este proceso. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de la esencia y estructura del proceso educativo en una institución de educación superior. Posteriormente, los autores proponen, en el marco de un proyecto implementado por la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal Nizhny Novgorod sobre la organización y el desarrollo del entorno social y educativo, realizar cursos especiales de alfabetización informática para personas mayores. Los cursos ofrecidos combinan las actividades de un gran número de personas que, trabajando por un resultado común, logran el desarrollo de cualidades individuales.Na sequência de exemplos no exterior, instituições educacionais na Rússia estão tentando interagir com outras organizações implementando uma abordagem de competência prática. A relevância do tema reside no fato de que o ambiente educacional moderno está em constante mudança, tanto devido à dinâmica das condições cotidianas e profissionais. Devido à abordagem de competência, monitoramento constante e novos recursos são necessários para o desenvolvimento de cada disciplina nesse ambiente educacional. O objetivo do trabalho é criar meios para a realização de um ambiente social e educacional aberto que permita alcançar resultados positivos para todos os participantes do projeto. Neste artigo, os autores levantam a questão da criação de ambientes educacionais modernos como recurso para cada sujeito do processo de desenvolvimento educacional.O artigo tenta melhorar a interação dos alunos, professores e outros participantes interessados na interação do desenvolvimento do ambiente educacional. Tentamos alcançar um nível qualitativamente novo de desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências dos participantes neste processo. Para isso, foi realizada a análise da essência e estrutura do processo educacional em uma instituição de ensino superior. Em seguida, os autores propõem, no âmbito de um projeto implementado pela Universidade Pedagógica Estadual Nizhny Novgorod, a organização e desenvolvimento do ambiente socioeducacional, para a realização de cursos especiais de alfabetização em informática para idosos. Os cursos oferecidos combinam as atividades de um grande número de pessoas que, trabalhando por um resultado comum, alcançam o desenvolvimento de qualidades individuai

    Learning in multicultural virtual teams: university's role in training globally competent graduates

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    Economic globalization and intensive information exchange has shifted former ideas of borders between countries and continents, having involved people in more extensive international interaction as well as oriented them towards increased personal and business relationships with representatives of other cultures. In this respect current and future students are more likely to become employed abroad or by companies that operate in the global environment. The internalization of the labor market is largely contributed to by expanding development of information and communication technology: virtual work is becoming as common as face-to-face work. Within the given context university graduates are challenged to 44 demonstrate socalled global competences which address one’s ability to work successfully with people from other cultures. This competence is considered an increasingly important skill set for upcoming graduates. This paper briefly discusses the meaning and dimensions of the concept and research into pedagogical approaches to developing students’ global competence via university’s virtual learning environment. The paper also highlights multicultural virtual teamwork as a necessary condition for developing such a competence

    The Problem of Law-Abiding Behavior among Minors in Educational Institutions: Domestic and Foreign Experience

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    At present, the problem of sustaining the law-abiding behavior of minors in educational institutions, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the development of deviant behavior of students is becoming more and more topical. This paper presents the results of a monitoring study of the current state of the activities carried out by educational institutions to form the law-abiding behavior of minors in the territorial entities of the Russian Federation. It also presents the results of a theoretical study of the foreign experience of educational institutions in the framework of maintaining the law-abiding behavior of minors in the educational environment. The conclusions have been drawn that a system-activity approach should be the basis of an educational impact in educational institutions which will provide: the formation of students’ readiness for self-development; the design and construction of a social environment for the development of students based on moral principles, traditional Russian values, relevant scientific knowledge and skills, respect for the traditions of the multinational, multicultural and multiconfessional Russian society; active educational and cognitive activities of students; building educational and moral education activity, taking account of the individual age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of students and with a focus on educational results. The materials of the paper are part of a large-scale study within the framework of the "Conception for the development of a system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency for the period up to 2020", conducted by a team of scientists from 2017 to 2020, whose scientific interests lie in the study of the problem of deviant behavior of minors

    Развитие профессионализма педагога в области организации инклюзивного образования в школе (опыт России и Болгарии)

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    The aim of the investigation is to discuss the problems connected with a current state of inclusive education in Russia and Bulgaria. Methods. Experience, positive and negative tendencies in the field of inclusive education of the Russian and Bulgarian systems of training and education are analysed and generalized.Results and scientific novelty. Creating conditions for quality education for all children regardless of the characteristics of their health is a social guarantee of any post-industrial country. Access to quality education for children with disabilities is a target of nowadays reforms of the Russian and Bulgarian education in the context of globalization: Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union and activity of Russia as an independent state on the international education arena. Adverse conditions of inclusive education in the two countries complicate establishing and implementation of public policies for the development of inclusive education. However, objective data about teachers’ readiness for the implementation of inclusive education and public debate around this issue stimulates a better understanding of the principles on which the activities of the teacher, directed at the education of children with disabilities. The principles providing a basis for developing professional teacher competencies in the field of inclusive education are presented in the article. The importance of complex solution to the problem is highlighted: involvement of an administrative resource, realization of the social mechanism of a special type of mutual aid (tutoring), formation in the organization and society of culture of the attitude towards people with peculiarities of health. Everything listed has to be supported by the state measures, including the motivation of teachers to development in a profession and obtaining special professional competences.Practical significance. The research findings can be useful for correction of pedagogical activity during the work with the pupils having features of development and needing special attentionЦель статьи – обсуждение проблем, связанных с современным состоянием инклюзивного образования в России и Болгарии. Методы. Проанализирован и обобщен опыт, позитивные и негативные тенденции в области инклюзивного образования российской и болгарской систем обучения и воспитания. Результаты и научная новизна. Констатируется, что создание условий для получения качественного образования всеми детьми вне зависимости от особенностей их здоровья – социальная гарантия любого постиндустриального государства. Доступ к качественному образованию для детей с особенностями здоровья – целевой ориентир современных реформ российского и болгарского образования в условиях глобализации – присоединения Болгарии к Европейскому Союзу и выхода России как самостоятельного государства на международную образовательную арену. Показано, что неблагоприятные предпосылки развития инклюзивного образования в этих двух странах осложняют разработку и реализацию государственных стратегий по развитию инклюзивного образования. Однако объективные данные о готовности педагогов к внедрению инклюзивного образования и общественная дискуссия вокруг этого вопроса стимулируют лучшее понимание принципов, на которых должна основываться деятельность педагога, направленная на образование детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Сформулированы принципы, позволяющие уточнить профессиональные компетенции педагога в области инклюзивного образования. Подчеркивается важность комплексного решения проблемы – подключения административного ресурса, реализации социального механизма особого вида взаимопомощи (тьюторства), формирования в организации и обществе культуры отношения к людям с особенностями здоровья. Все перечисленное должно поддерживаться государственными мерами, в том числе по мотивации педагогов к развитию в профессии и получению специальных профессиональных компетенций. Практическая значимость. Материалы статьи могут быть полезны при коррекции педагогической деятельности с учащимися, имеющими особенности развития и нуждающимися в особом внимани

    The Problem of Law-Abiding Behavior among Minors in Educational Institutions: Domestic and Foreign Experience

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    At present, the problem of sustaining the law-abiding behavior of minors in educational institutions, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the development of deviant behavior of students is becoming more and more topical. This paper presents the results of a monitoring study of the current state of the activities carried out by educational institutions to form the law-abiding behavior of minors in the territorial entities of the Russian Federation. It also presents the results of a theoretical study of the foreign experience of educational institutions in the framework of maintaining the law-abiding behavior of minors in the educational environment. The conclusions have been drawn that a system-activity approach should be the basis of an educational impact in educational institutions which will provide: the formation of students’ readiness for self-development; the design and construction of a social environment for the development of students based on moral principles, traditional Russian values, relevant scientific knowledge and skills, respect for the traditions of the multinational, multicultural and multiconfessional Russian society; active educational and cognitive activities of students; building educational and moral education activity, taking account of the individual age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of students and with a focus on educational results. The materials of the paper are part of a large-scale study within the framework of the "Conception for the development of a system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency for the period up to 2020", conducted by a team of scientists from 2017 to 2020, whose scientific interests lie in the study of the problem of deviant behavior of minors

    Development of sportsman students' autonomy in the educational environment of electronic information and foreign language teachers’ readiness to this process

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    The study addresses the major factors preventing foreign language (FL) teachers from effective use of electronic information educational environment (EIEE) at the institutes of higher learning (IHL) in Russia to develop learner autonomy. Upon holding interviews and taking polls of 60 respondents from three universities helped the authors find out that these factors include: sketchy knowledge of information and communication technologies among foreign language teachers; poor standards of material and technical resources capability at universities; inadequate readiness of FL teachers to apply new information and communication technologies; insufficient level of FL teachers motivation to use innovative ITs at work. The contributors have worked out a number of pedagogical conditions that should be provided at the IHL to clear the barriers mentioned above: gradual development of FL teachers readiness to use the EIEE (the IT competence acquisition based on learning management systems (LMS); FL teachers activity stimulation to work in the EIEE through creating modular courses); setting up the EIEE in the IHL, which can translate all e-learning possibilities into action, the LMS, software and documentation among them. The said pedagogical conditions have successfully been tested and implemented at RUDN University