27 research outputs found

    Reliable Cognitive Ultra Wideband Communication Systems Under Coexistence Constraints

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    RÉSUMÉ La croissance rapide des systèmes de communication sans fil et la rareté du spectre ont motivé les industries et les fournisseurs ouvrant dans le domaine de communication sans fil de développer des stratégies et des technologies de communication qui peuvent utiliser efficacement les ressources spectrales. La réutilisation pacifique du spectre sous-licence et sous-utilisé peut être une solution prometteuse pour certaines initiatives en cours telles que la communication mobile à haut débit, la communication machine-à-machine, et la connectivité WiFi. Un des plus gros facteurs qui empêche l'approche de cette réutilisation de fréquences est l'effet d'environnements bruyants sur les dispositifs coexistent dans la même bande de fréquence. Par conséquent, la demande pour une stratégie de coexistence pacifique entre les utilisateurs du spectre, des défis et des questions techniques qu'elle engêndre, motive notre recherche. Il est à noter que dans cette thèse, nous considérons un système pratique appelé MB-OFDM UWB (en anglais multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband) pour donner un aperçu pratique de ce concept. Pour atteindre cet objectif, d'abord nous examinons le problème d'interférence des utilisateurs secondaires sur les utilisateurs principaux. A cet effet, tenant compte d'un système secondaire OFDM, nous proposons des méthodes de mise en forme du spectre pour les applications de transmission à antennes simples et multiples. Nous présentons une technique débit-efficace nommée “Enhanced active interference cancellation (E - AIC)qui est en effet capable de créer des encoches ayant des caractéristiques flexibles. Afin de résoudre le problème de dépassement du spectre causé pas la technique classique-AIC, nous utilisons une approche multi-contraintes qui à son tour cause un problème multi-contrainte de minimisation (en anglais multi-constraint minimization problem, MCMP). Cependant, un nouvel algorithme itératif basé sur la technique SVD (en anglais singular value decomposition) est proposé, permettant ainsi de réduire la complexité de la solution de MCMP. Les résultats de simulation obtenus montrent que la technique E-AIC proposée fournit de meilleures performances en termes de suppression des lobes latéraux avec 0 dB de dépassement, moins de complexité de calcul et moins de perte de débit par rapport aux méthodes AIC précédentes. Quant aux antennes multiples, nous proposons deux nouvelles techniques AIC, qui utilisent l'idée principale des approches de sélection d'antennes d'émission (en anglais transmit antenna selection, TAS). Bien que les résultats montrent que les deux techniques permettent la création d'encoche identique, la technique per-tone TAS-AIC a la plus grande efficacité spectrale. Après avoir obtenu une emission sans interférence pour le système MB-OFDM UWB, nous analysons, modélisons et atténuons le bruit impulsif au récepteur MB-OFDM UWB. Pour ce faire, d'abord, nous proposons un cadre analytique qui décrit les principales caractéristiques d'interférence d'un système à ultra large bande et saut temporel (en anglais time-hopping UWB, TH-UWB) niveau de ces paramètres de signalisation. Les résultats montrent que la distribution d'interférence dépend fortement aux paramètres de saut temporel du système TH-UWB.----------ABSTRACT The rapid growth of wireless communication systems along with the radio spectrum's scarcity and regulatory considerations have put the onus on the wireless industries and service providers to develop wireless communication strategies and technologies that can efficiently utilize the spectral resources. Hence, peaceful reuse of underutilized licensed radio frequencies (by secondary users) can be a promising solution for some ongoing initiatives such as mobile broadband, machine-to-machine applications and WiFi connectivity. One of the biggest factors that prevents the spectrum reusing approach to effectively address the spectrum scarcity, is noisy environments result from coexistence of different devices in the same frequency band. Therefore, the request for a peaceful coexistence strategy between spectrum users, which leads to various challenges, and technical issues, motivates our research. It is worth noting that, in this thesis, we consider a practical system called multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband (MB-OFDM UWB) as an underlay system to provide a practical insight into this concept. However, all the obtained results and contributions are applicable to other OFDM-based communication systems. Towards this goal, we first investigate the problem of the interference from secondary users to the primary users. For this purpose, considering an OFDM-based secondary communication system, we propose spectrum-shaping methods for single and multiple transmit antennas applications. For single antenna scenario, we present a throughput-efficient enhanced active interference cancellation (E-AIC) technique, which is indeed capable of creating notches with flexible characteristics. In order to address the spectrum overshoot problem of conventional-AIC techniques, we employed a multi-constraint approach, which leads to a multi-constraint minimization problem (MCMP). Hence, a novel iterative singular value decomposition (SVD) based algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of the MCMP's solution. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed enhanced-AIC technique provides higher performance in terms of sidelobes suppression with 0 dB overshoot, less computational complexity and less throughput-loss compared to previous constrained-AIC methods. For multiple transmit antennas, we propose two novel AIC techniques employing main ideas behind bulk and per-tone transmit antenna selection (TAS) approaches. Simulation results show that although both techniques provide identical notch creation, the per-tone TAS-AIC technique has higher spectral efficiency

    Contribution à la conception d'un système de radio impulsionnelle ultra large bande intelligent

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    Faced with an ever increasing demand of high data-rates and improved adaptability among existing systems, which inturn is resulting in spectrum scarcity, the development of new radio solutions becomes mandatory in order to answer the requirements of these emergent applications. Among the recent innovations in the field of wireless communications,ultra wideband (UWB) has generated significant interest. Impulse based UWB (IR-UWB) is one attractive way of realizing UWB systems, which is characterized by the transmission of sub nanoseconds UWB pulses, occupying a band width up to 7.5 GHz with extremely low power density. This large band width results in several captivating features such as low-complexity low-cost transceiver, ability to overlay existing narrowband systems, ample multipath diversity, and precise ranging at centimeter level due to extremely fine temporal resolution.In this PhD dissertation, we investigate some of the key elements in the realization of an intelligent time-hopping based IR-UWB system. Due to striking resemblance of IR-UWB inherent features with cognitive radio (CR) requirements, acognitive UWB based system is first studied. A CR in its simplest form can be described as a radio, which is aware ofits surroundings and adapts intelligently. As sensing the environment for the availability of resources and then consequently adapting radio’s internal parameters to exploit them opportunistically constitute the major blocks of any CR, we first focus on robust spectrum sensing algorithms and the design of adaptive UWB waveforms for realizing a cognitive UWB radio. The spectrum sensing module needs to function with minimum a-priori knowledge available about the operating characteristics and detect the primary users as quickly as possible. Keeping this in mind, we develop several spectrum sensing algorithms invoking recent results on the random matrix theory, which can provide efficient performance with a few number of samples. Next, we design the UWB waveform using a linear combination of Bsp lines with weight coefficients being optimized by genetic algorithms. This results in a UWB waveform that is spectrally efficient and at the same time adaptable to incorporate the cognitive radio requirements. In the 2nd part of this thesis, some research challenges related to signal processing in UWB systems, namely synchronization and dense multipath channel estimation are addressed. Several low-complexity non-data-aided (NDA) synchronization algorithms are proposed for BPSK and PSM modulations, exploiting either the orthogonality of UWB waveforms or theinherent cyclostationarity of IR-UWB signaling. Finally, we look into the channel estimation problem in UWB, whichis very demanding due to particular nature of UWB channels and at the same time very critical for the coherent Rake receivers. A method based on a joint maximum-likelihood (ML) and orthogonal subspace (OS) approaches is proposed which exhibits improved performance than both of these methods individually.Face à une demande sans cesse croissante de haut débit et d’adaptabilité des systèmes existants, qui à son tour se traduit par l’encombrement du spectre, le développement de nouvelles solutions dans le domaine des communications sans fil devient nécessaire afin de répondre aux exigences des applications émergentes. Parmi les innovations récentes dans ce domaine, l’ultra large bande (UWB) a suscité un vif intérêt. La radio impulsionnelle UWB (IR-UWB), qui est une solution intéressante pour réaliser des systèmes UWB, est caractérisée par la transmission des impulsions de très courte durée, occupant une largeur de bande allant jusqu’à 7,5 GHz, avec une densité spectrale de puissance extrêmement faible. Cette largeur de bande importante permet de réaliser plusieurs fonctionnalités intéressantes, telles que l’implémentation à faible complexité et à coût réduit, la possibilité de se superposer aux systèmes à bande étroite, la diversité spatiale et la localisation très précise de l’ordre centimétrique, en raison de la résolution temporelle très fine.Dans cette thèse, nous examinons certains éléments clés dans la réalisation d'un système IR-UWB intelligent. Nous avons tout d’abord proposé le concept de radio UWB cognitive à partir des similarités existantes entre l'IR-UWB et la radio cognitive. Dans sa définition la plus simple, un tel système est conscient de son environnement et s'y adapte intelligemment. Ainsi, nous avons tout d’abord focalisé notre recherché sur l’analyse de la disponibilité des ressources spectrales (spectrum sensing) et la conception d’une forme d’onde UWB adaptative, considérées comme deux étapes importantes dans la réalisation d'une radio cognitive UWB. Les algorithmes de spectrum sensing devraient fonctionner avec un minimum de connaissances a priori et détecter rapidement les utilisateurs primaires. Nous avons donc développé de tels algorithmes utilisant des résultats récents sur la théorie des matrices aléatoires, qui sont capables de fournir de bonnes performances, avec un petit nombre d'échantillons. Ensuite, nous avons proposé une méthode de conception de la forme d'onde UWB, vue comme une superposition de fonctions B-splines, dont les coefficients de pondération sont optimisés par des algorithmes génétiques. Il en résulte une forme d'onde UWB qui est spectralement efficace et peut s’adapter pour intégrer les contraintes liées à la radio cognitive. Dans la 2ème partie de cette thèse, nous nous sommes attaqués à deux autres problématiques importantes pour le fonctionnement des systèmes UWB, à savoir la synchronisation et l’estimation du canal UWB, qui est très dense en trajets multiples. Ainsi, nous avons proposé plusieurs algorithmes de synchronisation, de faible complexité et sans séquence d’apprentissage, pour les modulations BPSK et PSM, en exploitant l'orthogonalité des formes d'onde UWB ou la cyclostationnarité inhérente à la signalisation IR-UWB. Enfin, nous avons travaillé sur l'estimation du canal UWB, qui est un élément critique pour les récepteurs Rake cohérents. Ainsi, nous avons proposé une méthode d’estimation du canal basée sur une combinaison de deux approches complémentaires, le maximum de vraisemblance et la décomposition en sous-espaces orthogonaux,d’améliorer globalement les performances

    Physical Layer Techniques for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radios

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    Cognitive radio has recently been proposed as a promising approach for efficient utilization of radio spectrum. However, there are several challenges to be addressed across all layers of a cognitive radio system design, from application to hardware implementation. From the physical layer point-of-view, two key challenges are spectrum sensing and an appropriate signaling scheme for data transmission. The modulation techniques used in cognitive radio not only should be efficient and flexible but also must not cause (harmful) interference to the primary (licensed) users. Among all the proposed signaling schemes for cognitive radio, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has emerged as a promising one due to its robustness against multipath fading, high spectral efficiency, and capacity for dynamic spectrum use. However, OFDM suffers from high out-of-band radiation which is due to high sidelobes of subcarriers. In this thesis, we consider spectral shaping in OFDM-based cognitive radio systems with focus on reducing interference to primary users created by by out-of-band radiation of secondary users' OFDM signal. In the first part of this research, we first study the trade-o between time-based and frequency-based methods proposed for sidelobe suppression in OFDM. To this end, two recently proposed techniques, active interference cancellation (AIC) and adaptive symbol transition (AST), are considered and a new joint time-frequency scheme is developed for both single-antenna and multi-antenna systems. Furthermore, knowledge of wireless channel is used in the setting of the proposed joint scheme to better minimize interference to the primary user. This scheme enables us to evaluate the trade-o between the degrees of freedom provided by each of the two aforementioned methods. In the second part of this research, a novel low-complexity technique for reducing out-of-band radiation power of OFDM subcarriers for both single-antenna and multi-antenna systems is proposed. In the new technique, referred to as a phase adjustment technique, each OFDM symbol is rotated in the complex plane by an optimal phase such that the interference to primary users is minimized. It is shown that the phase adjustment technique neither reduces the system throughput, nor does increase the bit-error-rate of the system. Moreover, the performance of the technique in interference reduction is evaluated analytically in some special cases and is verified using numerical simulations. Due to high sensitivity of OFDM systems to time and frequency synchronization errors, performance of spectral shaping techniques in OFDM is significantly affected by timing jitter in practical systems. In the last part of this research, we investigate the impact of timing jitter on sidelobe suppression techniques. Considering AIC as the base method of sidelobe suppression, we first propose a mathematical model for OFDM spectrum in presence of timing jitter and evaluate the performance degradation to AIC due to timing jitter. Then, a precautionary scheme based on a minimax approach is proposed to make the technique robust against random timing jitter.4 month

    Spectrum Adaptation in Cognitive Radio Systems with Operating Constraints

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    The explosion of high-data-rate-demanding wireless applications such as smart-phones and wireless Internet access devices, together with growth of existing wireless services, are creating a shortage of the scarce Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum. However, several spectrum measurement campaigns revealed that current spectrum usage across time and frequency is inefficient, creating the artificial shortage of the spectrum because of the traditional exclusive command-and-control model of using the spectrum. Therefore, a new concept of Cognitive Radio (CR) has been emerging recently in which unlicensed users temporarily borrow spectrum from the licensed Primary Users (PU) based on the Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technique that is also known as the spectrum sharing concept. A CR is an intelligent radio system based on the Software Defined Radio platform with artificial intelligence capability which can learn, adapt, and reconfigure through interaction with the operating environment. A CR system will revolutionize the way people share the RF spectrum, lowering harmful interference to the licensed PU of the spectrum, fostering innovative DSA technology and giving people more choices when it comes to using the wireless-communication-dependent applications without having any spectrum congestion problems. A key technical challenge for enabling secondary access to the licensed spectrum adaptation is to ensure that the CR does not interfere with the licensed incumbent users. However, incumbent user behavior is dynamic and requires CR systems to adapt this behavior in order to maintain smooth information transmission. In this context, the objective of this dissertation is to explore design issues for CR systems focusing on adaptation of physical layer parameters related to spectrum sensing, spectrum shaping, and rate/power control. Specifically, this dissertation discusses dynamic threshold adaptation for energy detector spectrum sensing, spectrum allocation and power control in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing-(OFDM-)based CR with operating constraints, and adjacent band interference suppression techniques in turbo-coded OFDM-based CR systems


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    Ultra-Wideband Wireless Channels - Estimation, Modeling and Material Characterization

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    This licentiate thesis is focused on the characterization of ultra-wideband wireless channels. The thesis presents results on ultra-wideband communications as well as on the ultra-wideband characterization of materials. The communications related work consisted in the measurement and modeling of outdoor scenarios envisioned for infostation systems. By infostation, we mean a communication system covering a small area, i.e., ranging up to 20 m, where mobile users can pass by or stop while receiving large amounts of data in a short period of time. Considering the expected (but perhaps overly optimistic) 480 Mbps for UWB systems, it should be possible to download a complete DVD in roughly two minutes, which is something not realizable with any of the current wireless technologies. Channel models, commonly based on measurements, can be used to evaluate the performance of such systems. We therefore, we started by performing measurements at one of the scenarios where infostation systems can exist in the future, namely, petrol stations. The idealized model, was one that could correctly describe the continuous evolution of the channel impulse response for a moving user within the system’s range, and therefore it was deemed necessary to track the multipath components defining the impulse responses along a path of several meters. To solve this problem we designed a novel high-resolution scatterer detection method, which is described in Paper I, capable of tracking individual multipath components for a moving user by identifying the originating point scatterers in a two dimensional geometrical space. The same paper also gives insight on some properties of clusters of scatterers, such as their direction-selective radiated power. The scatterer detection method described in Paper I provided us with the required tools to create the channel model described in Paper II. The proposed channel model has a geometrical basis, i.e., each realization of the channel is based on a virtual map containing point scatterers that contribute to the impulse response by multipath components. Some of the particular characteristics of the model include non-stationary effects, such as shadowing and cluster’s visibility regions. At the end of Paper II, in a simple validation step, the output of the channel model showed a good match with the measured impulse responses. The second part of our work, documented in Paper III, consisted on the dielectric characterization of soil samples using microwave measurements. This project was made in cooperation with the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis at Lund University, which had been developing research work on methane emissions from the wetlands in Zackenberg, Greenland. In recent years, a lot of attention has been put into the understanding of the methane emissions from soils, since methane is a greenhouse gas 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide. However, whereas the methane emissions from natural soils are well documented, the reason behind this effect is an open issue. The usage of microwave measurements to monitor soil samples, aims to address this problem by capturing the sub-surface changes in the soil during gas emissions. An experiment consisting on the monitoring of a soil sample was performed, and a good correlation was found between the variations of the microwave signals and the methane emissions. In addition, the soil dielectric constant was calculated, and from that, the volumetric fractions of the soil constituents which provided useful data for the elaboration of models to describe the gas emission triggering mechanisms. Based on this laboratory experiment, a complete soil monitoring system was created and is at the time of writing running at Zackenberg, Greenland

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems