782 research outputs found

    Educazione attraverso l’arte per il dialogo interculturale: verso un ecosistema di apprendimento inclusivo

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    Is it possible to create intercultural and inclusive learning environments based on education through art? Can art enhance competences to foster inclusion of children with migrant background and/or belonging to minority groups? These are the core questions of “META - Minority Education Through Art”, an Erasmus Plus KA3 Project (2015-2018). The central hypothesis, based on previous researches and experiences, considered arts capable to foster inclusion in primary school intercultural contexts. META adopted a holistic and transformative paradigm to approach the problem and consistent multi-methods strategy and mixed-methods research techniques. Main output are a tested competence framework for building inclusive learning environments and recommendations for a methodology centred on innovation in teaching, as key for genuine valuing of richnessand potentiality of different cultures, discovered through artistic experience. In this work, we present research outcomes as elements of reflection indicating a transition from schooling to open learning environments. In doing so, arts become an important methodological tool to foster integration of formal, non-formal and informal education.È possibile creare ambienti di apprendimento interculturali e inclusivi basati sull’educazione attraverso l’arte? L’arte può migliorare le competenze per favorire l’inclusione di bambini con background migrante e/o appartenenti a gruppi minoritari? Queste sono le domande chiave di “META - Minority Education Through Art”, un progetto Erasmus Plus KA3 (2015-2018). L’ipotesi centrale, basata su precedenti ricerche ed esperienze, considerava le arti capaci di favorire l’inclusione nei contesti interculturali della scuola primaria. META ha adottato un paradigma olistico e trasformativo per affrontare il problema di ricerca, una strategia multi-metodi coerente e tecniche di indagine miste. I risultati principali sono un quadro di competenze testato per la creazione di ambienti di apprendimento inclusivi e raccomandazioni per una metodologia di insegnamento innovativa, come elementi chiave per la valorizzazione della ricchezza e della potenzialità delle culture attraverso l’esperienza artistica. In questo lavoro presentiamo i risultati della ricerca quali elementi di riflessione che indicano una transizione dalla scuola verso ambienti di apprendimentoaperti. Le arti così diventano un importante strumento metodologico per favorire l’integrazione dell’istruzione formale, non formale e informale

    E-Learning for Teachers and Trainers : Innovative Practices, Skills and Competences

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    Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.Final Published versio

    Zobaczyc znaczy uwierzyc. Antropologiczne spojrzenia na kulturę

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    The main argument of the article tends towards the assumption that the visual sphere of culture is one of the most signi cant features of human agency and it is closely connected to the process of constructing particular worldviews. The scienti c discourse that follows the issue of visuality has therefore a long history of transitions and paradigm shifts, just like the cultural discourse in general. Cultural anthropology developed with the passing time also its own way of seeing things, especially when it comes to the conceptualization if cultural otherness. Visual anthropology, understood as an independent anthropological eld of study, gained with time much recognition amongst other social sciences, being part of a much broader visual turn in the social sciences. What is signi cant the contemporary image discourse shifts its momentum towards the „native’s point of view”, i.e. it recaptures the reality in terms of subjective and culturally conditioned ways of percepting the world
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