13 research outputs found

    Intercloud Message Exchange Middleware

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    ABSTRACT Cloud Interoperability has been a core issue pertaining Intercloud and Cloud Federation. Several vendor-based proprietary solutions and open-source middleware are present for the resolution; however, these solutions are highly coupled to particular cloud environments. For heterogeneous clouds to exist in an interoperable environment, the need of a vendor-independent, secure and reliable message exchange middleware is critical. In this paper, considering general cloud architecture, we are presenting a Publish-Subscribe based middleware for Intercloud Message Exchange. Intercloud Message Exchange is an implementation of Data Distribution Service (DDS). DDS's reliable pub-sub messaging in conjunction with our devised Information Model can be a novel candidate for messaging domain of Intercloud Interoperability Standards. This Information Model also hosts an OWL based Cloud Resource Description Ontology, utilized by cloud environments for resource cataloguing and possible matchmaking prior to workload migration between heterogeneous clouds

    A new MDA-SOA based framework for intercloud interoperability

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    Cloud computing has been one of the most important topics in Information Technology which aims to assure scalable and reliable on-demand services over the Internet. The expansion of the application scope of cloud services would require cooperation between clouds from different providers that have heterogeneous functionalities. This collaboration between different cloud vendors can provide better Quality of Services (QoS) at the lower price. However, current cloud systems have been developed without concerns of seamless cloud interconnection, and actually they do not support intercloud interoperability to enable collaboration between cloud service providers. Hence, the PhD work is motivated to address interoperability issue between cloud providers as a challenging research objective. This thesis proposes a new framework which supports inter-cloud interoperability in a heterogeneous computing resource cloud environment with the goal of dispatching the workload to the most effective clouds available at runtime. Analysing different methodologies that have been applied to resolve various problem scenarios related to interoperability lead us to exploit Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methods as appropriate approaches for our inter-cloud framework. Moreover, since distributing the operations in a cloud-based environment is a nondeterministic polynomial time (NP-complete) problem, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based job scheduler proposed as a part of interoperability framework, offering workload migration with the best performance at the least cost. A new Agent Based Simulation (ABS) approach is proposed to model the inter-cloud environment with three types of agents: Cloud Subscriber agent, Cloud Provider agent, and Job agent. The ABS model is proposed to evaluate the proposed framework.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - (Referencia da bolsa: SFRH SFRH / BD / 33965 / 2009) and EC 7th Framework Programme under grant agreement n° FITMAN 604674 (http://www.fitman-fi.eu

    Intercloud-Kommunikation für Mehrwehrtdienste von Cloud-basierten Architekturen im Internet of Things

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    Das Internet of Things (IoT) ist aktuell ein junger Wachstumsmarkt, dessen Bedeutung für unsere Gesellschaft in naher Zukunft vielen Menschen erst noch wirklich bewusst werden wird. Die Subdomänen Smart-Home, Smart-Grid, Smart-Mobility, Industrie 4.0, Smart-Health und viele mehr sind wichtig für unsere zukünftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, die Herausforderungen zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels, unsere Gesundheit, aber auch für trivialere Dinge wie Komfort. Andererseits ergibt sich hierbei bereits dasselbe große Problem, das in einer ähnlichen Form schon bei klassischem Cloud-Computing bekannt ist: Vendor-Silos, die keinen hersteller- oder anbieterübergreifenden Austausch von Gerätedaten ermöglichen, verhindern eine schnelle Verbreitung dieser neuen Technologie. Diensteanbieter müssen ihre Produkte aufwendig für unzählige Technologien bereitstellen, was die Entwicklung von Diensten unnötig teuer macht und letztendlich das Dienstangebot insgesamt einschränkt. Cloud-Computing wird dabei in Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich daher mit dem Problem IoT-Gerätedaten an IoT-Clouds plattformübergreifend und anbieterübergreifend nutzbar zu machen. Die Motivation und die adressierte Forschungslücke zeigen die Notwendigkeit der Beschäftigung mit dem Thema auf. Ausgehend davon, wird das Konzept einer dezentral organisierten IoT-Intercloud vorgeschlagen, welches in der Lage ist heterogene IoT-Clouds zu integrieren. Die Analyse des Standes der Technik zeigt, das IoT-Clouds genügend Eigenschaften teilen, um in Zukunft eine Adaption zu einer einheitlichen Schnittstelle für die IoT-Intercloud zu schaffen. Das Konzept umfasst zunächst die Komponentenarchitektur eines Intercloud-Brokers zur Etablierung einer IoT-Intercloud. Ausgehend davon wird in vertiefenden Teilkonzepten ein Discovery-Service zum Finden von Gerätedaten und einem Push-Stream-Provider, für die Zustellung von IoT-Event-Notifications in Echtzeit, behandelt. Eine Evaluation zeigt letztlich die praxistaugliche Realisierbarkeit, Skalierbarkeit und Performance der Konzeption und des implementierten Prototyps.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Problemstellung und Motivation 1.2 Ziele der Dissertation 1.2.1 Thesen 1.2.2 Forschungsfragen 1.3 Aufbau der Dissertation 2 Grundlagen zu Cloud-Computing im Internet of Things 2.1 Definition von Cloud-Computing 2.1.1 Generelle Eigenschaften 2.1.2 Architekturschichten 2.1.3 Einsatzformen 2.2 Internet of Things 2.2.1 Middleware im IoT 2.3 Architekturen verteilter Systeme zur Bereitstellung der IoT-Middleware 2.3.1 Geräte-zentrische IoT-Architektur 2.3.2 Gateway-zentrische IoT-Architektur 2.3.3 Cloud-zentrische IoT-Architektur 2.3.4 Zusammenfassung 2.4 Eigenschaften von verteilten Event-basierten Systemen 2.4.1 Interaktionsmodelle 2.4.2 Filtermodelle von Subscriptions 2.4.3 Verteiltes Notfication-Routing 2.5 Discovery im IoT 2.5.1 Grundlegende Begrifflichkeiten 2.5.2 Topologien von Discovery-Services 2.5.3 Funktionale Anforderungen für Discovery-Services im IoT 2.5.4 Ausgewählte Ansätze von Discovery-Services im IoT 3 Stand der Technik 3.1 Device-as-a-Service-Schnittstellen von IoT-Clouds 3.1.1 Gerätedatenmodell 3.1.2 Datenabruf mit Pull-Semantik 3.1.3 Datenabruf mit Push-Semantik 3.1.4 Steuerung von Gerätedaten 3.1.5 Datenzugriff durch Drittparteien 3.2 Analyse der DaaS-Schnittstellen verschiedener IoT-Clouds 3.2.1 Google Nest 3.2.2 Samsung Artik 3.2.3 AWS IoT 3.2.4 Microsoft Azure IoT Suite 3.2.5 Kiwigrid IoT-Plattform 3.2.6 Digi Device Cloud 3.2.7 DeviceHive 3.2.8 Eurotech Everyware Cloud 3.3 Zusammenfassung und Diskussion des Standes der Technik 4 Intercloud-Computing für das IoT 4.1 Intercloud-Computing nach Toosi 4.1.1 Ansätze zur Interoperabilität 4.1.2 Szenarien zur Cloud-übergreifenden Interoperabilität 4.1.3 Herausforderungen für Komponenten 4.2 Intercloud-Computing nach Grozev 4.2.1 Klassifikation der Architekturen 4.2.2 Klassifikation des Brokering-Mechanismus 4.2.3 Klassifikation verteilter Cloudanwendungen 4.3 Verwandte Arbeiten 4.3.1 Intercloud-Architekturen außerhalb der IoT-Domäne 4.3.2 Intercloud-Architekturen für das IoT 4.4 Analyse der verwandten Arbeiten 4.4.1 Systematik zur Bewertung 4.4.2 Bewertung und Abgrenzung 5 Anforderungsanalyse 5.1 Akteure in einer IoT-Intercloud 5.1.1 Menschliche Akteure 5.1.2 Systemakteure 5.2 Anwendungsfälle 5.2.1 Anwendungsfälle von IoT-Diensten 5.2.2 Anwendungsfälle von IoT-Clouds 5.2.3 Anwendungsfälle von IoT-Geräten 5.2.4 Anwendungsfälle von Intercloud-Brokern 5.3 Anforderungen 5.4 Ausschlusskriterien 6 Intercloud-Architektur für das IoT 6.1 Systemmodell einer IoT-Intercloud 6.1.1 IoT-Datenmodell für die Intercloud 6.1.2 Etablierung einer Vertrauensbeziehung zwischen zwei Clouds 6.2 Komponentenarchitektur des Intercloud-Brokers 6.2.1 Service-Connector, IC-DaaS-IF und Service-Protocol 6.2.2 Intercloud-Proxy, ICC-IF und Protokoll 6.2.3 Cloud-Adapter und IC-DaaS-Adapter-IF 6.3 Zusammenfassung 7 Verteilter Discovery-Service 7.1 Problembeschreibung 7.1.1 Topologie des Discovery-Service 7.2 Einfache Cloud-Discovery mit Broadcasting-Weiterleitung 7.2.1 Schnittstelle und Protokoll des einfachen Discovery-Service 7.2.2 Diskussion des einfachen Discovery-Service 7.3 Cloud-Discovery mit Geräteverzeichnis und Multicast-Weiterleitung 7.3.1 Geeignete Geräteinformationen für das Verzeichnis 7.3.2 Struktur und Schnittstelle des Verzeichnisses 7.3.3 Verzeichnissynchronisation und erweitertes Protokoll 7.4 Zusammenfassung beider Ansätze des Discovery-Service 8 Verteilter Push-Stream-Provider 8.1 Verteilter Push-Stream-Provider im Modell des Broker-Overlay-Netzwerks 8.2 Verteilter Push-Stream-Provider mit einfachem Routing-Modell 8.2.1 Systemmodell 8.2.2 Integration der Subkomponenten in die verteilte ICB-Architektur 8.3 Redundanz und Redundanzvermeidung des Push-Stream-Providers 8.3.1 Beschreibung des Redundanzproblems und des Lösungsansatzes 8.3.2 Lösungsansatz 8.4 Verteilter Push-Stream-Provider mit vereinigungsbasiertem Routing-Modell 8.4.1 Erkennen von ähnlichen Filtern 8.4.2 Konstruktion eines Vereinigungsfilters 8.4.3 Rekonstruktion der Datenströme 8.4.4 Komponente: Merge-Controller 8.4.5 Komponente: Stream-Processing-Engine 8.4.6 Integration in die bisherige Architektur 8.4.7 Diskussion des Ansatzes zur Redundanzvermeidung 8.5 Zusammenfassung zum Konzept des Push-Stream-Providers 9 Evaluation 9.1 Prototypische Implementierung der Konzeptarchitektur 9.1.1 Intercloud-Broker 9.1.2 IoT-Cloud und IoT-Geräte 9.1.3 IoT-Dienste 9.1.4 Grenzen des Prototyps und Fokus der experimentellen Evaluation 9.2 Aufbau der Evaluationsumgebung 9.3 Experimentelle Untersuchung der prototypischen Implementierung des Konzepts 9.3.1 Ermittlung einer Performance-Baseline 9.3.2 Experiment 1: Performance bei variabler Nachrichtengröße und Nachrichtenanzahl 9.3.3 Experiment 2: Performance bei multiplen Subscriptions 9.3.4 Experiment 3: Ermittlung des maximalen Durchsatzes und Skalierbarkeit des ICB 9.3.5 Experiment 4: Effizienzvergleich zwischen einfachem und vereinigungsbasiertem Routing 9.4 Zusammenfassung und Diskussion der Evaluation 10 Zusammenfassung 10.1 Beiträge der Dissertation 10.2 Ausblick A Abbildungen B Tabellen Inhaltsverzeichnis C Algorithmen D Listings Literaturverzeichni

    Maturity of Cloud Application Interoperability Frameworks for Small to Medium Enterprises

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    Cloud computing has many benefits and organisations have bought into the cost effective and elastic solutions provided by major players in the market. However, cloud computing and Cloud Service Providers (CSP) are still evolving, hence there are differences in how customers connect with each provider to the orchestrate application lifecycle management. A lack of standards can create vendor lock-in. This work investigates current research and possible solutions to the vendor lock-in problem through the use of Cloud Interoperability or multi-cloud frameworks. Software developers and organisations can use these frameworks which abstract the differences between CSPs and mitigate vendor lock-in. A reference web application, with compute intensive operations, was developed and then adapted to each framework to evaluate the usability and stability of each multi-cloud framework, scaling up and down the underlying virtual infrastructure to meet varied demand. Cost conscious Small to Medium Enterprises can use these frameworks to stay competitive by having the ability to switch CSPs quickly for more favourable costs or better performance. Overall this will lead to increased competition and more innovation between CSPs benefiting the customer once more

    Blueprint model and language for engineering cloud applications

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    Abstract: The research presented in this thesis is positioned within the domain of engineering CSBAs. Its contribution is twofold: (1) a uniform specification language, called the Blueprint Specification Language (BSL), for specifying cloud services across several cloud vendors and (2) a set of associated techniques, called the Blueprint Manipulation Techniques (BMTs), for publishing, querying, and composing cloud service specifications with aim to support the flexible design and configuration of an CSBA.

    Interoperabilnost uslužnog računarstva pomoću aplikacijskih programskih sučelja

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    Cloud computing paradigm is accepted by an increasing number of organizations due to significant financial savings. On the other hand, there are some issues that hinder cloud adoption. One of the most important problems is the vendor lock-in and lack of interoperability as its outcome. The ability to move data and application from one cloud offer to another and to use resources of multiple clouds is very important for cloud consumers.The focus of this dissertation is on the interoperability of commercial providers of platform as a service. This cloud model was chosen due to many incompatibilities among vendors and lack of the existing solutions. The main aim of the dissertation is to identify and address interoperability issues of platform as a service. Automated data migration between different providers of platform as a service is also an objective of this study.The dissertation has the following main contributions: first, the detailed ontology of resources and remote API operations of providers of platform as a service was developed. This ontology was used to semantically annotate web services that connect to providers remote APIs and define mappings between PaaS providers. A tool that uses defined semantic web services and AI planning technique to detect and try to resolve found interoperability problems was developed. The automated migration of data between providers of platform as a service is presented. Finally, a methodology for the detection of platform interoperability problems was proposed and evaluated in use cases.Zbog mogućnosti financijskih ušteda, sve veći broj poslovnih organizacija razmatra korištenje ili već koristi uslužno računarstvo. Međutim, postoje i problemi koji otežavaju primjenu ove nove paradigme. Jedan od najznačajnih problema je zaključavanje korisnika od strane pružatelja usluge i nedostatak interoperabilnosti. Za korisnike je jako važna mogućnost migracije podataka i aplikacija s jednog oblaka na drugi, te korištenje resursa od više pružatelja usluga.Fokus ove disertacije je interoperabilnost komercijalnih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Ovaj model uslužnog računarstva je odabran zbog nekompatibilnosti različitih pružatelja usluge i nepostojanja postojećih rješenja. Glavni cilj disertacije je identifikacija i rješavanje problema interoperabilnosti platforme kao usluge. Automatizirana migracija podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge je također jedan od ciljeva ovog istraživanja.Znanstveni doprinos ove disertacije je sljedeći: Najprije je razvijena detaljna ontologija resursa i operacija iz aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Spomenuta ontologija se koristi za semantičko označavanje web servisa koji pozivaju udaljene operacije aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja usluga, a sama ontologija definira i mapiranja između pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Također je razvijen alat koji otkriva i pokušava riješiti probleme interoperabilnosti korištenjem semantičkih web servisa i tehnika AI planiranja. Prikazana je i arhitektura za automatiziranu migraciju podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Na kraju je predložena metodologija za otkrivanje problema interoperabilnosti koja je evaluirana pomoću slučajeva korištenja

    Interoperabilnost uslužnog računarstva pomoću aplikacijskih programskih sučelja

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    Cloud computing paradigm is accepted by an increasing number of organizations due to significant financial savings. On the other hand, there are some issues that hinder cloud adoption. One of the most important problems is the vendor lock-in and lack of interoperability as its outcome. The ability to move data and application from one cloud offer to another and to use resources of multiple clouds is very important for cloud consumers.The focus of this dissertation is on the interoperability of commercial providers of platform as a service. This cloud model was chosen due to many incompatibilities among vendors and lack of the existing solutions. The main aim of the dissertation is to identify and address interoperability issues of platform as a service. Automated data migration between different providers of platform as a service is also an objective of this study.The dissertation has the following main contributions: first, the detailed ontology of resources and remote API operations of providers of platform as a service was developed. This ontology was used to semantically annotate web services that connect to providers remote APIs and define mappings between PaaS providers. A tool that uses defined semantic web services and AI planning technique to detect and try to resolve found interoperability problems was developed. The automated migration of data between providers of platform as a service is presented. Finally, a methodology for the detection of platform interoperability problems was proposed and evaluated in use cases.Zbog mogućnosti financijskih ušteda, sve veći broj poslovnih organizacija razmatra korištenje ili već koristi uslužno računarstvo. Međutim, postoje i problemi koji otežavaju primjenu ove nove paradigme. Jedan od najznačajnih problema je zaključavanje korisnika od strane pružatelja usluge i nedostatak interoperabilnosti. Za korisnike je jako važna mogućnost migracije podataka i aplikacija s jednog oblaka na drugi, te korištenje resursa od više pružatelja usluga.Fokus ove disertacije je interoperabilnost komercijalnih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Ovaj model uslužnog računarstva je odabran zbog nekompatibilnosti različitih pružatelja usluge i nepostojanja postojećih rješenja. Glavni cilj disertacije je identifikacija i rješavanje problema interoperabilnosti platforme kao usluge. Automatizirana migracija podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge je također jedan od ciljeva ovog istraživanja.Znanstveni doprinos ove disertacije je sljedeći: Najprije je razvijena detaljna ontologija resursa i operacija iz aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Spomenuta ontologija se koristi za semantičko označavanje web servisa koji pozivaju udaljene operacije aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja usluga, a sama ontologija definira i mapiranja između pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Također je razvijen alat koji otkriva i pokušava riješiti probleme interoperabilnosti korištenjem semantičkih web servisa i tehnika AI planiranja. Prikazana je i arhitektura za automatiziranu migraciju podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Na kraju je predložena metodologija za otkrivanje problema interoperabilnosti koja je evaluirana pomoću slučajeva korištenja

    Monitoring and resource management taxonomy in interconnected cloud infrastructures: a survey

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    Cloud users have recently expanded dramatically. The cloud service providers (CSPs) have also increased and have therefore made their infrastructure more complex. The complex infrastructure needs to be distributed appropriately to various users. Also, the advances in cloud computing have led to the development of interconnected cloud computing environments (ICCEs). For instance, ICCEs include the cloud hybrid, intercloud, multi-cloud, and federated clouds. However, the sharing of resources is not facilitated by specific proprietary technologies and access interfaces used by CSPs. Several CSPs provide similar services but have different access patterns. Data from various CSPs must be obtained and processed by cloud users. To ensure that all ICCE tenants (users and CSPs) benefit from the best CSPs, efficient resource management was suggested. Besides, it is pertinent that cloud resources be monitored regularly. Cloud monitoring is a service that works as a third-party entity between customers and CSPs. This paper discusses a complete cloud monitoring survey in ICCE, focusing on cloud monitoring and its significance. Several current open-source monitoring solutions are discussed. A taxonomy is presented and analyzed for cloud resource management. This taxonomy includes resource pricing, assignment of resources, exploration of resources, collection of resources, and disaster management