449 research outputs found

    Niffler: A Reference Architecture and System Implementation for View Discovery over Pathless Table Collections by Example

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    Identifying a project-join view (PJ-view) over collections of tables is the first step of many data management projects, e.g., assembling a dataset to feed into a business intelligence tool, creating a training dataset to fit a machine learning model, and more. When the table collections are large and lack join information--such as when combining databases, or on data lakes--query by example (QBE) systems can help identify relevant data, but they are designed under the assumption that join information is available in the schema, and do not perform well on pathless table collections that do not have join path information. We present a reference architecture that explicitly divides the end-to-end problem of discovering PJ-views over pathless table collections into a human and a technical problem. We then present Niffler, a system built to address the technical problem. We introduce algorithms for the main components of Niffler, including a signal generation component that helps reduce the size of the candidate views that may be large due to errors and ambiguity in both the data and input queries. We evaluate Niffler on real datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new engine in discovering PJ-views over pathless table collections

    Graph-Query Suggestions for Knowledge Graph Exploration

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    We consider the task of exploratory search through graph queries on knowledge graphs. We propose to assist the user by expanding the query with intuitive suggestions to provide a more informative (full) query that can retrieve more detailed and relevant answers. To achieve this result, we propose a model that can bridge graph search paradigms with well-established techniques for information-retrieval. Our approach does not require any additional knowledge from the user and builds on principled language modelling approaches. We empirically show the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach on a large knowledge graph and how our suggestions are able to help build more complete and informative queries

    Proof-Pattern Recognition and Lemma Discovery in ACL2

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    We present a novel technique for combining statistical machine learning for proof-pattern recognition with symbolic methods for lemma discovery. The resulting tool, ACL2(ml), gathers proof statistics and uses statistical pattern-recognition to pre-processes data from libraries, and then suggests auxiliary lemmas in new proofs by analogy with already seen examples. This paper presents the implementation of ACL2(ml) alongside theoretical descriptions of the proof-pattern recognition and lemma discovery methods involved in it

    EvoAlloy: An Evolutionary Approach For Analyzing Alloy Specifications

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    Using mathematical notations and logical reasoning, formal methods precisely define a program’s specifications, from which we can instantiate valid instances of a system. With these techniques, we can perform a variety of analysis tasks to verify system dependability and rigorously prove the correctness of system properties. While there exist well-designed automated verification tools including ones considered lightweight, they still lack a strong adoption in practice. The essence of the problem is that when applied to large real world applications, they are not scalable and applicable due to the expense of thorough verification process. In this thesis, I present a new approach and demonstrate how to relax the completeness guarantee without much loss, since soundness is maintained. I have extended a widely applied lightweight analysis, Alloy, with a genetic algorithm. Our new tool, EvoAlloy, works at the level of finite relations generated by Kodkod and evolves the chromosomes based on the feedback including failed constraints. Through a feasibility study, I prove that my approach can successfully find solutions to a set of specifications beyond the scope where traditional Alloy Analyzer fails. While EvoAlloy solves small size problems with longer time, its scalability provided by genetic extension shows its potential to handle larger specifications. My future vision is that when specifications are small I can maintain both soundness and completeness, but when this fails, EvoAlloy can switch to its genetic algorithm. Adviser: Hamid Bagher

    Reverseorc:Reverse engineering of resizable user interface layouts with or-constraints

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    Reverse engineering (RE) of user interfaces (UIs) plays an important role in software evolution. However, the large diversity of UI technologies and the need for UIs to be resizable make this challenging. We propose ReverseORC, a novel RE approach able to discover diverse layout types and their dynamic resizing behaviours independently of their implementation, and to specify them by using OR constraints. Unlike previous RE approaches, ReverseORC infers flexible layout constraint specifications by sampling UIs at different sizes and analyzing the differences between them. It can create specifications that replicate even some non-standard layout managers with complex dynamic layout behaviours. We demonstrate that ReverseORC works across different platforms with very different layout approaches, e.g., for GUIs as well as for the Web. Furthermore, it can be used to detect and fix problems in legacy UIs, extend UIs with enhanced layout behaviours, and support the creation of flexible UI layouts.Comment: CHI2021 Full Pape