12,033 research outputs found

    ARDUINO Tutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Training on ARDUINO

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    This paper aims at helping trainees to overcome the difficulties they face when dealing with Arduino platform by describing the design of a desktop based intelligent tutoring system. The main idea of this system is a systematic introduction into the concept of Arduino platform. The system shows the circuit boards of Arduino that can be purchased at low cost or assembled from freely-available plans; and an open-source development environment and library for writing code to control the board topic of Arduino platform. The system is adaptive with the trainee’s individual progress. The system functions as a special tutor who deals with trainees according to their levels and skills. Evaluation of the system has been applied on professional and unprofessional trainees in this field and the results were good

    Assessments in Mathematics, undergraduate degree

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    In the sequel, we question the validity of multiple choice questionnaires for undergraduate level math courses. Our study is based on courses given in major French universities, to numerous audiences

    Innovative Opportunities for Elementary and Middle School Teachers to Maintain Currency in Mathematics and Science: A Community College-School System Partnership

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    Since 1992 the Manassas Campus of Northern Virginia Community College – in response to requests from local school systems – has developed four innovative methods of assisting elementary, secondary and middle school teachers to enhance their content knowledge in science and mathematics, as well as integrate curriculum units for classroom presentation. These methods are based on the assumptions that: - While teachers at this level have fundamental understanding of math and science, if they wish to incorporate new concepts or technologies from these fields, graduate level content courses are generally beyond their background level. - Community College faculty can often provide a bridge that connects advanced content in science and mathematics with the applications that can be adapted to elementary/middle school curriculum. - Presenting content to a mixed audience of teachers from K-8 allows teachers to see how content can be adapted to grade levels above and below. - Content delivery methods must be interactive and must be responsive to the multiple demands on these teachers’ time. This requires flexibility in scheduling and course requirements

    Quantum Computing and the Future of ICT : I SEE teaching-learning module

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    This module aims to develop upper secondary school students’ future-thinking skills, imagination and agency with regard to societal issues in the context of quantum computing and the future of ICT. The duration of the full module is ca. 20 teaching hours, but it consists of distinct activities, which can also be applied individually to teach separately about computers, quantum mechanics, systems thinking, and scenario building. Students learn about the historical development of computing, its connection to societal development, and the complexity of predicting the technological future. By studying different numeral systems, logical operations, algorithms and hardware components, students prepare themselves to make the fundamental shift in computing paradigm and to replace bits with qubits. Learning quantum properties using the “spin first” approach paves the way for understanding quantum algorithms and thereby the superior computing power and future opportunities offered by quantum computers. Throughout the module, students work on their “future projects” on a complex topic of their choice. To facilitate students’ problem-solving, they carry out activities in creative thinking, defining and mapping the problem, systems thinking, and scenario building. They employ three different ways of futures thinking to develop a variety of scenarios. At the end of the module, students present their projects – i.e. their ICT-based solution to a societal issue – using the empowering “backcasting” method

    Board games as a teaching tool for technology classes in Compulsory Secondary Education

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    Aquest treball estudia la tècnica coneguda com game-based learning, és a dir, l’ús dels jocs com a eina didàctica. Primer que res, es fa recerca sobre els treballs ja existents i es veu que, tot i haver-hi articles sobre game-based learning, és difícil trobar-ne de relacionats amb la tecnologia, més enllà d’ensenyar a programar. A continuació, es revisen els continguts curriculars i les competències de secundària i es relacionen amb alguns jocs de taula ja existents, dels quals es detallen breument les regles de joc. Es veu que hi ha continguts curriculars, pels quals es difícil trobar un joc que hi encaixi. A més a més, es desenvolupa la idea d’un nou joc de taula, basat en el ja existent Party & Co., per treballar alguns dels continguts curriculars pels quals no s’ha trobat cap joc existent que s’hi escaigui. Finalment, s’explica una experiència duta a terme durant el període de pràctiques en el centre escolar al curs de 3r d’ESO. Es disposava de tres grups i en tots tres es va seguir la mateixa programació: classe introductòria expositiva, una sessió de muntatge de robots LEGO, 4 sessions de programació i un petit test. En un dels tres grups, però, es va fer una classe prèvia extra on es va jugar a un joc de taula anomenat RoboRally. Els objectius eren dobles: que aprenguessin la importància de l’algorísmica i que s’ho passessin bé. Els resultats mostren que aquest grup va treballar més i millor. En el treball s’analitzen els resultats obtinguts

    Jutge.org: characteristics and experiences

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    Jutge.org is an open educational online programming judge designed for students and instructors, featuring a repository of problems that is well organized by courses, topics and difficulty. Internally, Jutge.org uses a secure and efficient architecture and integrates modern verification techniques, formal methods, static code analysis and data mining. Jutge.org has exhaustively been used during the last decade at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya to strengthen the learn-by-doing approach in several courses. This paper presents the main characteristics of Jutge.org and shows its use and impact in a wide range of courses covering basic programming, data structures, algorithms, artificial intelligence, functional programming and circuit design.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The effectiveness of integrating educational robotic activities into higher education Computer Science curricula: a case study in a developing country

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    In this paper, we present a case study to investigate the effects of educational robotics on a formal undergraduate Computer Science education in a developing country. The key contributions of this paper include a longitudinal study design, spanning the whole duration of one taught course, and its focus on continually assessing the effectiveness and the impact of robotic-based exercises. The study assessed the students' motivation, engagement and level of understanding in learning general computer programming. The survey results indicate that there are benefits which can be gained from such activities and educational robotics is a promising tool in developing engaging study curricula. We hope that our experience from this study together with the free materials and data available for download will be beneficial to other practitioners working with educational robotics in different parts of the world

    Just-in-Time Teaching Visual Instruction for Cohort base Interactive Learning For Engineering Course

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    Active learning tool – Just-in-time Teaching (JiTT) is enhanced with visual instruction and lesson plan in this action research based teaching and learning pedagogy research in engineering course that is Circuits. The JiTT was planed one year ahead to identify and gather the necessary topics for JiTT. The topics were carefully analyzed and visual instruction is found to be a better way for the content delivery during second time the Circuits course was delivered. A JiTT based lesson plan was also proposed and implemented in the Circuits course instead of the structured lesson plan. The observation shows JiTT with visual instruction and JiTT lesson plan has improved the course satisfaction, students’ learning experience, and also reduced the teaching resources
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