15,829 research outputs found

    Traceability-based change management in operational mappings

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    This paper describes an approach for the analysis of changes in model transformations in the Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Models should be amenable to changes in user requirements and technological platforms. Impact analysis of changes can be based on traceability of model elements. We propose a model for generating trace links between model elements and study scenarios for changes in source models and how to identify the impacted elements in the target model

    Treebank-based multilingual unification-grammar development

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    Broad-coverage, deep unification grammar development is time-consuming and costly. This problem can be exacerbated in multilingual grammar development scenarios. Recently (Cahill et al., 2002) presented a treebank-based methodology to semi-automatically create broadcoverage, deep, unification grammar resources for English. In this paper we present a project which adapts this model to a multilingual grammar development scenario to obtain robust, wide-coverage, probabilistic Lexical-Functional Grammars (LFGs) for English and German via automatic f-structure annotation algorithms based on the Penn-II and TIGER treebanks. We outline our method used to extract a probabilistic LFG from the TIGER treebank and report on the quality of the f-structures produced. We achieve an f-score of 66.23 on the evaluation of 100 random sentences against a manually constructed gold standard

    Building the Scientific Modeling Assistant: An interactive environment for specialized software design

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    The construction of scientific software models is an integral part of doing science, both within NASA and within the scientific community at large. Typically, model-building is a time-intensive and painstaking process, involving the design of very large, complex computer programs. Despite the considerable expenditure of resources involved, completed scientific models cannot easily be distributed and shared with the larger scientific community due to the low-level, idiosyncratic nature of the implemented code. To address this problem, we have initiated a research project aimed at constructing a software tool called the Scientific Modeling Assistant. This tool provides automated assistance to the scientist in developing, using, and sharing software models. We describe the Scientific Modeling Assistant, and also touch on some human-machine interaction issues relevant to building a successful tool of this type

    Programming MPSoC platforms: Road works ahead

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    This paper summarizes a special session on multicore/multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) programming challenges. The current trend towards MPSoC platforms in most computing domains does not only mean a radical change in computer architecture. Even more important from a SW developerÂŽs viewpoint, at the same time the classical sequential von Neumann programming model needs to be overcome. Efficient utilization of the MPSoC HW resources demands for radically new models and corresponding SW development tools, capable of exploiting the available parallelism and guaranteeing bug-free parallel SW. While several standards are established in the high-performance computing domain (e.g. OpenMP), it is clear that more innovations are required for successful\ud deployment of heterogeneous embedded MPSoC. On the other hand, at least for coming years, the freedom for disruptive programming technologies is limited by the huge amount of certified sequential code that demands for a more pragmatic, gradual tool and code replacement strategy

    Kinematic analysis of quick-return mechanism in three various approaches

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    Članak se bavi kinematičkom analizom Whitwordovog mehanizma koja je izvedena u tri različite metode. Suvremene metode su računalno potpomognute s posebnim softverom za analizu obrade, koji moĆŸe simulirati ne samo gibanje mehanizma, već moĆŸe odrediti i poloĆŸaj, brzinu, ubrzanje, sile, momente te druge parametre u svakom trenutku vremena, ali je potrebna provjera i razumijevanje zakona mehanike. Cilj je kinematičke analize istraĆŸiti gibanje pojedinih komponenti mehanizma (ili njegovih vaĆŸnih točaka) u ovisnosti o gibanju pobuđivača. Ovdje su opisani osnovni principi triju pristupa te prednosti i nedostaci prezentiranih rjeĆĄenja. Dobiveni se rezultati mogu usporediti, ako su rabljeni isti ulazni parametri.The article deals with kinematic analysis of quick-return mechanism that is executed by three various methods. The modern methods are computer aided with the special software for analysis processing, which can simulate not only the motion of the mechanism, but can define the position, velocity, acceleration, forces, moments and other parameters at every moment of time, but verification and mechanics laws understanding are necessary. The goal of the kinematic analysis is to investigate the motion of individual components of mechanism (or its important points) in dependence on the motion of drivers. The article describes the basic principles of three approaches, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of presented solutions. The obtained results can be compared, if the same input parameters are used
