28 research outputs found

    A model to design multimedia software for learners with visual disabilities

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    Current interactive multimedia learning software can not be accessed by learners with disabilities. This is the case for students with vision disabilities. Modeling techniques are necessary to map real world experiences to virtual worlds by using 3D auditory representations of objects for blind people. In this paper we present a model to design multimedia software for blind learners. The model was validated with existing educational software systems. We describe the modeling of the real world including cognitive usability testing tasks by considering not only the representation of the real world but also modeling the learner’s knowledge of the virtual world. Finally, we analyze critical issues in designing software for learners with visual disabilities and propose some recommendations and guidelines.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    International lessons for the digital age

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    Some commentators hold the view that the digital divide is a problem largely caused by lack of access to appropriate technologies which, when overcome, will act as a virtual panacea for many interlinked ills. Yet, others see this as far too simplistic an analysis in the search for radical solutions in a world of such extreme social inequality and global inequity. This paper will argue for a bottom-up rather than a top-down approach to finding those solutions, advocating a greater amount of needs-based work in this field, getting to the root of the problem by taking into account the particular set of conditions within each situation or case study. At the same time it will strive to create a more harmonious world view where each small scale project is seen as part of a network searching for broader solutions rather than an end product in themselves. In order to provide a framework for this argument, and support theories with informed practice, a case study of a teacher training project delivered to Rwandan students, through the medium of the English language and new technologies, will be used as an example of what has been achieved so far in the field of online learning, and what lessons could be learned for the future. The paper shall also argue for greater involvement on the part of British universities, so that voyages into this multidimensional terrain, widely explored but largely uncharted, remain more pedagogic than economi

    AUXie: Initial evaluation of a blind-accessible virtual museum tour

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    Remotely accessible audio-based virtual tours can offer great utility for blind or vision impaired persons, eliminating the difficulties posed by travel to unfamiliar locations, and allowing truly independent exploration. This paper draws upon sonification techniques used in previous implementations of audio-based 3D environments to develop a prototype of blind-accessible virtual tours specifically tailored to the needs of cultural sites. A navigable 3D world is presented using spatially positioned musical earcons, accompanied by synthesised speech descriptions and navigation aids. The worlds are read from X3D models enhanced with metadata to identify and describe the rooms and exhibits, thus enabling an audio modality for existing 3D worlds and simplifying the tour creation process. The prototype, named AUXie, was evaluated by 11 volunteers with total blindness to establish a proof of concept and identify the problematic aspects of the interface. The positive response obtained confirmed the validity of the approach and yielded valuable insight into how such tours can be further improved. Copyright the author(s) and CHISIG

    Proceedings of the 2nd European conference on disability, virtual reality and associated technologies (ECDVRAT 1998)

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    The proceedings of the conferenc

    APL: Un Lenguaje de Programación basado en Audio para Aprendices Ciegos

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    Expanded the number of users who can program or learn how to program. They are focused on sighted users. This study introduces APL, an Audio Programming Language for blind learners. APL is a programming language with audio-based interfaces to assist blind learners to develop problem solving and algorithmic thinking skills. APL is also a way to help blind learners to construct meaning by making programs. APL is a programming language by and for blind learners. We tested APL with novice blind programmers during and after development. They tried, analyzed and make improvements to APL. They usability tested APL by solving problems with increasingly complexity and answering usability questionnaires. Blind users understood APL, made programs, mapped the programming process and enjoyed the experience showing that a programming language based on audio can be constructed to fit the needs and mental models of blind learners to help them to enter to the programming world.El desarrollo de habilidades de programación es un tema relevante en las ciencias de la computación. Los lenguajes de programación han sido usados progresivamente para satisfacer las necesidades y ensamblar con los modelos mentales de los usuarios finales. En el último tiempo se ha expandido el número de usuarios que pueden programar o aprender a programar. La mayoría de estos lenguajes se centran en usuarios videntes. Este estudio introduce APL, lenguaje de programación a través de audio para aprendices ciegos. APL es un lenguaje de programación basado en interfaces de audio para asistir a aprendices ciegos en el desarrollo de habilidades de resolución de problemas y pensamiento algorítmico. APL es también una forma de ayudar a aprendices ciegos a construir significado escribiendo programas computacionales. APL es un lenguaje de programación diseñado por y para aprendices ciegos. APL fue evaluado con aprendices de programación novatos durante y después de su implementación. Ellos conocieron el lenguaje, lo analizaron y realizaron sugerencias para su mejoramiento. La usabilidad de APL fue evaluada por los aprendices a través de la resolución de problemas de complejidad creciente y la aplicación de cuestionarios de usabilidad. Como resultado, los aprendices ciegos escribieron programas, entendieron el proceso de programación y disfrutaron la experiencia. Nuestros resultados preliminares evidencian que es posible construir un lenguaje de programación basado en audio que ensamble con las necesidades y los modelos mentales de aprendices ciegos para ayudarlos a ingresar al mundo de la programación y desarrollar habilidades de resolución de problemas

    Müzelerin sessiz ve karanlık dünyası: "Herkes i̇çin müzeler" mümkün mü?

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, İzmir il merkezinde bulunan müzelerin arz ve talep yönü ile görme engelliler açısından değerlendirilmesidir. Bu kapsamda çalışmada, müzelerin görme engelliler açısından uygunluğunun saptanması, görme engellilerin müze ziyaretleri sırasında yaşadıkları sorunlar ile beklentilerinin belirlenmesi, ziyaret isteğini engelleyen unsurların ortaya konması ve tüm bu sorunların giderilebilmesi için öneriler getirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı bu çalışma, iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk aşamada, İzmir il merkezinde yer alan müzelerin görme engellilere uygunluğu incelenmiş olup, ikinci aşamada müzelere yönelik sorunları ve beklentilerini belirleyebilmek için görme engelliler ile odak grup görüşmesi yapılmıştır. Çalışma dâhilinde toplam on kişi ile görüşülmüş, elde edilen veriler içerik analizi yöntemi ile irdelenmiş ve bulgular arz ve talep yönünden iki ana başlık altında toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, İzmir'deki müzeler arasında görme engellilere uygunluk açısından tüm kriterlere sahip olan hiçbir müze bulunmadığını ve gerekli kriterlerin uygulanmasında yetersiz kalındığını; görme engelinin türüne göre bireylerin istek, beklenti ve sorunlarının bazı noktalarda ayrıştığını ve görme engellilerin müzeleri ziyaret etmemelerinin ekonomik faktörlerden ziyade fiziksel, kişisel ve kişilerarası birtakım sorunlardan kaynaklandığını göstermiştir

    Uso de los Entornos Virtuales en la comprensión del espacio en personas con ceguera y discapacidad visual

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    La instrucción en habilidades para el desplazamiento autónomo (denominada en el ámbito científico como Orientación y movilidad, O&M) es fundamental dentro del proceso de rehabilitación e inclusión social de las personas con ceguera y discapacidad visual (DV). Durante los últimos años, ha comenzado a utilizarse software de Entornos Virtuales (EV) interactivos representados a través de interfaces de audio y/o háptica para el aprendizaje de habilidades de navegación en niños y adultos con ceguera y DV. Paralelamente, los métodos de exploración neurológica han avanzado, permitiendo la observación de la actividad neurológica del sujeto mientras realiza tareas que implican habilidades espaciales. En el presente trabajo se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el uso de los EV en la comprensión del espacio en personas con ceguera y DV, además de estudiar algunos aspectos generales de la cognición espacial y de la neuroplasticidad en las personas con ceguera y DV. Las principales conclusiones fueron que las personas con ceguera y DV pueden desarrollar mapas cognitivos espaciales y que su desarrollo cognitivo para estas tareas es similar al de las personas con visión, además, que el cerebro recluta las zonas de la visión para este tipo de tareas y que los EV basados en audio y/o háptica permiten el desarrollo de habilidades de O&M, así como la construcción de mapas cognitivos espaciales precisos en personas con ceguera y DV, los cuales pueden ser transferidos a tareas de navegación en el entorno real.Máster en Rehabilitación Visua

    Social Context in Usability Evaluations: Concepts, Processes and Products

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