34 research outputs found

    An Intelligent Customer Relationship Management (I-CRM) Framework and its Analytical Approaches to the Logistics Industry

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    This thesis develops a new Intelligent Customer Relationship Management (i-CRM) framework, incorporating an i-CRM analytical methodology including text-mining, type mapping, liner, non-liner and neuron-fuzzy approaches to handle customer complaints, identify key customers in the context of business values, define problem significance and issues impact factors, coupled with i-CRM recommendations to help organizations to achieve customer satisfaction through transformation of the customer complaints to organizational opportunities and business development strategies

    Comparative Analysis of Big Data Computing in Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0: An Experimental Study

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    A comparison of the use of big data computing in Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 was carried out utilizing data collected from the actual world for the purpose of this research. The findings suggest that there has been a 2% drop in the number of faulty items produced in Industry 5.0, coupled with a 1% decrease in the amount of energy used in highly automated companies. According to the findings of the quality control, fault Type B accounts for around 65 percent of the overall defects in Industry 4.0. The results highlight the benefits of Industry 5.0, which capitalizes on human-machine cooperation, data-driven processes, and customized products and services. These insights help to contribute to manufacturing processes that are more efficient, more sustainable, and more quality-driven. Big data computing, Industry 4.0 and 5.0, quality control, and energy efficiency are some of the keywords to look for


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    Complaint management system (CMS) has become increasingly important for organizations, businesses, and government in Malaysia. The interaction between customers and business provider based on complaints which referring to perceptions and wording involves uncertainties and not an easy task in complaint handling process to rank the complaint

    Análise exploratória do DEA para comparar clientes: um estudo baseado numa empresa de contabilidade e gestão

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    Todos os encargos e responsabilidades relacionados com o compromisso contabilístico devem ser tomados de forma desafiadora. É importante compreender e analisar o funcionamento e dinâmica de um escritório de contabilidade constituído por clientes com características bastante distintas entre eles, compreender os principais fatores que levam a uma maior eficiência, para que estes resultem num negócio mais funcional e viável como um todo. Numa economia em constantes mudanças é conveniente dar resposta às principais necessidades de melhoria nos processos internos de uma empresa de contabilidade que tem como principal função orientar e auxiliar na gestão de muitas outras empresas de diversos ramos de atividade. Esta investigação, de cariz exploratório, objetiva analisar o desempenho de um escritório de contabilidade através da aplicação da técnica do Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) de forma a comparar os diferentes tipos de clientes que constituem o principal ativo da mesma. O método do DEA apresenta-se como uma técnica não paramétrica, estuda a eficiência das unidades que se pretende analisar tendo em consideração os melhores inputs e outputs a adotar, sendo esta utilizada nas mais diversas áreas, desde saúde, finanças, economia, entre muitas outras. Os resultados desta análise permitem evidenciar que as taxas de eficiência variam bastante de cliente para cliente, sendo necessário refletir sobre o tempo despendido e o valor de avenças cobrados pelo trabalho contabilístico realizado.All charges and responsibilities involving the entire accounting commitment must be taken on a challenging basis. It is important to understand and analyse the functioning and dynamics of an accounting firm made up of clients with quite distinct characteristics, to understand the main factors that lead to greater efficiency, so that this understanding results in a more functional and viable business as a whole. In an economy in constant change, it is fundamental to respond to the main needs of improvement in the internal processes of an accounting firm whose main function is to guide and assist in the management of many other companies in various fields of activity. This research, of an exploratory nature, aims to analyse the performance of an accounting firm through the application of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique in order to compare the different types of clients that constitute its main asset. The DEA method presents itself as a non-parametric technique, to study the efficiency of the units to be analysed taking into consideration a set of inputs and outputs, this technique has been used in the most diverse areas, from health and finance to, economics, among many others. The results of this analysis show that the rates of efficiency vary greatly from client to client, and it is necessary to reflect on the time spent and value of the benefits associated with all the accounting work carried out


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    Complaint management system (CMS) has become increasingly important for organizations, businesses, and government in Malaysia. The interaction between customers and business provider based on complaints which referring to perceptions and wording involves uncertainties and not an easy task in complaint handling process to rank the complaint

    Intelligent customer complaint handling utilising principal component and data envelopment analysis (PDA)

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    In this study, we consider customer to be a company's crucial asset. In order to have a fast, efficient decision-making process, it is vital that a customer relationship management (CRM) decision-maker condenses and abstracts the existing information. A questionnaire survey was conducted among respondents in order to obtain the required data. The questionnaire contains nine categories of satisfaction variables. To perform the analysis, we used principal component analysis (PCA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). PDA has been utilised as an abbreviation for the integration of these two methods. To effectively analyse the procedure, PCA was utilised to assign a number to each category of questions related to each satisfaction variable. To achieve optimal precision, DEA was applied to the three categories of customers (‘most important’, ‘important’ and ‘ordinary’ customers) in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of customer services from these customers’ perspectives. Customers were clustered and then DEA was used to determine their viewpoints. Using DEA, we have optimised our recognition of customers’ complaints and then provided recommendations and remedial actions to resolve the current issues in logistics and transport industry in general, and at Fremantle port in particular. Significance The current study integrates soft computing and optimisation technique in order to build the CRM recommender system. It demonstrates the hybrid soft computing strengthens in area of CRM as the relevance solution. The significance of the proposed algorithm is three fold. First, it integrates soft computing and optimisation technique in order to build the CRM recommender system. Second, it utilises the most standard CRM variables in its decision making process. Third, it is an optimising algorithm because it integrates DEA with PCA technique

    Relatório de estágio na FHC - Farmacêutica, S.A.

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    O presente relatório tem como objetivo apresentar o estágio curricular realizado na FHC – Farmacêutica, S. A, como requisito para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Línguas e Relações Empresariais da Universidade de Aveiro. É feita uma breve apresentação da empresa e do mercado farmacêutico no qual atua, assim como de todas as tarefas realizadas durante o decorrer do estágio. É ainda feita uma apresentação mais aprofundada do sistema de tratamento de reclamações da empresa e dadas sugestões que visam à oportunidade de melhoria da eficácia na resolução das mesmas.This report aims to present the curricular internship held at FHC - Farmacêutica, S. A, as a requirement to obtain the Master’s degree in Languages and Business Relations from the University of Aveiro. A brief presentation is made of the company and the pharmaceutical market in which it operates, as well as all the tasks performed during the internship. A further presentation of the company's complaints handling system is made and suggestions are presented as an aid towards improving the effectiveness of the complaints resolution process.Mestrado em Línguas e Relações Empresariai

    Indícios de validade e confiabilidade de uma escala de relacionamento com consumidores de chocolate - ERC Chocolates

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, 2019.Visando se perpetuar no mercado em um cenário de competitividade expressiva, é peremptório às empresas a busca de estratégias a fim de atender às exigências de seus consumidores. Nesse contexto, uma das estratégias adotadas pelas organizações está pautada no desenvolvimento do marketing de relacionamento, por proporcionar fonte vantajosa de diferenciação competitiva ao identificar oportunidades focadas na satisfação, fidelização e atendimento às necessidades dos clientes. Destarte, considerando a participação significativa na economia nacional do setor de chocolates, a paixão do brasileiro pelo produto, bem como a lacuna na literatura quanto ao desenvolvimento e validação de escalas que avaliam o relacionamento entre consumidores e marcas de chocolates, o objetivo deste trabalho foi obter indícios de validade de uma escala para medir a percepção dos clientes quanto ao seu relacionamento com marcas de chocolate, denominada ERC Chocolates. O estudo é de natureza quantitativa, utilizando aplicação de questionário e análise fatorial dos dados. Os resultados revelaram uma estrutura multifatorial, composta por três fatores, Confiança e Comprometimento, Atendimento e Experiência de Compra e Qualidade Percebida, com indícios de validade e confiabilidade. Enquanto implicação gerencial, a escala validada no presente estudo poderá ser utilizada como diagnóstico para os gestores de marcas de chocolates, haja vista que ainda há diversos pontos críticos nas iniciativas de marketing de relacionamento no setor, existindo oportunidades de melhoria de estratégias de posicionamento, diferenciação e relacionamento com clientes