164 research outputs found

    Personalised and Adaptive Mentoring in Medical Education – the myPAL project

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    This position paper describes a long-term Technology-Enhanced Learning initiative at the Leeds Institute of Medical Education in which a personalised adaptive learning mentor will be deployed for all MBChB students enrolled in the course. The system, myPAL, is enriching the existing TEL programs embedded in the curriculum and will be leveraging recent advances in Learning Analytics and Open Learner Modelling. The paper presents the context of the project and the opportunities that deployment settings will offer, and highlights the research and development strands that will underpin it

    FACE READERS: The Frontier of Computer Vision and Math Learning

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    The future of AI-assisted individualized learning includes computer vision to inform intelligent tutors and teachers about student affect, motivation and performance. Facial expression recognition is essential in recognizing subtle differences when students ask for hints or fail to solve problems. Facial features and classification labels enable intelligent tutors to predict students’ performance and recommend activities. Videos can capture students’ faces and model their effort and progress; machine learning classifiers can support intelligent tutors to provide interventions. One goal of this research is to support deep dives by teachers to identify students’ individual needs through facial expression and to provide immediate feedback. Another goal is to develop data-directed education to gauge students’ pre-existing knowledge and analyze real-time data that will engage both teachers and students in more individualized and precision teaching and learning. This paper identifies three phases in the process of recognizing and predicting student progress based on analyzing facial features: Phase I: Collecting datasets and identifying salient labels for facial features and student attention/engagement; Phase II: Building and training deep learning models of facial features; and Phase III: Predicting student problem-solving outcome. © 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors

    When to generate hedges in peer-tutoring interactions

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    This paper explores the application of machine learning techniques to predict where hedging occurs in peer-tutoring interactions. The study uses a naturalistic face-to-face dataset annotated for natural language turns, conversational strategies, tutoring strategies, and nonverbal behaviours. These elements are processed into a vector representation of the previous turns, which serves as input to several machine learning models. Results show that embedding layers, that capture the semantic information of the previous turns, significantly improves the model's performance. Additionally, the study provides insights into the importance of various features, such as interpersonal rapport and nonverbal behaviours, in predicting hedges by using Shapley values for feature explanation. We discover that the eye gaze of both the tutor and the tutee has a significant impact on hedge prediction. We further validate this observation through a follow-up ablation study.Comment: In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference ub Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL). Sept 11-15, Prague Czechi

    Motivational gamification strategies rooted in self-determination theory for social adaptive E-Learning.

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    This study uses gamification as the carrier of understanding the motivational benefits of applying the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in social adaptive e-learning, by proposing motivational gamification strategies rooted in SDT, as well as developing and testing these strategies. Results show high perceived motivation amongst the students, and identify a high usability of the implementation, which supports the applicability of the proposed approach

    A soft computing decision support framework for e-learning

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    Tesi per compendi de publicacions.Supported by technological development and its impact on everyday activities, e-Learning and b-Learning (Blended Learning) have experienced rapid growth mainly in higher education and training. Its inherent ability to break both physical and cultural distances, to disseminate knowledge and decrease the costs of the teaching-learning process allows it to reach anywhere and anyone. The educational community is divided as to its role in the future. It is believed that by 2019 half of the world's higher education courses will be delivered through e-Learning. While supporters say that this will be the educational mode of the future, its detractors point out that it is a fashion, that there are huge rates of abandonment and that their massification and potential low quality, will cause its fall, assigning it a major role of accompanying traditional education. There are, however, two interrelated features where there seems to be consensus. On the one hand, the enormous amount of information and evidence that Learning Management Systems (LMS) generate during the e-Learning process and which is the basis of the part of the process that can be automated. In contrast, there is the fundamental role of e-tutors and etrainers who are guarantors of educational quality. These are continually overwhelmed by the need to provide timely and effective feedback to students, manage endless particular situations and casuistics that require decision making and process stored information. In this sense, the tools that e-Learning platforms currently provide to obtain reports and a certain level of follow-up are not sufficient or too adequate. It is in this point of convergence Information-Trainer, where the current developments of the LMS are centered and it is here where the proposed thesis tries to innovate. This research proposes and develops a platform focused on decision support in e-Learning environments. Using soft computing and data mining techniques, it extracts knowledge from the data produced and stored by e-Learning systems, allowing the classification, analysis and generalization of the extracted knowledge. It includes tools to identify models of students' learning behavior and, from them, predict their future performance and enable trainers to provide adequate feedback. Likewise, students can self-assess, avoid those ineffective behavior patterns, and obtain real clues about how to improve their performance in the course, through appropriate routes and strategies based on the behavioral model of successful students. The methodological basis of the mentioned functionalities is the Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning (FIR), which is particularly useful in the modeling of dynamic systems. During the development of the research, the FIR methodology has been improved and empowered by the inclusion of several algorithms. First, an algorithm called CR-FIR, which allows determining the Causal Relevance that have the variables involved in the modeling of learning and assessment of students. In the present thesis, CR-FIR has been tested on a comprehensive set of classical test data, as well as real data sets, belonging to different areas of knowledge. Secondly, the detection of atypical behaviors in virtual campuses was approached using the Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) methodology, which is a probabilistic alternative to the well-known Self-Organizing Maps. GTM was used simultaneously for clustering, visualization and detection of atypical data. The core of the platform has been the development of an algorithm for extracting linguistic rules in a language understandable to educational experts, which helps them to obtain patterns of student learning behavior. In order to achieve this functionality, the LR-FIR algorithm (Extraction of Linguistic Rules in FIR) was designed and developed as an extension of FIR that allows both to characterize general behavior and to identify interesting patterns. In the case of the application of the platform to several real e-Learning courses, the results obtained demonstrate its feasibility and originality. The teachers' perception about the usability of the tool is very good, and they consider that it could be a valuable resource to mitigate the time requirements of the trainer that the e-Learning courses demand. The identification of student behavior models and prediction processes have been validated as to their usefulness by expert trainers. LR-FIR has been applied and evaluated in a wide set of real problems, not all of them in the educational field, obtaining good results. The structure of the platform makes it possible to assume that its use is potentially valuable in those domains where knowledge management plays a preponderant role, or where decision-making processes are a key element, e.g. ebusiness, e-marketing, customer management, to mention just a few. The Soft Computing tools used and developed in this research: FIR, CR-FIR, LR-FIR and GTM, have been applied successfully in other real domains, such as music, medicine, weather behaviors, etc.Soportado por el desarrollo tecnológico y su impacto en las diferentes actividades cotidianas, el e-Learning (o aprendizaje electrónico) y el b-Learning (Blended Learning o aprendizaje mixto), han experimentado un crecimiento vertiginoso principalmente en la educación superior y la capacitación. Su habilidad inherente para romper distancias tanto físicas como culturales, para diseminar conocimiento y disminuir los costes del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje le permite llegar a cualquier sitio y a cualquier persona. La comunidad educativa se encuentra dividida en cuanto a su papel en el futuro. Se cree que para el año 2019 la mitad de los cursos de educación superior del mundo se impartirá a través del e-Learning. Mientras que los partidarios aseguran que ésta será la modalidad educativa del futuro, sus detractores señalan que es una moda, que hay enormes índices de abandono y que su masificación y potencial baja calidad, provocará su caída, reservándole un importante papel de acompañamiento a la educación tradicional. Hay, sin embargo, dos características interrelacionadas donde parece haber consenso. Por un lado, la enorme generación de información y evidencias que los sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje o LMS (Learning Management System) generan durante el proceso educativo electrónico y que son la base de la parte del proceso que se puede automatizar. En contraste, está el papel fundamental de los e-tutores y e-formadores que son los garantes de la calidad educativa. Éstos se ven continuamente desbordados por la necesidad de proporcionar retroalimentación oportuna y eficaz a los alumnos, gestionar un sin fin de situaciones particulares y casuísticas que requieren toma de decisiones y procesar la información almacenada. En este sentido, las herramientas que las plataformas de e-Learning proporcionan actualmente para obtener reportes y cierto nivel de seguimiento no son suficientes ni demasiado adecuadas. Es en este punto de convergencia Información-Formador, donde están centrados los actuales desarrollos de los LMS y es aquí donde la tesis que se propone pretende innovar. La presente investigación propone y desarrolla una plataforma enfocada al apoyo en la toma de decisiones en ambientes e-Learning. Utilizando técnicas de Soft Computing y de minería de datos, extrae conocimiento de los datos producidos y almacenados por los sistemas e-Learning permitiendo clasificar, analizar y generalizar el conocimiento extraído. Incluye herramientas para identificar modelos del comportamiento de aprendizaje de los estudiantes y, a partir de ellos, predecir su desempeño futuro y permitir a los formadores proporcionar una retroalimentación adecuada. Así mismo, los estudiantes pueden autoevaluarse, evitar aquellos patrones de comportamiento poco efectivos y obtener pistas reales acerca de cómo mejorar su desempeño en el curso, mediante rutas y estrategias adecuadas a partir del modelo de comportamiento de los estudiantes exitosos. La base metodológica de las funcionalidades mencionadas es el Razonamiento Inductivo Difuso (FIR, por sus siglas en inglés), que es particularmente útil en el modelado de sistemas dinámicos. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación, la metodología FIR ha sido mejorada y potenciada mediante la inclusión de varios algoritmos. En primer lugar un algoritmo denominado CR-FIR, que permite determinar la Relevancia Causal que tienen las variables involucradas en el modelado del aprendizaje y la evaluación de los estudiantes. En la presente tesis, CR-FIR se ha probado en un conjunto amplio de datos de prueba clásicos, así como conjuntos de datos reales, pertenecientes a diferentes áreas de conocimiento. En segundo lugar, la detección de comportamientos atípicos en campus virtuales se abordó mediante el enfoque de Mapeo Topográfico Generativo (GTM), que es una alternativa probabilística a los bien conocidos Mapas Auto-organizativos. GTM se utilizó simultáneamente para agrupamiento, visualización y detección de datos atípicos. La parte medular de la plataforma ha sido el desarrollo de un algoritmo de extracción de reglas lingüísticas en un lenguaje entendible para los expertos educativos, que les ayude a obtener los patrones del comportamiento de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Para lograr dicha funcionalidad, se diseñó y desarrolló el algoritmo LR-FIR, (extracción de Reglas Lingüísticas en FIR, por sus siglas en inglés) como una extensión de FIR que permite tanto caracterizar el comportamiento general, como identificar patrones interesantes. En el caso de la aplicación de la plataforma a varios cursos e-Learning reales, los resultados obtenidos demuestran su factibilidad y originalidad. La percepción de los profesores acerca de la usabilidad de la herramienta es muy buena, y consideran que podría ser un valioso recurso para mitigar los requerimientos de tiempo del formador que los cursos e-Learning exigen. La identificación de los modelos de comportamiento de los estudiantes y los procesos de predicción han sido validados en cuanto a su utilidad por los formadores expertos. LR-FIR se ha aplicado y evaluado en un amplio conjunto de problemas reales, no todos ellos del ámbito educativo, obteniendo buenos resultados. La estructura de la plataforma permite suponer que su utilización es potencialmente valiosa en aquellos dominios donde la administración del conocimiento juegue un papel preponderante, o donde los procesos de toma de decisiones sean una pieza clave, por ejemplo, e-business, e-marketing, administración de clientes, por mencionar sólo algunos. Las herramientas de Soft Computing utilizadas y desarrolladas en esta investigación: FIR, CR-FIR, LR-FIR y GTM, ha sido aplicadas con éxito en otros dominios reales, como música, medicina, comportamientos climáticos, etc.Postprint (published version

    Impact of Guidance and Interaction Strategies for LLM Use on Learner Performance and Perception

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    Personalized chatbot-based teaching assistants can be crucial in addressing increasing classroom sizes, especially where direct teacher presence is limited. Large language models (LLMs) offer a promising avenue, with increasing research exploring their educational utility. However, the challenge lies not only in establishing the efficacy of LLMs but also in discerning the nuances of interaction between learners and these models, which impact learners' engagement and results. We conducted a formative study in an undergraduate computer science classroom (N=145) and a controlled experiment on Prolific (N=356) to explore the impact of four pedagogically informed guidance strategies and the interaction between student approaches and LLM responses. Direct LLM answers marginally improved performance, while refining student solutions fostered trust. Our findings suggest a nuanced relationship between the guidance provided and LLM's role in either answering or refining student input. Based on our findings, we provide design recommendations for optimizing learner-LLM interactions

    Semi-automated assessment of SQL schemas via database unit testing

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    A key skill for students learning relational database concepts is how to design and implement a database schema in SQL. This skill is often tested in an assignment where students derive a schema from a natural language specification. Grading of such assignments can be complex and time consuming, and novice database students often lack the skills to evaluate whether their implementation accurately reflects the specified requirements. In this paper we describe a novel semi-automated system for grading student-created SQL schemas, based on a unit testing model. The system verifies whether a schema conforms to a machine-readable specification and runs in two modes: a staff mode for grading, and a reduced functionality student mode that enables students to check that their schema meets specified minimum requirements. Analysis of student performance over the period this system was in use shows evidence of improved grades as a result of students using the system.Peer Reviewe

    Analyse visuelle et cérébrale de l’état cognitif d’un apprenant

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    Un état cognitif peut se définir comme étant l’ensemble des processus cognitifs inférieurs (par exemple : perception et attention) et supérieurs (par exemple : prise de décision et raisonnement), nécessitant de la part de l’être humain toutes ses capacités mentales en vue d’utiliser des connaissances existantes pour résoudre un problème donné ou bien d’établir de nouvelles connaissances. Dans ce contexte, une attention particulière est portée par les environnements d’apprentissage informatisés sur le suivi et l’analyse des réactions émotionnelles de l’apprenant lors de l’activité d’apprentissage. En effet, les émotions conditionnent l’état mental de l’apprenant qui a un impact direct sur ses capacités cognitives tel que le raisonnement, la prise de décision, la mémorisation, etc. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif est d’améliorer les capacités cognitives de l’apprenant en identifiant et corrigeant les états mentaux défavorables à l’apprentissage en vue d’optimiser les performances des apprenants. Dans cette thèse, nous visons en particulier à examiner le raisonnement en tant que processus cognitif complexe de haut niveau. Notre objectif est double : en premier lieu, nous cherchons à évaluer le processus de raisonnement des étudiants novices en médecine à travers leur comportement visuel et en deuxième lieu, nous cherchons à analyser leur état mental quand ils raisonnent afin de détecter des indicateurs visuels et cérébraux permettant d’améliorer l’expérience d’apprentissage. Plus précisément, notre premier objectif a été d’utiliser les mouvements des yeux de l’apprenant pour évaluer son processus de raisonnement lors d’interactions avec des jeux sérieux éducatifs. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé deux types de mesures oculaires à savoir : des mesures statiques et des mesures dynamiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la possibilité d’identifier automatiquement deux classes d’apprenants à partir des différentes mesures statiques, à travers l’entrainement d’algorithmes d’apprentissage machine. Ensuite, en utilisant les mesures dynamiques avec un algorithme d’alignement de séquences issu de la bio-informatique, nous avons évalué la séquence logique visuelle suivie par l’apprenant en cours de raisonnement pour vérifier s’il est en train de suivre le bon processus de raisonnement ou non. Notre deuxième objectif a été de suivre l’évolution de l’état mental d’engagement d’un apprenant à partir de son activité cérébrale et aussi d’évaluer la relation entre l’engagement et les performances d’apprentissage. Pour cela, une étude a été réalisée où nous avons analysé la distribution de l’indice d’engagement de l’apprenant à travers tout d’abord les différentes phases de résolution du problème donné et deuxièmement, à travers les différentes régions qui composent l’interface de l’environnement. L’activité cérébrale de chaque participant a été mesurée tout au long de l’interaction avec l’environnement. Ensuite, à partir des signaux obtenus, un indice d’engagement a été calculé en se basant sur les trois bandes de fréquences α, β et θ. Enfin, notre troisième objectif a été de proposer une approche multimodale à base de deux senseurs physiologiques pour permettre une analyse conjointe du comportement visuel et cérébral de l’apprenant. Nous avons à cette fin enregistré les mouvements des yeux et l’activité cérébrale de l’apprenant afin d’évaluer son processus de raisonnement durant la résolution de différents exercices cognitifs. Plus précisément, nous visons à déterminer quels sont les indicateurs clés de performances à travers un raisonnement clinique en vue de les utiliser pour améliorer en particulier, les capacités cognitives des apprenants novices et en général, l’expérience d’apprentissage.A cognitive state can be defined as a set of inferior (e.g. perception and attention) and superior (e.g. perception and attention) cognitive processes, requiring the human being to have all of his mental abilities in an effort to use existing knowledge to solve a given problem or to establish new knowledge. In this context, a particular attention is paid by computer-based learning environments to monitor and assess learner’s emotional reactions during a learning activity. In fact, emotions govern the learner’s mental state that has in turn a direct impact on his cognitive abilities such as reasoning, decision-making, memory, etc. In this context, the objective is to improve the cognitive abilities of the learner by identifying and redressing the mental states that are unfavorable to learning in order to optimize the learners’ performances. In this thesis, we aim in particular to examine the reasoning as a high-level cognitive process. Our goal is two-fold: first, we seek to evaluate the reasoning process of novice medical students through their visual behavior and second, we seek to analyze learners’ mental states when reasoning to detect visual and cerebral indicators that can improve learning outcomes. More specifically, our first objective was to use the learner’s eye movements to assess his reasoning process while interacting with educational serious games. For this purpose, we have analyzed two types of ocular metrics namely, static metrics and dynamic metrics. First of all, we have studied the feasibility of using static metrics to automatically identify two groups of learners through the training of machine learning algorithms. Then, we have assessed the logical visual sequence followed by the learner when reasoning using dynamic metrics and a sequence alignment method from bio-informatics to see if he/she performed the correct reasoning process or not. Our second objective was to analyze the evolution of the learner’s engagement mental state from his brain activity and to assess the relationship between engagement and learning performance. An experimental study was conducted where we analyzed the distribution of the learner engagement index through first, the different phases of the problem-solving task and second, through the different regions of the environment interface. The cerebral activity of each participant was recorded during the whole game interaction. Then, from the obtained signals, an engagement index was computed based on the three frequency bands α, β et θ. Finally, our third objective was to propose a multimodal approach based on two physiological sensors to provide a joint analysis of the learner’s visual and cerebral behaviors. To this end, we recorded eye movements and brain activity of the learner to assess his reasoning process during the resolution of different cognitive tasks. More precisely, we aimed to identify key indicators of reasoning performance in order to use them to improve the cognitive abilities of novice learners in particular, and the learning experience in general

    The Future of Information Sciences : INFuture2015 : e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation

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    Détection et amélioration de l'état cognitif de l'apprenant

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    Cette thèse vise à détecter et améliorer l’état cognitif de l’apprenant. Cet état est défini par la capacité d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances et de les stocker dans la mémoire. Nous nous sommes essentiellement intéressés à améliorer le raisonnement des apprenants, et ceci dans trois environnements : environnement purement cognitif Logique, jeu sérieux LewiSpace et jeu sérieux intelligent Inertia. La détection de cet état se fait essentiellement par des mesures physiologiques (en particulier les électroencéphalogrammes) afin d’avoir une idée sur les interactions des apprenants et l’évolution de leurs états mentaux. L’amélioration des performances des apprenants et de leur raisonnement est une clé pour la réussite de l’apprentissage. Dans une première partie, nous présentons l’implémentation de l’environnement cognitif logique. Nous décrivons des statistiques faites sur cet environnement. Nous avons collecté durant une étude expérimentale les données sur l’engagement, la charge cognitive et la distraction. Ces trois mesures se sont montrées efficaces pour la classification et la prédiction des performances des apprenants. Dans une deuxième partie, nous décrivons le jeu Lewispace pour l’apprentissage des diagrammes de Lewis. Nous avons mené une étude expérimentale et collecté les données des électroencéphalogrammes, des émotions et des traceurs de regard. Nous avons montré qu’il est possible de prédire le besoin d’aide dans cet environnement grâce à ces mesures physiologiques et des algorithmes d’apprentissage machine. Dans une troisième partie, nous clôturons la thèse en présentant des stratégies d’aide intégrées dans un jeu virtuel Inertia (jeu de physique). Cette dernière s’adapte selon deux mesures extraites des électroencéphalogrammes (l’engagement et la frustration). Nous avons montré que ce jeu permet d’augmenter le taux de réussite dans ses missions, la performance globale et par conséquent améliorer l’état cognitif de l’apprenant.This thesis aims at detecting and enhancing the cognitive state of a learner. This state is measured by the ability to acquire new knowledge and store it in memory. Focusing on three types of environments to enhance reasoning: environment Logic, serious game LewiSpace and intelligent serious game Inertia. Physiological measures (in particular the electroencephalograms) have been taken in order to measure learners’ engagement and mental states. Improving learners’ reasoning is key for successful learning process. In a first part, we present the implementation of logic environment. We present statistics on this environment, with data collected during an experimental study. Three types of data: engagement, workload and distraction, these measures were effective and can predict and classify learner’s performance. In a second part, we describe the LewiSpace game, aimed at teaching Lewis diagrams. We conducted an experimental study and collected data from electroencephalograms, emotions and eye-tracking software. Combined with machine learning algorithms, it is possible to anticipate a learner’s need for help using these data. In a third part, we finish by presenting some assistance strategies in a virtual reality game called Inertia (to teach Physics). The latter adapts according to two measures extracted from electroencephalograms (frustration and engagement). Based on our study, we were able to enhance the learner’s success rate on game missions, by improving its cognitive state