65 research outputs found

    Deterministic-statistical model coupling in a DSS for river-basin management

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    This paper presents a method for appropriate coupling of deterministic and statistical models. In the decision-support system for the Elbe river, a conceptual rainfall-runoff model is used to obtain the discharge statistics and corresponding average number of flood days, which is a key input variable for a rule-based model for floodplain vegetation. The required quality of the discharge time series cannot be determined by a sensitivity analysis because a deterministic model is linked to a statistical model. To solve the problem, artificial discharge time series are generated that mimic the hypothetical output of rainfall-runoff models of different accuracy. The results indicate that a feasible calibration of the rainfall-runoff model is sufficient to obtain consistency with the vegetation model in view of its sensitivity to changes in the number of flood days in the floodplains

    European Catchments: catchment changes and their impact on the coast

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    From hydrological modelling to decision support

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    Decision support for planning and management of water resources needs to consider many target criteria simultaneously like water availability, water quality, flood protection, agriculture, ecology, etc. Hydrologic models provide information about the water balance components and are fundamental for the simulation of ecological processes. Objective of this contribution is to discuss the suitability of classical hydrologic models on one hand and of complex eco-hydrologic models on the other hand to be used as part of decision support systems. The discussion is based on results from two model comparison studies. It becomes clear that none of the hydrologic models tested fulfils all requirements in an optimal sense. Regarding the simulation of water quality parameters like nitrogen leaching a high uncertainty needs to be considered. Recommended for decision support is a hybrid metamodel approach, which comprises a hydrologic model, empirical relationships for the less dynamic processes and makes use of simulation results from complex eco-hydrologic models through second-order modelling at a generalized level

    Catchment Modelling Tools and Pathways Review

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    Estimation of phosphorus emissions in the upper Iguazu basin (Brazil) using GIS and the MoRE Model

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    Pollution emissions into the drainage basin have direct impact on surface water quality. These emissions result from human activities that turn into pollution loads when they reach the water bodies, as point or diffuse sources. Their pollution potential depends on the characteristics and quantity of the transported materials. The estimation of pollution loads can assist decision-making in basin management. Knowledge about the potential pollution sources allows for a prioritization of pollution control policies to achieve the desired water quality. Consequently, it helps avoiding problems such as eutrophication of water bodies. The focus of the research described in this study is related to phosphorus emissions into river basins. The study area is the upper Iguazu basin that lies in the northeast region of the State of Paraná, Brazil, covering about 2,965 km² and around 4 million inhabitants live concentrated on just 16% of its area. The MoRE (Modeling of Regionalized Emissions) model was used to estimate phosphorus emissions. MoRE is a model that uses empirical approaches to model processes in analytical units, capable of using spatially distributed parameters, covering both, emissions from point sources as well as non-point sources. In order to model the processes, the basin was divided into 152 analytical units with an average size of 20 km². Available data was organized in a GIS environment. Using e.g. layers of precipitation, the Digital Terrain Model from a 1:10000 scale map as well as soils and land cover, which were derived from remote sensing imagery. Further data is used, such as point pollution discharges and statistical socio-economic data. The model shows that one of the main pollution sources in the upper Iguazu basin is the domestic sewage that enters the river as point source (effluents of treatment stations) and/or as diffuse pollution, caused by failures of sanitary sewer systems or clandestine sewer discharges, accounting for about 56% of the emissions. Second significant shares of emissions come from direct runoff or groundwater, being responsible for 32% of the total emissions. Finally, agricultural erosion and industry pathways represent 12% of emissions. This study shows that MoRE is capable of producing valid emission calculation on a relatively reduced input data basis

    Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems

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    Evaluation of empirical approaches to estimate the variability of erosive inputs in river catchments

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    Die Dissertation erforscht die Unsicherheit, Sensitivität und Grenzen großskaliger Erosionsmodelle. Die Modellierung basiert auf der allgemeinen Bodenabtragsgleichung (ABAG), Sedimenteintragsverhältnissen (SDR) und europäischen Daten. Für mehrere Regionen Europas wird die Bedeutung der Unsicherheit topographischer Modellparameter, ABAG-Faktoren und kritischer Schwebstofffrachten für die Anwendbarkeit empirischer Modelle zur Beschreibung von Sedimentfrachten und SDR von Flusseinzugsgebieten untersucht. Der Vergleich alternativer Modellparameter sowie Kalibrierungs- und Validierungsdaten zeigt, dass schon grundlegende Modellentscheidungen mit großen Unsicherheiten behaftet sind. Zur Vermeidung falscher Modellvorhersagen sind kalibrierte Modelle genau zu dokumentieren. Auch wenn die geschickte Wahl nicht-topographischer Algorithmen die Modellgüte regionaler Anwendungen verbessern kann, so gibt es nicht die generell beste Lösung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auch, dass SDR-Modelle stets mit Sedimentfrachten und SDR kalibriert und evaluiert werden sollten. Mit diesem Ansatz werden eine neue europäische Bodenabtragskarte und ein verbessertes SDR-Modell für Einzugsgebiete nördlich der Alpen und in Südosteuropa abgeleitet. In anderen Regionen Europas ist das SDR-Modell bedingt nutzbar. Die Studien zur jährlichen Variabilität der Bodenerosion zeigen, dass jahreszeitlich gewichtete Niederschlagsdaten geeigneter als ungewichtete sind. Trotz zufriedenstellender Modellergebnisse überwinden weder sorgfältige Algorithmenwahl noch Modellverbesserungen die Grenzen europaweiter SDR-Modelle. Diese bestehen aus der Diskrepanz zwischen modellierten Bodenabtrags- und maßgeblich zur beobachteten bzw. kritischen Sedimentfracht beitragenden Prozessen sowie der außergewöhnlich hohen Sedimentmobilisierung durch Hochwässer. Die Integration von nicht von der ABAG beschriebenen Prozessen und von Starkregentagen sowie die Disaggregation kritischer Frachten sollte daher weiter erforscht werden.This dissertation thesis addresses the uncertainty, sensitivity and limitations of large-scale erosion models. The modelling framework consists of the universal soil loss equation (USLE), sediment delivery ratios (SDR) and European data. For several European regions, the relevance of the uncertainty in topographic model parameters, USLE factors and critical yields of suspended solids for the applicability of empirical models to predict sediment yields and SDR of river catchments is systematically evaluated. The comparison of alternative model parameters as well as calibration and validation data shows that even basic modelling decisions are associated with great uncertainties. Consequently, calibrated models have to be well-documented to avoid misapplication. Although careful choices of non-topographic algorithms can also be helpful to improve the model quality in regional applications, there is no definitive universal solution. The results also show that SDR models should always be calibrated and evaluated against sediment yields and SDR. With this approach, a new European soil loss map and an improved SDR model for river catchments north of the Alps and in Southeast Europe are derived. For other parts of Europe, the SDR model is of limited use. The studies on the annual variability of soil erosion reveal that seasonally weighted rainfall data is more appropriate than unweighted data. Despite satisfactory model results, neither the careful algorithm choice nor model improvements overcome the limitations of pan-European SDR models. These limitations are related to the mismatch of modelled soil loss processes and the relevant processes contributing to the observed or critical sediment load as well as the extraordinary sediment mobilisation during floods. Therefore, further research on integrating non-USLE processes and heavy-rainfall data as well as on disaggregating critical yields is needed

    Nitrogen flows from European watersheds to coastal marine waters

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    Nitrogen flows from European watersheds to coastal marine waters Executive summary Nature of the problem • Most regional watersheds in Europe constitute managed human territories importing large amounts of new reactive nitrogen. • As a consequence, groundwater, surface freshwater and coastal seawater are undergoing severe nitrogen contamination and/or eutrophication problems. Approaches • A comprehensive evaluation of net anthropogenic inputs of reactive nitrogen (NANI) through atmospheric deposition, crop N fixation,fertiliser use and import of food and feed has been carried out for all European watersheds. A database on N, P and Si fluxes delivered at the basin outlets has been assembled. • A number of modelling approaches based on either statistical regression analysis or mechanistic description of the processes involved in nitrogen transfer and transformations have been developed for relating N inputs to watersheds to outputs into coastal marine ecosystems. Key findings/state of knowledge • Throughout Europe, NANI represents 3700 kgN/km2/yr (range, 0–8400 depending on the watershed), i.e. five times the background rate of natural N2 fixation. • A mean of approximately 78% of NANI does not reach the basin outlet, but instead is stored (in soils, sediments or ground water) or eliminated to the atmosphere as reactive N forms or as N2. • N delivery to the European marine coastal zone totals 810 kgN/km2/yr (range, 200–4000 depending on the watershed), about four times the natural background. In areas of limited availability of silica, these inputs cause harmful algal blooms. Major uncertainties/challenges • The exact dimension of anthropogenic N inputs to watersheds is still imperfectly known and requires pursuing monitoring programmes and data integration at the international level. • The exact nature of ‘retention’ processes, which potentially represent a major management lever for reducing N contamination of water resources, is still poorly understood. • Coastal marine eutrophication depends to a large degree on local morphological and hydrographic conditions as well as on estuarine processes, which are also imperfectly known. Recommendations • Better control and management of the nitrogen cascade at the watershed scale is required to reduce N contamination of ground- and surface water, as well as coastal eutrophication. • In spite of the potential of these management measures, there is no choice at the European scale but to reduce the primary inputs of reactive nitrogen to watersheds, through changes in agriculture, human diet and other N flows related to human activity

    Giving credit to reforestation for water quality benefits.

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    While there is a general belief that reforesting marginal, often unprofitable, croplands can result in water quality benefits, to date there have been very few studies that have attempted to quantify the magnitude of the reductions in nutrient (N and P) and sediment export. In order to determine the magnitude of a credit for water quality trading, there is a need to develop quantitative approaches to estimate the benefits from forest planting in terms of load reductions. Here we first evaluate the availability of marginal croplands (i.e. those with low infiltration capacity and high slopes) within a large section of the Ohio River Basin (ORB) to assess the magnitude of the land that could be reforested. Next, we employ the Nutrient Tracking Tool (NTT) to study the reduction in N, P and sediment losses from converting corn or corn/soy rotations to forested lands, first in a case study and then for a large region within the ORB. We find that after reforestation, N losses can decrease by 40 to 80 kg/ha-yr (95-97% reduction), while P losses decrease by 1 to 4 kg/ha-yr (96-99% reduction). There is a significant influence of local conditions (soils, previous crop management practices, meteorology), which can be considered with NTT and must be taken into consideration for specific projects. There is also considerable interannual and monthly variability, which highlights the need to take the longer view into account in nutrient credit considerations for water quality trading, as well as in monitoring programs. Overall, there is the potential for avoiding 60 million kg N and 2 million kg P from reaching the streams and rivers of the northern ORB as a result of conversion of marginal farmland to tree planting, which is on the order of 12% decrease for TN and 5% for TP, for the entire basin. Accounting for attenuation, this represents a significant fraction of the goal of the USEPA Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force to reduce TN and TP reaching the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, the second largest dead zone in the world. More broadly, the potential for targeted forest planting to reduce nutrient loading demonstrated in this study suggests further consideration of this approach for managing water quality in waterways throughout the world. The study was conducted using computational models and there is a need to evaluate the results with empirical observations

    A decision support system for drinking water production integrating health risks assessment

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    The issue of drinking water quality compliance in small and medium scale water services is of paramount importance in relation to the 98/83/CE European Drinking Water Directive (DWD). Additionally, concerns are being expressed over the implementation of the DWD with respect to possible impacts on water quality from forecast changes in European climate with global warming and further anticipated reductions in north European acid emissions. Consequently, we have developed a decision support system (DSS) named ARTEM-WQ (AwaReness Tool for the Evaluation and Mitigation of drinking Water Quality issues resulting from environmental changes) to support decision making by small and medium plant operators and other water stakeholders. ARTEM-WQ is based on a sequential risk analysis approach that includes consideration of catchment characteristics, climatic conditions and treatment operations. It provides a holistic evaluation of the water system, while also assessing human health risks of organic contaminants potentially present in treated waters (steroids, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, bisphenol-a, polychlorobiphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, petrochemical hydrocarbons and disinfection by-products; n = 109). Moreover, the system provides recommendations for improvement while supporting decision making in its widest context. The tool has been tested on various European catchments and shows a promising potential to inform water managers of risks and appropriate mitigative actions. Further improvements should include toxicological knowledge advancement, environmental background pollutant concentrations and the assessment of the impact of distribution systems on water quality variation
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