443 research outputs found

    Efficient Path Delay Test Generation with Boolean Satisfiability

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    This dissertation focuses on improving the accuracy and efficiency of path delay test generation using a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver. As part of this research, one of the most commonly used SAT solvers, MiniSat, was integrated into the path delay test generator CodGen. A mixed structural-functional approach was implemented in CodGen where longest paths were detected using the K Longest Path Per Gate (KLPG) algorithm and path justification and dynamic compaction were handled with the SAT solver. Advanced techniques were implemented in CodGen to further speed up the performance of SAT based path delay test generation using the knowledge of the circuit structure. SAT solvers are inherently circuit structure unaware, and significant speedup can be availed if structure information of the circuit is provided to the SAT solver. The advanced techniques explored include: Dynamic SAT Solving (DSS), Circuit Observability Don’t Care (Cir-ODC), SAT based static learning, dynamic learnt clause management and Approximate Observability Don’t Care (ACODC). Both ISCAS 89 and ITC 99 benchmarks as well as industrial circuits were used to demonstrate that the performance of CodGen was significantly improved with MiniSat and the use of circuit structure

    Speeding up SAT-Based ATPG Using Dynamic Clause Activation

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    Abstract—SAT-based ATPG turned out to be a robust alter-native to classical structural ATPG algorithms such as FAN. The number of unclassified faults can be significantly reduced using a SAT-based ATPG approach. In contrast to structural ATPG, SAT solvers work on a Boolean formula in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF). This results in some disadvantages for SAT solvers when applied to ATPG, e.g. CNF transformation time and loss of structural knowledge. As a result, SAT-based ATPG algorithms are very robust for hard-to-test faults, but suffer from the overhead for easy-to-test faults. We propose the SAT technique Dynamic Clause Activation (DCA) in order to reduce the run time gap between structural and SAT-based ATPG algorithms and, at the same time, retain the high level of robustness. Using DCA, the SAT solver works on a partial formula of a logic circuit which is dynamically extended during the search process using structural knowledge. Furthermore, efficient dynamic learning techniques can be easily integrated within the proposed technique. The approach is evaluated on large industrial circuits. Keywords-SAT; ATPG; Formal methods; CNF; I

    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2020 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2020 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Resource Management Algorithms for Computing Hardware Design and Operations: From Circuits to Systems

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    The complexity of computation hardware has increased at an unprecedented rate for the last few decades. On the computer chip level, we have entered the era of multi/many-core processors made of billions of transistors. With transistor budget of this scale, many functions are integrated into a single chip. As such, chips today consist of many heterogeneous cores with intensive interaction among these cores. On the circuit level, with the end of Dennard scaling, continuously shrinking process technology has imposed a grand challenge on power density. The variation of circuit further exacerbated the problem by consuming a substantial time margin. On the system level, the rise of Warehouse Scale Computers and Data Centers have put resource management into new perspective. The ability of dynamically provision computation resource in these gigantic systems is crucial to their performance. In this thesis, three different resource management algorithms are discussed. The first algorithm assigns adaptivity resource to circuit blocks with a constraint on the overhead. The adaptivity improves resilience of the circuit to variation in a cost-effective way. The second algorithm manages the link bandwidth resource in application specific Networks-on-Chip. Quality-of-Service is guaranteed for time-critical traffic in the algorithm with an emphasis on power. The third algorithm manages the computation resource of the data center with precaution on the ill states of the system. Q-learning is employed to meet the dynamic nature of the system and Linear Temporal Logic is leveraged as a tool to describe temporal constraints. All three algorithms are evaluated by various experiments. The experimental results are compared to several previous work and show the advantage of our methods

    Modellbasiertes Regressionstesten von Varianten und Variantenversionen

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    The quality assurance of software product lines (SPL) achieved via testing is a crucial and challenging activity of SPL engineering. In general, the application of single-software testing techniques for SPL testing is not practical as it leads to the individual testing of a potentially vast number of variants. Testing each variant in isolation further results in redundant testing processes by means of redundant test-case executions due to the shared commonality. Existing techniques for SPL testing cope with those challenges, e.g., by identifying samples of variants to be tested. However, each variant is still tested separately without taking the explicit knowledge about the shared commonality and variability into account to reduce the overall testing effort. Furthermore, due to the increasing longevity of software systems, their development has to face software evolution. Hence, quality assurance has also to be ensured after SPL evolution by testing respective versions of variants. In this thesis, we tackle the challenges of testing redundancy as well as evolution by proposing a framework for model-based regression testing of evolving SPLs. The framework facilitates efficient incremental testing of variants and versions of variants by exploiting the commonality and reuse potential of test artifacts and test results. Our contribution is divided into three parts. First, we propose a test-modeling formalism capturing the variability and version information of evolving SPLs in an integrated fashion. The formalism builds the basis for automatic derivation of reusable test cases and for the application of change impact analysis to guide retest test selection. Second, we introduce two techniques for incremental change impact analysis to identify (1) changing execution dependencies to be retested between subsequently tested variants and versions of variants, and (2) the impact of an evolution step to the variant set in terms of modified, new and unchanged versions of variants. Third, we define a coverage-driven retest test selection based on a new retest coverage criterion that incorporates the results of the change impact analysis. The retest test selection facilitates the reduction of redundantly executed test cases during incremental testing of variants and versions of variants. The framework is prototypically implemented and evaluated by means of three evolving SPLs showing that it achieves a reduction of the overall effort for testing evolving SPLs.Testen ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Entwicklung von Softwareproduktlinien (SPL). Aufgrund der potentiell sehr großen Anzahl an Varianten einer SPL ist deren individueller Test im Allgemeinen nicht praktikabel und resultiert zudem in redundanten Testfallausführungen, die durch die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Varianten entstehen. Existierende SPL-Testansätze adressieren diese Herausforderungen z.B. durch die Reduktion der Anzahl an zu testenden Varianten. Jedoch wird weiterhin jede Variante unabhängig getestet, ohne dabei das Wissen über Gemeinsamkeiten und Variabilität auszunutzen, um den Testaufwand zu reduzieren. Des Weiteren muss sich die SPL-Entwicklung mit der Evolution von Software auseinandersetzen. Dies birgt weitere Herausforderungen für das SPL-Testen, da nicht nur für Varianten sondern auch für ihre Versionen die Qualität sichergestellt werden muss. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir ein Framework für das modellbasierte Regressionstesten von evolvierenden SPL vor, das die Herausforderungen des redundanten Testens und der Software-Evolution adressiert. Das Framework vereint Testmodellierung, Änderungsauswirkungsanalyse und automatische Testfallselektion, um einen inkrementellen Testprozess zu definieren, der Varianten und Variantenversionen unter Ausnutzung des Wissens über gemeinsame Funktionalität und dem Wiederverwendungspotential von Testartefakten und -resultaten effizient testet. Für die Testmodellierung entwickeln wir einen Ansatz, der Variabilitäts- sowie Versionsinformation von evolvierenden SPL gleichermaßen für die Modellierung einbezieht. Für die Änderungsauswirkungsanalyse definieren wir zwei Techniken, um zum einen Änderungen in Ausführungsabhängigkeiten zwischen zu testenden Varianten und ihren Versionen zu identifizieren und zum anderen die Auswirkungen eines Evolutionsschrittes auf die Variantenmenge zu bestimmen und zu klassifizieren. Für die Testfallselektion schlagen wir ein Abdeckungskriterium vor, das die Resultate der Auswirkungsanalyse einbezieht, um automatisierte Entscheidungen über einen Wiederholungstest von wiederverwendbaren Testfällen durchzuführen. Die abdeckungsgetriebene Testfallselektion ermöglicht somit die Reduktion der redundanten Testfallausführungen während des inkrementellen Testens von Varianten und Variantenversionen. Das Framework ist prototypisch implementiert und anhand von drei evolvierenden SPL evaluiert. Die Resultate zeigen, dass eine Aufwandsreduktion für das Testen evolvierender SPL erreicht wird

    Hardware Acceleration of Electronic Design Automation Algorithms

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    With the advances in very large scale integration (VLSI) technology, hardware is going parallel. Software, which was traditionally designed to execute on single core microprocessors, now faces the tough challenge of taking advantage of this parallelism, made available by the scaling of hardware. The work presented in this dissertation studies the acceleration of electronic design automation (EDA) software on several hardware platforms such as custom integrated circuits (ICs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and graphics processors. This dissertation concentrates on a subset of EDA algorithms which are heavily used in the VLSI design flow, and also have varying degrees of inherent parallelism in them. In particular, Boolean satisfiability, Monte Carlo based statistical static timing analysis, circuit simulation, fault simulation and fault table generation are explored. The architectural and performance tradeoffs of implementing the above applications on these alternative platforms (in comparison to their implementation on a single core microprocessor) are studied. In addition, this dissertation also presents an automated approach to accelerate uniprocessor code using a graphics processing unit (GPU). The key idea is to partition the software application into kernels in an automated fashion, such that multiple instances of these kernels, when executed in parallel on the GPU, can maximally benefit from the GPU?s hardware resources. The work presented in this dissertation demonstrates that several EDA algorithms can be successfully rearchitected to maximally harness their performance on alternative platforms such as custom designed ICs, FPGAs and graphic processors, and obtain speedups upto 800X. The approaches in this dissertation collectively aim to contribute towards enabling the computer aided design (CAD) community to accelerate EDA algorithms on arbitrary hardware platforms