220 research outputs found

    Digital Twins. HBIM information repositories to centralize knowledge and interdisciplinary management of architectural heritage

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    [EN] It is obvious that the primary document will always be the building itself, but within the field of conservation, restoration or maintenance it is necessary to have a large documentary archive where the interventions are recorded. The older the monument is, the greater the knowledge of the built element must be before any intervention and this requires a lot of time in prior research and which can develop prior studies, in addition to the economic cost that it entails. This is why with the advancement of technology and digital repositories, digital platforms can be created within Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM). This article reflects the experience of an eight-century-old monument, San Juan of Hospital of Valencia (Spain), in which a virtual twin has been made with software and specific web platforms in facility management such as Archibus©, EcoDomus©, Zutec© that allow the integration of information from BIM models and data acquired through sensors. With this work, although it is economically expensive and requires a lot of time for people specialized in the required programs, is improving the efficiency of facility management. and maintenance planning for large buildings and infrastructure.Thanks to the european research project PROMETHEUS: Protocols for information Models libraries tested on heritage of Upper Kama SiteCortés Meseguer, L.; García Valldecabres, J. (2023). Digital Twins. HBIM information repositories to centralize knowledge and interdisciplinary management of architectural heritage. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 8(2):64-75. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2023.20534647582Antonopoulu, S., Bryan (2017). Historic England. BIM for Heritage. Developing a Historic Building Information Model. https://historicengland.org.uk/advice/technical-advice/recording-heritage/Ayuntamiento de Valencia, (2010). Catálogo de Bienes y Espacios Protegidos. 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Dimensions and Levels of Knowledge in Heritage Building Information Modelling, HBIM: The model of the Charterhouse of Jerez (Cádiz, Spain). Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 14, e00110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.daach.2019.e00110Fassi, F., Achille, C, Mandelli, A., Rechichi, F., & Parri, S. (2015). A New idea of bim system for visualization, web sharing and using huge complex 3d models for facility management. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 40(5W4), 359-366. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-5-W4-359-2015Fregonese, L., Achille,C., Adami, A., Fassi, F., Spezzoni, A., & Taffurelli, L. (2015). BIM: an integrated model for planned and preventive maintenance of architectural heritage. Digital Heritage. Granada: IEEE, 51-54. https://doi.org/10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7413832García-Valldecabres, J.L., López-González, M.C., Salvador-García, E., March, R., & Jordán-Palomar, I. (2016). El diseño de una base de datos, modelo para la gestión de la información y del conocimiento del Patrimonio Arquitectónico. Unpublished.Hernández-Salazar, I., & Bulgarelli-Bolaños, J.P. (2023). Identification and characterization of the foyer of the national theater of Costa Rica as part of the methodological strategy for the three-dimensional modeling of the future Digital Twin. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. XLVIII-M-2-2023:709-719. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-M-2-2023-709-2023Jordán-Palomar, I., Tzortzopoulos, P., García-Valldecabres, J., & Pellicer E., (2018). Protocol to Manage Heritage-Building Interventions Using Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM). Sustainability, 10(908), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10040908Lo Turco, M., Mattone, M., & Rinaudo, F. (2017). Metric survey and BIM technologies to record decay conditions. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(5W1), 261-268. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-5-W1-261-2017López-Menchero Bendicho, V.M. (2011). Propuesta para profundizar en La Carta de Londres y mejorar su aplicabilidad en el campo del patrimonio arqueológico. Virtual Archaeology Review, 2(4), 65-69. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4557Maxwell, I. (2016). COTAC BIM4C Integrating Report Part 1: Conservation Parameters.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, (2012). Estrategia española de ciencia y tecnología y de innovación 2013-2020.Muñoz Cosme, A. (2014). Catálogos e inventarios del Patrimonio en España. E-rph, 14, 15-37.Neuman, W.L., & Kreuger, L. (2003). Social work research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Allyn and Bacon.Parrinello, S., Dell'Amico, A. (2019). "Experience of Documentation for the Accessibility of Widespread Cultural Heritage" Heritage, 2, no. 1: 1032-1044. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage2010067Parrinello, S., Picchio, F., De Marco, R., & Dell'Amico, A. Documentando las rutas del patrimonio cultural. la creación de modelos informativos de las iglesias históricas rusas en la región superior de Kama, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W15, 887-894. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W15-887-2019Salvador-García, E. (2020). Protocolo HBIM para una gestión eficiente del uso público del patrimonio arquitectónico. Universitat Politècnica de València, València. PhD Tesis. Master thesis. https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/146811Salvador-García, E. (2015). Nuevas propuestas de puesta en valor para la visita pública interpretativa del Conjunto de San Juan del Hospital de Valencia. TFM. Unpublished.Santoni, A., Martín-Talaverano, R., Quattrini, R., & Murillo-Fragero, J. (2020). HBIM approach to implement the historical and constructive knowledge. The case of the Real Colegiata of San Isidoro (León, Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review, 12, 24. pp. 49-65. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.13661Sánchez, A., Hampson, K.D. & Sherif, M. (2015). Sydney Opera House. Case study report. 2015. Sustainable Built Environment. National Research Centre.UNESCO (2009). Carta sobre la preservación del patrimonio digital. [URL] https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000179529.page=2Volk, R., Stengel, J., & Schultmann, F. (2014). Building Information Modeling (BIM) for existing buildings-Literature review and future needs. Automation in construction, 38, 109-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2013.10.023VV.AA., (2000). Plan Director del Templo de San Juan del Hospital de Valencia.Webb, C., coord. 2003. Directrices para la preservación del patrimonio digital. Biblioteca Nacional Australia. División Sociedad de la Información. UNESCO. 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    Methodology for the generation of 3D city models and integration of HBIM models in GIS: Case studies

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    [EN] The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry increasingly demands the availability of semantic and interactive digital models with the environment, capable of simulating decision-making during its life cycle and representing the results achieved. This motivates the need to develop models that integrate spatial information (GIS) and construction information (HBIM), favouring the achievement of the Smart City and Digital Twin concepts. GIS & HBIM platform is a useful tool, with potential applications in the world of built heritage; but it still has certain inefficiencies related to interoperability, the semantics of the formats and the geometry of the models. The objective of this contribution is to suggest a procedure for the generation of 3D visualization models of existing cities by integrating HBIM models in GIS environments. For this, three software and two types of data sources (existing plans and point cloud) are used. The methodology is tested in four locations of different dimensions, managing to identify the advantages/disadvantages of each application.Carrasco, CA.; Lombillo, I.; Sánchez-Espeso, J. (2022). Methodology for the generation of 3D city models and integration of HBIM models in GIS: Case studies. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 7(2):74-87. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvioijats.2022.1880874877

    HBIM for conservation: A new proposal for information modeling

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    Thanks to its capability of archiving and organizing all the information about a building, HBIM (Historical Building Information Modeling) is considered a promising resource for planned conservation of historical assets. However, its usage remains limited and scarcely adopted by the subjects in charge of conservation, mainly because of its rather complex 3D modeling requirements and a lack of shared regulatory references and guidelines as far as semantic data are concerned. In this study, we developed an HBIM methodology to support documentation, management, and planned conservation of historic buildings, with particular focus on non-geometric information: organized and coordinated storage and management of historical data, easy analysis and query, time management, flexibility, user-friendliness, and information sharing. The system is based on a standalone specific-designed database linked to the 3D model of the asset, built with BIM software, and it is highly adaptable to different assets. The database is accessible both with a developed desktop application, which acts as a plug-in for the BIM software, and through a web interface, implemented to ensure data sharing and easy usability by skilled and unskilled users. The paper describes in detail the implemented system, passing by semantic breaking down of the building, database design, as well as system architecture and capabilities. Two case studies, the Cathedral of Parma and Ducal Palace of Mantua (Italy), are then presented to show the results of the system's application

    A semantic web approach for built heritage representation

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    In a built heritage process, meant as a structured system of activities aimed at the investigation, preservation, and management of architectural heritage, any task accomplished by the several actors involved in it is deeply influenced by the way the knowledge is represented and shared. In the current heritage practice, knowledge representation and management have shown several limitations due to the difficulty of dealing with large amount of extremely heterogeneous data. On this basis, this research aims at extending semantic web approaches and technologies to architectural heritage knowledge management in order to provide an integrated and multidisciplinary representation of the artifact and of the knowledge necessary to support any decision or any intervention and management activity. To this purpose, an ontology-based system, representing the knowledge related to the artifact and its contexts, has been developed through the formalization of domain-specific entities and relationships between them


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    This paper retraces some research activities and application of 3D survey techniques and Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the environment of Cultural Heritage. It describes the diffusion of as-built BIM approach in the last years in Heritage Assets management, the so-called Built Heritage Information Modelling/Management (BHIMM or HBIM), that is nowadays an important and sustainable perspective in documentation and administration of historic buildings and structures. The work focuses the documentation derived from 3D survey techniques that can be understood like a significant and unavoidable knowledge base for the BIM conception and modelling, in the perspective of a coherent and complete management and valorisation of CH. It deepens potentialities, offered by 3D integrated survey techniques, to acquire productively and quite easilymany 3D information, not only geometrical but also radiometric attributes, helping the recognition, interpretation and characterization of state of conservation and degradation of architectural elements. From these data, they provide more and more high descriptive models corresponding to the geometrical complexity of buildings or aggregates in the well-known 5D (3D + time and cost dimensions). Points clouds derived from 3D survey acquisition (aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry, LiDAR and their integration) are reality-based models that can be use in a semi-automatic way to manage, interpret, and moderately simplify geometrical shapes of historical buildings that are examples, as is well known, of non-regular and complex geometry, instead of modern constructions with simple and regular ones. In the paper, some of these issues are addressed and analyzed through some experiences regarding the creation and the managing of HBIMprojects on historical heritage at different scales, using different platforms and various workflow. The paper focuses on LiDAR data handling with the aim to manage and extract geometrical information; on development and optimization of semi-automatic process of segmentation, recognition and modelling of historical shapes of complex structures; on communication of historical heritage by virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) in a 3D reconstruction of buildings aggregates from a LiDAR and UAV survey. The HBIM model have been implemented and optimized to be managed and browse by mobile devices for not only touristic or informative scopes, but also to ensure that HBIM platforms will become more easy and valuable tools helping all professionals of AEC involved in the documentation and valorisation process, that nowadays more and more distinguish CH policies


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    This paper illustrates how BIM integration with GIS is approached as part of the workflow in creating Virtual Historic Dublin. A design for a WEB based interactive 3D model of historic buildings and centres in Dublin City (Virtual Historic Dublin City) paralleling smart city initiates is now under construction and led by the National Monuments at the Office of Public Works in Ireland. The aim is to facilitate the conservation and maintenance of historic infrastructure and fabric and the dissemination of knowledge for education and cultural tourism using an extensive Historic Building Information Model. Remote sensing data is now processed with greater ease to create 3D intelligent models in Historic BIM. While the use of remote sensing, HBIM and game engine platforms are the main applications used at present, 3D GIS has potential to form part of the workflow for developing the Virtual Historic City. 2D GIS is now being replaced by 3D spatial data allowing more complex analysis to be carried out, 3D GIS can define and depict buildings, urban rural centres in relation to their geometry topological, semantic and visualisation properties. The addition of semantic attributes allows complex analysis and 3D spatial queries for modelling city and urban elements. This analysis includes fabric and structural elements of buildings, relief, vegetation, transportation, water bodies, city furniture and land use

    The Integration of HBIM-SIG in the Development of a Virtual Itinerary in a Historical Centre

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    [EN] The continuous increase in cultural tourism, together with the deficient planning of public use, increases the risk of heritage resource degradation. Currently, there are collaborative methodologies enabling all the agents involved in the conservation of a heritage site to work in a coordinated way (HBIM), such as in the management of public use. However, in this study, through a review of the scientific literature, the lack of a method and tool that allows sustainable conservation management and the planning of cultural tourism of heritage assets in a specific geographical environment is demonstrated. The objective of this research is thus to explore and identify the possibilities of interoperability between HBIM and GIS for the development of a protocol aimed at synchronizing the information concerning heritage architecture across the management and cultural tourism planning and preventive conservation. This protocol was implemented for three monumental buildings in the historic centre of the city of Valencia (Spain). This novel protocol provides a new technological system that fosters the cultural development and preservation and conservation of heritage assets through a single tool integrating HBIM and GISWe thank the Cathedral Chapter and the Rectorate and managers of the Royal Seminary College of Corpus Christi and the rectory church of San Juan del Hospital for their availability so that this research could be carried out. We thank Junshan Liu and Danielle Wilkens for their collaboration in collecting data from the Real Colegio Seminario.López González, MC.; G-Valldecabres, J. (2023). The Integration of HBIM-SIG in the Development of a Virtual Itinerary in a Historical Centre. Sustainability. 15(18):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151813931119151

    Using Building Information Modelling to map the composition of glass panes in a historic house

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is widely regarded to be potentially useful for the conservation and management of historic buildings. So far, research in this area has mostly concentrated in geometry: surveying, the parametric modelling of building features and the accurate modelling of complex building shapes. But in order to be fully integrated with conservation practice, Building Information Models need to include other types of data. This paper demonstrates a method to introduce and visualise spatially resolved data within a Building Information Model of a historic building. It focuses on the visualisation of the composition of historic glass and the metadata associated with this measurement. The conclusions are, however, extensible to any type of spatially-resolved material information that can inform building management, conservation and interpretation. The software Dynamo is used to add this functionality to a Revit 3D model. The modelling stage requires the creation of shape families for different types of window. This approach is compared with a similar visualisation produced with ArcGIS, a common Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The Dynamo algorithm successfully adds the visualisation capacity to the BIM model, but it is unlikely that this level of customisation is achievable by the average user. There is a need for further development of technological solutions that combine the visualisation capacity of GIS with ability of BIM to link 3D models and numerical data

    HBIM development of a brazilian modern architecture icon: glass house by Lina Bo Bardi

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    Lina Bo Bardi’s Glass House (Casa de Vidro) is a National Historic Landmark designed and built in the late 1940s in São Paulo, Brazil. The house is one of the symbols of modern Brazilian mid-century architecture. It is a historiographical reference of the history of modern architecture in Brazil. This article reports the experience, outcomes, challenges, benefits, and limitations of the Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) process. The HBIM was developed for Lina’s Glass House considering the following steps: modeling planning; data acquisition; model elaboration; recording of pathologies and damage; data management; documentation process. The HBIM developed includes historical information and geometric data from direct measurements, laser scanning, photographic survey, and pathologies documentation. The model allows professionals responsible for architecture, conservation, and restoration to access integrated information on projects and the current condition of the buildings easily and quickly. Good precision was achieved for important building elements, contributing to maintenance and restoration actions. This experience allowed the development of an integrated workflow of activities for collecting, processing, recording, and managing information that may serve as a baseline for future projects for the documentation of modernist buildings231927194