2,391 research outputs found

    Developing Mobile Application for the E-commerce for the UUM Students Community

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    Additionally, internet commerce continues to grow rapidly, with growing customers. The new integrations nowadays, obtained for customer to browse their certain information via Web and WAP services. This study has been suggest the using of WAP technology to help UUM students for browsing their enquire about the different items, otherwise, the reason of this services can simply presents the easily way and flexibility to access the information at any time in any location. This research introduces a WAP application that provides the UUM students with the service of the other information that most of the students need it in order to reduce the time and the effort for them. By using this technology, students can easily get necessary information about the item information, name, description, and prices. Moreover, the system supports students to add new item to the system. Mobile E-commerce guide system for UUM students has been tested to and evaluated to identify the system usability

    Near Field Communication Applications

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    Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range, low power contactless communication between NFC-enabled devices that are held in the closed proximity to each other. NFC technology has been moving rapidly from its initial application areas of mobile payment services and contactless ticketing to the diversity of new areas. Three specific NFC tags highlighted in the thesis have different structures in terms of memory, security and usage in different applications. NFC information tags exploit the data exchange format NDEF standardized by NFC Forum. NFC applications are rapidly stepping into novel and diverse application areas. Often they are deployed in combination with different devices and systems through their integrability and adaptability features. The diverse application areas where NFC tags and cards are used cover smart posters, contactless ticketing, keys and access control, library services, entertainment services, social network services, education, location based services, work force and retail management and healthcare. In designing different NFC applications, it is necessary to take into consideration different design issues such as to choosing the NFC tools and devices according to the technical requirements of the application, considering especially the memory, security and price factors as well as their relation to the purpose and usage of the final product. The security aspect of the NFC tags is remarkably important in selecting the proper NFC device. The race between hackers attacking and breaking the security systems of programmable high level products and manufacturers to produce reliable secure systems and products seems to never end. This has proven to be case, for example, for trying MIFARE Ultralight and DESFire MF3ICD40 tags. An important consideration of studying the different applications of NFC tags and cards during the thesis work was to understand the ubiquitous character of NFC technology.Lähitunnistus yhteys tekniikka (NFC) on lyhyen tähtäimen, pienitehoinen, kontaktiton yhteydenpito NFC yhteensopivien laitteiden välillä, jossa laitteet pidetään toistensä välittömässä läheisyydessä tiedon siirtämiseksi niiden välillä. NFC-teknologia on siirtynyt nopeasti sen alkuperäisiltä toimialueilta eli mobiili maksupalvelujen ja kontaktittomien lippujen sovellusalueilta moninaisille uusille alueille. Kolmella NFC tagillä, joita on käsitelty tässä tutkielmassa, on muistin, turvallisuuden ja käytön kannalta erilaisiä rakenteita, joita käytetään eri sovelluksissa. NFC-tagit käyttävät tiedonvälityksessä NFC Forumin standardoimaa NDEF-tiedonvaihtoformaattia. NFC sovellukset esiintyvät yhä enenevässä määrin nopeasti kehyttyvillä, uudenlaisilla ja monipuolisilla sovellusalueilla, usein yhdessä eri laitteiden ja järjestelmien kanssa. NFC on käytettävissä erinäisten laitteiden kanssa erilaisissa järjestelmäympäristöissä. Monipuoliset sovellusalueet, joissa muun muassa NFC-tagejä ja -kortteja käytetään sisältävät seuraavanlaisia sovelluksia: älykkäät julisteet, kontaktittomat liput, avaimet ja pääsynvalvonta, kirjastopalvelut, viihdepalvelut, sosiaalisen verkoston palvelut, kasvatukseen ja koulutukseen liittyvät palvelut, sijaintiperustaiset palvelut, työvoiman ja vähittäiskaupan hallinto-palvelut ja terveyspalvelut. Erilaisten NFC-sovelluksien suunnittelussa on väistämätöntä ottaa erilaisia suunnitteluasioita huomioon kuten valita NFC-työkalut ja laitteet sovelluksen teknisten vaatimusten mukaan. Erilaiset tärkeät tekijät kuten muisti, tietoturvallisuusominaisuudet ja hinta ja niiden kaikkien toimivuus lopputuotteen kannalta on otettava huomioon. Tietoturvallisuusnäkökohta on erityisen tärkeä oikean NFC laitteen valitsemisessa, sillä käynnissä on loputon kilpajuoksu hakkerien, jotka yrittävät rikkoa ohjelmoitavien korkeatasoisten laitteiden ja tuotteiden tietoturvajärjestelmiä, ja valmistajien, jotka pyrkivät tuottamaan luotettavia varmoja järjestelmiä, välillä. Tietoturvariskiin liittyviä ongelmia on löydetty esimerkiksi MIFARE Ultralight ja DESFire MF3ICD40 tageista. Tärkeä havainto, joka saatiin erilaisten NFC sovelluksien tutkimisesta, oli oivaltaa NFCteknologian potentiaalinen kaikkialle ulottuva, yleiskäyttöinen luonne

    An integrated mobile and web-based system for bus rapid transit (brt) in Dar es Salaam

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master’s in Information and Communication Science and Engineering of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyThe rapid population growth in Dar Es Salaam has prompted the demand of effective transport system in the city. This tremendous rise of population leads to a serious road traffic congestion, which brings a number of challenges into the city and other growing urban areas. The city’s local governments attempted various solutions to control the traffic congestions including building of other roads, expansion and extension of present roads, installation of traffic lights and other transportation infrastructures though they have not relieved the problem. The Government of Tanzania (GoT) supported the city’s efforts by establishing the administrative organ called Dar Es Salaam Rapid Transit (DART) to administer the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. The government through DART has improved the public transport in the city. The BRT system provided direct benefits to passengers like minimal travelling time, improved reliability as compared to other public transport commonly known as daladala and accident reduction because BRT buses use their exclusive lanes. Besides its advantages, the newly adopted transport system has brought some challenges to its customers. Among others are; a queue during ticket booking, shortage of smart cards, and inability to check and top-up balance using passengers' mobile phones. Therefore, the study presents a software-based solution that will help passengers to check balance, send request by specifying station to board a bus and check or predict bus arrival time at any station


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    ThesisInefficiencies in the public transportation system in the Free State province resulting in poor quality public transportation has led to the investigation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions to improve the system, through integration, and the challenges and opportunities that may result from this integration. This research investigates ICT solutions for public transportation improvement focusing on the challenges and opportunities for all stakeholders of the public transportation system. Critical review of South African legislation and policies on public transportation and ICT was carried out. This was to review government laws and policies governing public transportation development. It also reviewed how the government planned on improving public transportation, developments so far based on those plans and future plans, and how these legislations by the government have been carried out in the Free State province. A theoretical framework was developed to lay out expectations for the integration process including the adoption of technologies and adaptations to the new integrated public transportation system based on technology acceptance and diffusion theories. Questionnaire and Interview surveys were carried out on public transportation vehicle owners, drivers, public transportation users and non-users to assess the current state of public transportation, their needs that could potentially be solved by ICT and the challenges likely to be faced. The use of questionnaires was also to assist in identifying and defining elements needed for successful integration of ICT into the system. ICT experts, transportation planners, academics, public transportation owners and users were also interviewed to gain more understanding and insight on ICT solutions, the public transportation systems, technologies for potential use in the public transportation system and challenges that may arise due to integration

    Case studies: results and synthesis projet 7FP CLOSER (Connecting LOng and Short-distance networks for Efficient Transport) Rapport de recherche Deliverable 5.2 project européen CLOSER.

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    The CLOSER project has been set to analyse the interfaces and interconnectionsbetween long distance transport networks and local/regional transport networks of allmodes. The project is funded within the Seventh Framework Programme of theEuropean Commission, under the topic TPT-2008.0.0.13 “New mobility/organisationalschemes: interconnection between short and long-distance transport networks”.The objective of WP5 of CLOSER is to accomplish in-depth case studies to deepenand validate the understanding of results obtained in Work packages 2, 3 and 4. Thiswill be achieved by:- Developing a joint assessment and evaluation framework for the case studies,incorporating knowledge that has been obtained in WP 2, WP 3 and WP 4- Carrying out the case studies- Synthesising the results of the case studies in order to give inputs for thedevelopment of recommendations in WP 6.The deliverable at hand summarises the seven case studies that have been conductedin the CLOSER project: Leipzig-Halle airport (Germany) Armentiéres station (France) Oslo bus terminal Vaterland (Norway) Port of Helsinki (Finland) Thessaloniki port (Greece) Constantza port (Romania) Vilnius Airport (Lithuania

    Information and communication technologies for public use and interactive-multimedia city kiosks

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Industrial Design, Izmir, 2004Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 103)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishix, 106 leavesThis thesis provides framework for consideration of the potential of information andcommunication technologies for public events and performances for the developing usage of new products, particularly information public kiosks. In the theoretical framework, the concepts and terms of information and communication technology are generally introduced along with the identification of number of major factors such as elements, diversity, necessity and evolution. Moreover, the importance of ICT technologies in urban settings and human behavior in response to this type of technology are investigated through the history of ICT. The concept of the usage of information and communication technology by actual people is particularly emphasized. Not only the utilization of information and communication technology in public space is described but also effective usage of ICT in the public space and information access provided by public products are identified.Figures of ICT systems and related products, their roots in design differences and new tools and products that are common examples of ICT, particularly the use of the information city kiosk, are presented and discussed. Design principles of the public information kiosk, which play a prominent role in the public use of ICT, are established. The analysis of design factors and human-product relations based on user profile, material choices, form, function and location are discussed. Finally, the thesis includes a conclusion that argues that the information city kiosks and their increased public use will designate the new images of the cities

    Web-Based Internet Mobile Application to Manage Organization

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    Information world today’s, where the internet and web technology are used widely. Most of the organizations acknowledge the importance of SMS system and WEB in reaching and interacting with their users. However, there is much discussion regarding the effectiveness when it comes to SMS system. This study helped organization’s students, users of organization, and willing to accept, reading and using SMS messages: effective is SMS messages compared to traditional communications. The goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of SMS messages compared to traditional ways for different aspects and on the other hand, to develop prototype by using Web and SMS technology to apply this system and extent students are willing to accept SMS messages on their mobile phone, since the effectiveness of SMS messages highly depends on this willing. The results of this research indicate that the use of the web and SMS for the benefit of the organization and students in all aspects instead using traditional ways to contact
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