1,041 research outputs found

    The Application of Advanced Technologies for Agriculture and Rangeland Management

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    This project demonstrates two applications of remote sensing in agricultural and rangeland environments. In the first, an unmanned aerial system (UAS) equipped with a multi-spectral sensor was used to estimate canopy cover across four different cover crop trials at four time periods. In the second, a local database of stationary camera trap images of wildlife was used to train a convolutional neural network to automatically catalogue images by identifying the animal in those images. Both projects aimed to provide an example of how remote sensing platforms and machine learning techniques can facilitate the rapid collection and processing of large-scale field data. In both projects, methods were developed that confirm the utility of advanced remote sensing and computer vision technologies

    Development and Applications of Machine Learning Methods for Hyperspectral Data

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    Die hyperspektrale Fernerkundung der Erde stützt sich auf Daten passiver optischer Sensoren, die auf Plattformen wie Satelliten und unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen montiert sind. Hyperspektrale Daten umfassen Informationen zur Identifizierung von Materialien und zur Überwachung von Umweltvariablen wie Bodentextur, Bodenfeuchte, Chlorophyll a und Landbedeckung. Methoden zur Datenanalyse sind erforderlich, um Informationen aus hyperspektralen Daten zu erhalten. Ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug bei der Analyse von Hyperspektraldaten ist das Maschinelle Lernen, eine Untergruppe von Künstlicher Intelligenz. Maschinelle Lernverfahren können nichtlineare Korrelationen lösen und sind bei steigenden Datenmengen skalierbar. Jeder Datensatz und jedes maschinelle Lernverfahren bringt neue Herausforderungen mit sich, die innovative Lösungen erfordern. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Anwendung von maschinellen Lernverfahren auf hyperspektrale Fernerkundungsdaten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Studien vorgestellt, die sich mit drei wesentlichen Herausforderungen befassen: (I) Datensätze, welche nur wenige Datenpunkte mit dazugehörigen Ausgabedaten enthalten, (II) das begrenzte Potential von nicht-tiefen maschinellen Lernverfahren auf hyperspektralen Daten und (III) Unterschiede zwischen den Verteilungen der Trainings- und Testdatensätzen. Die Studien zur Herausforderung (I) führen zur Entwicklung und Veröffentlichung eines Frameworks von Selbstorganisierten Karten (SOMs) für unüberwachtes, überwachtes und teilüberwachtes Lernen. Die SOM wird auf einen hyperspektralen Datensatz in der (teil-)überwachten Regression der Bodenfeuchte angewendet und übertrifft ein Standardverfahren des maschinellen Lernens. Das SOM-Framework zeigt eine angemessene Leistung in der (teil-)überwachten Klassifikation der Landbedeckung. Es bietet zusätzliche Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten, um das Verständnis des zugrunde liegenden Datensatzes zu verbessern. In den Studien, die sich mit Herausforderung (II) befassen, werden drei innovative eindimensionale Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Architekturen entwickelt. Die CNNs werden für eine Bodentexturklassifikation auf einen frei verfügbaren hyperspektralen Datensatz angewendet. Ihre Leistung wird mit zwei bestehenden CNN-Ansätzen und einem Random Forest verglichen. Die beiden wichtigsten Erkenntnisse lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Erstens zeigen die CNN-Ansätze eine deutlich bessere Leistung als der angewandte nicht-tiefe Random Forest-Ansatz. Zweitens verbessert das Hinzufügen von Informationen über hyperspektrale Bandnummern zur Eingabeschicht eines CNNs die Leistung im Bezug auf die einzelnen Klassen. Die Studien über die Herausforderung (III) basieren auf einem Datensatz, der auf fünf verschiedenen Messgebieten in Peru im Jahr 2019 erfasst wurde. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Messgebieten werden mit qualitativen Methoden und mit unüberwachten maschinellen Lernverfahren, wie zum Beispiel Principal Component Analysis und Autoencoder, analysiert. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wird eine überwachte Regression der Bodenfeuchte bei verschiedenen Kombinationen von Messgebieten durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wird der Datensatz mit Monte-Carlo-Methoden ergänzt, um die Auswirkungen der Verschiebung der Verteilungen des Datensatzes auf die Regression zu untersuchen. Der angewandte SOM-Regressor ist relativ robust gegenüber dem Rauschen des Bodenfeuchtesensors und zeigt eine gute Leistung bei kleinen Datensätzen, während der angewandte Random Forest auf dem gesamten Datensatz am besten funktioniert. Die Verschiebung der Verteilungen macht diese Regressionsaufgabe schwierig; einige Kombinationen von Messgebieten bilden einen deutlich sinnvolleren Trainingsdatensatz als andere. Insgesamt zeigen die vorgestellten Studien, die sich mit den drei größten Herausforderungen befassen, vielversprechende Ergebnisse. Die Arbeit gibt schließlich Hinweise darauf, wie die entwickelten maschinellen Lernverfahren in der zukünftigen Forschung weiter verbessert werden können

    Ensuring Agricultural Sustainability through Remote Sensing in the Era of Agriculture 5.0

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    This work was supported by the projects: "VIRTUOUS" funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019. Ref. 872181, "SUSTAINABLE" funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020. Ref. 101007702 and the "Project of Excellence" from Junta de Andalucia 2020. Ref. P18-H0-4700. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Timely and reliable information about crop management, production, and yield is considered of great utility by stakeholders (e.g., national and international authorities, farmers, commercial units, etc.) to ensure food safety and security. By 2050, according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates, around 70% more production of agricultural products will be needed to fulfil the demands of the world population. Likewise, to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the second goal of “zero hunger”, potential technologies like remote sensing (RS) need to be efficiently integrated into agriculture. The application of RS is indispensable today for a highly productive and sustainable agriculture. Therefore, the present study draws a general overview of RS technology with a special focus on the principal platforms of this technology, i.e., satellites and remotely piloted aircrafts (RPAs), and the sensors used, in relation to the 5th industrial revolution. Nevertheless, since 1957, RS technology has found applications, through the use of satellite imagery, in agriculture, which was later enriched by the incorporation of remotely piloted aircrafts (RPAs), which is further pushing the boundaries of proficiency through the upgrading of sensors capable of higher spectral, spatial, and temporal resolutions. More prominently, wireless sensor technologies (WST) have streamlined real time information acquisition and programming for respective measures. Improved algorithms and sensors can, not only add significant value to crop data acquisition, but can also devise simulations on yield, harvesting and irrigation periods, metrological data, etc., by making use of cloud computing. The RS technology generates huge sets of data that necessitate the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data to extract useful products, thereby augmenting the adeptness and efficiency of agriculture to ensure its sustainability. These technologies have made the orientation of current research towards the estimation of plant physiological traits rather than the structural parameters possible. Futuristic approaches for benefiting from these cutting-edge technologies are discussed in this study. This study can be helpful for researchers, academics, and young students aspiring to play a role in the achievement of sustainable agriculture.European Commission 101007702 872181Junta de Andalucia P18-H0-470

    A Deep Learning Framework in Selected Remote Sensing Applications

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    The main research topic is designing and implementing a deep learning framework applied to remote sensing. Remote sensing techniques and applications play a crucial role in observing the Earth evolution, especially nowadays, where the effects of climate change on our life is more and more evident. A considerable amount of data are daily acquired all over the Earth. Effective exploitation of this information requires the robustness, velocity and accuracy of deep learning. This emerging need inspired the choice of this topic. The conducted studies mainly focus on two European Space Agency (ESA) missions: Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2. Images provided by the ESA Sentinel-2 mission are rapidly becoming the main source of information for the entire remote sensing community, thanks to their unprecedented combination of spatial, spectral and temporal resolution, as well as their open access policy. The increasing interest gained by these satellites in the research laboratory and applicative scenarios pushed us to utilize them in the considered framework. The combined use of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 is crucial and very prominent in different contexts and different kinds of monitoring when the growing (or changing) dynamics are very rapid. Starting from this general framework, two specific research activities were identified and investigated, leading to the results presented in this dissertation. Both these studies can be placed in the context of data fusion. The first activity deals with a super-resolution framework to improve Sentinel 2 bands supplied at 20 meters up to 10 meters. Increasing the spatial resolution of these bands is of great interest in many remote sensing applications, particularly in monitoring vegetation, rivers, forests, and so on. The second topic of the deep learning framework has been applied to the multispectral Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) extraction, and the semantic segmentation obtained fusing Sentinel 1 and S2 data. The S1 SAR data is of great importance for the quantity of information extracted in the context of monitoring wetlands, rivers and forests, and many other contexts. In both cases, the problem was addressed with deep learning techniques, and in both cases, very lean architectures were used, demonstrating that even without the availability of computing power, it is possible to obtain high-level results. The core of this framework is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). {CNNs have been successfully applied to many image processing problems, like super-resolution, pansharpening, classification, and others, because of several advantages such as (i) the capability to approximate complex non-linear functions, (ii) the ease of training that allows to avoid time-consuming handcraft filter design, (iii) the parallel computational architecture. Even if a large amount of "labelled" data is required for training, the CNN performances pushed me to this architectural choice.} In our S1 and S2 integration task, we have faced and overcome the problem of manually labelled data with an approach based on integrating these two different sensors. Therefore, apart from the investigation in Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 integration, the main contribution in both cases of these works is, in particular, the possibility of designing a CNN-based solution that can be distinguished by its lightness from a computational point of view and consequent substantial saving of time compared to more complex deep learning state-of-the-art solutions

    Deep learning sensor fusion in plant water stress assessment: A comprehensive review

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    Water stress is one of the major challenges to food security, causing a significant economic loss for the nation as well for growers. Accurate assessment of water stress will enhance agricultural productivity through optimization of plant water usage, maximizing plant breeding strategies, and preventing forest wildfire for better ecosystem management. Recent advancements in sensor technologies have enabled high-throughput, non-contact, and cost-efficient plant water stress assessment through intelligence system modeling. The advanced deep learning sensor fusion technique has been reported to improve the performance of the machine learning application for processing the collected sensory data. This paper extensively reviews the state-of-the-art methods for plant water stress assessment that utilized the deep learning sensor fusion approach in their application, together with future prospects and challenges of the application domain. Notably, 37 deep learning solutions fell under six main areas, namely soil moisture estimation, soil water modelling, evapotranspiration estimation, evapotranspiration forecasting, plant water status estimation and plant water stress identification. Basically, there are eight deep learning solutions compiled for the 3D-dimensional data and plant varieties challenge, including unbalanced data that occurred due to isohydric plants, and the effect of variations that occur within the same species but cultivated from different locations

    Sensing and Automation Technologies for Ornamental Nursery Crop Production: Current Status and Future Prospects

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    The ornamental crop industry is an important contributor to the economy in the United States. The industry has been facing challenges due to continuously increasing labor and agricultural input costs. Sensing and automation technologies have been introduced to reduce labor requirements and to ensure efficient management operations. This article reviews current sensing and automation technologies used for ornamental nursery crop production and highlights prospective technologies that can be applied for future applications. Applications of sensors, computer vision, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet-of-Things (IoT), and robotic technologies are reviewed. Some advanced technologies, including 3D cameras, enhanced deep learning models, edge computing, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and integrated robotics used for other cropping systems, are also discussed as potential prospects. This review concludes that advanced sensing, AI and robotic technologies are critically needed for the nursery crop industry. Adapting these current and future innovative technologies will benefit growers working towards sustainable ornamental nursery crop production

    Convergence of Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems

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    This book is a collection of published articles from the Sensors Special Issue on "Convergence of Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems". It includes extended versions of the conference contributions from the 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2019), Metz, France, as well as external contributions