3,840 research outputs found

    Challenging Ubiquitous Inverted Files

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    Stand-alone ranking systems based on highly optimized inverted file structures are generally considered ‘the’ solution for building search engines. Observing various developments in software and hardware, we argue however that IR research faces a complex engineering problem in the quest for more flexible yet efficient retrieval systems. We propose to base the development of retrieval systems on ‘the database approach’: mapping high-level declarative specifications of the retrieval process into efficient query plans. We present the Mirror DBMS as a prototype implementation of a retrieval system based on this approach

    Data Workflow - A Workflow Model for Continuous Data Processing

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    Online data or streaming data are getting more and more important for enterprise information systems, e.g. by integrating sensor data and workflows. The continuous flow of data provided e.g. by sensors requires new workflow models addressing the data perspective of these applications, since continuous data is potentially infinite while business process instances are always finite.\ud In this paper a formal workflow model is proposed with data driven coordination and explicating properties of the continuous data processing. These properties can be used to optimize data workflows, i.e., reducing the computational power for processing the workflows in an engine by reusing intermediate processing results in several workflows

    An Injection with Tree Awareness: Adding Staircase Join to PostgreSQL

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    The syntactic wellformedness constraints of XML (opening and closing tags nest properly) imply that XML processors face the challenge to efficiently handle data that takes the shape of ordered, unranked trees. Although RDBMSs have originally been designed to manage table-shaped data, we propose their use as XML and XPath processors. In our setup, the database system employs a relational XML document encoding, the XPath accelerator [1], which maps information about the XML node hierarchy to a table, thus making it possible to evaluate XPath expressions on SQL hosts.\ud \ud Conventional RDBMSs, nevertheless, remain ignorant of many interesting properties of the encoded tree data, and were thus found to make no or poor use of these properties. This is why we devised a new join algorithm, staircase join [2], which incorporates the tree-specific knowledge required for an efficient SQL-based evaluation of XPath expressions. In a sense, this demonstration delivers the promise we have made at VLDB 2003 [2]: a notion of tree awareness can be injected into a conventional disk-based RDBMS kernel in terms of staircase join. The demonstration features a side-by-side comparison of both, an original and a staircase-join enhanced instance of PostgreSQL [4]. The required changes to\ud PostgreSQL were local, the achieved eect, however, is significant: the demonstration proves that this injection of tree awareness turns PostgreSQL into a high-performance XML processor that closely adheres to the XPath semantics

    Query Optimization for Database Federation Systems

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    Database federation is one approach to data integration, in which a middleware, called mediator, provides uniform access to a number of heterogeneous data sources. In this thesis, we focus on the query optimization for distributed joins over database federation. One important observation in query optimization over distributed database system is that run-time conditions (namely available buffer size, CPU utilization in machine and network environment) can significantly affect the execution cost of a query plan. However, in existing database federation systems, very few studies have addressed run-time conditions. It is a challenging problem, because usually the mediator is not able to know the run-time conditions of remote sites and considering run-time conditions will bring about extra complexity to the optimizer. This thesis proposes the Cluster-and-Conquer algorithm for query optimization over database federation while efficiently considering run-time conditions. This algorithm has three-fold benefits. Firstly, the run-time conditions of machines are now available for cluster mediator. Secondly, each cluster mediator can deal with its own sub query concurrently, so the complexity of processing query plan is decreased. Thirdly, the algorithm outperforms other related approaches in terms of“cost of costing , because it removes unnecessary inter-cluster operations in the early stage. I have implemented a prototype data federation system with Cluster-and-Conquer algorithm. The experimental results showed the capabilities and efficiency of our algorithm and described the target scenarios where the algorithm performs better than other related approaches

    Code Generation for Efficient Query Processing in Managed Runtimes

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    In this paper we examine opportunities arising from the conver-gence of two trends in data management: in-memory database sys-tems (IMDBs), which have received renewed attention following the availability of affordable, very large main memory systems; and language-integrated query, which transparently integrates database queries with programming languages (thus addressing the famous ‘impedance mismatch ’ problem). Language-integrated query not only gives application developers a more convenient way to query external data sources like IMDBs, but also to use the same querying language to query an application’s in-memory collections. The lat-ter offers further transparency to developers as the query language and all data is represented in the data model of the host program-ming language. However, compared to IMDBs, this additional free-dom comes at a higher cost for query evaluation. Our vision is to improve in-memory query processing of application objects by introducing database technologies to managed runtimes. We focus on querying and we leverage query compilation to im-prove query processing on application objects. We explore dif-ferent query compilation strategies and study how they improve the performance of query processing over application data. We take C] as the host programming language as it supports language-integrated query through the LINQ framework. Our techniques de-liver significant performance improvements over the default LINQ implementation. Our work makes important first steps towards a future where data processing applications will commonly run on machines that can store their entire datasets in-memory, and will be written in a single programming language employing language-integrated query and IMDB-inspired runtimes to provide transparent and highly efficient querying. 1

    Modern data analytics in the cloud era

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    Cloud Computing ist die dominante Technologie des letzten Jahrzehnts. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der verwalteten Umgebung in Kombination mit einer nahezu unbegrenzten Menge an Ressourcen und einem nutzungsabhĂ€ngigen Preismodell ermöglicht eine schnelle und kosteneffiziente Projektrealisierung fĂŒr ein breites Nutzerspektrum. Cloud Computing verĂ€ndert auch die Art und Weise wie Software entwickelt, bereitgestellt und genutzt wird. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Datenbanksysteme, die in der Cloud-Umgebung eingesetzt werden. Wir identifizieren drei Hauptinteraktionspunkte der Datenbank-Engine mit der Umgebung, die verĂ€nderte Anforderungen im Vergleich zu traditionellen On-Premise-Data-Warehouse-Lösungen aufweisen. Der erste Interaktionspunkt ist die Interaktion mit elastischen Ressourcen. Systeme in der Cloud sollten ElastizitĂ€t unterstĂŒtzen, um den Lastanforderungen zu entsprechen und dabei kosteneffizient zu sein. Wir stellen einen elastischen Skalierungsmechanismus fĂŒr verteilte Datenbank-Engines vor, kombiniert mit einem Partitionsmanager, der einen Lastausgleich bietet und gleichzeitig die Neuzuweisung von Partitionen im Falle einer elastischen Skalierung minimiert. DarĂŒber hinaus fĂŒhren wir eine Strategie zum initialen BefĂŒllen von Puffern ein, die es ermöglicht, skalierte Ressourcen unmittelbar nach der Skalierung auszunutzen. Cloudbasierte Systeme sind von fast ĂŒberall aus zugĂ€nglich und verfĂŒgbar. Daten werden hĂ€ufig von zahlreichen Endpunkten aus eingespeist, was sich von ETL-Pipelines in einer herkömmlichen Data-Warehouse-Lösung unterscheidet. Viele Benutzer verzichten auf die Definition von strikten Schemaanforderungen, um TransaktionsabbrĂŒche aufgrund von Konflikten zu vermeiden oder um den Ladeprozess von Daten zu beschleunigen. Wir fĂŒhren das Konzept der PatchIndexe ein, die die Definition von unscharfen Constraints ermöglichen. PatchIndexe verwalten Ausnahmen zu diesen Constraints, machen sie fĂŒr die Optimierung und AusfĂŒhrung von Anfragen nutzbar und bieten effiziente UnterstĂŒtzung bei Datenaktualisierungen. Das Konzept kann auf beliebige Constraints angewendet werden und wir geben Beispiele fĂŒr unscharfe Eindeutigkeits- und Sortierconstraints. DarĂŒber hinaus zeigen wir, wie PatchIndexe genutzt werden können, um fortgeschrittene Constraints wie eine unscharfe Multi-Key-Partitionierung zu definieren, die eine robuste Anfrageperformance bei Workloads mit unterschiedlichen Partitionsanforderungen bietet. Der dritte Interaktionspunkt ist die Nutzerinteraktion. Datengetriebene Anwendungen haben sich in den letzten Jahren verĂ€ndert. Neben den traditionellen SQL-Anfragen fĂŒr Business Intelligence sind heute auch datenwissenschaftliche Anwendungen von großer Bedeutung. In diesen FĂ€llen fungiert das Datenbanksystem oft nur als Datenlieferant, wĂ€hrend der Rechenaufwand in dedizierten Data-Science- oder Machine-Learning-Umgebungen stattfindet. Wir verfolgen das Ziel, fortgeschrittene Analysen in Richtung der Datenbank-Engine zu verlagern und stellen das Grizzly-Framework als DataFrame-zu-SQL-Transpiler vor. Auf dieser Grundlage identifizieren wir benutzerdefinierte Funktionen (UDFs) und maschinelles Lernen (ML) als wichtige Aufgaben, die von einer tieferen Integration in die Datenbank-Engine profitieren wĂŒrden. Daher untersuchen und bewerten wir AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die datenbankinterne AusfĂŒhrung von Python-UDFs und datenbankinterne ML-Inferenz.Cloud computing has been the groundbreaking technology of the last decade. The ease-of-use of the managed environment in combination with nearly infinite amount of resources and a pay-per-use price model enables fast and cost-efficient project realization for a broad range of users. Cloud computing also changes the way software is designed, deployed and used. This thesis focuses on database systems deployed in the cloud environment. We identify three major interaction points of the database engine with the environment that show changed requirements compared to traditional on-premise data warehouse solutions. First, software is deployed on elastic resources. Consequently, systems should support elasticity in order to match workload requirements and be cost-effective. We present an elastic scaling mechanism for distributed database engines, combined with a partition manager that provides load balancing while minimizing partition reassignments in the case of elastic scaling. Furthermore we introduce a buffer pre-heating strategy that allows to mitigate a cold start after scaling and leads to an immediate performance benefit using scaling. Second, cloud based systems are accessible and available from nearly everywhere. Consequently, data is frequently ingested from numerous endpoints, which differs from bulk loads or ETL pipelines in a traditional data warehouse solution. Many users do not define database constraints in order to avoid transaction aborts due to conflicts or to speed up data ingestion. To mitigate this issue we introduce the concept of PatchIndexes, which allow the definition of approximate constraints. PatchIndexes maintain exceptions to constraints, make them usable in query optimization and execution and offer efficient update support. The concept can be applied to arbitrary constraints and we provide examples of approximate uniqueness and approximate sorting constraints. Moreover, we show how PatchIndexes can be exploited to define advanced constraints like an approximate multi-key partitioning, which offers robust query performance over workloads with different partition key requirements. Third, data-centric workloads changed over the last decade. Besides traditional SQL workloads for business intelligence, data science workloads are of significant importance nowadays. For these cases the database system might only act as data delivery, while the computational effort takes place in data science or machine learning (ML) environments. As this workflow has several drawbacks, we follow the goal of pushing advanced analytics towards the database engine and introduce the Grizzly framework as a DataFrame-to-SQL transpiler. Based on this we identify user-defined functions (UDFs) and machine learning inference as important tasks that would benefit from a deeper engine integration and investigate approaches to push these operations towards the database engine
