122 research outputs found

    Self-organizing distributed digital library supporting audio-video

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    The StreamOnTheFly network combines peer-to-peer networking and open-archive principles for community radio channels and TV stations in Europe. StreamOnTheFly demonstrates new methods of archive management and personalization technologies for both audio and video. It also provides a collaboration platform for community purposes that suits the flexible activity patterns of these kinds of broadcaster communities

    A Concept for Using Combined Multimodal Queries in Digital Music Libraries

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    Περιέχει το πλήρες κείμενοIn this paper, we propose a concept for using combined multimodal queries in the context of digital music libraries. Whereas usual mechanisms for content-based music retrieval only consider a single query mode, such as query-by-humming, full-text lyrics-search or query-by-example using short audio snippets, our proposed concept allows to combine those different modalities into one integrated query. Our particular contributions consist of concepts for query formulation, combined content-based retrieval and presentation of a suitably ranked result list. The proposed concepts have been realized within the context of the PROBADO Music Repository and allow for music retrieval based on combining full-text lyrics search and score-based query-by-example search

    FRBR, Facets, and Moving Images: A Literature Review

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    Annotated bibliography on resources related to FBRB, facets and moving images

    Towards Bridging the Gap between Sheet Music and Audio

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    Sheet music and audio recordings represent and describe music on different semantic levels. Sheet music describes abstract high-level parameters such as notes, keys, measures, or repeats in a visual form. Because of its explicitness and compactness, most musicologists discuss and analyze the meaning of music on the basis of sheet music. On the contrary, most people enjoy music by listening to audio recordings, which represent music in an acoustic form. In particular, the nuances and subtleties of musical performances, which are generally not written down in the score, make the music come alive. In this paper, we address the problem of bridging the gap between the sheet music domain and the audio domain. In particular, we discuss aspects on music representations, music synchronization, and optical music recognition, while indicating various strategies and open research problems

    Music Synchronization, Audio Matching, Pattern Detection, and User Interfaces for a Digital Music Library System

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    Over the last two decades, growing efforts to digitize our cultural heritage could be observed. Most of these digitization initiatives pursuit either one or both of the following goals: to conserve the documents - especially those threatened by decay - and to provide remote access on a grand scale. For music documents these trends are observable as well, and by now several digital music libraries are in existence. An important characteristic of these music libraries is an inherent multimodality resulting from the large variety of available digital music representations, such as scanned score, symbolic score, audio recordings, and videos. In addition, for each piece of music there exists not only one document of each type, but many. Considering and exploiting this multimodality and multiplicity, the DFG-funded digital library initiative PROBADO MUSIC aimed at developing a novel user-friendly interface for content-based retrieval, document access, navigation, and browsing in large music collections. The implementation of such a front end requires the multimodal linking and indexing of the music documents during preprocessing. As the considered music collections can be very large, the automated or at least semi-automated calculation of these structures would be recommendable. The field of music information retrieval (MIR) is particularly concerned with the development of suitable procedures, and it was the goal of PROBADO MUSIC to include existing and newly developed MIR techniques to realize the envisioned digital music library system. In this context, the present thesis discusses the following three MIR tasks: music synchronization, audio matching, and pattern detection. We are going to identify particular issues in these fields and provide algorithmic solutions as well as prototypical implementations. In Music synchronization, for each position in one representation of a piece of music the corresponding position in another representation is calculated. This thesis focuses on the task of aligning scanned score pages of orchestral music with audio recordings. Here, a previously unconsidered piece of information is the textual specification of transposing instruments provided in the score. Our evaluations show that the neglect of such information can result in a measurable loss of synchronization accuracy. Therefore, we propose an OCR-based approach for detecting and interpreting the transposition information in orchestral scores. For a given audio snippet, audio matching methods automatically calculate all musically similar excerpts within a collection of audio recordings. In this context, subsequence dynamic time warping (SSDTW) is a well-established approach as it allows for local and global tempo variations between the query and the retrieved matches. Moving to real-life digital music libraries with larger audio collections, however, the quadratic runtime of SSDTW results in untenable response times. To improve on the response time, this thesis introduces a novel index-based approach to SSDTW-based audio matching. We combine the idea of inverted file lists introduced by Kurth and Müller (Efficient index-based audio matching, 2008) with the shingling techniques often used in the audio identification scenario. In pattern detection, all repeating patterns within one piece of music are determined. Usually, pattern detection operates on symbolic score documents and is often used in the context of computer-aided motivic analysis. Envisioned as a new feature of the PROBADO MUSIC system, this thesis proposes a string-based approach to pattern detection and a novel interactive front end for result visualization and analysis

    Semantic web and semantic technologies to enhance innovation and technology watch processes

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    Innovation is a key process for Small and Medium Enterprises in order to survive and evolve in a competitive environment. Ideas and idea management are considered the basis for Innovation. Gathering data on how current technologies and competitors evolve is another key factor for companies' innovation. Therefore, this thesis focuses the application of Information and Communication Technologies and more specifically Semantic Web and Semantic Technologies on Idea Management Systems and Technology Watch Systems. Innovation and Technology Watch platform managers usually face many problems related with the data they collect and manage. Those managers have to deal with a large amount of information distributed in different platforms, not always interoperable among them. It is vital to share data between platforms so it can be converted into knowledge. Many of the tasks they perform are non productive and too much time and effort is expended on them. Moreover, Innovation process managers have difficulties in identifying why an idea contest has been successful. Our proposal is to analyze different Information and Communication Technologies that can assist companies with their Innovation and Technology Watch processes. Thus, we studied several Semantic and Web technologies, we build some conceptual models and tested them in different case studies to see the results achieved in real scenarios. The outcome of this thesis has been the creation of a solution architecture to enable interoperability among platforms and to ease the work of the process' managers. In this framework and to complement the architecture, two ontologies have been developed: (1) Gi2Mo Wave and (2) Mentions Ontology. On one hand, Gi2Mo Wave focused on annotating the background of idea contests, assisting on the analysis of the contests and easing its replication. On the other hand, Mentions Ontology focused on annotating the elements mentioned in plain text content, such as ideas or news items. That way, Mentions Ontology creates a way to link the related content, enabling the interoperability among content from different platforms. In order to test the architecture, a new web Idea Management System and a Technology Watch system have been also developed. The platforms incorporate semantic ontologies and tools to enable interoperability. We also demonstrate how Semantic Technologies reduce human workload by contributing on the automatic classification of content in the Technology Watch process. Finally, conclusions have been gathered according to the results achieved testing the used technologies, identifying the ones with best results.Berrikuntza prozesu oso garrantzitsu bat da Enpresa Txiki eta Ertainen lehiakor eta bizirik irauteko ingurumen lehiakor batean. Berrikuntza prozesuek ideiak eta ideien kudeaketa dituzte oinarri gisa. Teknologiek eta lehiakideek nola eboluzionatzen duten jakitzea ere garrantzitsua da enpresen berrikuntzarako, eta baita ere informazio hori kudeatzea. Beraz, Informazio eta Komunikazio sistemen aplikazioan oinarritzen da tesi hau, zehazkiago Web Semantika eta Teknologia Semantikoetan eta hauen aplikazioa Ideia Kudeaketa eta Zaintza Teknologikoko sistemetan. Berrikuntza eta Zaintza Teknologikoko plataformen kudeatzaileek arazo larriak izaten dituzte jasotako datuekin eta haien kudeaketarekin. Kudeatzaile horiek plataforma ezberdinetan banatutako informazio kantitate handi batekin topo egiten dute eta plataforma horiek ez dira beti elkar eraginkorrak. Beraz, beharrezkoa da plataforma ezberdinetako datuak elkarren artean partekatzea gero datu horiek “ezagutza” bihurtzeko. Gainera, kudeatzaileek egiten dituzten zeregin kopuru handi bat zeregin ez emankorrak dira, denbora eta esfortzu handia suposatzen dute baliozko ezer gehitu gabe. Eta ez hori bakarrik, berrikuntza prozesuko kudeatzaileek zail izaten dute ideia lehiaketen arrakastaren arrazoiak identifikatzen. Gure proposamena Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologia ezberdinak frogatzea da enpresen berrikuntzako eta zaintza teknologikoko prozesuetan laguntzeko. Honela, hainbat teknologia semantiko eta web teknologia aztertu dira, modelo kontzeptual batzuk eraikitzen eta probatzen benetako erabilpen kasutan lortutako emaitzak konprobatzeko. Tesi honen lorpena plataformen arteko elkar eraginkortasuna ahalbidetzen duen eta prozesuen kudeatzaileen lana errazten duen modelo baten sorpena izan da. Horrela eta sortutako modeloa konplimentatzeko, bi ontologia sortu dira: (1) Gi2Mo- Wave eta (2) Mentions Ontology. Alde batetik, Gi2Mo-Wave ontologia ideien eta ideia lehiaketen testuinguruaren errepresentazio semantikoan oinarritu da. Horrela testuinguruaren analisia errazten da, ideia lehiaketa arrakastatsuak errepikatzea ere errazagoa eginez. Bestalde, Mentions-Ontology ontologia eduki ezberdinen (ideiak edo berriak adibidez) testuetan aipatutako elementuen errepresentazio semantikoan oinarritu da. Horrela, Mentions Ontology ontologiak edukia elkar konektatzeko era bat sortzen du, plataforma ezberdinen edukiaren arteko elkar eraginkortasuna ahalbidetzen. Modelo edo arkitektura hau frogatzeko, Ideia Kudeaketa Sistema eta Zaintza teknologikoko web plataforma berri batzuk garatu dira ere. Plataforma hauek tresna eta ontologia semantikoak dituzte txertatuta, beraien arteko elkar eraginkortasuna ahalbidetzeko. Gainera, teknologia semantikoen aplikazioarekin giza lan kargaren murrizketa nola gauzatu ere frogatzen dugu, Zaintza Teknologikoko edukiaren klasifikazio automatikoan ekarpenak eginez. Bukatzeko, konklusioak bildu dira erabili diren teknologien frogetatik jasotako emaitzetan oinarrituta eta emaitza onenak lortu dituztenak identifikatu dira.El proceso de Innovación es un proceso clave para la supervivencia y evolución de las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en un entorno competitivo. Las ideas y la gestión de ideas se consideran la base de la innovación. Recopilar datos sobre cómo evolucionan las actuales tecnologías y los competidores es otro factor clave para la innovación de las empresas. Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en la aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, más concretamente la aplicación de Web Semántica y Tecnologías Semánticas en los Sistemas de Gestión de ideas y de Vigilancia Tecnológica. Los gestores de las plataformas de innovación y de vigilancia tecnológica se enfrentan a muchos problemas relacionados con los datos que recogen y gestionan. Esos gestores se enfrentan a una gran cantidad de información distribuida en diferentes plataformas, no siempre interoperables entre ellas. Es de vital importancia que las diferentes plataformas sean capaces de compartir datos entre ellas, de modo que esos datos puedan convertirse en el conocimiento. Muchas de las tareas realizadas por estos gestores son tareas no productivas y se invierte demasiado tiempo y esfuerzo en realizarlas. Además, los responsables de los procesos de innovación tienen dificultades para identificar por qué un concurso de ideas ha sido un éxito. Nuestra propuesta es analizar diferentes Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación que puedan ayudar a las empresas con sus procesos de Innovación y Vigilancia Tecnológica. Por ello, hemos estudiado varias tecnologías semánticas y Web, hemos desarrollado algunos modelos conceptuales y los hemos probado en diferentes casos de estudio para ver los resultados obtenidos en escenarios reales. El resultado de este trabajo ha sido la creación de una arquitectura que permite la interoperabilidad entre plataformas y que facilita el trabajo de los responsables de los procesos. En este marco, y para complementar la arquitectura, se han desarrollado dos ontologías: (1) Gi2Mo Wave y (2) Mentions Ontology. Gi2Mo Wave se centra en la anotación del contexto de los de ideas, ayudando en el análisis de los concursos y facilitando su replicación. Por otro lado, Mentions Ontology se centra en la anotación de los elementos mencionados en el texto plano de contenidos de diferente índole, como por ejemplo ideas o noticias. Así, Mentions Ontology crea una forma de encontrar relaciones entre contenidos, lo que permite la interoperabilidad entre los contenidos de diferentes plataformas. Con el fin de probar la arquitectura, también se han desarrollado dos plataformas: un Sistema de Gestión de Ideas y un Sistema de Vigilancia Tecnológica. Las plataformas incorporan ontologías semánticas y herramientas para permitir su interoperabilidad. Además, demostramos cómo reducir la carga de trabajo humana, mediante el uso de tecnologías semánticas para la clasificación automática del contenido del proceso de la Vigilancia Tecnológica. Por último, probando las tecnologías y herramientas se han recogido las conclusiones de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, identificando las que obtienen los mejores resultados

    Sistema basado en reglas para la generación personalizada de curso virtual

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    Since the dawn of the incorporation of ICTs into educational environments, specifically into teaching and learning processes, there have been expectations about the possibilities of individualized education in versatile environments that acknowledge students’ particularities. Although several studies have examined these situations, they are sometimes subjected to specific platforms or applications. An adaptive system must define the components to be adjusted according to specific determinants, in particular, the characteristics of the students’ profile and contextual elements, and also establish a mechanism for the adaptation. This paper proposes a system to generate customized virtual courses based on the separation of the structure of the course from the educational resources that support the educational activities. Such system is enhanced with production rules that determine the educational resources to be delivered at each moment guided by the characteristics in the student’s model. This methodological approach responds to the systemic definition of the adaptation strategy, which requires making the determinants, components and adaptation techniques explicit based on DSR. The proposed system is versatile because it can be enriched with new elements or variations of the attributes in the student profile, taking different models in learning styles and the categorization of personal, academic, or contextual characteristics reflected in the adaptation process. The result shows that the proposed model can provide a different course plan, with personalized activities, according to students’ characteristics and context.Desde los albores de la incorporación de las tic en los ambientes educativos, en concreto en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se abrían expectativas sobre las posibilidades de la educación individualizada, en ambientes versátiles, en los que se reconocieran las particularidades de los estudiantes. A pesar de que existen diversos acercamientos a estas situaciones, en ocasiones están sujetos a plataformas o aplicaciones específicas. Un sistema adaptativo debe definir los componentes ajustados de acuerdo con determinantes específicos, en particular las características en el perfil del estudiante y los elementos contextuales, y, además, definir un mecanismo para dicha adaptación. El presente trabajo expone una propuesta para la generación de cursos virtuales personalizados, soportada en la separación de la estructura del curso y los recursos educativos que apoyan las actividades educativas y potenciadas, con un sistema de reglas de producción que determinan los recursos educativos a entregar en cada momento, guiadas por las características incluidas en el modelo del estudiante. El enfoque metodológico responde a la definición sistémica de la estrategia de adaptación, que exige hacer explícito los determinantes, los componentes y las técnicas de adaptación, con base en dsr. La versatilidad de la propuesta radica en que puede ser enriquecida con nuevos elementos o con variaciones de las características en el perfil del estudiante, al tomar diferentes modelos en estilos de aprendizaje y la categorización de características personales, académicas o contextuales, en tanto que se vean reflejadas en el proceso de adaptación. El resultado final evidencia que el modelo propuesto permite entregar un plan de curso diferente, con actividades personalizadas, de acuerdo con las características del estudiante y su contexto