2,126 research outputs found

    Exploring Dante’s Sources Online: Interactive Reading, Visualizations, and the Study of Dantean Intertextuality in the Digital Age

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    Dante’s Commedia is a highly allusive text, and readers throughout time have noted the many parallels between Dante’s verses and those of others. Now that the text of the Commedia and various scholarly and artistic interpretations of the poem (commentaries, translations, illuminated manuscripts) have become accessible online, also the concordance, the lists of parallel passages in Dante’s poem and other works, has become a digital resource. In this essay I explore the study of Dante’s sources in a digital environment mainly through the Intertextual Dante project and its Dante-Ovid edition, published on Digital Dante. Intertextual Dante visualizes moments of Dante’s text reuse: its interactive reading interface presents parallel passages side by side, and allows users to search, analyze, and interpret these passages in their broader textual contexts. I further review the advances in (semi-)automated detection of text reuse are reviewed in the context of Dante’s allusive and intertextual practices, and consider the knowledge base on Dante’s use of primary sources and the commentaries on the Commedia that the Hypermedia Dante Network project will provide

    Doing a Lot with a Little: Making Digital Humanities Work at a Small College

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    I\u27m interested in how one goes about integrating digital tools into the liberal arts, and my perspective is that of a long-time faculty member in a small department at a small school. The common wisdom is that today\u27s students know and can do more than most faculty in all things digital, and we need merely provide opportunities for them to use those skills. But that\u27s not true for many students. Our department\u27s newest faculty member has a specialty in digital media, specifically gamification. And although many students are flocking to her classes, she\u27s also encountering resistance from some English majors: as one said to her in the first week of her Digital Literacies class, I don\u27t know anything about games, and I didn\u27t become an English major to analyze stuff like this. I see two issues revealed through her statement: first, not all students are as digitally savvy as we think they are. Yes, they are experts at Facebook and Instagram and they can upload a movie from their iPhone to YouTube in seconds. However, they tend not to apply the digital skills they do have to their academic studies, and they usually don\u27t have the confidence or intellectual curiosity to explore the application of new digital tools on their own. And second, this student and others like her hadn\u27t received exposure in earlier classes to digital humanities techniques, so what my colleague was doing seemed outlandish to her. I want to address both issues today

    Property Is a Two-Way Street: Personal Copyright Use and Implied Authorization

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    When we use the Internet, we know that copyright law limits our freedom. We know, for example, that downloading popular music is legally risky. Those who want to get moralistic about it argue that illegal downloading violates a property right of the copyright holder. But what about our property rights in our computers? Even if copyright is a form of property, it maintains a parallel existence as an intrusion upon property rights. This intrusion is increasingly a part of daily life, as copyright\u27s literal scope sweeps broadly enough to threaten a range of everyday activities that social norms rega rd as acceptable. These observations form the basis of a moral critique of copyright law, but they do not figure prominently in modern doctrine. This Article looks to the common law property rights of copyright users to develop a framework for limiting copyright\u27s reach. If we take seriously traditional rules governing the interplay between statutes and preexisting common law rights, courts have room to incorporate user property rights into copyright doctrine. First, the common law provides a baseline against which the Copyright Act should be construed. Courts should be reluctant to interpret the statute in a manner that negates longstanding expectations that personal property may be used in conjunction with copyrighted material for personal purposes. Second, the property rights of copyright users offer a new foundation for implied license doctrine. Instead of looking solely to the conduct of the licensor (i.e., the copyright holder) to determine whether an implied license to use copyrighted content exists, courts should appreciate the reasonable expectations of consumers in their control of personal property used to interact with the protected works. Expanding our conception of implied license in this manner would help address the uneasy status of personal uses of copyrighted work s under modern law

    Mapping disciplinary relationships in Astrobiology: 2001-2012

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    Astrobiology is an emerging field that addresses three fundamental questions: 1) How does “life,” defined as a “self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution,” (Mullen, 2013, p.1) in the Universe begin and evolve? 2) Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe? & 3) What is the future of life on Earth? With such intriguing questions, all rooted in human concerns, success in answering these questions depends upon the integration of diverse scientific disciplines, including the social sciences as well as the humanities. In this thesis, I state that integration can only happen through interdisciplinary knowledge production, defined as the process of answering a question, solving a problem, or addressing a subject involving several unrelated academic disciplines in a way that forces them to cross subject boundaries in order to create new knowledge and theory (Klein & Newell, 1998). Thus, this thesis addresses the following question – What are the barriers to the social sciences and humanities having a clear presence in Astrobiology research? And what are future prospects for acceptability and funding for interdisciplinary research in Astrobiology, especially from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which is the largest source of funding for Astrobiology (NRC, 2008)? In this thesis I review abstracts and categorize disciplinary identities of research articles published in Astrobiology, the oldest journal dedicated solely to Astrobiology, from 2001 to 2012. I then create annual spatial maps of Astrobiology research articles using bibliometrics, which are methods used to quantitatively analyze and create maps of academic literature origins. Specifically, I determine 1) the number of disciplines involved in specific Astrobiology articles, as well as 2) the extent to which a research article cites diverse disciplines. From this information, maps showing the predominance of disciplines as well as the distribution of citations, known as disciplinary diversity, are created. By looking at the organization of research, questions are raised about how disciplinary structures came about and what relationships exist among research disciplines. These questions are then analyzed through psychological and sociological ideas used to describe interdisciplinary research relationships. The results suggest that research shows little embeddedness (i.e. connection with) among multiple disciplines, likely due to entrenched disciplinary culture and privileging, in which researchers have a tendency to value and collaborate only with similar disciplines. This study concludes by offering a number of recommendations regarding promoting effective integration of the social science and humanities into Astrobiology

    NASIG 2011 Conference Reports

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    A New Metaphor: How Artificial Intelligence Links Legal Reasoning and Mathematical Thinking

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    Artificial intelligence’s (AI’s) impact on the legal community expands exponentially each year. As AI advances, lawyers have more powerful tools to enhance their ability to research and analyze the law, as well as to draft contracts and other legal documents. Lawyers are already using tools powered by AI and are learning to shift their methodologies to take advantage of these enhancements. To continue to grow into their shifting role, lawyers should understand the relationship between AI, mathematics, and legal reasoning

    A New Metaphor: How Artificial Intelligence Links Legal Reasoning and Mathematical Thinking

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    Artificial intelligence’s (AI’s) impact on the legal community expands exponentially each year. As AI advances, lawyers have more powerful tools to enhance their ability to research and analyze the law, as well as to draft contracts and other legal documents. Lawyers are already using tools powered by AI and are learning to shift their methodologies to take advantage of these enhancements. To continue to grow into their shifting role, lawyers should understand the relationship between AI, mathematics, and legal reasoning

    Development of Advanced Closed-Loop Brain Electrophysiology Systems for Freely Behaving Rodents

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    [ES] La electrofisiología extracelular es una técnica ampliamente usada en investigación neurocientífica, la cual estudia el funcionamiento del cerebro mediante la medición de campos eléctricos generados por la actividad neuronal. Esto se realiza a través de electrodos implantados en el cerebro y conectados a dispositivos electrónicos para amplificación y digitalización de las señales. De los muchos modelos animales usados en experimentación, las ratas y los ratones se encuentran entre las especies más comúnmente utilizadas. Actualmente, la experimentación electrofisiológica busca condiciones cada vez más complejas, limitadas por la tecnología de los dispositivos de adquisición. Dos aspectos son de particular interés: Realimentación de lazo cerrado y comportamiento en condiciones naturales. En esta tesis se presentan desarrollos con el objetivo de mejorar diferentes facetas de estos dos problemas. La realimentación en lazo cerrado se refiere a todas las técnicas en las que los estímulos son producidos en respuesta a un evento generado por el animal. La latencia debe ajustarse a las escalas temporales bajo estudio. Los sistemas modernos de adquisición presentan latencias en el orden de los 10ms. Sin embargo, para responder a eventos rápidos, como pueden ser los potenciales de acción, se requieren latencias por debajo de 1ms. Además, los algoritmos para detectar los eventos o generar los estímulos pueden ser complejos, integrando varias entradas de datos en tiempo real. Integrar el desarrollo de dichos algoritmos en las herramientas de adquisición forma parte del diseño experimental. Para estudiar comportamientos naturales, los animales deben ser capaces de moverse libremente en entornos emulando condiciones naturales. Experimentos de este tipo se ven dificultados por la naturaleza cableada de los sistemas de adquisición. Otras restricciones físicas, como el peso de los implantes o limitaciones en el consumo de energía, pueden también afectar a la duración de los experimentos, limitándola. La experimentación puede verse enriquecida cuando los datos electrofisiológicos se ven complementados con múltiples fuentes distintas. Por ejemplo, seguimiento de los animales o miscroscopía. Herramientas capaces de integrar datos independientemente de su origen abren la puerta a nuevas posibilidades. Los avances tecnológicos presentados abordan estas limitaciones. Se han diseñado dispositivos con latencias de lazo cerrado inferiores a 200us que permiten combinar cientos de canales electrofisiológicos con otras fuentes de datos, como vídeo o seguimiento. El software de control para estos dispositivos se ha diseñado manteniendo la flexibilidad como objetivo. Se han desarrollado interfaces y estándares de naturaleza abierta para incentivar el desarrollo de herramientas compatibles entre ellas. Para resolver los problemas de cableado se siguieron dos métodos distintos. Uno fue el desarrollo de headstages ligeros combinados con cables coaxiales ultra finos y conmutadores activos, gracias al seguimiento de animales. Este desarrollo permite reducir el esfuerzo impuesto a los animales, permitiendo espacios amplios y experimentos de larga duración, al tiempo que permite el uso de headstages con características avanzadas. Paralelamente se desarrolló un tipo diferente de headstage, con tecnología inalámbrica. Se creó un algoritmo de compresión digital especializado capaz de reducir el ancho de banda a menos del 65% de su tamaño original, ahorrando energía. Esta reducción permite baterías más ligeras y mayores tiempos de operación. El algoritmo fue diseñado para ser capaz de ser implementado en una gran variedad de dispositivos. Los desarrollos presentados abren la puerta a nuevas posibilidades experimentales para la neurociencia, combinando adquisición elextrofisiológica con estudios conductuales en condiciones naturales y estímulos complejos en tiempo real.[CA] L'electrofisiologia extracel·lular és una tècnica àmpliament utilitzada en la investigació neurocientífica, la qual permet estudiar el funcionament del cervell mitjançant el mesurament de camps elèctrics generats per l'activitat neuronal. Això es realitza a través d'elèctrodes implantats al cervell, connectats a dispositius electrònics per a l'amplificació i digitalització dels senyals. Dels molts models animals utilitzats en experimentació electrofisiològica, les rates i els ratolins es troben entre les espècies més utilitzades. Actualment, l'experimentació electrofisiològica busca condicions cada vegada més complexes, limitades per la tecnologia dels dispositius d'adquisició. Dos aspectes són d'especial interès: La realimentació de sistemes de llaç tancat i el comportament en condicions naturals. En aquesta tesi es presenten desenvolupaments amb l'objectiu de millorar diferents aspectes d'aquestos dos problemes. La realimentació de sistemes de llaç tancat es refereix a totes aquestes tècniques on els estímuls es produeixen en resposta a un esdeveniment generat per l'animal. La latència ha d'ajustar-se a les escales temporals sota estudi. Els sistemes moderns d'adquisició presenten latències en l'ordre dels 10ms. No obstant això, per a respondre a esdeveniments ràpids, com poden ser els potencials d'acció, es requereixen latències per davall de 1ms. A més a més, els algoritmes per a detectar els esdeveniments o generar els estímuls poden ser complexos, integrant varies entrades de dades a temps real. Integrar el desenvolupament d'aquests algoritmes en les eines d'adquisició forma part del disseny dels experiments. Per a estudiar comportaments naturals, els animals han de ser capaços de moure's lliurement en ambients emulant condicions naturals. Aquestos experiments es veuen limitats per la natura cablejada dels sistemes d'adquisició. Altres restriccions físiques, com el pes dels implants o el consum d'energia, poden també limitar la duració dels experiments. L'experimentació es pot enriquir quan les dades electrofisiològiques es complementen amb dades de múltiples fonts. Per exemple, el seguiment d'animals o microscòpia. Eines capaces d'integrar dades independentment del seu origen obrin la porta a noves possibilitats. Els avanços tecnològics presentats tracten aquestes limitacions. S'han dissenyat dispositius amb latències de llaç tancat inferiors a 200us que permeten combinar centenars de canals electrofisiològics amb altres fonts de dades, com vídeo o seguiment. El software de control per a aquests dispositius s'ha dissenyat mantenint la flexibilitat com a objectiu. S'han desenvolupat interfícies i estàndards de naturalesa oberta per a incentivar el desenvolupament d'eines compatibles entre elles. Per a resoldre els problemes de cablejat es van seguir dos mètodes diferents. Un va ser el desenvolupament de headstages lleugers combinats amb cables coaxials ultra fins i commutadors actius, gràcies al seguiment d'animals. Aquest desenvolupament permet reduir al mínim l'esforç imposat als animals, permetent espais amplis i experiments de llarga durada, al mateix temps que permet l'ús de headstages amb característiques avançades. Paral·lelament es va desenvolupar un tipus diferent de headstage, amb tecnologia sense fil. Es va crear un algorisme de compressió digital especialitzat capaç de reduir l'amplada de banda a menys del 65% de la seua grandària original, estalviant energia. Aquesta reducció permet bateries més lleugeres i majors temps d'operació. L'algorisme va ser dissenyat per a ser capaç de ser implementat a una gran varietat de dispositius. Els desenvolupaments presentats obrin la porta a noves possibilitats experimentals per a la neurociència, combinant l'adquisició electrofisiològica amb estudis conductuals en condicions naturals i estímuls complexos en temps real.[EN] Extracellular electrophysiology is a technique widely used in neuroscience research. It can offer insights on how the brain works by measuring the electrical fields generated by neural activity. This is done through electrodes implanted in the brain and connected to amplification and digitization electronic circuitry. Of the many animal models used in electrophysiology experimentation, rodents such as rats and mice are among the most popular species. Modern electrophysiology experiments seek increasingly complex conditions that are limited by acquisition hardware technology. Two particular aspects are of special interest: Closed-loop feedback and naturalistic behavior. In this thesis, we present developments aiming to improve on different facets of these two problems. Closed-loop feedback encompasses all techniques in which stimuli is produced in response of an event generated by the animal. Latency, the time between trigger event and stimuli generation, must adjust to the biological timescale being studied. While modern acquisition systems feature latencies in the order of 10ms, response to fast events such as high-frequency electrical transients created by neuronal activity require latencies under 1ms1ms. In addition, algorithms for triggering or generating closed-loop stimuli can be complex, integrating multiple inputs in real-time. Integration of algorithm development into acquisition tools becomes an important part of experiment design. For electrophysiology experiments featuring naturalistic behavior, animals must be able to move freely in ecologically meaningful environments, mimicking natural conditions. Experiments featuring elements such as large arenaa, environmental objects or the presence of another animals are, however, hindered by the wired nature of acquisition systems. Other physical constraints, such as implant weight or power restrictions can also affect experiment time, limiting their duration. Beyond the technical limits, complex experiments are enriched when electrophysiology data is integrated with multiple sources, for example animal tracking or brain microscopy. Tools allowing mixing data independently of the source open new experimental possibilities. The technological advances presented on this thesis addresses these topics. We have designed devices with closed-loop latencies under 200us while featuring high-bandwidth interfaces. These allow the simultaneous acquisition of hundreds of electrophysiological channels combined with other heterogeneous data sources, such as video or tracking. The control software for these devices was designed with flexibility in mind, allowing easy implementation of closed-loop algorithms. Open interface standards were created to encourage the development of interoperable tools for experimental data integration. To solve wiring issues in behavioral experiments, we followed two different approaches. One was the design of light headstages, coupled with ultra-thin coaxial cables and active commutator technology, making use of animal tracking. This allowed to reduce animal strain to a minimum allowing large arenas and prolonged experiments with advanced headstages. A different, wireless headstage was also developed. We created a digital compression algorithm specialized for neural electrophysiological signals able to reduce data bandwidth to less than 65.5% its original size without introducing distortions. Bandwidth has a large effect on power requirements. Thus, this reduction allows for lighter batteries and extended operational time. The algorithm is designed to be able to be implemented in a wide variety of devices, requiring low hardware resources and adding negligible power requirements to a system. Combined, the developments we present open new possibilities for neuroscience experiments combining electrophysiology acquisition with natural behaviors and complex, real-time, stimuli.The research described in this thesis was carried out at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Universitat Politècnica de València), Valencia, Spain in an extremely close collaboration with the Neuroscience Institute - Spanish National Research Council - Miguel Hernández University (Instituto de Neurociencias - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí cas - Universidad Miguel Hernández), San Juan de Alicante, Spain. The projects described in chapters 3 and 4 were developed in collabo- ration with, and funded by, Open Ephys, Cambridge, MA, USA and OEPS - Eléctronica e produção, unipessoal lda, Algés, Portugal.Cuevas López, A. (2021). Development of Advanced Closed-Loop Brain Electrophysiology Systems for Freely Behaving Rodents [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179718TESI