8,606 research outputs found

    SciTech News Volume 71, No. 2 (2017)

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    Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 Division News Science-Technology Division 5 Chemistry Division 8 Engineering Division 9 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 12 Architecture, Building Engineering, Construction and Design Section of the Engineering Division 14 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 16 Advertisements IEEE

    SciTech News Volume 70, No. 2 (2016)

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    Table of Contents: Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 Division News Science-Technology Division 4 New Members 6 Chemistry Division 7 New Members11 Engineering Division 12 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 17 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 1

    Ciencia abierta y bibliotecas académicas: una revisión sistemåtica de la literatura

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    This study presents a state of the art on the role of the university library in the development of open science worldwide. From this article, the state of experiences and developments that have occurred in this subject is disclosed and thus to obtain a general overview of the contributions of the university libraries. For its development, a systematic literature review was conducted, from different sources of information, both open and closed, and a metric and hermeneutic analysis was carried out to select the most significant contributions and the preparation of new theoretical-conceptual contributions for the topic. The results show, in general, the direct influence of university libraries in the development of open science; however, except for open access, there is little development of the distinct components of the same, showing the importance of strengthening a theoretical-conceptual framework on open science and the identification of strategies, challenges and perspectives that guide the strengthening of capacities of university libraries. This text, in addition to the systematic review itself, is a contribution to identify cases and good practices for all those university libraries of our Latin American context that are foreseeing to be a key support for open science in their universities, as is currently required

    Ciencia abierta y bibliotecas académicas: una revisión sistemåtica de la literatura

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    This study presents a state of the art on the role of the university library in the development of open science worldwide. From this article, the state of experiences and developments that have occurred in this subject is disclosed and thus to obtain a general overview of the contributions of the university libraries. For its development, a systematic literature review was conducted, from different sources of information, both open and closed, and a metric and hermeneutic analysis was carried out to select the most significant contributions and the preparation of new theoretical-conceptual contributions for the topic. The results show, in general, the direct influence of university libraries in the development of open science; however, except for open access, there is little development of the distinct components of the same, showing the importance of strengthening a theoretical-conceptual framework on open science and the identification of strategies, challenges and perspectives that guide the strengthening of capacities of university libraries. This text, in addition to the systematic review itself, is a contribution to identify cases and good practices for all those university libraries of our Latin American context that are foreseeing to be a key support for open science in their universities, as is currently required

    Open Access Publishing: A Literature Review

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    Within the context of the Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy (CREATe) research scope, this literature review investigates the current trends, advantages, disadvantages, problems and solutions, opportunities and barriers in Open Access Publishing (OAP), and in particular Open Access (OA) academic publishing. This study is intended to scope and evaluate current theory and practice concerning models for OAP and engage with intellectual, legal and economic perspectives on OAP. It is also aimed at mapping the field of academic publishing in the UK and abroad, drawing specifically upon the experiences of CREATe industry partners as well as other initiatives such as SSRN, open source software, and Creative Commons. As a final critical goal, this scoping study will identify any meaningful gaps in the relevant literature with a view to developing further research questions. The results of this scoping exercise will then be presented to relevant industry and academic partners at a workshop intended to assist in further developing the critical research questions pertinent to OAP

    Management of Scientific Images: An approach to the extraction, annotation and retrieval of figures in the field of High Energy Physics

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    El entorno de la informaciĂłn en la primera dĂ©cada del siglo XXI no tiene precedentes. Las barreras fĂ­sicas que han limitado el acceso al conocimiento estĂĄn desapareciendo a medida que los mĂ©todos tradicionales de acceso a informaciĂłn se reemplazan o se mejoran gracias al uso de sistemas basados en computador. Los sistemas digitales son capaces de gestionar colecciones mucho mĂĄs grandes de documentos, confrontando a los usuarios de informaciĂłn con la avalancha de documentos asociados a su tĂłpico de interĂ©s. Esta nueva situaciĂłn ha creado un incentivo para el desarrollo de tĂ©cnicas de minerĂ­a de datos y la creaciĂłn de motores de bĂșsqueda mĂĄs eficientes y capaces de limitar los resultados de bĂșsqueda a un subconjunto reducido de los mĂĄs relevantes. Sin embargo, la mayorĂ­a de los motores de bĂșsqueda en la actualidad trabajan con descripciones textuales. Estas descripciones se pueden extraer o bien del contenido o a travĂ©s de fuentes externas. La recuperaciĂłn basada en el contenido no textual de documentos es un tema de investigaciĂłn continua. En particular, la recuperaciĂłn de imĂĄgenes y el desentrañar la informaciĂłn contenida en ellas estĂĄn suscitando un gran interĂ©s en la comunidad cientĂ­fica. Las bibliotecas digitales se sitĂșan en una posiciĂłn especial dentro de los sistemas que facilitan el acceso al conocimiento. ActĂșan como repositorios de documentos que comparten algunas caracterĂ­sticas comunes (por ejemplo, pertenecer a la misma ĂĄrea de conocimiento o ser publicados por la misma instituciĂłn) y como tales contienen documentos considerados de interĂ©s para un grupo particular de usuarios. AdemĂĄs, facilitan funcionalidades de recuperaciĂłn sobre las colecciones gestionadas. Normalmente, las publicaciones cientĂ­ficas son las unidades mĂĄs pequeñas gestionadas por las bibliotecas digitales cientĂ­ficas. Sin embargo, en el proceso de creaciĂłn cientĂ­fica hay diferentes tipos de artefactos, entre otros: figuras y conjuntos de datos. Las figuras juegan un papel particularmente importante en el proceso de publicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica. Representan los datos en una forma grĂĄfica que nos permite mostrar patrones sobre grandes conjuntos de datos y transmitir ideas complejas de un modo fĂĄcilmente entendible. Los sistemas existentes para bibliotecas digitales facilitan el acceso a figuras, pero solo como parte de los ficheros sobre los que se serializa la publicaciĂłn entera. El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un conjunto de mĂ©todos ytĂ©cnicas que permitan transformar las figuras en productos de primera clase dentro del proceso de publicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica, permitiendo que los investigadores puedan obtener el mĂĄximo beneficio a la hora de realizar bĂșsquedas y revisiones de bibliografĂ­a existente. Los mĂ©todos y tĂ©cnicas propuestos estĂĄn orientados a facilitar la adquisiciĂłn, anotaciĂłn semĂĄntica y bĂșsqueda de figuras contenidas en publicaciones cientĂ­ficas. Para demostrar la completitud de la investigaciĂłn se han ilustrado las teorĂ­as propuestas mediante ejemplos en el campo de la FĂ­sica de PartĂ­culas (tambiĂ©n conocido como FĂ­sica de Altas EnergĂ­as). Para aquellos casos en los que se han necesitadoo en las figuras que aparecen con mĂĄs frecuencia en las publicaciones de FĂ­sica de PartĂ­culas: los grĂĄficos cientĂ­ficos denominados en inglĂ©s con el tĂ©rmino plots. Los prototipos que propuestas mĂĄs detalladas han desarrollado para esta tesis se han integrado parcialmente dentro del software Invenio (1) para bibliotecas digitales, asĂ­ como dentro de INSPIRE, una de las mayores bibliotecas digitales en FĂ­sica de PartĂ­culas mantenida gracias a la colaboraciĂłn de grandes laboratorios y centros de investigaciĂłn como son el CERN, SLAC, DESY y Fermilab. 1). http://invenio-software.org

    A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement: Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities

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    Examines the state of the foundation's efforts to improve educational opportunities worldwide through universal access to and use of high-quality academic content

    Making Institutional Repositories Work

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    Making Institutional Repositories Work takes novices as well as seasoned practitioners through the practical and conceptual steps necessary to develop a functioning institutional repository, customized to the needs and culture of the home institution. The first section covers all aspects of system platforms, including hosted and open-source options, big data capabilities and integration, and issues related to discoverability. The second section addresses policy issues, from the basics to open-source and deposit mandates. The third section focuses on recruiting and even creating content. Authors in this section will address the ways that different disciplines tend to have different motivations for deposit, as well as the various ways that institutional repositories can serve as publishing platforms. The fourth section covers assessment and success measures for all involved—librarians, deans, and administrators. The theory and practice of traditional metrics, alt metrics, and peer review receive chapter-length treatment. The fifth section provides case studies that include a boots-on-the-ground perspective of issues raised in the first four sections. By noting trends and potentialities, this final section, authored by Executive Director of SPARC Heather Joseph, makes future predictions and helps managers position institutional repositories to be responsive to change and even shape the evolution of scholarly communication.https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/purduepress_ebooks/1040/thumbnail.jp

    The Problem of Data

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    Jahnke and Asher explore workflows and methodologies at a variety of academic data curation sites, and Keralis delves into the academic milieu of library and information schools that offer instruction in data curation. Their conclusions point to the urgent need for a reliable and increasingly sophisticated professional cohort to support data-intensive research in our colleges, universities, and research centers
