32 research outputs found

    Intelligent Integrated Management for Telecommunication Networks

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    As the size of communication networks keeps on growing, faster connections, cooperating technologies and the divergence of equipment and data communications, the management of the resulting networks gets additional important and time-critical. More advanced tools are needed to support this activity. In this article we describe the design and implementation of a management platform using Artificial Intelligent reasoning technique. For this goal we make use of an expert system. This study focuses on an intelligent framework and a language for formalizing knowledge management descriptions and combining them with existing OSI management model. We propose a new paradigm where the intelligent network management is integrated into the conceptual repository of management information called Managed Information Base (MIB). This paper outlines the development of an expert system prototype based in our propose GDMO+ standard and describes the most important facets, advantages and drawbacks that were found after prototyping our proposal

    An intelligent alternative approach to the efficient network management

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    Due to the increasing complexity and heterogeneity of networks and services, many efforts have been made to develop intelligent techniques for management. Network intelligent management is a key technology for operating large heterogeneous data transmission networks. This paper presents a proposal for an architecture that integrates management object specifications and the knowledge of expert systems. We present a new approach named Integrated Expert Management, for learning objects based on expert management rules and describe the design and implementation of an integrated intelligent management platform based on OSI and Internet management models. The main contributions of our approach is the integration of both expert system and managed models, so we can make use of them to construct more flexible intelligent management network. The prototype SONAP (Software for Network Assistant and Performance) is accuracy-aware since it can control and manage a network. We have tested our system on real data to the fault diagnostic in a telecommunication system of a power utility. The results validate the model and show a significant improvement with respect to the number of rules and the error rate in others systems

    Telecommunication Services Engineering- Definitions, Architectures and Tools

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    This paper introduces telecommunication services engineering through a definition of services, of network architectures that run services, and of methods, techniques and tools used to develop services. We emphasize the Intelligent Network (IN), the Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) and TINA architecture

    Converting CORBA Based Fault Management to SNMP

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    Vianhallinta pitää sisällään toimia, joilla havaitaan, eristetään ja korjataan tietoliikenneverkon epänormaaleja toimintoja. ITU-T:n tietoliikenteen hallintaverkkoarkkitehtuuri koostuu viidestä tasosta, joista kaksi alimmaista, elementinhallintataso sekä verkkoelementtitaso, keskittyvät verkkoelementtien hallintaan. Useita protokollia on hyödynnetty vianhallintaan näillä tasoilla. CORBA-pohjainen vianhallinta on ollut yleinen 3GPP:n ratkaisusarjaa hyödyntävissä verkkoelementeissä ja elementinhallintajärjestelmissä. Mutta tietoliikenneteollisuuden siirtyessä kohti all-IP-maailmaa, SNMP on jälleen uudelleen vahvistamassa asemaansa hallitsevana verkkoelementtien monitorointiprotokollana. Täten verkkonsa vianhallinnan yhdenmukaistamista tutkiva verkko-operaattori voisi harkita CORBA-pohjaisten verkkoelementtiensä konvertointia käyttämään SNMP:tä. Tämä työ tutkii tämänkaltaisen konversion edellytyksiä ja yksityiskohtia. Kirjallisuustutkimuksella otetaan selvää vianhallinnan eri puolista ja vertaillaan CORBA:a ja SNMP:tä konvertterin suunnittelua varten. Todiste konversiokonseptin toimivuudesta saadaan yksinkertaistetun implementaation avulla. Implementaatio osoittaa konvertterin olevan melko helposti rakennettavissa, ja että konvertteri voi toimia joko CORBA:n tai SNMP:n toimintaperiaatteella. Konvertteri mahdollistaa vianhallinnan yhdenmukaistamisen lisäämättä huomattavaa viivettä, rasitusta kaistaleveyskäytölle tai kuluttamatta runsaasti muistiresursseja. Tämän työn tulokset antavat aihetta esitettyjen konseptien laajemmalle tutkimukselle, sekä konvertterin laajentamiselle kattamaan konfiguraation hallinnan. Tähän tosin SNMP ei ehkä ole suositelluin protokolla.Fault management involves tasks to enable the detection, isolation and correction of abnormal operation of the telecommunication network. Telecommunications management network architecture of ITU-T consists of five layers, of which the bottom two, the element management layer and the network element layer, are focused on the management of network elements. For fault management tasks at these layers, several protocols have been utilised. CORBA based fault management has been common in network elements and element management systems utilising solution sets of 3GPP. But as the telecommunications industry moves towards an all-IP world, SNMP has yet again become the predominant protocol for monitoring network elements. A network operator looking into unifying the fault management of its network could consider converting the CORBA based network element to using SNMP. This thesis studies the requirements and details of this kind of conversion. With a literary study, aspects of fault management and comparison of CORBA and SNMP are scoped for designing a CORBA-SNMP converter. A proof of concept for the conversion is obtained with a simplified implementation. The implementation shows that a converter is quite easy to construct, and the converter can perform with operating principle of either CORBA or SNMP. The converter is also able to provide fault management unification without adding considerable delay, strain on bandwidth usage or consuming memory resources. The results of this thesis give grounds for studying the proposed concepts further and also broaden the converter to cover configuration management. Though for configuration management SNMP may not be the preferred protocol

    Annotated Typology of Distributed Network Management Paradigms

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    Over the past few years, network management has steadily evolved from a centralized model, where all the management processing takes place on a single network management station, to distributed models, where management is distributed over a number, potentially large, of nodes. Among distributed models, one, the weakly distributed hierarchical model, has been around for several years, whereas a flurry of new ones, based on mobile code, distributed objects or cooperative agents, have only recently emerged. Which of these techniques will eventually win ? Will several ones have to coexist ? How do they compare to each other ? In order to provide a framework to analyze these issues, this paper presents a comprehensive typology of all network management paradigms known to date, whether they have been successfully implemented already or whether they are still confined to the research community. By comparing these models with those used in another research field, enterprise management, we delineate a common trend of evolution, and attempt to predict what the future holds for network management. Keywords : Distributed Network Management, Organizational Models, Mobile Code, Management by Delegation, Distributed Objects, Intelligent Agents

    An Intelligent Methodology for Modeling Semantic Knowledge in Industrial Networks

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    Networks has been involved in Industrial and IoT Applications for decades, creating new opportunities for more personalized services, improved security, greater automation and operational efficiency. Industry and businesses who prioritize and modernize their analytics strategy and technology to monetize their data will lead and succeed in our data-driven world. The network now provides even more detailed information through units and equipment databases, which provide details about the installed equipment, including models, designed capacity, performance and start / stop dates of the switches, routers, etc. repositories, digital files and business websites. Access to these collections is a serious challenge. Artificial intelligence and the Semantic Web provide a common framework for sharing and reusing knowledge in an efficient way. This article explores the architecture of intelligent agents to make the argument of an intelligent solution as opposed to traditional methods. We propose a new paradigm in which the intelligent management of the network is integrated into the conceptual repository of management information. This study focuses on an intelligent framework and language to formalize knowledge management descriptions and combine them with the existing SNMP management model. Based on the present proposal and the Internet management model, we describe the design and implementation of an integrated intelligent management platform called OntoNetwork

    A Generic Network and System Management Framework

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    Networks and distributed systems have formed the basis of an ongoing communications revolution that has led to the genesis of a wide variety of services. The constantly increasing size and complexity of these systems does not come without problems. In some organisations, the deployment of Information Technology has reached a state where the benefits from downsizing and rightsizing by adding new services are undermined by the effort required to keep the system running. Management of networks and distributed systems in general has a straightforward goal: to provide a productive environment in which work can be performed effectively. The work required for management should be a small fraction of the total effort. Most IT systems are still managed in an ad hoc style without any carefully elaborated plan. In such an environment the success of management decisions depends totally on the qualification and knowledge of the administrator. The thesis provides an analysis of the state of the art in the area of Network and System Management and identifies the key requirements that must be addressed for the provisioning of Integrated Management Services. These include the integration of the different management related aspects (i.e. integration of heterogeneous Network, System and Service Management). The thesis then proposes a new framework, INSMware, for the provision of Management Services. It provides a fundamental basis for the realisation of a new approach to Network and System Management. It is argued that Management Systems can be derived from a set of pre-fabricated and reusable Building Blocks that break up the required functionality into a number of separate entities rather than being developed from scratch. It proposes a high-level logical model in order to accommodate the range of requirements and environments applicable to Integrated Network and System Management that can be used as a reference model. A development methodology is introduced that reflects principles of the proposed approach, and provides guidelines to structure the analysis, design and implementation phases of a management system. The INSMware approach can further be combined with the componentware paradigm for the implementation of the management system. Based on these principles, a prototype for the management of SNMP systems has been implemented using industry standard middleware technologies. It is argued that development of a management system based on Componentware principles can offer a number of benefits. INSMware Components may be re-used and system solutions will become more modular and thereby easier to construct and maintain