4,756 research outputs found

    Implementation of a land use and spatial interaction model based on random utility choices and social accounting matrices

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    Random utility modelling has been established as one of the main paradigms for the implementation of land use and transport interaction (LUTI) models. Despite widespread application of such models, the respective literature provides relatively little detail on the theoretical consistency of the overall formal framework of the random utility based LUTI models. To address this gap, we present a detailed formal description of a generic land use and spatial interaction model that adheres to the random utility paradigm through the explicit distinction between utility and cost across all processes that imply behaviour of agents. The model is rooted in an extended input-output table, with the workforce and households accounts being disaggregated by socio-economic type. Similarly, the land account is broken down by domestic and non-domestic land use types. The model is developed around two processes. Firstly, the generation of demand for inputs required by established production; the estimation of the level of demand between sectors, households and land use types is supported by social accounting techniques. When appropriate the implicit production functions are assumed depended on costs of inputs, which gives rise to price-elastic demands. Secondly, the spatial assignment of demanded inputs (industrial activity, workforce, land) to locations of production; here sequences of decisions are used to distribute demand (both spatially and, when necessary, a-spatially) and to propagate costs and utilities of production and consumption that emerge from imbalances between supply and demand. The implementation of this generic model is discussed in relation to the case of the Greater South East region of the UK, including London, the South East and the East of England. We present the calibration process, data requirements, necessary assumptions and resulting implications. We discuss outputs under various land use strategies and economic scenarios, such as regulated versus competing land uses, constrained versus unconstrained densities, and high versus low economic and population growth rates. By adjusting the design constraints of the spatial planning and infrastructure supply strategies we aim to improve their sustainability.

    Supply Chain Digitalization – Optimizing The Factory Material Flow

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    Nykypäivän kiristynyt kilpailu ja edistyneet toimitusketjut edellyttävät entistä parempaa tomistusketjun digitalisointia parantamaan tehokkuutta, toimistusvarmuutta ja yrityksen kannattavuutta. Toimitusketjun digitalisoinnin avulla voidaan tukea reaaliaikaisesti muuttuvaa kysyntää valmistusyksikössä, luomalla älykäs toimitusketju joka tukee kysyntälähtöistä arvoketjua. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää ja esittää kohdeyritykselle mahdolliset toiminallisuudet ja tuotteet SAP S/4HANA:sta jotka tukevat kohdeyrityksen nykyisiä ja suunniteltuja toimitusketjun prosesseja. Työssä tutkitaan hankinnasta, varastonhallintaan ja valmistukseen liittyviä toiminallisuuksia. Toiminnallisuudet analysoidaan kohdeyrityksen näkökulmasta ja verrataan vaatimuksiin, joita kohdeyrityksessa nostetaan esille. Tutkielman teoreettinen osuus pohjautuu toimitusketjun ja ERP SAP uuteen tuotteeseen SAP S/4HANA. Toimitusketjun osuudessa tuodaan esille, kuinka vaatimukset Toimitusketju 4.0 ja Teollisuus 4.0 voidaan nähdä suuntaviivoina SAP S/4HANA:n kehitykselle. Empiirinen osuus jakautuu kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: Mitkä ovat tulevaisuuden mahdollisuudet visualisoida, arvioida ja optimoida toimitusketjua SAP S/4HANA ydintoiminnoilla? Mitä hyötyä kohde-yritys voi saavuttaa ottamalla käyttöön SAP S/4HANA laajennetut toiminallisuudet? Työn tuloksena saatiin ymmärrys SAP S/4HANA tuotteesta ja sen mahdollisuuksista toimitusketjun osalta. SAP S/4HANA tuotteena tukee monia kohdeyrityksen vaatimuksia ylätasolla, mutta vaatii konkreettisempia tutkimuksia ja testausta kohdeyrityksen työskentely ympäristössä sekä pitäisi hyödyntää kohdeyrityksen dataa.Today’s increasing competition and advanced supply chain needs better digitized supply chain to improve efficiency, on time delivery and business profitability. Supply chain digitalization enable to have real- time optimized supply chain. Supply chain management supporting the variable manufacturing unit demand by creating smart supply chain that supports the demand-driven value chain. The purpose of the study is to investigate and present how the SAP S/4HANA functionalities and products could support the case company and defined supply chain processes. The study explores supply chain from purchasing, inventory management to manufacturing. Functionalities are analysed from case company perspective and are compared to requirements what case company has raised up. Theoretical chapters focus on the supply chain and ERP SAP new product SAP S/4HANA. Supply chain chapter is divided to Supply 4.0 and Industry 4.0 to bring up the view how the SAP S/4HANA is aligned with these topics. Empirical part is divided into two research questions: What are the future capabilities to visualize, evaluate and optimize the supply chain including the core functionalities of the SAP S/4HANA? What benefits the case company can achieve by implementing the extended functionalities of the SAP S/4HANA? As a result of the study a good understanding of the SAP S/4HANA product and the possibility related to supply chain was reached. SAP S/4HANA as a product supports most of the requirements from case company in high level but requires more specific research and testing in company environment with real company data

    Resilience to cyber-attacks in critical infrastructures of Portugal

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    As infraestruturas críticas são sempre um potencial alvo para ciberataques, uma vez que a repercussão de um ataque bem-sucedido pode ser catastrófica, visto que esses sistemas controlam e permitem o acesso aos principais serviços do país. Um dos sistemas que fazem parte deste grupo de infraestruturas críticas de um país são os Sistemas de Controlo Industrial (ICSs), utilizados para automatizar e controlar os processos das várias infraestruturas industriais. No passado, os ICSs eram utilizados em ambiente isolado, no entanto, com o passar do tempo e para satisfazer as exigências do mercado moderno, começaram a estar ligados com o ambiente externo. Isto trouxe muitos benefícios, mas também aumentou o nível de exposição e vulnerabilidade dos mesmos. Embora estes sistemas sejam vitais para o bom funcionamento de um país, não há nenhum trabalho público que avalie o estado de segurança destes sistemas em Portugal. Este trabalho teve como maior objetivo, identificar os ICSs expostos na Internet em Portugal e investigar o nível de risco dos mesmos em termos de segurança. Com base nisso, foi desenvolvido uma metodologia que implicou a identificação dos ICSs, o cálculo do risco dos mesmos de acordo com as características que apresentam, e o desenvolvimento de uma data warehouse para juntar e organizar os dados, e permitir uma análise de forma fácil. Ao analisar os resultados verificamos que existem muitos ICSs expostos e facilmente encontrados na Internet em Portugal. A maioria deles estão localizados em Lisboa e têm pelo menos uma característica que apresenta um risco elevado à segurança do sistema. A maioria dos sistemas não têm disponível um algoritmo de encriptação para assegurar a segurança da ligação. Dos que têm, uma enorme percentagem utiliza algoritmos que não são considerados seguros. A maioria dos sistemas identificados têm pelo menos uma porta a correr o protocolo HTTP, uma ligação que há muito tempo já não é considerada segura. Dos sistemas que estão a correr portas com risco elevado, a maioria está a correr o protocolo FTP, um protocolo não construído para ser seguro. Muitas das organizações não possuem infraestruturas próprias para gerir as políticas de rede dos seus sistemas. Nesta situação, não é possível identificar as organizações porque escondem atrás dos ISPs. Isto pode ser vantajoso porque as organizações não são facilmente identificadas pelos hackers, no entanto, ficam dependentes dos ISPs, no sentido de que, se este sofrer um ataque, todas as organizações ligadas a ela podem ser severamente afetadas. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho permitem à Dognædis ter uma base de conhecimento sobre o estado dos ICSs expostos na Internet em Portugal, tornando possível sugerir melhorias de segurança. Também permite que a indústria e todas as organizações que têm ICSs estejam conscientes de quão expostos e vulneráveis estão os seus sistemas, de forma a dedicarem mais atenção aos sistemas que possam estar em risco de um ataque cibernético

    Integrated Information Supply for Decision Support in Grid Companies

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    Increasing regulatory requirements such as price cap regulation have increased the importance of strategic grid asset management. Empirical studies reveal that information supply and consolidation are error prone and long-term processes. The reason is the missing automation of extraction, transformation, and loading. The current gap does neither fulfill the requirements of regulatory nor the necessity of standardized reporting. Furthermore, a detailed planning is not enabled and the calculation of key figures is extensive. Currently, a framework that considers the coupling of financial and technical key figures, the coupling of strategic and operative key figures as well as the integration into information systems is not existent. Therefore, this paper addresses the design of a reference model as a recommendation for action to integrate the asset management within information systems. It is validated by expert interviews. Moreover, it provides information to integrate relevant financial and technical artifacts from distributed systems. Simultaneously, it provides recommendations for implementing a Business Intelligence architecture in the context of strategic decision support

    Proposal to Strenghern Health Information System [HIS]

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    \ud The HMIS Program described in this document aims at improving and strengthening the current Health Management Information System (HMIS) in Tanzania, known as MTUHA. The consortium behind the HMIS Program is headed by the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare (MOHSW) and consists of the following additional partners; Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre, University of Dar es Salaam and the University of Oslo, representing national and international capacity in HMIS. The HMIS Program is linked to the Payment for performance (P4P) funding scheme which is initiated by the Norway Tanzania Partnership Initiative. The P4P has a focus on maternal and child health and relies upon quality indicators on performance in these areas from health facilities and districts. The provision of quality data and indicators on MDG 4 & 5 is therefore a key target for the HMIS Program. The chosen approach is, however, to derive these data from the HMIS and not to establish a separate data collection structure, hence the HMIS Program. Quality information by way of essential indicators, such as for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals 4 & 5, are crucial for health services delivery and program management as well as for M&E. Currently, however, the HMIS is not providing such needed data of sufficient completeness, timeliness and quality, leading health programs and funding agencies to establish their own structures for data collection, and thus creating fragmentation and adding to the problem. The HMIS Program aims at changing this negative trend and turning the HMIS into the key source of shared essential quality information in Tanzania by; focusing on action oriented use of information for management at each level of the health services and by providing timely quality information to all stakeholders, including all health programs and funding agencies in the HMIS strengthening process – making it an all-inclusive national process, focusing on capacity development; on-site support and facilitation, short courses and continuous education, building capacity in the MOHSW and establishing a national network of HMIS support, and by building on experience, methods and tools from Africa’s “best practices” HMIS, such as South Africa – and Zanzibar Within this proposal the aim is to carry out the HMIS strengthening process in 1/3 of the districts in the country, 7 regions, during the first 3 years. The objective, however, is to cover the entire country during the 5 years duration of the NTPI. By aiming at quick and tangible results, the expectation is that other funding agencies will join forces and thereby ensuring national coverage.\ud \u

    A Survey of Decentralized Adaptive Control

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    Collaborative, Trust-Based Security Mechanisms for a National Utility Intranet

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    This thesis investigates security mechanisms for utility control and protection networks using IP-based protocol interaction. It proposes flexible, cost-effective solutions in strategic locations to protect transitioning legacy and full IP-standards architectures. It also demonstrates how operational signatures can be defined to enact organizationally-unique standard operating procedures for zero failure in environments with varying levels of uncertainty and trust. The research evaluates layering encryption, authentication, traffic filtering, content checks, and event correlation mechanisms over time-critical primary and backup control/protection signaling to prevent disruption by internal and external malicious activity or errors. Finally, it shows how a regional/national implementation can protect private communities of interest and foster a mix of both centralized and distributed emergency prediction, mitigation, detection, and response with secure, automatic peer-to-peer notifications that share situational awareness across control, transmission, and reliability boundaries and prevent wide-spread, catastrophic power outages


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    thesisTo conduct clinical research, data are needed from the clinical routine. Due to the complexity of today's Healthcare Information Systems (HIS), clinical researchers oftentimes struggle finding relevant information. As part of the reengineering efforts of the clinical data warehouse towards a translational enterprise data warehouse, a general methodology is developed to describe the complexity of current HIS in all domains, to guide researchers with a clinical questions to the dta they need, and thus to increase accessibility of clinical data for research. An information-requirements analysis was conducted with clinical researchers and data warehouse experts in the domain of pharmacy as groundwork for a new translational meta-model. The results of this analysis were used adapt the strategic HIS management meta-model 3LGM2 and to implement it into the domain of pharmacy. The new translational meta-model consists of a domain-, a logical tool-, and a data description-layer with interlayer relationships. Two further layers, added in a perpendicular way give information about access and quality. This meta-model is implemented as a Web-based solution, providing modeling and browsing functionality. The presented translation meta-data solution shows a promising approach to the problem of clinical data access in research. Further research in needed to prove its applicability and usefulness in the daily routine
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