13,096 research outputs found

    Derivation of sorting programs

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    Program synthesis for critical applications has become a viable alternative to program verification. Nested resolution and its extension are used to synthesize a set of sorting programs from their first order logic specifications. A set of sorting programs, such as, naive sort, merge sort, and insertion sort, were successfully synthesized starting from the same set of specifications

    Analisis Algoritma Insertion Sort, Merge Sort Dan Implementasinya Dalam Bahasa Pemrograman C++

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    This paper presents the study of implementation and performance in sorting process, using two different algorithms, namely Insertion Sort and Merge Sort. In the first stage, the two algorithms were implemented in C++ language to sort several numbers typed by a user. In the second stage, the source codes for those algorithms were modified to enable sorting randomly generated numbers with the amount as requested by the user. To find out how well they performed in sorting out the data, therefore in the last stage the two algorithms were tested to sort random numbers with predetermined amount ranges and the results were compared. From the experiments performed, merge sort algorithm had shown a better performance, particularly in a large number of data (> 10000). Insertion sort algorithm has the advantage in lower complexity algorithm, notably in the best case condition and since it does not use recursion routines in sorting process, hence it does not require as much storage space or memory as needed by merge sort algorithm

    Comparison Study of Sorting Techniques in Static Data Structure

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    To manage and organize large data is imperative in order to formulate the data analysis and data processing efficiency. Therefore, this paper investigates the set of sorting techniques to observe which technique to provide better efficiency. Five types of sorting techniques of static data structure, Bubble, Insertion, Selection with O(n2) complexity and Merge, Quick with O(n log n) complexity  have been used and tested on four groups between (100–30000) of dataset. To validate the performance of sorting techniques, three performance metrics which are time complexity, execution time and size of dataset were used. All experimental setups were accomplished using simple linear regression. The experimental results illustrate that Quick sort is more efficiency than other sorting and Selection sort is more efficient than Bubble and Insertion in large data size using array. In addition, Bubble, Insertion and Selection have good performance for small data size using array thus, sorting technique with behaviour O(n log n) is more efficient than sorting technique with behaviour  O(n2) using array

    Analisis Strategi Algoritma Sorting Menggunakan Metode Komparatif pada Bahasa Pemrograman Java dengan Python

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    Penerapan strategi algoritma sorting yang tepat merupakan kunci penting yang tidak bisa dipandang kecil, khususnya bagi para pengembang sistem. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis secara komprehensif dari enam strategi algoritma sorting dengan menggunakan dua bahasa pemrograman yaitu Java dan Python. Strategi algoritma sorting meliputi bubble, selection, insertion, shell, merge dan quick sort. Metode penelitiannya menggunakan pendekatan komparatif. Analisis datanya mulai dari 1000 data sampai dengan 200.000 data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi algoritma sort untuk bubble, selection dan insertion pada jumlah lebih dari 20.000 data lebih cepat menggunakan bahasa Java dibanding dengan bahasa Python, sedangkan strategi shell, merge dan quick sort setelah lebih dari 20.000 menghasilkan waktu eksekusi yang tidak jauh berbeda baik yang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java maupun Python. Saat memilih bahasa pemrograman yang tepat untuk implementasi algoritma sorting, penting agar diperoleh sistem yang lebih efisien dalam penggunaan memori dan lebih cepat dari segi waktu.Applying the right sorting algorithm strategy is a key factor that cannot be underestimated, especially for system developers. This research aims to comprehensively analyze six sorting algorithm strategies using two programming languages, Java and Python. The sorting algorithm strategies include bubble, selection, insertion, shell, merge and quick sort. The data analysis ranged from 1000 data to 200,000 data. The results showed that the sort algorithm strategies for bubble, selection and insertion at more than 20,000 data were faster using Java than Python, while the shell, merge and quick sort strategies after more than 20,000 resulted in execution times that were not much different using both Java and Python programming languages

    Comparison study of sorting techniques in static data structure

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    To manage and organize large data is imperative in order to formulate the data analysis and data processing efficiency. Therefore, this paper investigates the set of sorting techniques to observe which technique to provide better efficiency. Five types of sorting techniques of static data structure, Bubble, Insertion, Selection with O(n2 ) complexity and Merge, Quick with O(n log n) complexity have been used and tested on four groups between (100–30000) of dataset. To validate the performance of sorting techniques, three performance metrics which are time complexity, execution time and size of dataset were used. All experimental setups were accomplished using simple linear regression. The experimental results illustrate that Quick sort is more efficiency than other sorting and Selection sort is more efficient than Bubble and Insertion in large data size using array. In addition, Bubble, Insertion and Selection have good performance for small data size using array thus, sorting technique with behaviour O(n log n) is more efficient than sorting technique with behaviour O(n2 ) using array


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    Sorting is a crucial problem in data processing or database. Data  processing will be more simple if the data has been sorted. Sorting problem requires special  techniques to make the process of sorting faster. The techniques are named as sorting algorithms. The reliability of an algorithm can be measured by its time complexities. The time complexity T(n) is the number of operations performed in an algorithm for N data input. One of time complexities is Big-O or worst case. The Worst case (Big-O) is a time complexities for the worst condition of an algorithm.   This study will analyze the time complexity of the algorithms Insertion Sort, Merge Sort and Insertion Sort based on their Big-O (worst case). Each algorithm will be calculated its complexity time in two ways. The first is calculated based on their steps in sorting process and the second is calculated based on their coding and running program using C++. The time complexity of Merge Sort is O(n log n) and time complexity of Quick Sort and Insertion Sort is O(n2), it means the time complexity of Merge Sort is less and faster for large N data input than Quick Sort and Insertion Sort. Otherwise Insertion Sort is faster for small N data input than Merge Sort and Quick Sort. Quick sort needs much time to sort data not only for small N data input but also for large N data input. It means Quick Sort doesn’t work well in worst case

    Comparison study on sorting techniques in static data structure

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    To manage and organize large data is imperative in order to formulate the data analysis and data processing efficiency. Thus, to handle large data becomes highly enviable, whilst, it is premised that the sorting techniques eliminate ambiguities with less effort. Therefore, this study investigates the functionality of a set of sorting techniques to observe which technique to provide better efficiency in terms of sorting data. Therefore, five types of sorting techniques of static data structure, namely: Bubble, Insertion, Selection in group O (n2) complexity and Merge, Quick in group O (n log n) complexity using the C++ programming language have been used. Each sorting technique was tested on four groups between 100 and 30000 of dataset. To validate the performance of sorting techniques, three performance metrics which are time complexity, execution time (run time) and size of dataset were used. All experimental setups were accomplished using simple linear regression where experimental results illustrate that Quick sort is more efficiency than Merge Insertion, Selection and Bubble sort based on run time and size of data using array and Selection sort is more efficient than Bubble and Insertion in large data size using array. In addition, Bubble, Insertion and Selection have good performance for small data size using array while Merge and Quick sort have good performance in large data size using array and sorting technique with good behavior O (n log n) more efficient rather than sorting technique with bad behavior is O (n2) using array

    Enhancements In Sorting Algorithms: A Review

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    One of the important issues in designing algorithms is to arrange a list of items in particular order. Aalthough there is a large number of sorting algorithms, sorting problem has concerned a great compact of research, because efficient sorting is important to optimize the use of other algorithms. In many applications, sorting plays an important role as to easily handling of the data by arranging it in ascending or descending order.[2] In this paper, we are presenting enhancements in various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, and merge sort. Aa sorting algorithm consists of comparison, swap, and the use of assignment operations. Bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort are algorithms, which are easy to understand but have the worst time complexity of O (n2). The new algorithms are discussed, analyzed, tested, and executed for reference. Eenhanced selection sort is based on sorting the items by making it slightly faster and stable sorting algorithm. Mmodified bubble sort is an modification on both bubble sort and selection sort algorithms with O (n log n) complexity instead of O (n2) for bubble sort and selection sort algorithms. [3] [1]

    Comparison study of sorting techniques in dynamic data structure

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    Sorting is an important and widely studied issue, where the execution time and the required resources for computation is of extreme importance, especially if it is dealing with real-time data processing. Therefore, it is important to study and to compare in details all the available sorting algorithms. In this project, an intensive investigation was conducted on five algorithms, namely, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort algorithms. Four groups of data elements were created for the purpose of comparison process among the different sorting algorithms. All the five sorting algorithms are applied to these groups. The worst time complexity for each sorting technique is then computed for each sorting algorithm. The sorting algorithms were classified into two groups of time complexity, O (n2) group and O(nlog2n) group. The execution time for the five sorting algorithms of each group of data elements were computed. The fastest algorithm is then determined by the estimated value for each sorting algorithm, which is computed using linear least square regression. The results revealed that the Merge Sort was more efficient to sort data from the Quick Sort for O(nlog2n) time complexity group. The Insertion Sort had more efficiency to sort data from Selection Sort and Bubble Sort for O (n2) group. Bubble Sort was the slowest or it was less efficient to sort the data. In conclusion, the efficiency of sorting algorithms can be ranked from highest to lowest as Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort and Bubble Sort

    A Bulk-Parallel Priority Queue in External Memory with STXXL

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    We propose the design and an implementation of a bulk-parallel external memory priority queue to take advantage of both shared-memory parallelism and high external memory transfer speeds to parallel disks. To achieve higher performance by decoupling item insertions and extractions, we offer two parallelization interfaces: one using "bulk" sequences, the other by defining "limit" items. In the design, we discuss how to parallelize insertions using multiple heaps, and how to calculate a dynamic prediction sequence to prefetch blocks and apply parallel multiway merge for extraction. Our experimental results show that in the selected benchmarks the priority queue reaches 75% of the full parallel I/O bandwidth of rotational disks and and 65% of SSDs, or the speed of sorting in external memory when bounded by computation.Comment: extended version of SEA'15 conference pape
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