10,650 research outputs found

    La formación de docentes en TIC: aportaciones desde diferentes modelos de formación

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    Training the teaching staff in Information and Communication Technologies comes implicitly with the study of its different dimensions and principles, regarding the indications that have been pointed from a variety of studies and works. In our current society, it is clear that the significance of ICT to improve quality and educational performance is not exclusively determined by its presence, but also by the variety of transformations that involves not only using them as a way of consuming knowledge but also seeing them as tools to enrich, create and generate said knowledge. From this perspective, investment in professional development is more important than investment in resources associated with technology. ftis is an important aspect for incorporation of ITC, not considering only its use to do better things than we do without it, but to do things in a complete different manner. We present this article which describes a tour of some of the bases and models, analyzing the problematic of training in digital skills that teachers might face when they incorporate them into their teaching and professional practice.Hablar de la formación del profesorado en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, implica el estudio de diferentes dimensiones y principios, contemplando las indicaciones que han apuntado distintos estudios y trabajos. En la sociedad actual, es claro que la significación de las TIC para mejorar la calidad y el rendimiento educativo, no viene exclusivamente determinado por su presencia, sino también por diferentes transformaciones que implican pasar de utilizarlas únicamente como una forma de consumir conocimientos, a verlas como herramientas para enriquecerlos, crearlos y generarlos. Desde esta perspectiva, la inversión en desarrollo profesional es más importante que la inversión en recursos asociados a la tecnología, siendo unaspecto importantepara su incorporación, el noplantearse únicamente su utilización para hacer mejor las cosas que hacemos sin ellas, sino para hacer cosas completamente distintas. Desde esta óptica, planteamos el presente artículo en el que se describe un recorrido por algunas de las bases y modelos, analizando la problemática de la formación en las competencias digitales que debe poseer el profesorado a la hora de incorporarlas en su práctica docente y profesional

    Financial Constraint and R&D Investment: Evidence from CIS

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    Using direct information on financial constraints from questionnaires, rather than the commonly used balance sheet information, this paper presents evidence that, controlling for traditional factors as size, market share, cooperative arrangement, and expected profitability, financial constraints affect a firm's decision of how much to invest in R&D activities. Apart from these constraints, other hampering factors as market uncertainty and institutional bottlenecks, regulations and organizational rigidities also affect R&D investment. A semiparametric estimator of sample selection is employed to control for potential endogeneity of the regressors. The paper also shows that old firms and firms that belong to a group are less financially constrained when it comes to undertaking R&D activities. For the estimation a semiparametric binary choice model is used.Research and Development, Investment, Financial Risk

    Entrepreneurial Commercialization Choices and the Interaction between IPR and Competition Policy

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    This paper examines the interaction between intellectual property protection and competition policy on the choice of entrepreneurs with respect to commercialization as well as the rate of innovation. We find that stronger intellectual property protection makes it more likely that entrepreneurs will commercialize by cooperating with incumbents rather than competing with them. Consequently, we demonstrate that competition policy has a clearer role in promoting a higher rate of innovation in that event. Hence, we identify one reason why the strength of the two policies may be complements from the perspective of increasing the rate of entrepreneurial innovation.Entrepreneurs; Innovation; Commercialization; Intellectual property law; Competition law

    @the_new_house: An Online-Offline Manifesto

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    The house, as one of the most fundamental architectural archetypes, has long been used as unbuilt or built manifestos to declare the avant-garde of the discipline. Formally they are likely to offer the most intimate scale at which to work and symbolically they have always maintained a potent force, both as vivid representation of lives lived inside their walls and as a powerful influence over the changing course of architecture over the centuries (Rapoport). Iconic houses have become part of an essential language and shorthand of architecture itself. Follow me as I investigate a return to the design of a house as a manifesto for today’s online-offline generation. The house of today for tomorrow will strive to represent our virtual “curated” lives in our physical reality, questioning the very precepts of what a house should be and do. As designers, we need to re-visualize design concepts to create architecture that integrates and corresponds to the way we dwell. Innovating design in the same way technology and digitalization have been innovating production and the way we live. This thesis investigates a return to the design of a house as a manifesto, focusing on today’s advanced modes of fabrication and evolving ways of living to challenge the current design mindset

    Destructive Creation

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    "Destructive Creation" is the deliberate introduction of new, perhaps improved generations of durable goods that destroy, directly or indirectly, the usage value of units previously sold inducing consumers to repeat their purchase. This paper discusses this practice by a single seller in an infinite-horizon, discrete time model with heterogeneous consumers. Despite the lack of commitment power over future prices and introduction policies, this practice restores partially or totally market power even though consumers anticipate opportunistic behavior. However, the monopoly resorts "too much" to this mechanism from an ex-ante, profit maximizing perspective. High prices in earlier periods allow the seller to commit to defer innovation and therefore to maintain buyers' confidence over "durability". The paper characterizes the equilibrium properties of the resulting innovation cycles such as existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability and discusses potential regulatory remedies in those instances where destructive creation generates economic inefficiencies. This theory applies, among others, to markets characterized by network externalities, compatibility issues, standard setting, social consumption and signal provision and may help explain many restrictive aftermarket practices as well as excessive add-on pricing without relying on any leverage hypothesis.durable goods; aftermarkets; planned obsolescence;

    Mastering Brexits Through The Ages : Entrepreneurial Innovators and Small Firms -The Catalysts for Success

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    © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited. This accepted manuscript sample chapter is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial International Licence 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).Brexit is arguably the most significant UK foreign and economic policy event since at least 1945. Opinion is bitterly divided between whether to leave, when to leave, how to leave and even on what Brexit is. Mastering Brexits Through the Ages: Entrepreneurial Innovators and Small Firms - The Catalysts for Success explores these dynamics through the lens of three previous ‘Brexits’ - the end of Roman Britain, the Henrician Reformation, and the Elizabethan age. Using multiple historical epithets, it illuminates insights into innovation needs, smaller firm growth, previous step-change events and related economic understanding. This book paints a broad picture of possible UK post-Brexit landscapes. Echoing an earlier European Treaty (Versailles, 1919), fourteen action points that can contribute to mitigating downside risks and making post-Brexit UK a leading force in the global economy are identified. At all times, dynamic entrepreneurs and small companies are at the centre of the narrative. This book is both a key contribution to understanding implementation risks and to identifying what a ‘winning’ post-Brexit UK economy should look like. Drawing on extensive research, the book identifies a strategic framework and associated practical measures needed to realise a positive outcome. It concurrently analyses the σύστημᾰ (sústēma) or entirety of Brexit through carefully unpicking and demystifying complexities, and anticipating Brexit risks, impacts, implications and unknowns. This is a book for academics, policy makers, advisers and interested bystanders alike.Final Accepted Versio

    The Bio-Economy Concept and Knowledge Base in a Public Goods and Farmer Perspective

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    Currently an industrial perspective dominates the EU policy framework for a European bio-economy. The Commission’s proposal on the bio-economy emphasises greater resource-efficiency, largely within an industrial perspective on global economic competitiveness, benefiting capital-intensive industries at higher levels of the value chain. However a responsible bio-economy must initially address the sustainable use of resources. Many farmers are not only commodity producers but also providers of quality food and managers of the eco-system. A public goods-oriented bio-economy emphasises agro-ecological methods, organic and low (external) input farming systems, ecosystem services, social innovation in multi-stakeholder collective practices and joint production of knowledge. The potential of farmers and SMEs to contribute to innovation must be fully recognised. This approach recognises the importance of local knowledge enhancing local capabilities, while also accommodating diversity and complexity. Therefore the bio-economy concept should have a much broader scope than the dominant one in European Commission innovation policy. Socio-economic research is needed to inform strategies, pathways and stakeholder cooperation towards sustainability goals

    Conference Roundup: Smart Cataloging - Beginning the Move from Batch Processing to Automated Classification

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    This article reviewed the Amigos Online Conference titled “Work Smarter, Not Harder: Innovating Technical Services Workflows” keynote session delivered by Dr. Terry Reese on February 13, 2020. Excerpt: As the developer of MarcEdit, a popular metadata suite used widely across the library community, Reese’s current work is focused on the ways in which libraries might leverage semantic web techniques in order to transform legacy library metadata into something new. So many sessions related to using new technologies in libraries or academia, although exciting, are not practical enough to put into everyday use by most librarians. Reese’s keynote, titled Smart Cataloging: Beginning the Move from Batch Processing to Automated Classification, was unique and powerful in that he discussed the more practical applications of machine learning for tomorrow, rather than a decade or more into the future

    Building future skills in accountancy

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