211 research outputs found

    Uso de riscos na validação de sistemas baseados em componentes

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    Orientadores: Eliane Martins, Henrique Santos do Carmo MadeiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A sociedade moderna está cada vez mais dependente dos serviços prestados pelos computadores e, conseqüentemente, dependente do software que está sendo executado para prover estes serviços. Considerando a tendência crescente do desenvolvimento de produtos de software utilizando componentes reutilizáveis, a dependabilidade do software, ou seja, a segurança de que o software irá funcionar adequadamente, recai na dependabilidade dos componentes que são integrados. Os componentes são normalmente adquiridos de terceiros ou produzidos por outras equipes de desenvolvimento. Dessa forma, os critérios utilizados na fase de testes dos componentes dificilmente estão disponíveis. A falta desta informação aliada ao fato de se estar utilizando um componente que não foi produzido para o sistema e o ambiente computacional específico faz com que a reutilização de componentes apresente um risco para o sistema que os integra. Estudos tradicionais do risco de um componente de software definem dois fatores que caracteriza o risco, a probabilidade de existir uma falha no componente e o impacto que isso causa no sistema computacional. Este trabalho propõe o uso da análise do risco para selecionar pontos de injeção e monitoração para campanhas de injeção de falhas. Também propõe uma abordagem experimental para a avaliação do risco de um componente para um sistema. Para se estimar a probabilidade de existir uma falha no componente, métricas de software foram combinadas num modelo estatístico. O impacto da manifestação de uma falha no sistema foi estimado experimentalmente utilizando a injeção de falhas. Considerando esta abordagem, a avaliação do risco se torna genérica e repetível embasando-se em medidas bem definidas. Dessa forma, a metodologia pode ser utilizada como um benchmark de componentes quanto ao risco e pode ser utilizada quando é preciso escolher o melhor componente para um sistema computacional, entre os vários componentes que provêem a mesma funcionalidade. Os resultados obtidos na aplicação desta abordagem em estudos de casos nos permitiram escolher o melhor componente, considerando diversos objetivos e necessidades dos usuáriosAbstract: Today's societies have become increasingly dependent on information services. A corollary is that we have also become increasingly dependent on computer software products that provide such services. The increasing tendency of software development to employ reusable components means that software dependability has become even more reliant on the dependability of integrated components. Components are usually acquired from third parties or developed by unknown development teams. In this way, the criteria employed in the testing phase of components-based systems are hardly ever been available. This lack of information, coupled with the use of components that are not specifically developed for a particular system and computational environment, makes components reutilization risky for the integrating system. Traditional studies on the risk of software components suggest that two aspects must be considered when risk assessment tests are performed, namely the probability of residual fault in software component, and the probability of such fault activation and impact on the computational system. The present work proposes the use of risk analysis to select the injection and monitoring points for fault injection campaigns. It also proposes an experimental approach to evaluate the risk a particular component may represent to a system. In order to determine the probability of a residual fault in the component, software metrics are combined in a statistical mode!. The impact of fault activation is estimated using fault injection. Through this experimental approach, risk evaluation becomes replicable and buttressed on well-defined measurements. In this way, the methodology can be used as a components' risk benchmark, and can be employed when it is necessary to choose the most suitable among several functionally-similar components for a particular computational system. The results obtained in the application of this approach to specific case studies allowed us to choose the best component in each case, without jeopardizing the diverse objectives and needs of their usersDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Experimental analysis of computer system dependability

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    This paper reviews an area which has evolved over the past 15 years: experimental analysis of computer system dependability. Methodologies and advances are discussed for three basic approaches used in the area: simulated fault injection, physical fault injection, and measurement-based analysis. The three approaches are suited, respectively, to dependability evaluation in the three phases of a system's life: design phase, prototype phase, and operational phase. Before the discussion of these phases, several statistical techniques used in the area are introduced. For each phase, a classification of research methods or study topics is outlined, followed by discussion of these methods or topics as well as representative studies. The statistical techniques introduced include the estimation of parameters and confidence intervals, probability distribution characterization, and several multivariate analysis methods. Importance sampling, a statistical technique used to accelerate Monte Carlo simulation, is also introduced. The discussion of simulated fault injection covers electrical-level, logic-level, and function-level fault injection methods as well as representative simulation environments such as FOCUS and DEPEND. The discussion of physical fault injection covers hardware, software, and radiation fault injection methods as well as several software and hybrid tools including FIAT, FERARI, HYBRID, and FINE. The discussion of measurement-based analysis covers measurement and data processing techniques, basic error characterization, dependency analysis, Markov reward modeling, software-dependability, and fault diagnosis. The discussion involves several important issues studies in the area, including fault models, fast simulation techniques, workload/failure dependency, correlated failures, and software fault tolerance

    Performance et fiabilité des protocoles de tolérance aux fautes

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    In the modern era of on-demand ubiquitous computing, where applications and services are deployed in well-provisioned, well-managed infrastructures, administered by large groups of cloud providers such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, etc., performance and dependability of the systems have become primary objectives.Cloud computing has evolved from questioning the Quality-of-Service (QoS) making factors such as availability, reliability, liveness, safety and security, extremely necessary in the complete definition of a system. Indeed, computing systems must be resilient in the presence of failures and attacks to prevent their inaccessibility which can lead to expensive maintenance costs and loss of business. With the growing components in cloud systems, faults occur more commonly resulting in frequent cloud outages and failing to guarantee the QoS. Cloud providers have seen episodic incidents of arbitrary (i.e., Byzantine) faults where systems demonstrate unpredictable conducts, which includes incorrect response of a client's request, sending corrupt messages, intentional delaying of messages, disobeying the ordering of the requests, etc.This has led researchers to extensively study Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) and propose numerous protocols and software prototypes. These BFT solutions not only provide consistent and available services despite arbitrary failures, they also intend to reduce the cost and performance overhead incurred by the underlying systems. However, BFT prototypes have been evaluated in ad-hoc settings, considering either ideal conditions or very limited faulty scenarios. This fails to convince the practitioners for the adoption of BFT protocols in a distributed system. Some argue on the applicability of expensive and complex BFT to tolerate arbitrary faults while others are skeptical on the adeptness of BFT techniques. This thesis precisely addresses this problem and presents a comprehensive benchmarking environment which eases the setup of execution scenarios to analyze and compare the effectiveness and robustness of these existing BFT proposals.Specifically, contributions of this dissertation are as follows.First, we introduce a generic architecture for benchmarking distributed protocols. This architecture, comprises reusable components for building a benchmark for performance and dependability analysis of distributed protocols. The architecture allows defining workload and faultload, and their injection. It also produces performance, dependability, and low-level system and network statistics. Furthermore, the thesis presents the benefits of a general architecture.Second, we present BFT-Bench, the first BFT benchmark, for analyzing and comparing representative BFT protocols under identical scenarios. BFT-Bench allows end-users evaluate different BFT implementations under user-defined faulty behaviors and varying workloads. It allows automatic deploying these BFT protocols in a distributed setting with ability to perform monitoring and reporting of performance and dependability aspects. In our results, we empirically compare some existing state-of-the-art BFT protocols, in various workloads and fault scenarios with BFT-Bench, demonstrating its effectiveness in practice.Overall, this thesis aims to make BFT benchmarking easy to adopt by developers and end-users of BFT protocols.BFT-Bench framework intends to help users to perform efficient comparisons of competing BFT implementations, and incorporating effective solutions to the detected loopholes in the BFT prototypes. Furthermore, this dissertation strengthens the belief in the need of BFT techniques for ensuring correct and continued progress of distributed systems during critical fault occurrence.A l'ère de l’informatique omniprésente et à la demande, où les applications et les services sont déployés sur des infrastructures bien gérées et approvisionnées par des grands groupes de fournisseurs d’informatique en nuage (Cloud Computing), tels Amazon,Google,Microsoft,Oracle, etc, la performance et la fiabilité de ces systèmes sont devenues des objectifs primordiaux. Cette informatique a rendu particulièrement nécessaire la prise en compte des facteurs de la Qualité de Service (QoS), telles que la disponibilité, la fiabilité, la vivacité, la sureté et la sécurité,dans la définition complète d’un système. En effet, les systèmes informatiques doivent être résistants aussi bien aux défaillances qu’aux attaques et ce, afin d'éviter qu'ils ne deviennent inaccessibles, entrainent des couts de maintenance importants et la perte de parts de marché. L'augmentation de la taille et la complexité des systèmes en nuage rend de plus en plus commun les défauts, augmentant la fréquence des pannes, et n’offrant donc plus la Garantie de Service visée. Les fournisseurs d’informatique en nuage font ainsi face épisodiquement à des fautes arbitraires, dites Byzantines, durant lesquelles les systèmes ont des comportements imprévisibles.Ce constat a amené les chercheurs à s’intéresser de plus en plus à la tolérance aux fautes byzantines (BFT) et à proposer de nombreux prototypes de protocoles et logiciels. Ces solutions de BFT visent non seulement à fournir des services cohérents et continus malgré des défaillances arbitraires, mais cherchent aussi à réduire le coût et l’impact sur les performances des systèmes sous-jacents. Néanmoins les prototypes BFT ont été évalués le plus souvent dans des contextes ad hoc, soit dans des conditions idéales, soit en limitant les scénarios de fautes. C’est pourquoi ces protocoles de BFT n’ont pas réussi à convaincre les professionnels des systèmes distribués de les adopter. Cette thèse entend répondre à ce problème en proposant un environnement complet de banc d’essai dont le but est de faciliter la création de scénarios d'exécution utilisables pour aussi bien analyser que comparer l'efficacité et la robustesse des propositions BFT existantes. Les contributions de cette thèse sont les suivantes :Nous introduisons une architecture générique pour analyser des protocoles distribués. Cette architecture comprend des composants réutilisables permettant la mise en œuvre d’outils de mesure des performances et d’analyse de la fiabilité des protocoles distribués. Cette architecture permet de définir la charge de travail, de défaillance, et l’injection de ces dernières. Elle fournit aussi des statistiques de performance, de fiabilité du système de bas niveau et du réseau. En outre, cette thèse présente les bénéfices d’une architecture générale.Nous présentons BFT-Bench, le premier système de banc d’essai de la BFT, pour l'analyse et la comparaison d’un panel de protocoles BFT utilisés dans des situations identiques. BFT-Bench permet aux utilisateurs d'évaluer des implémentations différentes pour lesquels ils définissent des comportements défaillants avec différentes charges de travail.Il permet de déployer automatiquement les protocoles BFT étudiés dans un environnement distribué et offre la possibilité de suivre et de rendre compte des aspects performance et fiabilité. Parmi nos résultats, nous présentons une comparaison de certains protocoles BFT actuels, réalisée avec BFT-Bench, en définissant différentes charges de travail et différents scénarii de fautes. Cette réelle application de BFT-Bench en démontre l’efficacité.Le logiciel BFT-Bench a été conçu en ce sens pour aider les utilisateurs à comparer efficacement différentes implémentations de BFT et apporter des solutions effectives aux lacunes identifiées des prototypes BFT. De plus, cette thèse défend l’idée que les techniques BFT sont nécessaires pour assurer un fonctionnement continu et correct des systèmes distribués confrontés à des situations critiques

    Fault-injection through model checking via naive assumptions about state machine synchrony semantics

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    Software behavior can be defined as the action or reaction of software to external and/or internal conditions. Software behavior is an important characteristic in determining software quality. Fault-injection is a method to assess software quality through its\u27 behavior. Our research involves a fault-injection process combined with model checking. We introduce a concept of naive assumptions which exploits the assumptions of execution order, synchrony and fairness. Naive assumptions are applied to inject faults into our models. We use linear temporal logic to examine the model for anomalous behaviors. This method shows us the benefits of using fault-injection and model checking and the advantage of the counter-examples generated by model checkers. We illustrate this technique on a fuel injection Sensor Failure Detection system and discuss the anomalies in detail

    Fault injection testing of software implemented fault tolerance mechanisms of distributed systems

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    PhD ThesisOne way of gaining confidence in the adequacy of fault tolerance mechanisms of a system is to test the system by injecting faults and see how the system performs under faulty conditions. This thesis investigates the issues of testing software-implemented fault tolerance mechanisms of distributed systems through fault injection. A fault injection method has been developed. The method requires that the target software system be structured as a collection of objects interacting via messages. This enables easy insertion of fault injection objects into the target system to emulate incorrect behaviour of faulty processors by manipulating messages. This approach allows one to inject specific classes of faults while not requiring any significant changes to the target system. The method differs from the previous work in that it exploits an object oriented approach of software implementation to support the injection of specific classes of faults at the system level. The proposed fault injection method has been applied to test software-implemented reliable node systems: a TMR (triple modular redundant) node and a fail-silent node. The nodes have integrated fault tolerance mechanisms and are expected to exhibit certain behaviour in the presence of a failure. The thesis describes how various such mechanisms (for example, clock synchronisation protocol, and atomic broadcast protocol) were tested. The testing revealed flaws in implementation that had not been discovered before, thereby demonstrating the usefulness of the method. Application of the approach to other distributed systems is also described in the thesis.CEC ESPRIT programme, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

    Improving the process of analysis and comparison of results in dependability benchmarks for computer systems

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    Tesis por compendioLos dependability benchmarks (o benchmarks de confiabilidad en español), están diseñados para evaluar, mediante la categorización cuantitativa de atributos de confiabilidad y prestaciones, el comportamiento de sistemas en presencia de fallos. En este tipo de benchmarks, donde los sistemas se evalúan en presencia de perturbaciones, no ser capaces de elegir el sistema que mejor se adapta a nuestras necesidades puede, en ocasiones, conllevar graves consecuencias (económicas, de reputación, o incluso de pérdida de vidas). Por esa razón, estos benchmarks deben cumplir ciertas propiedades, como son la no-intrusión, la representatividad, la repetibilidad o la reproducibilidad, que garantizan la robustez y precisión de sus procesos. Sin embargo, a pesar de la importancia que tiene la comparación de sistemas o componentes, existe un problema en el ámbito del dependability benchmarking relacionado con el análisis y la comparación de resultados. Mientras que el principal foco de investigación se ha centrado en el desarrollo y la mejora de procesos para obtener medidas en presencia de fallos, los aspectos relacionados con el análisis y la comparación de resultados quedaron mayormente desatendidos. Esto ha dado lugar a diversos trabajos en este ámbito donde el proceso de análisis y la comparación de resultados entre sistemas se realiza de forma ambigua, mediante argumentación, o ni siquiera queda reflejado. Bajo estas circunstancias, a los usuarios de los benchmarks se les presenta una dificultad a la hora de utilizar estos benchmarks y comparar sus resultados con los obtenidos por otros usuarios. Por tanto, extender la aplicación de los benchmarks de confiabilidad y realizar la explotación cruzada de resultados es una tarea actualmente poco viable. Esta tesis se ha centrado en el desarrollo de una metodología para dar soporte a los desarrolladores y usuarios de benchmarks de confiabilidad a la hora de afrontar los problemas existentes en el análisis y comparación de resultados. Diseñada para asegurar el cumplimiento de las propiedades de estos benchmarks, la metodología integra el proceso de análisis de resultados en el flujo procedimental de los benchmarks de confiabilidad. Inspirada en procedimientos propios del ámbito de la investigación operativa, esta metodología proporciona a los evaluadores los medios necesarios para hacer su proceso de análisis explícito, y más representativo para el contexto dado. Los resultados obtenidos de aplicar esta metodología en varios casos de estudio de distintos dominios de aplicación, mostrará las contribuciones de este trabajo a mejorar el proceso de análisis y comparación de resultados en procesos de evaluación de la confiabilidad para sistemas basados en computador.Dependability benchmarks are designed to assess, by quantifying through quantitative performance and dependability attributes, the behavior of systems in presence of faults. In this type of benchmarks, where systems are assessed in presence of perturbations, not being able to select the most suitable system may have serious implications (economical, reputation or even lost of lives). For that reason, dependability benchmarks are expected to meet certain properties, such as non-intrusiveness, representativeness, repeatability or reproducibility, that guarantee the robustness and accuracy of their process. However, despite the importance that comparing systems or components has, there is a problem present in the field of dependability benchmarking regarding the analysis and comparison of results. While the main focus in this field of research has been on developing and improving experimental procedures to obtain the required measures in presence of faults, the processes involving the analysis and comparison of results were mostly unattended. This has caused many works in this field to analyze and compare results of different systems in an ambiguous way, as the process followed in the analysis is based on argumentation, or not even present. Hence, under these circumstances, benchmark users will have it difficult to use these benchmarks and compare their results with those from others. Therefore extending the application of these dependability benchmarks and perform cross-exploitation of results among works is not likely to happen. This thesis has focused on developing a methodology to assist dependability benchmark performers to tackle the problems present in the analysis and comparison of results of dependability benchmarks. Designed to guarantee the fulfillment of dependability benchmark's properties, this methodology seamlessly integrates the process of analysis of results within the procedural flow of a dependability benchmark. Inspired on procedures taken from the field of operational research, this methodology provides evaluators with the means not only to make their process of analysis explicit to anyone, but also more representative for the context being. The results obtained from the application of this methodology to several case studies in different domains, will show the actual contributions of this work to improving the process of analysis and comparison of results in dependability benchmarking for computer systems.Els dependability benchmarks (o benchmarks de confiabilitat, en valencià), són dissenyats per avaluar, mitjançant la categorització quantitativa d'atributs de confiabilitat i prestacions, el comportament de sistemes en presència de fallades. En aquest tipus de benchmarks, on els sistemes són avaluats en presència de pertorbacions, el no ser capaços de triar el sistema que millor s'adapta a les nostres necessitats pot tenir, de vegades, greus conseqüències (econòmiques, de reputació, o fins i tot pèrdua de vides). Per aquesta raó, aquests benchmarks han de complir certes propietats, com són la no-intrusió, la representativitat, la repetibilitat o la reproductibilitat, que garanteixen la robustesa i precisió dels seus processos. Així i tot, malgrat la importància que té la comparació de sistemes o components, existeix un problema a l'àmbit del dependability benchmarking relacionat amb l'anàlisi i la comparació de resultats. Mentre que el principal focus d'investigació s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament i la millora de processos per a obtenir mesures en presència de fallades, aquells aspectes relacionats amb l'anàlisi i la comparació de resultats es van desatendre majoritàriament. Açò ha donat lloc a diversos treballs en aquest àmbit on els processos d'anàlisi i comparació es realitzen de forma ambigua, mitjançant argumentació, o ni tan sols queden reflectits. Sota aquestes circumstàncies, als usuaris dels benchmarks se'ls presenta una dificultat a l'hora d'utilitzar aquests benchmarks i comparar els seus resultats amb els obtinguts per altres usuaris. Per tant, estendre l'aplicació dels benchmarks de confiabilitat i realitzar l'explotació creuada de resultats és una tasca actualment poc viable. Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament d'una metodologia per a donar suport als desenvolupadors i usuaris de benchmarks de confiabilitat a l'hora d'afrontar els problemes existents a l'anàlisi i comparació de resultats. Dissenyada per a assegurar el compliment de les propietats d'aquests benchmarks, la metodologia integra el procés d'anàlisi de resultats en el flux procedimental dels benchmarks de confiabilitat. Inspirada en procediments propis de l'àmbit de la investigació operativa, aquesta metodologia proporciona als avaluadors els mitjans necessaris per a fer el seu procés d'anàlisi explícit, i més representatiu per al context donat. Els resultats obtinguts d'aplicar aquesta metodologia en diversos casos d'estudi de distints dominis d'aplicació, mostrarà les contribucions d'aquest treball a millorar el procés d'anàlisi i comparació de resultats en processos d'avaluació de la confiabilitat per a sistemes basats en computador.Martínez Raga, M. (2018). Improving the process of analysis and comparison of results in dependability benchmarks for computer systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111945TESISCompendi