2,466 research outputs found

    Integration of LIDAR and IFSAR for mapping

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    LiDAR and IfSAR data is now widely used for a number of applications, particularly those needing a digital elevation model. The data is often complementary to other data such as aerial imagery and high resolution satellite data. This paper will review the current data sources and the products and then look at the ways in which the data can be integrated for particular applications. The main platforms for LiDAR are either helicopter or fixed wing aircraft, often operating at low altitudes, a digital camera is frequently included on the platform, there is an interest in using other sensors such as 3 line cameras of hyperspectral scanners. IfSAR is used from satellite platforms, or from aircraft, the latter are more compatible with LiDAR for integration. The paper will examine the advantages and disadvantages of LiDAR and IfSAR for DEM generation and discuss the issues which still need to be dealt with. Examples of applications will be given and particularly those involving the integration of different types of data. Examples will be given from various sources and future trends examined

    National Indigenous Palliative Care Needs Study

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    This study involved extensive consultation with the community to identify the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in palliative care

    Polavtomatski pristop za kartiranje vrtač na brazilskem pokritem krasu: pot do ocene ranljivosti

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    Doline mapping is paramount in the vulnerability and risk assessment of the underground karst environment by identifying cave-ground connectivity points at the surface. However, manual mapping is labour-intensive, slow and subjective, especially on a large scale. Therefore, the present study adopted a GIS-based semi-automatic approach for mapping large and medium-sized depressions/dolines in the Corrente river basin in Brazil, with a particular focus on the environmentally preserved areas of river Vermelho (APANRV Portuguese abbreviation) using remote sensing (DEM and Google Earth imagery) and field-based observations. Seven typical dolines forms (e.g., cockpit with drain insertion, collapse, collapse with river capture, suffosion, solution, cover collapse, and buried) are found from extensive field surveys. As an outcome of the proposed approach, two hundred and thirty-two medium to large-sized dolines have been identified and categorised into three main groups based on the cave density and local geology G1, G2, and G3. The high density of identified dolines (164 known caves) in G1 provides reconnaissance for future speleological works in the preserved areas. Additionally, the presence of a considerable number of dolines in the adjoining areas (G2 and G3) stresses the need to revise the existing boundaries of the APANRV. Results correlate well with the dolines sites marked using field surveys and Google Earth images. This doline mapping may help researchers in the groundwater vulnerability assessment and the protection of speleological heritage preserved in the caves.Kartiranje vrtač je nadvse pomembno za oceno ranljivosti in tveganja podzemnega kraškega okolja, saj določa točke povezanosti med jamami in tlemi na površju. Vendar je ročno kartiranje zelo zahtevno, časovno zamudno in subjektivno, zlasti v velikih merilih. Zato je bil v tej študiji uporabljen polavtomatski pristop z uporabo orodij GIS za kartiranje velikih in srednje velikih kraških globeli/vrtač v porečju reke Corrente v Braziliji s posebnim poudarkom na okoljsko ohranjenih območjih reke Vermelho (portugalsko APANRV) z uporabo daljinskega zaznavanja (posnetki DEM in programa Google Earth) in na podlagi terenskih opazovanj. Na podlagi obsežnih terenskih raziskav je ugotovljenih sedem značilnih oblik vrtač (npr. kokpit z drenažo, udornica, udornica z zajezitvijo reke, sufozija, škavnica, udornica, nastala z udorom/rušenjem jamskega stropa, in udornice, nastale z zasutjem). Kot rezultat predlaganega pristopa je bilo opredeljenih 232 srednje velikih do velikih vrtač, ki so bile glede na gostoto vrtač in lokalno geologijo razvrščene v tri glavne skupine G1, G2 in G3. Velika gostota opredeljenih vrtač (164 znanih jam) v skupini G1 zagotavlja predhodni pregled za prihodnja speleološka dela na ohranjenih območjih. Poleg tega prisotnost velikega števila vrtač na sosednjih območjih (G2 in G3) poudarja potrebo po ponovnem pregledu zdajšnjih meja APANRV. Rezultati se dobro ujemajo z lokacijami vrtač, kartiranimi na podlagi terenskih raziskav in posnetkov programa Google Earth. To kartiranje vrtač lahko raziskovalcem pomaga pri oceni ranljivosti podzemne vode in pri zaščiti speleološke dediščine, ohranjene v jamah

    Rainwater Harvesting in Rural Jordan: A GIS and remote sensing-based analysis of ancient and modern adaptations to water scarcity in a changing environment

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    This study investigates the topic of rainwater harvesting on the Karak Plateau located in rural Jor-dan. The term rainwater harvesting describes various methods and structures employed for the collection, storage and use of rainwater and resulting (on-site) surface runoff. Within the scope of traditional water management, over millennia, many of these techniques were developed, refined and applied in Jordan, as well as in other, especially semiarid, regions of the world. This tradition is rooted in the natural water shortage of the plateau and frequent absence of other reliable sources of fresh water. Today, population growth, climate change and local effects of globalization and global change are leading to growing water shortages in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) and many other parts of the world. In the search for sustainable solutions for this problem, traditional as well as new strategies of rainwater harvesting have recently been receiving increasing interest. The present study contributes to an enhanced understanding of the applicability and the potential of some of the most widely-used, traditional rainwater harvesting methods, especially the use of cisterns. The mapped structures were examined taking into account the settlement history and the respective circumstances of the natural and human environment. Possible determining factors concerning site preferences and resulting patterns in the spatial distribution of rainwater harvesting sites have been detected. The diachronic comparative analysis revealed changes in human-environment-interactions, particularly with regard to the significance and management of local water resources under natural shortage. The collected data enabled the detailed estimation of the rainwater harvesting potential and the suggestion of possible ways to improve and expand current rainwater harvesting schemes and efforts. The integration and possible role of rainwater harvesting strategies were discussed with regard to modern, sustainable water management and supply. Additionally, the applicability of modern geoinformation techniques was evaluated. Remote sensing techniques and methods of image analysis, particularly with regard to the interpretation of satellite images of very high resolution, were examined especially. The combination of ground truth and other information from fieldwork and remote sensing-based data and techniques has proven most suitable and efficient. The mostly remote sensing-based mapping of rainwater harvesting structures and the establishment of a comprehensive database formed the basis for all subsequent analysis and possible further, sustainable planning steps. The semiautomatic analysis of the satellite imagery provided detailed information on land use/land cover and building rooftops and thus decisively contributed to the improvement of the (input) data basis. All in all, the collected data enabled a significantly enhanced, quantitative estimation of the rainwater harvesting potential of the study area. Many of the gained findings and insights can be transferred onto other dry areas and regions with similar environmental or socio-economic conditions

    Electrostatic Discharge Ground Test of a Polar Orbit Satellite Solar Panel

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    The Advanced Land Observing Satellite that was launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in 2006 carries a large solar-array paddle of 22 times 3 m in polar orbit. The wake side of the solar paddle can be charged to a negative value exceeding -1000 V. Numerical simulations and laboratory experiments are carried out to investigate charging and arcing phenomena on the backside of the solar paddle that has exposed bypass diode boards and silver-Teflon thermal film. Possibility of secondary arc and surge voltage between hot and return ends of power circuit has been investigated. The authors irradiate solar-panel coupons with an electron beam to simulate charging situation near the North Pole. Surface flashover is observed once the insulator potential exceeds -7000 V. The authors have also tested charging situation near the South Pole where carbon fiber-reinforced plastics surface facing dense ionospheric plasma may arc easily once a satellite potential drops to -80 or -90 V. The solar-paddle design has been modified to increase the safety margin against arcing, and tests have been carried out to identify the strength limit under extremely harsh test environment


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    Quality assessment of DEM derived from topographic maps for geomorphometric purposes

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    Digital elevation models (DEMs) play a significant role in geomorphological research. For geomorphologists reconstructing landform and drainage structure is frequently as important as elevation accuracy. Consequently, large-scale topographic maps (with contours, height points and watercourses) constitute excellent material for creating models (here called Topo-DEM) in fine resolution. The purpose of the conducted analyses was to assess the quality of Topo-DEM against freely-available globalDEMs and then to compare it with a reference model derived from laser scanning (LiDAR-DEM). The analysis also involved derivative maps of geomorphometric parameters (local relief, slope, curvature, aspect) generated on the basis of Topo-DEM and LiDAR-DEM. Moreover, comparative classification of landforms was carried out. It was indicated that Topo-DEM is characterised by good elevation accuracy (RMSE <2 m) and reflects the topography of the analyzed area surprisingly well. Additionally, statistical and percentage metrics confirm that it is possible to generate a DEM with very good quality parameters on the basis of a large-scale topographic map (1:10,000): elevation differences between Topo-DEM and: 1) topographic map amounted from−1.68 to +2.06 m,MAEis 0.10 m, RMSE 0.16 m; 2) LiDAR-DEM (MAE 1.13 m, RMSE 1.69 m, SD 1.83 m); 3) GPS RTK measurements amounted from−3.6 to +3.01 m, MAE is 0.72 m, RMSE 0.97 m, SD 0.97 m. For an area of several dozen km2 Topo-DEM with 10×10 m resolution proved more efficient than detailed (1×1 m) LiDAR-DEM