402 research outputs found

    Ontology Localization

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    Nuestra meta principal en esta tesis es proponer una solución para construir una ontología multilingüe, a través de la localización automática de una ontología. La noción de localización viene del área de Desarrollo de Software que hace referencia a la adaptación de un producto de software a un ambiente no nativo. En la Ingeniería Ontológica, la localización de ontologías podría ser considerada como un subtipo de la localización de software en el cual el producto es un modelo compartido de un dominio particular, por ejemplo, una ontología, a ser usada por una cierta aplicación. En concreto, nuestro trabajo introduce una nueva propuesta para el problema de multilingüismo, describiendo los métodos, técnicas y herramientas para la localización de recursos ontológicos y cómo el multilingüismo puede ser representado en las ontologías. No es la meta de este trabajo apoyar una única propuesta para la localización de ontologías, sino más bien mostrar la variedad de métodos y técnicas que pueden ser readaptadas de otras áreas de conocimiento para reducir el costo y esfuerzo que significa enriquecer una ontología con información multilingüe. Estamos convencidos de que no hay un único método para la localización de ontologías. Sin embargo, nos concentramos en soluciones automáticas para la localización de estos recursos. La propuesta presentada en esta tesis provee una cobertura global de la actividad de localización para los profesionales ontológicos. En particular, este trabajo ofrece una explicación formal de nuestro proceso general de localización, definiendo las entradas, salidas, y los principales pasos identificados. Además, en la propuesta consideramos algunas dimensiones para localizar una ontología. Estas dimensiones nos permiten establecer una clasificación de técnicas de traducción basadas en métodos tomados de la disciplina de traducción por máquina. Para facilitar el análisis de estas técnicas de traducción, introducimos una estructura de evaluación que cubre sus aspectos principales. Finalmente, ofrecemos una vista intuitiva de todo el ciclo de vida de la localización de ontologías y esbozamos nuestro acercamiento para la definición de una arquitectura de sistema que soporte esta actividad. El modelo propuesto comprende los componentes del sistema, las propiedades visibles de esos componentes, las relaciones entre ellos, y provee además, una base desde la cual sistemas de localización de ontologías pueden ser desarrollados. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo se resumen como sigue: - Una caracterización y definición de los problemas de localización de ontologías, basado en problemas encontrados en áreas relacionadas. La caracterización propuesta tiene en cuenta tres problemas diferentes de la localización: traducción, gestión de la información, y representación de la información multilingüe. - Una metodología prescriptiva para soportar la actividad de localización de ontologías, basada en las metodologías de localización usadas en Ingeniería del Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento, tan general como es posible, tal que ésta pueda cubrir un amplio rango de escenarios. - Una clasificación de las técnicas de localización de ontologías, que puede servir para comparar (analíticamente) diferentes sistemas de localización de ontologías, así como también para diseñar nuevos sistemas, tomando ventaja de las soluciones del estado del arte. - Un método integrado para construir sistemas de localización de ontologías en un entorno distribuido y colaborativo, que tenga en cuenta los métodos y técnicas más apropiadas, dependiendo de: i) el dominio de la ontología a ser localizada, y ii) la cantidad de información lingüística requerida para la ontología final. - Un componente modular para soportar el almacenamiento de la información multilingüe asociada a cada término de la ontología. Nuestra propuesta sigue la tendencia actual en la integración de la información multilingüe en las ontologías que sugiere que el conocimiento de la ontología y la información lingüística (multilingüe) estén separados y sean independientes. - Un modelo basado en flujos de trabajo colaborativos para la representación del proceso normalmente seguido en diferentes organizaciones, para coordinar la actividad de localización en diferentes lenguajes naturales. - Una infraestructura integrada implementada dentro del NeOn Toolkit por medio de un conjunto de plug-ins y extensiones que soporten el proceso colaborativo de localización de ontologías

    Template Based Semantic Integration: From Legacy Archaeological Datasets to Linked Data

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    The online dissemination of datasets to accompany site monographs and summary documentation is becoming common practice within the archaeology domain. Since the legacy database schemas involved are often created on a per-site basis, cross searching or reusing this data remains difficult. Employing an integrating ontology, such as the CIDOC CRM, is one step towards resolving these issues. However, this has tended to require computing specialists with detailed knowledge of the ontologies involved. Results are presented from a collaborative project between computer scientists and archaeologists that provided light weight tools to make it easier for non-specialists to publish Linked Data. Applications developed for the STELLAR project were applied by archaeologists to major excavation datasets and the resulting output was published as Linked Data, conforming to the CIDOC CRM ontology. The template-based Extract Transform Load method is described. Reflections on the experience of using the template-based tools are discussed, together with practical issues including the need for terminology alignment and licensing consideration

    Facilitating Ontology Reuse Using User-Based Ontology Evaluation

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    Ontology of core data mining entities

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    In this article, we present OntoDM-core, an ontology of core data mining entities. OntoDM-core defines themost essential datamining entities in a three-layered ontological structure comprising of a specification, an implementation and an application layer. It provides a representational framework for the description of mining structured data, and in addition provides taxonomies of datasets, data mining tasks, generalizations, data mining algorithms and constraints, based on the type of data. OntoDM-core is designed to support a wide range of applications/use cases, such as semantic annotation of data mining algorithms, datasets and results; annotation of QSAR studies in the context of drug discovery investigations; and disambiguation of terms in text mining. The ontology has been thoroughly assessed following the practices in ontology engineering, is fully interoperable with many domain resources and is easy to extend

    Knowledge Components and Methods for Policy Propagation in Data Flows

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    Data-oriented systems and applications are at the centre of current developments of the World Wide Web (WWW). On the Web of Data (WoD), information sources can be accessed and processed for many purposes. Users need to be aware of any licences or terms of use, which are associated with the data sources they want to use. Conversely, publishers need support in assigning the appropriate policies alongside the data they distribute. In this work, we tackle the problem of policy propagation in data flows - an expression that refers to the way data is consumed, manipulated and produced within processes. We pose the question of what kind of components are required, and how they can be acquired, managed, and deployed, to support users on deciding what policies propagate to the output of a data-intensive system from the ones associated with its input. We observe three scenarios: applications of the Semantic Web, workflow reuse in Open Science, and the exploitation of urban data in City Data Hubs. Starting from the analysis of Semantic Web applications, we propose a data-centric approach to semantically describe processes as data flows: the Datanode ontology, which comprises a hierarchy of the possible relations between data objects. By means of Policy Propagation Rules, it is possible to link data flow steps and policies derivable from semantic descriptions of data licences. We show how these components can be designed, how they can be effectively managed, and how to reason efficiently with them. In a second phase, the developed components are verified using a Smart City Data Hub as a case study, where we developed an end-to-end solution for policy propagation. Finally, we evaluate our approach and report on a user study aimed at assessing both the quality and the value of the proposed solution

    Semantic Description of IoT Security for Smart Grid

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    Master's thesis Information- and communication technology IKT590 - University of Agder 2017This research work proposed, developed and evaluated IoT Security ontology for smart home energy management system (SHEMS) in smart grids. The ontology description includes infrastructure, attacks, vulnerabilities and counter measures for the main components of SHEMS such as Smart Meter, Smart Appliance, Home Gateway, and Billing data. The ontology extends the SAREF energy management ontology with security features. We have two main reasons for selecting SAREF ontology to base our work on. First, SAREF is standardized by ETSI. Second, it is specifically designed for energy management and efficiency. We checked the correctness of our ontology by running SWRL rules and SPARQL queries. Our test results showed that our ontology is useful to analyse and infer IoT security for smart home and can be extended to more complex reasoning of IoT security features. Keyword: IoT, Security, Smart Grid, Smart Home, Ontology, Energy Managemen

    Towards the implementation of Industry 4.0: A methodology-based approach oriented to the customer life cycle

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    Many different worldwide initiatives are promoting the transformation from machine dominant manufacturing to digital manufacturing. Thus, to achieve a successful transformation to Industry 4.0 standard, manufacturing enterprises are required to implement a clear roadmap. However, Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs) encounter many barriers and difficulties (economical, technical, cultural, etc.) in the implementation of Industry 4.0. Although several works deal with the incorporation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the area of the product and supply chain life cycles, which SMEs could use as reference, this is not the case for the customer life cycle. Thus, we present two contributions that can help the software engineers of those SMEs to incorporate Industry 4.0 technologies in the context of the customer life cycle. The first contribution is a methodology that can help those software engineers in the task of creating new software services, aligned with Industry 4.0, that allow to change how customers interact with enterprises and the experiences they have while interacting with them. The methodology details a set of stages that are divided into phases which in turn are made up of activities. It places special emphasis on the incorporation of semantics descriptions and 3D visualization in the implementation of those new services. The second contribution is a system developed for a real manufacturing scenario, using the proposed methodology, which allows to observe the possibilities that this kind of systems can offer to SMEs in two phases of the customer life cycle: Discover & Shop, and Use & Service.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant number FEDER/TIN2016-78011-C4-2R and the Basque Government under Grant No.: IT1330-19. The work of Víctor Julio Ramírez-Durán is funded by the contract with reference BES-2017-081193

    A decadal view of biodiversity informatics: challenges and priorities

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    Biodiversity informatics plays a central enabling role in the research community's efforts to address scientific conservation and sustainability issues. Great strides have been made in the past decade establishing a framework for sharing data, where taxonomy and systematics has been perceived as the most prominent discipline involved. To some extent this is inevitable, given the use of species names as the pivot around which information is organised. To address the urgent questions around conservation, land-use, environmental change, sustainability, food security and ecosystem services that are facing Governments worldwide, we need to understand how the ecosystem works. So, we need a systems approach to understanding biodiversity that moves significantly beyond taxonomy and species observations. Such an approach needs to look at the whole system to address species interactions, both with their environment and with other species. It is clear that some barriers to progress are sociological, basically persuading people to use the technological solutions that are already available. This is best addressed by developing more effective systems that deliver immediate benefit to the user, hiding the majority of the technology behind simple user interfaces. An infrastructure should be a space in which activities take place and, as such, should be effectively invisible. This community consultation paper positions the role of biodiversity informatics, for the next decade, presenting the actions needed to link the various biodiversity infrastructures invisibly and to facilitate understanding that can support both business and policy-makers. The community considers the goal in biodiversity informatics to be full integration of the biodiversity research community, including citizens’ science, through a commonly-shared, sustainable e-infrastructure across all sub-disciplines that reliably serves science and society alike