72,242 research outputs found

    Learning&Information Technologies Cartography

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    Nowadays, many researches focus their efforts in studies and applications on the Learning area. However, there is a lack of a reference system that permits to know the positioning and the existing links between Learning and Information Technologies. This paper proposes a Cartography where explains the relationships between the elements that compose the Learning Theories and Information Technologies, considering the own features of the learner and the Information Technologies Properties. This intersection will allow us to know what Information Technologies Properties promote Learning Futures

    Cartography and Geographic Information Science in Current Contents

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    The Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS) journal was published as The American Cartographer from 1974 to 1989, after that as Cartography and Geographic Information System, and since then has been published with its current name. It is published by the Cartography and Geographic Information Society, a member of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.Časopis Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS) izlazio je od 1974. do 1989. pod naslovom The American Cartographer, potom od 1990. do 1998. ima naslov Cartography and Geographic Information System, a od 1999. izlazi pod današnjim naslovom. Izdavač časopisa je američka udruga Cartography and Geographic Information Society članica organizacije American Congress on Surveying and Mapping

    Information Sources and Cartography

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    U članku su opisani informacijski izvori na internetu, svrstani u tri skupine: bibliografske baze podataka (Bibliographia Cartographica, GEOPHOKA, Scopus i Current Contents (CC)), citatne baze podataka (Web of Science: Thomson Reutersa (Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) i Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)) i baze podataka s cjelovitim tekstom uključujući elektroničke časopise. U bibliografskim bazama podataka analizirana je zastupljenost kartografskih sadržaja. Pretraživanjem baze CC dobiveni su podaci o kartografima s više od 10 članaka. Prema citatnoj bazi Web of Science dani su podaci o kartografima s najvećim ukupnim brojem citata iz članaka objavljenih od 1955. do kraja 2008. godine uz dodatni uvjet da je svaki rad bar jednom citiran u razdoblju 2000 –2008. Dani su i podaci o dva najčešće citirana kartografska članka u posljednjih 50 godina. S pomoću pretraživača PERO (web-servis knjižnice Instituta Ruđer Bošković) dan je popis kartografskih i njima srodnih elektroničkih časopisa i elektroničkih verzija tiskanih časopisa s cjelovitim tekstom koji su dostupni hrvatskoj akademskoj i znanstvenoj zajednici.The paper describes Internet information sources divided into following three groups: bibliographic databases, citation databases and databases with full texts including electronic journals. Bibliographic databases Bibliographia Cartographica, GEOPHOKA, Scopus and Current Contents (CC) are analyzed concerning cartographic content representation. Searching the Current Contents database resulted in data about cartographers with more than 10 papers in CC journals. According to the Web of Science citation database, data are given about the most cited cartographers in papers published during the period between 1955 and the end of 2008 on the condition that each paper was cited at least once between 2000 and 2008. Data are also given about two most cited cartographic papers in the last 50 years. The PERO browser (web service of the Ruđer Bošković Institute) was used to make a list of cartographic and related electronic journals and electronic versions of printed journals with full text available to Croatian academic and scientific community

    Distance entropy cartography characterises centrality in complex networks

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    We introduce distance entropy as a measure of homogeneity in the distribution of path lengths between a given node and its neighbours in a complex network. Distance entropy defines a new centrality measure whose properties are investigated for a variety of synthetic network models. By coupling distance entropy information with closeness centrality, we introduce a network cartography which allows one to reduce the degeneracy of ranking based on closeness alone. We apply this methodology to the empirical multiplex lexical network encoding the linguistic relationships known to English speaking toddlers. We show that the distance entropy cartography better predicts how children learn words compared to closeness centrality. Our results highlight the importance of distance entropy for gaining insights from distance patterns in complex networks.Comment: 11 page

    Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis

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    The aim of this study is to map the intellectual structure of the field of Information Retrieval (IR) during the period of 1987-1997. Co-word analysis was employed to reveal patterns and trends in the IR field by measuring the association strengths of terms representative of relevant publications or other texts produced in IR field. Data were collected from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) for the period of 1987-1997. In addition to the keywords added by the SCI and SSCI databases, other important keywords were extracted from titles and abstracts manually. These keywords were further standardized using vocabulary control tools. In order to trace the dynamic changes of the IR field, the whole 11-year period was further separated into two consecutive periods: 1987-1991 and 1992-1997. The results show that the IR field has some established research themes and it also changes rapidly to embrace new themes

    Application of satellite pictures to census operations. Bolivian experience in census-taking of population and residences

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    The use of photographs from satellites to assist in census operations is discussed. Principles of selecting the sources of cartographic information are outlined, and the use of LANDSAT pictures in census cartography is examined


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    Nel presente lavoro l’attenzione è rivolta alle possibilità offerte dai nuovi strumenti di informazione geografia oggi disponibili per la didattica della cartografia. Lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e di sistemi per la diffusione dell’informazione geografica, non ultimi telefoni cellulari, macchine fotografiche, navigatori personali e altri strumenti collegabili a sistemi di posizionamento satellitare, nonché l’abitudine all’utilizzo di immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione sia nella comunicazione delle notizie sia attraverso l’ormai onnipresente Internet, hanno rinvigorito l’interesse per le tematiche geografiche e in particolare per la rappresentazione dello spazio e conseguentemente per la cartografia. Da disciplina ‘strumentale’ all’apprendimento di Sistemi Informativi Geografici, del Telerilevamento e delle tecniche di posizionamento satellitare quale si presentava nei primi periodi dello sviluppo di questi sistemi di acquisizione, rappresentazione e analisi dello spazio geografico, oggi la cartografia di per se può beneficiare delle esperienze maturate con nuove tecnologie e nuovi strumenti di informazione geografica per la propria diffusione e per il proprio apprendimento da parte di un’utenza sempre più vasta. Nel lavoro vengono presentate delle esemplificazioni sulle possibilità offerte dai Sistemi Informativi Geografici per l’apprendimento della cartografia, con particolare riferimento alle opportunità offerte da questi ultimi di familiarizzare con la localizzazione nello spazio di luoghi della superficie terrestre, con le diverse proiezioni cartografiche, con la scomposizione del territorio rappresentato in strati informativi. Ciò è presentato ponendo l’attenzione sia sulle funzionalità standard ormai disponibili nella maggior parte dei software GIS, sia sulle possibilità offerte in tal senso dai programmi e dai visualizzatori cartografici gratuiti, ivi compresi gli strumenti di visualizzazione disponibili su Internet (es. Google Earth; Microsoft Virtual Earth)In this paper the attention is focused on the possibilities given by the new instruments of geographic information to-date available for teaching cartography. The widespread use of new technologies and instruments for broadcasting geographic information, these including last generation mobile phones, digital cameras, PDA and personal navigators and other tools connected to satellite positioning systems, as well as the use of high resolution satellite imagery in the news and in the Internet, have reinforced the interest for geographic topics and particularly for cartography as the representation of the geographical space. To-date cartography has moved from being a discipline ancillary to the study and comprehension of Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing and satellite positioning, as it was in the early stages of development and diffusion of such instruments, to a stage of new ‘dignity’ in which it can benefit from the experience acquired with the new technologies and instruments for geographic information for being studied and appreciated per se from a growing community of users. In this paper some examples on the opportunities given by Geographic Information Systems for learning cartography with particular reference to the possibilities of familiarizing with locations on the Earth’s surface, with different projections and reference systems and with the organization of space in layers are presented. This is done drawing the attention both on the standard functionality available in most of the GIS packages, and on the possibilities offered by software and freeware cartographic viewers, these comprehending visualisation instruments available through the Internet (i.e., Google Earth; Microsoft Virtual Earth, etc.)

    P ORTOLAN: a Model-Driven Cartography Framework

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    Processing large amounts of data to extract useful information is an essential task within companies. To help in this task, visualization techniques have been commonly used due to their capacity to present data in synthesized views, easier to understand and manage. However, achieving the right visualization display for a data set is a complex cartography process that involves several transformation steps to adapt the (domain) data to the (visualization) data format expected by visualization tools. To maximize the benefits of visualization we propose Portolan, a generic model-driven cartography framework that facilitates the discovery of the data to visualize, the specification of view definitions for that data and the transformations to bridge the gap with the visualization tools. Our approach has been implemented on top of the Eclipse EMF modeling framework and validated on three different use cases
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