3,180,283 research outputs found

    State of South Carolina classified telephone directory

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    This telephone directory lists addresses of SC state agencies and gives telephone numbers for the employees in each agency

    State of South Carolina classified telephone directory

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    This telephone directory lists addresses of SC state agencies and gives telephone numbers for the employees in each agency

    State of South Carolina classified telephone directory

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    This telephone directory lists addresses of SC state agencies and gives telephone numbers for the employees in each agency

    State of South Carolina classified telephone directory

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    This telephone directory lists addresses of SC state agencies and gives telephone numbers for the employees in each agency

    State of South Carolina classified telephone directory

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    This telephone directory lists addresses of SC state agencies and gives telephone numbers for the employees in each agency

    State of South Carolina classified telephone directory

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    This telephone directory lists addresses of SC state agencies and gives telephone numbers for the employees in each agency


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    ABSTRAK PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia,Tbk. terdaftar di pasar saham New York Amerika Serikat sehingga wajib patuh pada Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) section 404 yaitu melaksanakan Information Technology General Control (ITGC) sebagai bagian dari sistem pengendalian internal. Saat ini Divisi Information Technology adalah sebuah unit organisasi yang melaksanakan operasional ITGC. Secara periodik per tahun pelaksanaan ITGC harus di audit oleh internal auditor dan eksternal auditor. Untuk memastikan tingkat kapabiltas yang dicapai saat ini dan menemukenali area perbaikan yang harus dilakukan dimasa depan dari proses pengelolaan ITGC untuk SOX section 404 compliance perlu dilakukan penelitian menggunakan suatu metode standard Internasional. Melalui penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengukuran capability level terhadap proses pengelolaan ITGC menggunakan standar COBIT5 process capability model kerangka kerja proses MEA02 yang terdiri dari 45 kriteria pengukuran, 9 atribut proses dan 6 tingkat kapabilitas (incomplete, performed, managed, established, predictable dan optimizing). Pada setiap kriteria dalam 45 kriteria pengukuran tersebut digunakan 4 skala nilai (not achieved, partially achieve, largely achieved dan fully achieved). Kriteria pengukuran dan skala nilai tersebut di adopsi oleh COBIT5 dari standar ISO/IEC 15504. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan sensus kepada 43 responden (pelaku ITGC) melalui pengiriman kuesioner menggunakan media intranet/internet dengan aplikasi Google Form dan disimpan di Google Drive. Dari kuesioner yang dikirim diperoleh 43 tanggapan. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dari sensus diperoleh bahwa proses pengelolaan ITGC untuk SOX section 404 compliance di DIT PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia,Tbk. saat ini telah mencapai level 5 (optimizing process) yaitu level tertinggi dalam standard COBIT 5 dengan nilai 3,61 (dari skala nilai 1 - 4) artinya proses telah secara terus menerus ditingkatkan untuk mencapai tujuan yang relevan dengan kondisi saat sekarang dan tujuan proyeksi bisnis. Dari 45 kriteria pengukuran diperolah hasil bahwa 42 kriteria telah mencapai nilai tertinggi (fully achieved) dan 3 kriteria belum (largely achieved). Sehingga 42 kriteria tersebut harus dipertahankan pencapaiannya dan 3 kriteria yaitu : K21, K22 dan K36 menjadi rekomendasi sebagai area perbaikan/peningkatan. Kegiatan untuk perbaikan K21 adalah melaksanakan sosialisasi prosedur mutu & bisnis proses terkait ITGC; untuk perbaikan K22 adalah melaksanakan komunikasi mengenai pembagian tugas,tanggung jawab dan wewenang pada pelaku control & reviewer dalam pembuatan dokumen evidence ITGC; untuk perbaikan K36 adalah memastikan kegiatan change management akibat penyebab khusus yang terkait ITGC (promosi/mutasi/perubahan organisasi/penggantian aplikasi in scope audit). Kata Kunci: ITGC, SOX, COBIT5, MEA02,Tingkat Kapabilitas


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    Accounting information systems provide information for both internal and external users. Public sectors adopted internal control procedures in accounting systems to ensure accurate and reliabilty of financial report. One of internal. control components is information that is tools for decision making. Nowadays, information technology facilitates internal control procedures. Both information and information technology support sector public activities more easily, more reliable and more accurate. This article provides explanation about how to use information system in public sector with information technology support. Furthermore, the explanation will be focused on planning and developing information ' systems in public sector based on computer system

    An Aggregated Information Technology Checklist for Operational Risk Management

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    This study addresses the issue of the Information Technology (IT) Governance frameworks and standards that respond to different levels of operational risks, especially those caused by the information systems and technology infrastructure. A requirement analysis regarding Basel II is conducted, a gap analysis between the Information Control Models (ICMs) is performed, and the aggregated IT checklist for Operational Risk Management (ORM) is proposed by mapping the control objectives in ICMs to the operational risk categories described in Basel II as loss event types. The validity and reliability of the study is based on the focus group assessment of the mappingsBasel II, Operational Risk Management, Information Control Model, Information Technology Governance.

    Technology that enhances without inhibiting learning

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    Technology supported information sharing could be argued to both enhance and inhibit learning. However, social and affective issues that motivate learners' technology interactions are often overlooked. Are learners avoiding valuable learning applications because of privacy fears and trust issues? Will inaccurate technology assumptions and awareness inhibit information sharing? Do learners need control over technology enhanced safe creative spaces or can they be motivated to overcome badly designed systems because sharing is 'valuable' or 'fun'. This presentation details a model of privacy and trust issues that can be used to enhance elearning. Several OU case-studies of multimedia, mobile and elearning applications (conducted within IET, KMI and the Open CETL) are evaluated using this model. The model helps to identify trade-offs that learners make for technology enhanced or inhibited learning. Theories of control, identity, information sensitivity and re-use are discussed within the context of these elearning examples
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