533,667 research outputs found

    A framework for Information Security Management Adoption in Higher Education Institutions in Somalia: Perspectives PMT and TOE

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    A framework for Information Security Management Adoption in Higher Education Institutions in Somalia: Perspectives PMT and TOE Dr. Abdulkadir Jeilani Mohamu

    ICT Security Tools and Techniques Among Higher Education Institutions: A Critical Review

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    Higher education institutions (HEIs) are increasingly relying on digital technologies for classroom and organizational management, but this puts them at higher risk for information and communication (ICT security attacks. Recent studies show that HEIs have experienced more security breaches in ICT security composed of both cybersecurity an information security. A literature review was conducted to identify common ICT security practices in HEIs over the last decade. 11 journal articles were profiled and analyzed, revealing threats to HEIs’ security and protective measures in terms of organizational security, technological security, physical security, and standards and frameworks. Security tools and techniques were grouped into categories with specific ways to protect ICT security. HEIs also implement general security standards and guidelines, such as the ISO 27000-series and Center for Internet Security (CIS) controls, in their framework. Through synthesis and analysis of ICT security tools and techniques among HEIs, this critical review hopes to provide research directions on IT governance that academic and technical administrators can further explore to secure their information resources

    Data Analytics in Higher Education: Key Concerns and Open Questions

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    “Big Data” and data analytics affect all of us. Data collection, analysis, and use on a large scale is an important and growing part of commerce, governance, communication, law enforcement, security, finance, medicine, and research. And the theme of this symposium, “Individual and Informational Privacy in the Age of Big Data,” is expansive; we could have long and fruitful discussions about practices, laws, and concerns in any of these domains. But a big part of the audience for this symposium is students and faculty in higher education institutions (HEIs), and the subject of this paper is data analytics in our own backyards. Higher education learning analytics (LA) is something that most of us involved in this symposium are familiar with. Students have encountered LA in their courses, in their interactions with their law school or with their undergraduate institutions, instructors use systems that collect information about their students, and administrators use information to help understand and steer their institutions. More importantly, though, data analytics in higher education is something that those of us participating in the symposium can actually control. Students can put pressure on administrators, and faculty often participate in university governance. Moreover, the systems in place in HEIs are more easily comprehensible to many of us because we work with them on a day-to-day basis. Students use systems as part of their course work, in their residences, in their libraries, and elsewhere. Faculty deploy course management systems (CMS) such as Desire2Learn, Moodle, Blackboard, and Canvas to structure their courses, and administrators use information gleaned from analytics systems to make operational decisions. If we (the participants in the symposium) indeed care about Individual and Informational Privacy in the Age of Big Data, the topic of this paper is a pretty good place to hone our thinking and put into practice our ideas

    The Role of Agricultural Colleges and Universities in Rural Development and Lifelong Learning in Asia

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    The paper expounds on the challenges confronting institutions of higher agricultural education (HAE) in the context of the significant role of education in alleviating poverty, especially in rural areas, and in light of the changing needs of rural areas and economies. Specifically, HAE institutions are called upon to initiate and lead in articulating a vision for the future that serves the needs not only of agriculture but also of all who inhabit the rural areas. They can step beyond their traditional role by merging forces with other stakeholders to enrich and support other levels of education with critical knowledge and information on agriculture and natural resources management (NRM), the latter being crucial in the pursuit of rural development, poverty education, and food security. To perform an active and constructive role in rural development, agricultural universities need to adjust their programs to accommodate new topics, as well as teaching and learning models; forge new partnerships with schools, academia and rural space stakeholders; expand its representation in governance; and hold continuous dialogue with policymakers. Their extension services could include support to education for rural people that encompasses primary, secondary, vocational, and adult education. University-school linkages are perceived to be illustrative of a decentralized, democratic, and community-based response to rural development problems. It is noted that universities can potentially become showcases of local traditions and knowledge, reflecting the regional, cultural, and ethical traditions of their society, as well as global movements and forces. In reinforcing their roles as contributors to a culture of learning and rural development, it is emphasized that HAE institutions need to engage more directly and more effectively in partnerships and dialogue with other local educational institutions and their surrounding communities. Findings of the ongoing IIEP-UNESCO/FAO program of research on HAE institutions in Asia are expected to provide information on how higher education institutions contribute to learning and rural development, and insights on how their strategic role in this field could be strengthened and further developed.higher agricultural education, rural development, Asia, lifelong learning

    The Development of a General Education Privacy and Security Course for Undergraduates

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    To keep pace with contemporary threats, higher education institutions should consider offering general education courses that enhance security awareness across the institution. The ubiquitous nature of highly invasive technology has also warranted a strong demand for personal privacy. This research-in-progress paper addresses the personal, professional, and financial benefits of security awareness courses. In addition, this paper proposes a theoretical course structure and content. Beneficial course topics such as threat modeling, surveillance mitigation, account management, and reducing your online footprint are discussed. Moreover, the use of multimedia to relate this information to students is highlighted

    Perceptions of Chief Information Officers Who Have Managed Information Technology both Outside and Inside Higher Education

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    This study was conducted to examine perceptions about information technology management of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in higher education who have previously worked outside that environment. Participants from the University System of Georgia and from universities in the Southern Regional Education Board were interviewed. They had a variety of backgrounds outside higher education, including corporate, military, not-for-profit, and small business. Participants in the study identified challenges related to diversity of students and faculty; the demand by students for leading-edge technology; academic culture; accountability; funding levels and methods; information security; the lack of a bottom line; the decision-making process; and human resources management. Most of these challenges were perceived to be unique to the higher education environment. They affected the IT management practices of participants by making the environment more complex, and increasing requirements for communication and collaboration. However, participants were satisfied with their choice to move into higher education. The researcher concluded that CIOs are subjected to many pressures in the complex and diverse higher education environment. These include diverse needs for technology among faculty and students, an atmosphere that lacks accountability for decisions, and restrictions on funding levels and methods. The environment also lacks a strong goal-setting mechanism that would help CIOs to deal with these pressures, so decision making in higher education is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. The combination of conflicting factors is unique to the higher education environment, but similar across four-year institutions. To be effective, CIOs establish strong partnerships and communicate with key stakeholders frequently. Despite the pressures, CIOs perceive value in the mission and outcomes of their institutions and are generally satisfied with their work. A CIO considering a move into the higher education environment should consider environmental challenges carefully to determine if the CIO can accept those challenges. This results of this study have implications for IT practitioners in higher education, CIOs who are considering moving into the higher education environment, and senior administrators who manage or interact with a CIO in higher education

    Intention to adopt Cloud-based e-Learning in Nigerian Educational Institutions

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    Institutions of higher education must utilize innovative information and communication technologies for teaching in Nigeria. Thus, cloud-based e-Learning is essential to curtail educational challenges such as limited infrastructure, funds, and student-to-lecturer ratio. Recently, there has been widespread enthusiasm regarding Cloud computing for e-Learning; adopting and strategically utilizing these technologies remains a significant challenge for higher education institutions. Furthermore, there is a limited understanding of how cloud-based e-learning can transform Nigerian educational establishments. Cloud-based e-Learning systems' technological components have been the subject of numerous study studies, but little is known about how they operate from an organizational perspective. Accordingly, using the Technology-Organization-Environment theory, the goal of this study is to investigate the variables that influence the adoption of cloud-based e-learning. The findings of the research show that relative benefit and competing pressure have a big impact on whether cloud-based e-learning is adopted. However, compatibility, security, and top management commitment do not appear to be significant determinants. These findings will help Nigerian education institutions, the ministry of education, and practitioners to understand the critical factors for adopting this technology for improved education

    Information security awareness amongst students joining higher academic institutions in developing countries: Evidence from Kenya

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    Although there is a steady use of information technology in institutions of higher learning, little is known about the level of information security awareness (ISA) amongst students joining universities in developing countries and more specifically Africa. The purpose of this study was to investigate ISA amongst undergraduate students at a higher education institution in Kenya. The study made use of a quantitative survey approach. Overall, the study findings indicate that majority of the students surveyed did not possess adequate understanding of ISA. Consequently, we submit that there is a strong need to cultivate ISA culture amongst students joining universities in developing countries. We further recommend that ISA needs to be incorporated in the undergraduate curriculum to help enhance such awareness. Equally, it would be useful for universities to have ISA program as part of the wider university information security management strategy

    Leadership Styles, Ethics Institutionalization, Ethical Work, Climate, and Employee Attitudes toward Information Technology Misuse in Higher Education: A Correlational Study

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    Information technology (IT) misuse is a complex problem facing institutions of higher education in the United States. As institutions of higher education become more dependent on technology to increase access to programs and services, organizational leaders must rely on employees to utilize a variety of technology resources. Yet, the misuse of these resources often results in serious financial losses and increasing security and ethical incidents for institutions. In an effort to ensure more ethical work environments and reduce the incidents of IT misuse, a key component is the consideration of leadership styles of top management. The purpose of this research was to determine whether a relationship exists between certain leadership styles in higher education and the institutionalization of ethics, whether there is a relationship between institutionalization of ethics and the development of an ethical work climate, and whether there is a relationship between the ethical work climate and employee attitudes toward information technology misuse. This study used questions from existing surveys to measure leadership styles, the institutionalization of ethics, and ethical work climate, and a researcher developed instrument to measure employee attitudes toward IT misuse. The sample included currently employed faculty at institutions of higher education in the University System of Georgia. The results of this study found that significant relationships exist between leadership styles and both implicit and explicit forms of ethics institutionalization. In addition, significant relationships were found between both implicit and explicit forms of ethics institutionalization and the ethical work climate. The relationship between ethical work climate and employee attitudes toward IT misuse was found to be only marginally significant

    Обліково-аналітичне забезпечення економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти України у контексті теорії обмежень (Accounting and analytical provision of economic security of higher education in Ukraine in the context of limitation theory)

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    У статті розкрито особливості трактування сутності економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти України та її обліково-аналітичного забезпечення в умовах реформування ринку освітніх послуг та в контексті нейтралізації ендогенних та екзогенних обмежень. Розглянуто специфіку використання теорії обмежень у діяльності закладів ви- щої освіти. Виявлено взаємозв’язок між рівнем економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти України та якістю управ- лінського обліку й стратегічного аналізу їхньої діяльності з урахуванням обмежувальних ендогенних та екзогенних факторів. Обґрунтовано необхідність розробки та чіткого дотримання закладами вищої освіти нових вимог до обліково-аналітичного забезпечення економічної безпеки на основі достовірної та релевантної інформаційної бази прийняття управлінських рішень. Запропоновано напрями підвищення економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти України шляхом покращення її обліково-аналітичного забезпечення у контексті теорії обмежень. (The author reveals peculiarities of interpretation of the essence of economic security of higher education institutions of Ukraine and its accounting and analytical support in the conditions of reforming the market of educational services and in the context of neutralization of endogenous and exogenous restrictions The article substantiates that at the current stage of development of the national economy of Ukraine, the importance of ensuring a high level of economic security of higher education institutions is conditioned by the increase of their financial autonomy and responsibility for their financial status, the type of financial stability, the quality of provision of educational services and the efficiency of their activities as a whole. All this puts additional demands on the top management of educational institutions to strengthen the control over the organization and implementation of accounting and analytical procedures, the implementation of the budget, the rationality of spending the state and local budgets, the special fund, earned and attracted independently. However, it also gives the freedom to choose the optimal organizational structure of a higher education institution, an educational management system to eliminate ineffective units, and to close educational programs that are not in demand among educational applicants. The specificity of the use of the theory of restrictions in activity of higher education institutions is considered. Specifically, the types of restrictions are described in detail, the system of analytical indicators for improving the educational management of educational institutions in the context of the theory of constraints is refined in order to improve their economic security. Yes, endogenous limitations include power and time constraints. The capacity limitation is caused by a mismatch between the high demand for quality education and the lack of material and technical facilities of the educational institutions, the reduction of budget funding, the lack of highly qualified and motivated scientific and teaching staff, etc. Time constraints, despite the fact that the duration and technology of providing educational services to education recipients are clearly regulated by current legislation and higher education standards, are intensified by the increasing competition between educational institutions to ensure better quality education and to gain leadership in the Ukrainian and world educational services market. Among exogenous constraints, particular attention is paid to market and demographic constraints. Yes, market constraints are related to the imbalance of labor market needs and the supply of specialties and highly qualified graduates of higher education institutions. Increasing competition between entrants of the educational institutions, the solvency of the population, high entrant’s requests for quality of education, conditions of study and living in dormitories of higher education institutions also play an important role. Demographic constraints, which are directly dependent on the number and level of knowledge of graduates of general secondary education and their desire to pursue higher education, particularly in Ukraine, and not abroad, have a significant impact on the scope of educational institutions. The relationship between the level of economic security of higher education institutions of Ukraine and the quality of management accounting and strategic analysis of their activity in the context of limiting endogenous and exogenous factors have been identified. The necessity of developing and strict adherence to the higher education institutions of Ukraine, new requirements for accounting and analytical support of economic security on the basis of reliable and relevant information base of management decisions is substantiated. The directions of increasing the economic security of higher education institutions of Ukraine by improving its accounting and analytical support in the context of constraint theory are proposed.