116 research outputs found

    Tecnologias e sistemas de informação no desporto, uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Desde a sua origem que a tecnologia está intimamente ligada ao desenvolvimento e ao progresso do ser humano ao longo da História. Permitiu que nos adaptássemos a diferentes ambientes, que satisfizéssemos as necessidades mais essenciais e os nossos desejos. O objetivo deste estudo pretende caracterizar os avanços das Tecnologias e dos Sistemas de Informação no Desporto; explicar como o desporto e os atletas convivem com elas no seu dia-a-dia e em qualquer espaço da sua vida; o que elas lhes proporcionam e qual a produtividade na melhoria do rendimento desportivo. Caracterizamos, comparamos e observamos as Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação no desporto e quem as tutela. Faz também parte deste estudo uma amostra considerável da revisão bibliográfica, dos conceitos e da atualidade do desenvolvimento das Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação no Desporto. De acordo com a opinião dos vários autores existem inúmeros campos e disciplinas nos quais se aplicam as T e SI no Desporto, até nos atrevemos a dizer, com bastante êxito. Melhores condições podem ainda vir a ser desenvolvidas, pois não param de evoluir.Technology is closely linked to the development and progress of the human being throughtout History. It has allowed us to adapt to different environments, to fullfill our most essential needs and wishes. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the advance of Technologies and Systems of Information in Sport; to explain how sport and athletes coexist in their daily life and everywhere; what they provide them and which the productivity in the improvement of sports performance is. We characterize, compare and observe the Technologies and Systems of Information in Sport and who tutors them. This study also includes a considerable sample of the bibliographic review, of the concepts and of the current development of the Technologies and Systems of Information in Sport. According to several authors there are countless areas and subjects in which T and SI in Sport can be applied, we dare to say, with great success

    Machine Learning in Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition

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    This book is to chart the progress in applying machine learning, including deep learning, to a broad range of image analysis and pattern recognition problems and applications. In this book, we have assembled original research articles making unique contributions to the theory, methodology and applications of machine learning in image analysis and pattern recognition

    Spring 2012: Academic Freedom

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    On the edge of discovery Academic freedom protects the ongoing conversation between faith and reason that constitutes the Catholic intellectual tradition. In this issue, we explore the implications of this necessary privilege for a college that is deeply rooted in three core traditions: Catholic, Norbertine, liberal arts. On the cover: The interplay between his scholarly and extracurricular passions is not lost on Michael Olson (Physics), who will compete in the American Cup Final-Short Track/National Age Group Short Track Championships this spring.https://digitalcommons.snc.edu/snc_magazine_archives/1002/thumbnail.jp


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    J Soc Social Work Res

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    Objective:Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) allow a petitioner to file a civil order to temporarily restrict access to firearms among individuals (\u201crespondents\u201d) deemed to be at extreme risk of harming themselves, others, or both. Although unable to file ERPOs for their clients in most states, health professionals may play a pivotal role in the ERPO process by recommending an eligible petitioner initiate the process. We describe the process of filing an ERPO when a healthcare, mental health, or social service professional contacted an ERPO petitioner.Method:Court documents of ERPOs involving health professionals in Washington State between December 8th, 2016 and May 10th, 2019 were qualitatively analyzed (n=24). We constructed pen portraits from the documents and analyzed them using an inductive qualitative thematic approach.Results:Themes included factors influencing the process by which each professional evaluated respondent behaviors, factors considered during assessment, factors influencing interpretation of respondent behaviors and subsequent provider response during a crisis. These influenced the outcome of the crisis event that led to ERPO filing.Conclusions:Each professional group differed in their approach to risk assessment of respondent behaviors. Strategies to better coordinate and align approaches may improve the ERPO process.R49 CE003087/CE/NCIPC CDC HHSUnited States

    What Makes Trans Lives More Livable?: An Intersectional Content Analysis of #WeHappyTrans* and #TheGenderTag

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    Building on previous trans YouTube scholarship, this dissertation is based on a content analysis of two digital activism projects: 1) #WeHappyTrans*, a compilation of 59 YouTube video responses posted between 2012 and 2018, and 2) #TheGenderTag, a compilation of 704 YouTube video responses posted between 2016 and 2019. By analyzing the audio and visuals of a subsample (N=80) of these two archives using theoretical and emerging codes, I identified key themes as relevant to digital activism effectiveness and well-being. I discuss implications for policy, public health, healthcare, and community organizing in the conclusion. Contrasting prior medical sociology literature that is not presented from the perspective of trans people and primarily focuses on negative aspects of trans lived experience, I have employed a transfeminist methodology that centers self-definition and self-determination. My methods are heavily informed by transnormativity and intersectionality scholarship. In addition to providing an example of how transfeminist methodology can be applied in the context of digital media, this dissertation fills a crucial gap in literature focusing on qualities of trans lived experience that contribute to increased QoL. My hope is that the findings of this study will be considered collaboratively between scholars and activists in many contexts, including within the growing fields of health informatics technologies and trans public health. The findings of this study are also relevant to several ongoing discussions within the fields of sociology, public health, cultural and media studies, and queer and trans theory

    Researching nannagogy: a case study celebrating women in their prime crafting eco-activism

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    Larraine Larri investigated the educative mechanisms for transformative action addressing political stasis on climate change within the Australian Knitting Nannas environmental activist movement. Using a transdisciplinary approach, the study addressed a lacuna in older women's environmental activist learning by identifying dynamics of situated, experiential, and social transformative learning

    Designing Location-based Games : How to support players’ social interaction, physical activity and learning about their local environment

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    The earliest academic studies on location-based games (LBGs) were conducted in the early 2000’s, but the recent upsurge in the popularity and success of commercial LBGs has created a need to re-examine the genre in light of new empirical evidence. In 2016, Pokemon GO brought the LBG genre into a spotlight by being downloaded hundreds of millions of times and generating over 4 billion USD in lifetime revenue to date. Since then, new games such as Jurassic World: Alive, The Walking Dead: Our World and The Witcher: Monster Slayer have emerged. Understanding phenomena related to LBGs is important for various stakeholders from game designers to urban designers and educators. In this dissertation we take an inductive approach to LBG design by gathering evidence from popular commercial LBGs with six original research articles (Studies I-VI). The studies focus on game mechanics that are unique to the LBG genre, and how reported positive outcomes of playing LBGs can be tied to these mechanics. Through the six studies we derive a game mechanics -focused design framework for LBGs, which we name the Triune PoI System, where PoI stands for point of interest. The system consists of three central components: exploration, discovery and navigation, and at the heart of these lies moving to trigger gameplay. The Triune PoI System highlights the importance of LBGs to provide multimodal motivation for players to move and play, and the crucial importance of the playing locations, the PoIs for scaffolding positive outcomes. We demonstrate how the following benefits of playing LBGs (1) physical activity; (2) social interaction; and (3) learning and discovery; are ultimately tied to the Triune PoI System (Studies I-IV). We also investigate the effects of aggressive marketing and LBG game mechanics on players’ well-being (Study V). Here we identify that aggressive marketing can exhaust players, but that the overall LBG playing intensity had a strong significant association with psychological well-being in our sample. We also demonstrate that nostalgia and imagination play crucial roles in scaffolding perceived meaningfulness of playing LBGs (Study VI). Finally, we propose that the popularity of LBGs may be explained by them embodying aspects of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle that are missing in the urban way of living. TIIVISTELMÄ Varhaisimmat akateemiset tutkimukset paikkatietoon pohjautuvista peleistä julkaistiin jo vuosituhannen alussa, mutta pelien viimeaikainen suosio ja kaupallinen menestys antavat aihetta tarkastella paikkatietoon pohjautuvien pelien suunnittelua uuden empiirisen todistusaineiston valossa. Vuonna 2016 julkaistua Pokémon GO:ta on ladattu satoja miljoonia kertoja ja sen suosion inspiroimana on julkaistu sellaisia paikkatietoon pohjautuvia pelejä kuin Jurassic World: Alive, The Walking Dead: Our World sekä The Witcher: Monster Slayer. Näiden pelien ja niihin liittyvien ilmiöiden ymmärtäminen voi olla hyödyllistä monille eri tahoille, kuten pelisuunnittelijoille, kaupunkisuunnittelijoille ja koulutuksesta vastaaville. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa lähestytään paikkatietoon pohjautuvien pelien suunnittelua induktiivisesti kuuden alkuperäisartikkelin avulla. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään mitkä ovat paikkatietoon pohjautuvien pelien keskeisimmät pelimekaniikat ja miten raportoidut positiiviset vaikutukset nivoutuvat niihin. Tulokset osoittavat, että suosittujen paikkatietoon pohjautuvien pelien keskiössä on ns. "Triune PoI System", joka koostuu 3+1 komponentista: tutkiminen, löytäminen ja navigointi; sekä liikkuminen. Toisin sanoen pelaajat lähtevät tutkimaan ympäristöään, löytävät sieltä mielenkiintoisia kohteita ja navigoivat niiden luokse. Lisäksi pelien keskeisenä elementtinä on pelkästä liikkumisesta palkitseminen. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että liikunta, sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus ja oppiminen on suosituissa peleissä, kuten Pokémon GO:ssa, keskeisesti sidottu Triune PoI Systemiin. Lisäksi selvitetään mitä vaikutuksia kaupallisten paikkatietoon pohjautuvien pelien markkinoinnilla ja mikrotransaktiomekanismeilla on pelaajien hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan, että markkinointi saattaa väsyttää pelaajia, mutta kokonaisuutena paikkatietoon pohjautuvien pelien pelaamisella ja hyvinvoinnilla on tilastollisesti merkitsevä vahva yhteys. Lisäksi osoitetaan, että nostalgia ja mielikuvitus tukevat tunnetta pelaamisen merkityksellistä. Lopuksi ehdotetaan, että paikkatietoon pohjautuvien pelien suosiota saattaa selittää niiden tarjoamat metsästäjä-keräilijä-elämän aspektit, joista urbaanissa miljöössä elävät ihmiset jäävät arkielämässään paitsi

    Structural and functional characterization of the egress and invasion machinery of the Malaria parasite: proposing a new way forward in Malaria therapeutics from an atomistic perspective.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.ABSTRACT The past decade has witnessed numerous efforts to control the invasive tactics of the malarial parasite, including focused research towards selective malarial inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum, the most lethal strain of the Plasmodium species. The recent discovery of the key mediators of egress and erythrocyte invasion of the malaria parasite has opened a new avenue that may be harnessed for the development of effective therapeutics that may permanently eradicate the malaria virus. These new parasitic targets of P. falciparum are PIX and PX and have gained considerable attention in drug discovery pipelines however, the absence of crystal structures of these enzymes evidenced a lack in structural information, as there is currently little known regarding the structural dynamics, active site domains and the mechanism of inhibition of these enzymes. This has therefore led to the modeling of the 3D protein structure of each enzyme to gain a fundamental understanding regarding the structural and functional characteristics that may be visualized from an atomistic perspective. The emergence of new drug targets has led to the integral use of computational techniques including molecular modeling, molecular docking, virtual screening protocols and molecular dynamic simulations which allow chemists to evaluate and assess millions of compounds and thus funnel out potential lead drugs. These in silico techniques further justify the current use of Computer-Aided Drug Design as a cost-effective approach to fast track the drug discovery process. The above-mentioned techniques, amongst a vast range of other computational tools were integrated in this study to provide insight into conformational changes that elucidate potential inhibitory mechanisms, identification of the active site cleft, characterization and pharmacophoric features leading to novel small molecule inhibitors. This study focused on analysing the flap dynamics specific to the aspartic protease family of enzymes using a defined set of parameters to map out the binding domain for the design of potential antimalarial drugs. To gain a molecular perspective of the conformational binding of two proposed experimental drugs which showed substantial inhibitory activity against PIX and PX molecular dynamic simulations were performed and further evaluated employing in silico thermodynamic analysis to provide insight into the proposed binding of mode of each inhibitor, highlighting the key moieties required for binding. A pharmacophoric model was also generated using in silico tools to screen for tailored inhibitors specific to PIX. The aim of this study was to generate fundamental insight into the structural and functional characterization of two prominent targets that play an indispensable role in survival of the malaria virus. The implementation of the information extracted from this study, may provide a structural outline for molecular biologists, and pharmaceutical scientists to aid in the design of novel antimalarial therapeutics