245 research outputs found

    Free-text keystroke dynamics authentication with a reduced need for training and language independency

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    This research aims to overcome the drawback of the large amount of training data required for free-text keystroke dynamics authentication. A new key-pairing method, which is based on the keyboard’s key-layout, has been suggested to achieve that. The method extracts several timing features from specific key-pairs. The level of similarity between a user’s profile data and his or her test data is then used to decide whether the test data was provided by the genuine user. The key-pairing technique was developed to use the smallest amount of training data in the best way possible which reduces the requirement for typing long text in the training stage. In addition, non-conventional features were also defined and extracted from the input stream typed by the user in order to understand more of the users typing behaviours. This helps the system to assemble a better idea about the user’s identity from the smallest amount of training data. Non-conventional features compute the average of users performing certain actions when typing a whole piece of text. Results were obtained from the tests conducted on each of the key-pair timing features and the non-conventional features, separately. An FAR of 0.013, 0.0104 and an FRR of 0.384, 0.25 were produced by the timing features and non-conventional features, respectively. Moreover, the fusion of these two feature sets was utilized to enhance the error rates. The feature-level fusion thrived to reduce the error rates to an FAR of 0.00896 and an FRR of 0.215 whilst decision-level fusion succeeded in achieving zero FAR and FRR. In addition, keystroke dynamics research suffers from the fact that almost all text included in the studies is typed in English. Nevertheless, the key-pairing method has the advantage of being language-independent. This allows for it to be applied on text typed in other languages. In this research, the key-pairing method was applied to text in Arabic. The results produced from the test conducted on Arabic text were similar to those produced from English text. This proves the applicability of the key-pairing method on a language other than English even if that language has a completely different alphabet and characteristics. Moreover, experimenting with texts in English and Arabic produced results showing a direct relation between the users’ familiarity with the language and the performance of the authentication system

    Dynamic Template Adjustment in Continuous Keystroke Dynamics

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    Dynamika úhozů kláves je jednou z behaviorálních biometrických charakteristik, kterou je možné použít pro průběžnou autentizaci uživatelů. Vzhledem k tomu, že styl psaní na klávesnici se v čase mění, je potřeba rovněž upravovat biometrickou šablonu. Tímto problémem se dosud, alespoň pokud je autorovi známo, žádná studie nezabývala. Tato diplomová práce se pokouší tuto mezeru zaplnit. S pomocí dat o časování úhozů od 22 dobrovolníků bylo otestováno několik technik klasifikace, zda je možné je upravit na online klasifikátory, zdokonalující se bez učitele. Výrazné zlepšení v rozpoznání útočníka bylo zaznamenáno u jednotřídového statistického klasifikátoru založeného na normované Euklidovské vzdálenosti, v průměru o 23,7 % proti původní verzi bez adaptace, zlepšení však bylo pozorováno u všech testovacích sad. Změna míry rozpoznání správného uživatele se oproti tomu různila, avšak stále zůstávala na přijatelných hodnotách.Keystroke dynamics is one of behavioural biometric characteristics which can be employed for continuous user authentication. As typing style on a keyboard changes in time, the template adapting is necessary. No study covered this topic yet, as far as the author knows. This master thesis tries to fill this gap. Several classification techniques were exercised with help of keystroke data from 22 volunteers in order to test if they can be improved to unsupervised online classifiers. A significant improvement in impostor recognition was noted at one-class statistical classifier based on normed Euclidean distance. The impostor could make 23.7 % actions less than in offline version on average but the improvement was obseved with all test sets. In contrary, the genuine user recognition varied from user to user but it still kept at acceptable values.


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    Biometrics uses methods for unique recognition of humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, particularly, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. The book consists of 13 chapters, each focusing on a certain aspect of the problem. The book chapters are divided into three sections: physical biometrics, behavioral biometrics and medical biometrics. The key objective of the book is to provide comprehensive reference and text on human authentication and people identity verification from both physiological, behavioural and other points of view. It aims to publish new insights into current innovations in computer systems and technology for biometrics development and its applications. The book was reviewed by the editor Dr. Jucheng Yang, and many of the guest editors, such as Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Norman Poh, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park, Dr. Sook Yoon and so on, who also made a significant contribution to the book

    Keystroke and Touch-dynamics Based Authentication for Desktop and Mobile Devices

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    The most commonly used system on desktop computers is a simple username and password approach which assumes that only genuine users know their own credentials. Once broken, the system will accept every authentication trial using compromised credentials until the breach is detected. Mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, have seen an explosive increase for personal computing and internet browsing. While the primary mode of interaction in such devices is through their touch screen via gestures, the authentication procedures have been inherited from keyboard-based computers, e.g. a Personal Identification Number, or a gesture based password, etc.;This work provides contributions to advance two types of behavioral biometrics applicable to desktop and mobile computers: keystroke dynamics and touch dynamics. Keystroke dynamics relies upon the manner of typing rather than what is typed to authenticate users. Similarly, a continual touch based authentication that actively authenticates the user is a more natural alternative for mobile devices.;Within the keystroke dynamics domain, habituation refers to the evolution of user typing pattern over time. This work details the significant impact of habituation on user behavior. It offers empirical evidence of the significant impact on authentication systems attempting to identify a genuine user affected by habituation, and the effect of habituation on similarities between users and impostors. It also proposes a novel effective feature for the keystroke dynamics domain called event sequences. We show empirically that unlike features from traditional keystroke dynamics literature, event sequences are independent of typing speed. This provides a unique advantage in distinguishing between users when typing complex text.;With respect to touch dynamics, an immense variety of mobile devices are available for consumers, differing in size, aspect ratio, operating systems, hardware and software specifications to name a few. An effective touch based authentication system must be able to work with one user model across a spectrum of devices and user postures. This work uses a locally collected dataset to provide empirical evidence of the significant effect of posture, device size and manufacturer on user authentication performance. Based on the results of this strand of research, we suggest strategies to improve the performance of continual touch based authentication systems

    A survey on touch dynamics authentication in mobile devices

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. There have been research activities in the area of keystroke dynamics biometrics on physical keyboards (desktop computers or conventional mobile phones) undertaken in the past three decades. However, in terms of touch dynamics biometrics on virtual keyboards (modern touchscreen mobile devices), there has been little published work. Particularly, there is a lack of an extensive survey and evaluation of the methodologies adopted in the area. Owing to the widespread use of touchscreen mobile devices, it is necessary for us to examine the techniques and their effectiveness in the domain of touch dynamics biometrics. The aim of this paper is to provide some insights and comparative analysis of the current state of the art in the topic area, including data acquisition protocols, feature data representations, decision making techniques, as well as experimental settings and evaluations. With such a survey, we can gain a better understanding of the current state of the art, thus identifying challenging issues and knowledge gaps for further research

    Identifying users using Keystroke Dynamics and contextual information

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    Biometric identification systems based on Keystroke Dynamics have been around for almost forty years now. There has always been a lot of interest in identifying individuals using their physiological or behavioral traits. Keystroke Dynamics focuses on the particular way a person types on a keyboard. The objective of the proposed research is to determine how well the identity of users can be established when using this biometric trait and when contextual information is also taken into account. The proposed research focuses on free text. Users were never told what to type, how or when. This particular field of Keystroke Dynamics has not been as thoroughly studied as the fixed text alternative where a plethora of methods have been tried. The proposed methods focus on the hypothesis that the position of a particular letter, or combination of letters, in a word is of high importance. Other studies have not taken into account if these letter combinations had occurred at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a word. A template of the user will be built using the context of the written words and the latency between successive keystrokes. Other features, like word length, minimum number of needed words to consider a session valid, frequency of words, model building parameters, as well as age group and gender have also been studied to determine those that better help ascertain the identity of an individual. The results of the proposed research should help determine if using Keystroke Dynamics and the proposed methodology are enough to identify users from the content they type with a good enough level of certainty. From this moment, it could be used as a method to ensure that a user is not supplanted, in authentication schemes, or even to help determine the authorship of different parts of a document written by more than one user.Els sistemes d’identificació biomètrica basades en la cadència de tecleig fa gairebé quaranta anys que s’estudien. Hi ha hagut molt interès en identificar les persones a partir de les seves característiques fisiològiques o de comportament. La cadència de tecleig és la manera en la que una persona escriu en un teclat. L’objectiu de la recerca proposada és determinar com de bé es pot arribar a identificar un individu mitjançant aquesta característica biomètrica i quan també es prenen en consideració dades contextuals. Aquesta recerca es basa en text lliure. Als usuaris mai se’ls va dir què, quan o com havien d’escriure. Aquest camp de la cadència de tecleig no ha estat tan estudiat com l’alternativa de text fix on un gran ventall de mètodes s’han provat. Els mètodes d’identificació proposats es basen en la hipòtesi que la posició d’una lletra, o combinació de lletres teclejades, en una paraula és de gran importància. Altres estudis no prenen en consideració aquesta informació, és a dir, si la combinació de lletres s’ha produït al principi, al mig o al final de la paraula. Es crearà una empremta de l’usuari tenint en compte el context de les lletres en les paraules escrites i les latències entre pulsacions successives. Altres característiques com la mida de les paraules, el nombre mínim de paraules necessari per considerar una sessió vàlida, la freqüència de mots, els paràmetres de construcció dels models, així com el grup d’edat i el gènere també s’han estudiat per determinar quines són les que millor ajuden a identificar un individu. Els resultats de la recerca proposada haurien de permetre determinar si l’ús de la cadència de tecleig i els mètodes proposats són suficients per identificar els usuaris a partir del contingut que generen, sempre amb un cert marge d’error. En cas afirmatiu es podria introduir la tècnica proposada com un mètode més per assegurar que un usuari no és suplantat, en sistemes d’autenticació, o fins i tot per ajudar a determinar l’autoria de diferents parts d’un document que ha estat escrit per més d’un usuari

    Tracking the Real-Time Evolution of a Writing Event: Second Language Writers at Different Proficiency Levels

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    The current study focused on emergent processes during real-time second language (L2) writing activity in an English as a foreign language university context, examining differences in these processes across individual capacities. Participants included 22 adult Japanese learners of L2 English and their tutor. The data were collected using digital screen capture and eye-tracking technologies while the learners wrote a 35-minute argumentative essay. Supplementary stimulated retrospective recalls were also conducted to document the learners’ and the tutor’s reflections on the writing event. Results revealed clear differences in L2 writing activity at different periods in time as well as differences in cognitive activity which appear to be mediated by L2 proficiency. Importantly, the obtained patterns differed depending on whether duration or frequency data were considered. These findings thus demonstrate the need to broaden the study of the temporal dimension of L2 writing and to consider more nuanced mixed-methods approaches in future work

    Behind the computer screens:The use of keystroke logging for genetic criticism applied to born-digital works of literature

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    The digital environment in which present-day literature is composed, significantly changes the materiality of the sources available for genetic criticism, since common word processors tend to hide the writing operations. This makes it a difficult endeavour to reconstruct the writing process, but does it herald the feared end of genetic criticism??Behind the computer screens argues that this will not be the case as long as genetic criticism adapts to working with digital files. As one of the ways in which genetic criticism can adapt to the Digital Age the study examines the use of one method in particular: keystroke logging. To explore the possibilities of keystroke logging, the study analyses literary writing processes logged with the keystroke logging software Inputlog.When examining all this keystroke logging data, the writing process can be studied at an unprecedented level of granularity, such as the sequentiality of text production and revision. The fine-grained data of keystroke logging therefore allows for a new type of what this study calls ‘nanogenetic’ research, including examining typing habits, the triggers of text production and revision, aspects of discovery in writing, and the transformation of sources during the writing process. The study also explores how genetic narratology may be enriched by keystroke logging data. It examines how and when details of aspects of the narrative text are integrated into the text and how they change during the writing process. When authors are willing to record their writing processes with a keystroke logging tool, the future of genetic criticism seems full of possibilities.<br/