39 research outputs found

    The design of fashionable wearables to promote sustainable behaviours in smart cities

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    A falta de sustentabilidade que ameaça o nosso futuro necessita de atenção urgente, exigindo uma abordagem holística. Contudo, ações explicitamente destinadas a mudar o comportamento humano não são muito comuns quando, paradoxalmente, grande parte do impacto ambiental está associado ao comportamento das pessoas na sua vida quotidiana. Muitas ações insustentáveis estão atualmente a ter lugar nas cidades, causando impactos negativos. As cidades oferecem respostas a muitas necessidades da vida, o que motiva as pessoas a procurarem estes espaços, causando uma concentração populacional. Esta procura do meio urbano decorre da expectativa de ter melhor qualidade de vida. A mobilidade urbana, por seu lado, que pode ser vista como um facilitador do acesso a múltiplas componentes da vida quotidiana, incluindo empregos, educação, cuidados de saúde e muitos outros pode, também, gerar congestionamentos, poluição, um acrescido consumo energético e aumento de stress, afetando diretamente a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Neste contexto, as escolhas pessoais quanto à mobilidade têm um impacto substancial na vida quotidiana. Contudo, dado que as cidades estão a tornar-se “inteligentes”, graças à aplicação de tecnologias emergentes de identificação, deteção e comunicação, nomeadamente com recurso à tecnologia da Internet das Coisas (IoT – Internet of Things), abrem-se novas possibilidade para alteração dos comportamentos da vida quotidiana, com impacto na sustentabilidade. Este desenvolvimento tecnológico tem vindo a ser explorado em múltiplas áreas, incluindo energia / instalações, transportes, cuidados de saúde, segurança, monitorização doméstica, entre outras, sendo reconhecido como uma tendência com forte crescimento a curto prazo. Neste contexto, este estudo pretendeu explorar a possibilidade de promover comportamentos de mobilidade considerados mais sustentáveis através do design de artigos de moda que possam funcionar como elementos ativos no sistema de uma cidade “inteligente”. A possibilidade de combinação de funcionalidade e sedução, o poder motivador da moda, combinado com tecnologia avançada e sensores, foi entendido como tendo fortes argumentos para ser bem-sucedido na modificação do comportamento. Como ocorre com muitos outros produtos, os produtos da moda são pensados para responder às expetativas, necessidades e limitações das pessoas, onde convivem aspetos funcionais, ergonómicos, afetivos e emocionais, fortemente focados na experiência e no envolvimento, mas com assumido enfoque na componente estética, estilo, estatuto e formação de identidade. Estes são parte essencial da mudança de comportamento. As tecnologias digitais embutidas nos têxteis oferecem oportunidades significativas de alargamento das funcionalidades dos produtos de moda, incluindo a comunicação, transformação da informação do nosso corpo em dados, conduzindo energia, brilhando, crescendo e muitos outros. Alguns bons exemplos deste tipo podem já ser encontrados na promoção da segurança humana, saúde/ bem-estar, treino militar e entretenimento. Nesta investigação, o termo “fashionable wearables” é adotado para enfatizar a combinação de moda e tecnologia. Importa ressalvar que o objetivo deste estudo não foi trabalhar questões de moda sustentável, que é outra questão vital, mas que fica fora do recorte deste trabalho. O principal objetivo foi explorar como e em que medida as soluções de “fashionable wearables” podem promover comportamentos mais sustentáveis em cidades inteligentes. As escolhas de mobilidade foram selecionadas como comportamentos-alvo que se pretendem alterar. Para o conseguir, foi utilizada uma metodologia mista, de acordo com a abordagem do Design Centrado no Humano. A abordagem do Design para a Mudança de Comportamento foi utilizada para fornecer soluções a um nível do design conceptual. Este estudo de doutoramento foi pensado como uma investigação pelo design, no qual o design conceptual desempenhou um papel formativo na geração do conhecimento. Utilizámos dados qualitativos e quantitativos para explorar o contexto, identificar os tópicos, gerar ideias e soluções e verificar conceitos para cumprir objetivos. A metodologia proposta foi dividida em cinco fases: (1) Compreender, (2) Descobrir, (3) Design Conceptual, (4) Protótipo, e (5) Avaliação. Na primeira fase, aprofundámos os conhecimentos teóricos sobre temas de investigação e fizemos revisões de literatura. Compreendemos a noção atual de sustentabilidade e do comportamento sustentável com entrevistas a peritos e métodos de mapeamento de conceitos. Identificámos comportamentos sustentáveis e exemplificámo-los considerando domínios da vida quotidiana e tipos de comportamento. Determinámos os comportamentos que têm um impacto mais negativo na vida quotidiana. No final, decidimos concentrar-nos nos comportamentos de mobilidade. Na segunda fase, explorámos os obstáculos à adoção e/ou manutenção de comportamentos sustentáveis. Conduzimos sessões de grupos focais para descobrir necessidades dos utilizadores, exigências, problemas e desculpas razoáveis para não adotar ações de mobilidade sustentável e níveis de preferência/satisfação dos modos de mobilidade. Depois de traçarmos as oportunidades potenciais para um maior desenvolvimento, identificámos os comportamentos sustentáveis alvo, em que nos iriamos focar, em particular o caminhar e partilhar bicicletas, na vida da cidade. Na terceira fase, identificámos utilizadores-alvo, desenvolvemos personas e um cenário narrativo representando potenciais perfis de utilizadores e problemas. Ilustrámos storyboards, gerámos ideias. Apesar de o estudo se rever no paradigma sócio-critico, as soluções conceptuais geradas foram baseadas em Estratégias de Mudança de Comportamento e problemas observados em potenciais utilizadores, bem como em oportunidades futuras recolhidas a partir de relatórios de previsão e não apenas nas possibilidades tecnológicas atuais. Realizámos entrevistas de avaliação por peritos para alimentar a ideação, fazer a avaliação e refinamento das propostas, com a participação de especialistas em diferentes campos do saber, incluindo design de interfaces, produto, têxtil, moda, interação e ciência, incluindo engenharia, computador, física, software. Na quarta fase, visualizámos ideias conceptuais de produtos e sistemas com “storyboarding” de soluções. Desenvolvemos “mock-ups” e um protótipo em vídeo do vestuário de moda, para permitir a avaliação da experiência de utilização antecipada. O protótipo de vídeo forjou o que seriam as futuras ofertas de tecnologia inteligente em termos de interface e exibição do e-textile com animação por computador e ferramentas de edição de vídeo. Demos aos potenciais utilizadores a impressão de que estavam a interagir com um sistema real antes deste existir, o que proporcionou a tangibilização possível da solução para a fase de avaliação. Na última fase, avaliámos o desenho conceptual dum “fashionable wearable” para testar a motivação do utilizador em aderir ao comportamento desejável e a usabilidade do artefacto. Utilizámos o Questionário de Experiência de Utilização (UEQ), avaliando a sua experiência considerando a perspicuidade, eficiência, estímulo, atratividade, novidade e fiabilidade do design conceptual. Obtivemos também feedback e sugestões dos utilizadores. O conceito foi avaliado positivamente. Encontrámos um estímulo significativo para a mudança de comportamento, que sugere que os artigos de moda, se usados como parte de uma estratégia de mudança de comportamento, podem influenciar a adoção de comportamentos mais sustentáveis no contexto da mobilidade urbana em cidades “inteligentes”. Em última análise, esta investigação de doutoramento contribuiu para o campo do design de moda, design para comportamento sustentável, design para mudança de comportamento e sustentabilidade.The lack of sustainability that threatens our future needs urgent attention, requiring a holistic approach. However, actions explicitly aimed at changing human behaviour are not very common when, paradoxically, much of the environmental impact is associated with the behaviour of users in everyday life. Many unsustainable actions are currently taking place in cities, causing negative impacts. Cities offer access to many requirements of life that causes a population shift. Significantly, mobility facilitates access to all necessities of life in urban areas. Considering the potential to generate congestion, pollution and preventing freedom of accessibility, mobility can directly affect the quality of air and quality of life. Since cities are becoming smart thanks to emerging technologies, smart mobility has growing in importance and concerns more about being effective and sustainable. In this matter, mobility choices have a substantial impact on daily life. This study intended to promote mobility behaviours considered more sustainable through the design of fashionable wearables that can work as active elements of the system in the smart city context. The combination of body-related functionality and seduction, as well as the motivating power of fashion, combined with advanced technology and sensors, provided a strong motivation for contributing to behaviour change. The main objective was to explore how and to what extent solutions of fashionable wearables can promote more sustainable behaviours in smart cities. Mobility choices were selected as target behaviours that are desired to be altered. To achieve this, a mixed methodology according to the Human-Centred Design approach was used to gain information about needs and demands. Design for Behaviour Change strategies were used to provide solutions at a conceptual design level. We evaluated the conceptual design with a key element of fashionable wearable to test the motivation of the user to use and adhere the usability of the design to determine behaviour intervention. The conceptual design was evaluated positively, and we found the meaningful stimulus for the behaviour change

    The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives

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    The book titled The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives is one of the important outcomes of the COST Action CA16121, From Sharing to Caring: Examining the Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy (short name: Sharing and Caring; sharingandcaring.eu) that was active between March 2017 and September 2021. The Action was funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST (www.cost.eu/actions/CA16121). The main objective of the COST Action Sharing and Caring is the development of a European network of researchers and practitioners interested in investigating the collaborative economy models, platforms, and their socio-technological implications. The network involves scholars, practitioners, communities, and policymakers. The COST Action Sharing and Caring helped to connect research initiatives across Europe and enabled scientists to develop their ideas by collaborating with peers. This collaboration opportunity represented a boost for the participants' research, careers, and innovation potential. The main aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the collaborative economy (CE) in European countries with a variety of its aspects for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon as a whole. For this reason, in July 2017, an open call for country reports was distributed among the members of the COST Action Sharing and Caring. Representatives of the member countries were invited to produce short country reports covering: definition(s) of the CE; types and models of the CE; key stakeholders involved; as well as legislation and technological tools relevant for the CE. Submitted reports varied in length and regarding the level of detail included, in accordance with how much information was available in each respective country at the time of writing. Editors of the book have compiled these early reports into a summary report, which was intended as a first step in mapping the state of the CE in Europe. The Member Countries Report on the Collaborative Economy, edited by Gaia Mosconi, Agnieszka Lukasiewicz, and Gabriela Avram (2018) that was published on the Sharing and Caring website, represented its first synergetic outcome and provided an overview of the CE phenomenon as interpreted and manifested in each of the countries part of the network. Additionally, Sergio Nassare-Aznar, Kosjenka Dumančić, and Giulia Priora compiled a Preliminary Legal Analysis of Country Reports on Cases of Collaborative Economy (2018). In 2018, after undertaking an analysis of the previous reports' strengths and weaknesses, the book editors issued a call for an updated version of these country reports. Prof. Ann Light advised the editorial team, proposing a new format for country reports and 4000 words limit. The template included: Introduction, Definition, Key Questions, Examples, Illustration, Context, Developments, Issues, Other Major Players, and Relevant Literature. The new template was approved by the Management Committee in October 2018. The task force that had supported the production of the first series of country reports (Dimitar Trajanov, Maria del Mar Alonso, Bálint Balázs, Kosjenka Dumančić, and Gabriela Avram) acted as mentors for the team of authors in each country. The final reports arrived at the end of 2018, bringing the total number of submissions to 30 (twenty-nine European countries plus Georgia). A call for book editors was issued, and a new editorial team was formed by volunteers from the participants of the COST Action: Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte, Cristina Miguel, Santa Mijalche, Gabriela Avram, Bori Simonovits, Bálint Balázs, Kostas Stefanidis, and Rafael Laurenti. The editorial team organized the double-blind reviews of reports and communicated to the authors the requirements for improving their texts. After reviews, the authors submitted updated versions of their country reports providing up-to-date interdisciplinary analysis on the state of the CE in 2019, when the reports were collected. During the final phase, the chapters were again reviewed by the lead editors together with all editorial team members. At the time, the intention was to update these reports again just before the end of the COST Action Sharing and Caring in 2021 and to produce a third edition. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed these plans. Thus, this final volume was created by 82 scholars-editors and contributors-and consists of reports on 27 countries participating in the COST Action

    Future Transportation

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with transportation activities account for approximately 20 percent of all carbon dioxide (co2) emissions globally, making the transportation sector a major contributor to the current global warming. This book focuses on the latest advances in technologies aiming at the sustainable future transportation of people and goods. A reduction in burning fossil fuel and technological transitions are the main approaches toward sustainable future transportation. Particular attention is given to automobile technological transitions, bike sharing systems, supply chain digitalization, and transport performance monitoring and optimization, among others

    Place, recreation and local development

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    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV9), Bordeaux, FRA, 29-/08/2018 - 31/08/2018It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 9th international Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV9) with a program including keynote speeches, organized and poster sessions, a half-day field trip, social events and post conference trips. This is the first time that France has hosted an MMV Conference. Our country is ranked as the world's top tourist destination, thanks largely to its culture, art, and gastronomy, as well as popular cities such as Paris and Bordeaux. On the other hand, France's potential as a destination for outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism is not hugely publicized, despite its many unique features in this respect: varied climate and natural assets (shoreline, mountains, lakes, and forests), large expanses of countryside, and a network of protected natural areas, to name but a few. France's protected areas are often free to access for the general public. However, in contrast with other countries, nature conservation in specific areas is much less widespread. Where it does take place, it is often centered on territories that are perceived to be "attractive", and where many conflicting activities are practiced. This may be one of the reasons why contractual tools and regional park systems are quite popular in France. The MMV Conference offers an excellent opportunity to discuss the situation in France in greater depth. The theme proposed for the conference was "recreation, place and local development". This reflects our assumption that recreational areas are not just physical assets designed to receive visitors for the purpose of leisure - which in itself would already be something of great importance - but that they reflect deeper social phenomena, as demonstrated through the range of organized sessions dedicated to discussing questions such as environmental education and economic development, but also emerging themes such as social integration, community resilience, environmental justice, and health. The traditional topics covered by MMV Conference reflect an evolving society: with innovations in monitoring techniques (both on people and nature), focus on new populations (Y generation, ethnic minority) and a larger concern for individual engagement and participative management. The 9th Edition of MMV is co-hosted by Irstea and BSA. This would not have been possible without significant contributions from a large number of additional partners and sponsors as well as our national scientific and organizing committee. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help. After two years of planning, we are proud to announce that we have more than 160 presentations from 30 countries, meaning that the conference will host over 200 participants from across the globe. We are honored that the International Steering Committee has given us the opportunity to be part of this great MMV community, which organized its first meeting in 2002. We hope you will enjoy the conference as much as we enjoyed organizing it. If you can't be with us in person, we hope that you will enjoy reading our publications

    Future perspective of electric bicycles in sustainable mobility in China

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    The thesis seeks to analyse the electric bicycle (e-bike) transition phenomenon in China by applying the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) Transition Theory and Multi-scalar Perspective MLP. The research is performed with abductive case studies drawn from mixed methods. Firstly, we synthesised secondary data to investigate the e-bike transition at the national level (China) and the city level (“mini” case studies of Beijing and Fuzhou) to explore the research questions of 1) Can socio-technical transition occur without deliberate policy support (RQ1)? 2) How can we explain the rapid emergence and enduring popularity of e-bikes in China (RQ2)? Then we performed exploratory research in Cardiff, UK and Nanjing, China using semi-structured interviews. The interview results are used to help design survey questionnaire in Nanjing case study. It is the key research step and addresses the following research questions: 1) How are e-bikes embedded in the current transport regime (RQ3)? 2) How much longer can e-bikes continue to be embedded in the transport regime (RQ4)? 3) What are the mechanisms underlying the rapid emergence of e-bikes (RQ5)? To analyse the data collected from the survey, Generalised Linear Models and Binomial Generalised Linear Models are adopted to investigate current mode choice behaviour and predict future choice. In the theoretical aspect, the thesis applied the Multi-scalar Perspective MLP, filling the gap that traditional MLP does not take into account geographical, socio-political heterogeneity. In addition, we paid attention to the individual role in travel mode behaviour. From a practical perspective, the thesis uses substantial empirical data to provide a comprehensive understanding of the e-bike transition. We invited various groups in the survey, including e-bike users, bicycle users, car drivers, pedestrians and traffic police. The thesis explores a wide range of influencing factors, such as user anxiety, feelings related to e-bike adoption, e-bike user charging behaviour, other travel mode users and traffic police attitude towards e-bike development which have not been studied in previous e-bike literatures. The main findings are: 1) The fast emergence of e-bikes in China is spontaneous, without direct policy support from governments; 2) E-bike transition in China begins with transformation pathway (P1), followed by de-alignment and re-alignment pathway (P2); 3) E-bike users in China are mainly young career-aged commuters and have a much higher education level than average, which are different from other countries; 4) E-bikes are well embedded in the current transport regime and they are adopted widely in many aspects of people’s daily lives, including commuting, going shopping, and collecting children; 5) The underlying reasons for the selection of e-bikes are they provide affordable personal mobility due to the advantages of effort saving, flexible trip times, time saving in traffic jams, and high accessibility, whereas environmental and health factors are negligible; 6) E-bikes are possibly an intermediate mode on Nanjing’s motorisation pathway

    The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives

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    The book titled The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives is one of the important outcomes of the COST Action CA16121, From Sharing to Caring: Examining the Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy that was active between March 2017 and September 2021. The Action was funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST. The main objective of the COST Action Sharing and Caring is the development of a European network of researchers and practitioners interested in investigating the collaborative economy models, platforms, and their socio-technological implications. The network involves scholars, practitioners, communities, and policymakers. The COST Action Sharing and Caring helped to connect research initiatives across Europe and enabled scientists to develop their ideas by collaborating with peers. This collaboration opportunity represented a boost for the participants’ research, careers, and innovation potential. The main aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the collaborative economy in European countries with a variety of its aspects for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon as a whole. For this reason, in July 2017, an open call for country reports was distributed among the members of the COST Action Sharing and Caring. Representatives of the member countries were invited to produce short country reports covering: definition of the CE; types and models of the CE; key stakeholders involved; as well as legislation and technological tools relevant for the CE. Submitted reports varied in length and regarding the level of detail included, in accordance with how much information was available in each respective country at the time of writing. Editors of the book have compiled these early reports into a summary report, which was intended as a first step in mapping the state of the CE in Europe. The Member Countries Report on the Collaborative Economy, edited by Gaia Mosconi, Agnieszka Lukasiewicz, and Gabriela Avram that was published on the Sharing and Caring website, represented its first synergetic outcome and provided an overview of the CE phenomenon as interpreted and manifested in each of the countries part of the network. Additionally, Sergio Nassare-Aznar, Kosjenka Dumančić, and Giulia Priora compiled a Preliminary Legal Analysis of Country Reports on Cases of Collaborative Economy. In 2018, after undertaking an analysis of the previous reports’ strengths and weaknesses, the book editors issued a call for an updated version of these country reports. Prof. Ann Light advised the editorial team, proposing a new format for country reports and 4000 words limit. The template included: Introduction, Definition, Key Questions, Examples, Illustration, Context, Developments, Issues, Other Major Players, and Relevant Literature. The new template was approved by the Management Committee in October 2018. The task force that had supported the production of the first series of country reports acted as mentors for the team of authors in each country. The final reports arrived at the end of 2018, bringing the total number of submissions to 30. A call for book editors was issued, and a new editorial team was formed by volunteers from the participants of the COST Action: Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte, Cristina Miguel, Santa Mijalche, Gabriela Avram, Bori Simonovits, Bálint Balázs, Kostas Stefanidis, and Rafael Laurenti. The editorial team organized the double-blind reviews of reports and communicated to the authors the requirements for improving their texts. After reviews, the authors submitted updated versions of their country reports providing up-to-date interdisciplinary analysis on the state of the CE in 2019, when the reports were collected. During the final phase, the chapters were again reviewed by the lead editors together with all editorial team members. At the time, the intention was to update these reports again just before the end of the COST Action Sharing and Caring in 2021 and to produce a third edition. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed these plans. Thus, this final volume was created by 82 scholars-editors and contributors-and consists of reports on 27 countries participating in the COST Action. M4 - Citavi

    The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives

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    The book titled The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives is one of the important outcomes of the COST Action CA16121, From Sharing to Caring: Examining the Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy that was active between March 2017 and September 2021. The Action was funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST. The main objective of the COST Action Sharing and Caring is the development of a European network of researchers and practitioners interested in investigating the collaborative economy models, platforms, and their socio-technological implications. The network involves scholars, practitioners, communities, and policymakers. The COST Action Sharing and Caring helped to connect research initiatives across Europe and enabled scientists to develop their ideas by collaborating with peers. This collaboration opportunity represented a boost for the participants’ research, careers, and innovation potential. The main aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the collaborative economy in European countries with a variety of its aspects for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon as a whole. For this reason, in July 2017, an open call for country reports was distributed among the members of the COST Action Sharing and Caring. Representatives of the member countries were invited to produce short country reports covering: definition of the CE; types and models of the CE; key stakeholders involved; as well as legislation and technological tools relevant for the CE. Submitted reports varied in length and regarding the level of detail included, in accordance with how much information was available in each respective country at the time of writing. Editors of the book have compiled these early reports into a summary report, which was intended as a first step in mapping the state of the CE in Europe. The Member Countries Report on the Collaborative Economy, edited by Gaia Mosconi, Agnieszka Lukasiewicz, and Gabriela Avram that was published on the Sharing and Caring website, represented its first synergetic outcome and provided an overview of the CE phenomenon as interpreted and manifested in each of the countries part of the network. Additionally, Sergio Nassare-Aznar, Kosjenka Dumančić, and Giulia Priora compiled a Preliminary Legal Analysis of Country Reports on Cases of Collaborative Economy. In 2018, after undertaking an analysis of the previous reports’ strengths and weaknesses, the book editors issued a call for an updated version of these country reports. Prof. Ann Light advised the editorial team, proposing a new format for country reports and 4000 words limit. The template included: Introduction, Definition, Key Questions, Examples, Illustration, Context, Developments, Issues, Other Major Players, and Relevant Literature. The new template was approved by the Management Committee in October 2018. The task force that had supported the production of the first series of country reports acted as mentors for the team of authors in each country. The final reports arrived at the end of 2018, bringing the total number of submissions to 30. A call for book editors was issued, and a new editorial team was formed by volunteers from the participants of the COST Action: Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte, Cristina Miguel, Santa Mijalche, Gabriela Avram, Bori Simonovits, Bálint Balázs, Kostas Stefanidis, and Rafael Laurenti. The editorial team organized the double-blind reviews of reports and communicated to the authors the requirements for improving their texts. After reviews, the authors submitted updated versions of their country reports providing up-to-date interdisciplinary analysis on the state of the CE in 2019, when the reports were collected. During the final phase, the chapters were again reviewed by the lead editors together with all editorial team members. At the time, the intention was to update these reports again just before the end of the COST Action Sharing and Caring in 2021 and to produce a third edition. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed these plans. Thus, this final volume was created by 82 scholars-editors and contributors-and consists of reports on 27 countries participating in the COST Action. M4 - Citavi

    Innovation in protected area governance: competing models and their impact in different places

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