329 research outputs found

    Statistical Software Properties: Definition, Inference and Monitoring

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    Software properties define how software systems should operate. Specifying correct properties, however, can be difficult and expensive as it requires deep knowledge of the system\u27s expected behavior and the environment in which it operates. Automated analysis techniques to infer properties from code or code executions can mitigate that cost, but are still unable to go beyond state properties and the simplest patterns of temporal properties. This limitation renders properties that sacrifice fault detection power. To address this problem, we introduce a new type of software properties called \textit{statistical properties}, which characterize significant statistical relationships among the values of variables across program states. We define an approach to infer these relationships automatically and support their monitoring while controlling the trade-offs between overhead and the precision and recall of the inferred properties. We perform several experiments to assess the approach in the context of distributed robotics applications. Our findings indicate that the inferred statistical properties can be use to generate precise and cost-effective models capable of detecting faults in software systems while keeping the number of false positives close to zero and previous knowledge of the software system design and behavior unnecessary. Adviser: Sebastian Elbau

    Statistical Software Properties: Definition, Inference and Monitoring

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    Software properties define how software systems should operate. Specifying correct properties, however, can be difficult and expensive as it requires deep knowledge of the system\u27s expected behavior and the environment in which it operates. Automated analysis techniques to infer properties from code or code executions can mitigate that cost, but are still unable to go beyond state properties and the simplest patterns of temporal properties. This limitation renders properties that sacrifice fault detection power. To address this problem, we introduce a new type of software properties called \textit{statistical properties}, which characterize significant statistical relationships among the values of variables across program states. We define an approach to infer these relationships automatically and support their monitoring while controlling the trade-offs between overhead and the precision and recall of the inferred properties. We perform several experiments to assess the approach in the context of distributed robotics applications. Our findings indicate that the inferred statistical properties can be use to generate precise and cost-effective models capable of detecting faults in software systems while keeping the number of false positives close to zero and previous knowledge of the software system design and behavior unnecessary. Adviser: Sebastian Elbau

    Designing Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

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    The design of autonomous systems is challenging and ensuring their trustworthiness can have different meanings, such as i) ensuring consistency and completeness of the requirements by a correct elicitation and formalization process; ii) ensuring that requirements are correctly mapped to system implementations so that any system behaviors never violate its requirements; iii) maximizing the reuse of available components and subsystems in order to cope with the design complexity; and iv) ensuring correct coordination of the system with its environment.Several techniques have been proposed over the years to cope with specific problems. However, a holistic design framework that, leveraging on existing tools and methodologies, practically helps the analysis and design of autonomous systems is still missing. This thesis explores the problem of building trustworthy autonomous systems from different angles. We have analyzed how current approaches of formal verification can provide assurances: 1) to the requirement corpora itself by formalizing requirements with assume/guarantee contracts to detect incompleteness and conflicts; 2) to the reward function used to then train the system so that the requirements do not get misinterpreted; 3) to the execution of the system by run-time monitoring and enforcing certain invariants; 4) to the coordination of the system with other external entities in a system of system scenario and 5) to system behaviors by automatically synthesize a policy which is correct

    Safety monitoring for autonomous systems: interactive elicitation of safety rules

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    Un moniteur de sécurité actif est un mécanisme indépendant qui est responsable de maintenir le système dans un état sûr, en cas de situation dangereuse. Il dispose d'observations (capteurs) et d'interventions (actionneurs). Des règles de sécurité sont synthétisées, à partir des résultats d'une analyse de risques, grâce à l'outil SMOF (Safety MOnitoring Framework), afin d'identifier quelles interventions appliquer quand une observation atteint une valeur dangereuse. Les règles de sécurité respectent une propriété de sécurité (le système reste das un état sûr) ainsi que des propriétés de permissivité, qui assurent que le système peut toujours effectuer ses tâches. Ce travail se concentre sur la résolution de cas où la synthèse échoue à retourner un ensemble de règles sûres et permissives. Pour assister l'utilisateur dans ces cas, trois nouvelles fonctionnalités sont introduites et développées. La première adresse le diagnostique des raisons pour lesquelles une règle échoue à respecter les exigences de permissivité. La deuxième suggère des interventions de sécurité candidates à injecter dans le processus de synthèse. La troisième permet l'adaptation des exigences de permissivités à un ensemble de tâches essentielles à préserver. L'utilisation des ces trois fonctionnalités est discutée et illustrée sur deux cas d'étude industriels, un robot industriel de KUKA et un robot de maintenance de Sterela.An active safety monitor is an independent mechanism that is responsible for keeping the system in a safe state, should a hazardous situation occur. Is has observations (sensors) and interventions (actuators). Safety rules are synthesized from the results of the hazard analysis, using the tool SMOF (Safety MOnitoring Framework), in order to identify which interventions to apply for dangerous observations values. The safety rules enforce a safety property (the system remains in a safe state) and some permissiveness properties, ensuring that the system can still perform its tasks. This work focuses on solving cases where the synthesis fails to return a set of safe and permissive rules. To assist the user in these cases, three new features are introduced and developed. The first one addresses the diagnosis of why the rules fail to fulfill a permissiveness requirement. The second one suggests candidate safety interventions to inject into the synthesis process. The third one allows the tuning of the permissiveness requirements based on a set of essential functionalities to maintain. The use of these features is discussed and illustrated on two industrial case studies, a manufacturing robot from KUKA and a maintenance robot from Sterela

    SOTER: A Runtime Assurance Framework for Programming Safe Robotics Systems

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    The recent drive towards achieving greater autonomy and intelligence in robotics has led to high levels of complexity. Autonomous robots increasingly depend on third party off-the-shelf components and complex machine-learning techniques. This trend makes it challenging to provide strong design-time certification of correct operation. To address these challenges, we present SOTER, a robotics programming framework with two key components: (1) a programming language for implementing and testing high-level reactive robotics software and (2) an integrated runtime assurance (RTA) system that helps enable the use of uncertified components, while still providing safety guarantees. SOTER provides language primitives to declaratively construct a RTA module consisting of an advanced, high-performance controller (uncertified), a safe, lower-performance controller (certified), and the desired safety specification. The framework provides a formal guarantee that a well-formed RTA module always satisfies the safety specification, without completely sacrificing performance by using higher performance uncertified components whenever safe. SOTER allows the complex robotics software stack to be constructed as a composition of RTA modules, where each uncertified component is protected using a RTA module. To demonstrate the efficacy of our framework, we consider a real-world case-study of building a safe drone surveillance system. Our experiments both in simulation and on actual drones show that the SOTER-enabled RTA ensures the safety of the system, including when untrusted third-party components have bugs or deviate from the desired behavior

    Social Cognition for Human-Robot Symbiosis—Challenges and Building Blocks

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    The next generation of robot companions or robot working partners will need to satisfy social requirements somehow similar to the famous laws of robotics envisaged by Isaac Asimov time ago (Asimov, 1942). The necessary technology has almost reached the required level, including sensors and actuators, but the cognitive organization is still in its infancy and is only partially supported by the current understanding of brain cognitive processes. The brain of symbiotic robots will certainly not be a “positronic” replica of the human brain: probably, the greatest part of it will be a set of interacting computational processes running in the cloud. In this article, we review the challenges that must be met in the design of a set of interacting computational processes as building blocks of a cognitive architecture that may give symbiotic capabilities to collaborative robots of the next decades: (1) an animated body-schema; (2) an imitation machinery; (3) a motor intentions machinery; (4) a set of physical interaction mechanisms; and (5) a shared memory system for incremental symbiotic development. We would like to stress that our approach is totally un-hierarchical: the five building blocks of the shared cognitive architecture are fully bi-directionally connected. For example, imitation and intentional processes require the “services” of the animated body schema which, on the other hand, can run its simulations if appropriately prompted by imitation and/or intention, with or without physical interaction. Successful experiences can leave a trace in the shared memory system and chunks of memory fragment may compete to participate to novel cooperative actions. And so on and so forth. At the heart of the system is lifelong training and learning but, different from the conventional learning paradigms in neural networks, where learning is somehow passively imposed by an external agent, in symbiotic robots there is an element of free choice of what is worth learning, driven by the interaction between the robot and the human partner. The proposed set of building blocks is certainly a rough approximation of what is needed by symbiotic robots but we believe it is a useful starting point for building a computational framework

    Progress in AI Planning Research and Applications

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    Planning has made significant progress since its inception in the 1970s, in terms both of the efficiency and sophistication of its algorithms and representations and its potential for application to real problems. In this paper we sketch the foundations of planning as a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence and the history of its development over the past three decades. Then some of the recent achievements within the field are discussed and provided some experimental data demonstrating the progress that has been made in the application of general planners to realistic and complex problems. The paper concludes by identifying some of the open issues that remain as important challenges for future research in planning

    Vision systems with the human in the loop

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    The emerging cognitive vision paradigm deals with vision systems that apply machine learning and automatic reasoning in order to learn from what they perceive. Cognitive vision systems can rate the relevance and consistency of newly acquired knowledge, they can adapt to their environment and thus will exhibit high robustness. This contribution presents vision systems that aim at flexibility and robustness. One is tailored for content-based image retrieval, the others are cognitive vision systems that constitute prototypes of visual active memories which evaluate, gather, and integrate contextual knowledge for visual analysis. All three systems are designed to interact with human users. After we will have discussed adaptive content-based image retrieval and object and action recognition in an office environment, the issue of assessing cognitive systems will be raised. Experiences from psychologically evaluated human-machine interactions will be reported and the promising potential of psychologically-based usability experiments will be stressed