74 research outputs found

    Democratizing Self-Service Data Preparation through Example Guided Program Synthesis,

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    The majority of real-world data we can access today have one thing in common: they are not immediately usable in their original state. Trapped in a swamp of data usability issues like non-standard data formats and heterogeneous data sources, most data analysts and machine learning practitioners have to burden themselves with "data janitor" work, writing ad-hoc Python, PERL or SQL scripts, which is tedious and inefficient. It is estimated that data scientists or analysts typically spend 80% of their time in preparing data, a significant amount of human effort that can be redirected to better goals. In this dissertation, we accomplish this task by harnessing knowledge such as examples and other useful hints from the end user. We develop program synthesis techniques guided by heuristics and machine learning, which effectively make data preparation less painful and more efficient to perform by data users, particularly those with little to no programming experience. Data transformation, also called data wrangling or data munging, is an important task in data preparation, seeking to convert data from one format to a different (often more structured) format. Our system Foofah shows that allowing end users to describe their desired transformation, through providing small input-output transformation examples, can significantly reduce the overall user effort. The underlying program synthesizer can often succeed in finding meaningful data transformation programs within a reasonably short amount of time. Our second system, CLX, demonstrates that sometimes the user does not even need to provide complete input-output examples, but only label ones that are desirable if they exist in the original dataset. The system is still capable of suggesting reasonable and explainable transformation operations to fix the non-standard data format issue in a dataset full of heterogeneous data with varied formats. PRISM, our third system, targets a data preparation task of data integration, i.e., combining multiple relations to formulate a desired schema. PRISM allows the user to describe the target schema using not only high-resolution (precise) constraints of complete example data records in the target schema, but also (imprecise) constraints of varied resolutions, such as incomplete data record examples with missing values, value ranges, or multiple possible values in each element (cell), so as to require less familiarity of the database contents from the end user.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163059/1/markjin_1.pd

    Integration of Heterogeneous Databases: Discovery of Meta-Information and Maintenance of Schema-Restructuring Views

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    In today\u27s networked world, information is widely distributed across many independent databases in heterogeneous formats. Integrating such information is a difficult task and has been adressed by several projects. However, previous integration solutions, such as the EVE-Project, have several shortcomings. Database contents and structure change frequently, and users often have incomplete information about the data content and structure of the databases they use. When information from several such insufficiently described sources is to be extracted and integrated, two problems have to be solved: How can we discover the structure and contents of and interrelationships among unknown databases, and how can we provide durable integration views over several such databases? In this dissertation, we have developed solutions for those key problems in information integration. The first part of the dissertation addresses the fact that knowledge about the interrelationships between databases is essential for any attempt at solving the information integration problem. We are presenting an algorithm called FIND2 based on the clique-finding problem in graphs and k-uniform hypergraphs to discover redundancy relationships between two relations. Furthermore, the algorithm is enhanced by heuristics that significantly reduce the search space when necessary. Extensive experimental studies on the algorithm both with and without heuristics illustrate its effectiveness on a variety of real-world data sets. The second part of the dissertation addresses the durable view problem and presents the first algorithm for incremental view maintenance in schema-restructuring views. Such views are essential for the integration of heterogeneous databases. They are typically defined in schema-restructuring query languages like SchemaSQL, which can transform schema into data and vice versa, making traditional view maintenance based on differential queries impossible. Based on an existing algebra for SchemaSQL, we present an update propagation algorithm that propagates updates along the query algebra tree and prove its correctness. We also propose optimizations on our algorithm and present experimental results showing its benefits over view recomputation

    Automating the multidimensional design of data warehouses

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    Les experiències prèvies en l'àmbit dels magatzems de dades (o data warehouse), mostren que l'esquema multidimensional del data warehouse ha de ser fruit d'un enfocament híbrid; això és, una proposta que consideri tant els requeriments d'usuari com les fonts de dades durant el procés de disseny.Com a qualsevol altre sistema, els requeriments són necessaris per garantir que el sistema desenvolupat satisfà les necessitats de l'usuari. A més, essent aquest un procés de reenginyeria, les fonts de dades s'han de tenir en compte per: (i) garantir que el magatzem de dades resultant pot ésser poblat amb dades de l'organització, i, a més, (ii) descobrir capacitats d'anàlisis no evidents o no conegudes per l'usuari.Actualment, a la literatura s'han presentat diversos mètodes per donar suport al procés de modelatge del magatzem de dades. No obstant això, les propostes basades en un anàlisi dels requeriments assumeixen que aquestos són exhaustius, i no consideren que pot haver-hi informació rellevant amagada a les fonts de dades. Contràriament, les propostes basades en un anàlisi exhaustiu de les fonts de dades maximitzen aquest enfocament, i proposen tot el coneixement multidimensional que es pot derivar des de les fonts de dades i, conseqüentment, generen massa resultats. En aquest escenari, l'automatització del disseny del magatzem de dades és essencial per evitar que tot el pes de la tasca recaigui en el dissenyador (d'aquesta forma, no hem de confiar únicament en la seva habilitat i coneixement per aplicar el mètode de disseny elegit). A més, l'automatització de la tasca allibera al dissenyador del sempre complex i costós anàlisi de les fonts de dades (que pot arribar a ser inviable per grans fonts de dades).Avui dia, els mètodes automatitzables analitzen en detall les fonts de dades i passen per alt els requeriments. En canvi, els mètodes basats en l'anàlisi dels requeriments no consideren l'automatització del procés, ja que treballen amb requeriments expressats en llenguatges d'alt nivell que un ordenador no pot manegar. Aquesta mateixa situació es dona en els mètodes híbrids actual, que proposen un enfocament seqüencial, on l'anàlisi de les dades es complementa amb l'anàlisi dels requeriments, ja que totes dues tasques pateixen els mateixos problemes que els enfocament purs.En aquesta tesi proposem dos mètodes per donar suport a la tasca de modelatge del magatzem de dades: MDBE (Multidimensional Design Based on Examples) and AMDO (Automating the Multidimensional Design from Ontologies). Totes dues consideren els requeriments i les fonts de dades per portar a terme la tasca de modelatge i a més, van ser pensades per superar les limitacions dels enfocaments actuals.1. MDBE segueix un enfocament clàssic, en el que els requeriments d'usuari són coneguts d'avantmà. Aquest mètode es beneficia del coneixement capturat a les fonts de dades, però guia el procés des dels requeriments i, conseqüentment, és capaç de treballar sobre fonts de dades semànticament pobres. És a dir, explotant el fet que amb uns requeriments de qualitat, podem superar els inconvenients de disposar de fonts de dades que no capturen apropiadament el nostre domini de treball.2. A diferència d'MDBE, AMDO assumeix un escenari on es disposa de fonts de dades semànticament riques. Per aquest motiu, dirigeix el procés de modelatge des de les fonts de dades, i empra els requeriments per donar forma i adaptar els resultats generats a les necessitats de l'usuari. En aquest context, a diferència de l'anterior, unes fonts de dades semànticament riques esmorteeixen el fet de no tenir clars els requeriments d'usuari d'avantmà.Cal notar que els nostres mètodes estableixen un marc de treball combinat que es pot emprar per decidir, donat un escenari concret, quin enfocament és més adient. Per exemple, no es pot seguir el mateix enfocament en un escenari on els requeriments són ben coneguts d'avantmà i en un escenari on aquestos encara no estan clars (un cas recorrent d'aquesta situació és quan l'usuari no té clares les capacitats d'anàlisi del seu propi sistema). De fet, disposar d'uns bons requeriments d'avantmà esmorteeix la necessitat de disposar de fonts de dades semànticament riques, mentre que a l'inversa, si disposem de fonts de dades que capturen adequadament el nostre domini de treball, els requeriments no són necessaris d'avantmà. Per aquests motius, en aquesta tesi aportem un marc de treball combinat que cobreix tots els possibles escenaris que podem trobar durant la tasca de modelatge del magatzem de dades.Previous experiences in the data warehouse field have shown that the data warehouse multidimensional conceptual schema must be derived from a hybrid approach: i.e., by considering both the end-user requirements and the data sources, as first-class citizens. Like in any other system, requirements guarantee that the system devised meets the end-user necessities. In addition, since the data warehouse design task is a reengineering process, it must consider the underlying data sources of the organization: (i) to guarantee that the data warehouse must be populated from data available within the organization, and (ii) to allow the end-user discover unknown additional analysis capabilities.Currently, several methods for supporting the data warehouse modeling task have been provided. However, they suffer from some significant drawbacks. In short, requirement-driven approaches assume that requirements are exhaustive (and therefore, do not consider the data sources to contain alternative interesting evidences of analysis), whereas data-driven approaches (i.e., those leading the design task from a thorough analysis of the data sources) rely on discovering as much multidimensional knowledge as possible from the data sources. As a consequence, data-driven approaches generate too many results, which mislead the user. Furthermore, the design task automation is essential in this scenario, as it removes the dependency on an expert's ability to properly apply the method chosen, and the need to analyze the data sources, which is a tedious and timeconsuming task (which can be unfeasible when working with large databases). In this sense, current automatable methods follow a data-driven approach, whereas current requirement-driven approaches overlook the process automation, since they tend to work with requirements at a high level of abstraction. Indeed, this scenario is repeated regarding data-driven and requirement-driven stages within current hybrid approaches, which suffer from the same drawbacks than pure data-driven or requirement-driven approaches.In this thesis we introduce two different approaches for automating the multidimensional design of the data warehouse: MDBE (Multidimensional Design Based on Examples) and AMDO (Automating the Multidimensional Design from Ontologies). Both approaches were devised to overcome the limitations from which current approaches suffer. Importantly, our approaches consider opposite initial assumptions, but both consider the end-user requirements and the data sources as first-class citizens.1. MDBE follows a classical approach, in which the end-user requirements are well-known beforehand. This approach benefits from the knowledge captured in the data sources, but guides the design task according to requirements and consequently, it is able to work and handle semantically poorer data sources. In other words, providing high-quality end-user requirements, we can guide the process from the knowledge they contain, and overcome the fact of disposing of bad quality (from a semantical point of view) data sources.2. AMDO, as counterpart, assumes a scenario in which the data sources available are semantically richer. Thus, the approach proposed is guided by a thorough analysis of the data sources, which is properly adapted to shape the output result according to the end-user requirements. In this context, disposing of high-quality data sources, we can overcome the fact of lacking of expressive end-user requirements.Importantly, our methods establish a combined and comprehensive framework that can be used to decide, according to the inputs provided in each scenario, which is the best approach to follow. For example, we cannot follow the same approach in a scenario where the end-user requirements are clear and well-known, and in a scenario in which the end-user requirements are not evident or cannot be easily elicited (e.g., this may happen when the users are not aware of the analysis capabilities of their own sources). Interestingly, the need to dispose of requirements beforehand is smoothed by the fact of having semantically rich data sources. In lack of that, requirements gain relevance to extract the multidimensional knowledge from the sources.So that, we claim to provide two approaches whose combination turns up to be exhaustive with regard to the scenarios discussed in the literaturePostprint (published version

    Yavaa: supporting data workflows from discovery to visualization

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    Recent years have witness an increasing number of data silos being opened up both within organizations and to the general public: Scientists publish their raw data as supplements to articles or even standalone artifacts to enable others to verify and extend their work. Governments pass laws to open up formerly protected data treasures to improve accountability and transparency as well as to enable new business ideas based on this public good. Even companies share structured information about their products and services to advertise their use and thus increase revenue. Exploiting this wealth of information holds many challenges for users, though. Oftentimes data is provided as tables whose sheer endless rows of daunting numbers are barely accessible. InfoVis can mitigate this gap. However, offered visualization options are generally very limited and next to no support is given in applying any of them. The same holds true for data wrangling. Only very few options to adjust the data to the current needs and barely any protection are in place to prevent even the most obvious mistakes. When it comes to data from multiple providers, the situation gets even bleaker. Only recently tools emerged to search for datasets across institutional borders reasonably. Easy-to-use ways to combine these datasets are still missing, though. Finally, results generally lack proper documentation of their provenance. So even the most compelling visualizations can be called into question when their coming about remains unclear. The foundations for a vivid exchange and exploitation of open data are set, but the barrier of entry remains relatively high, especially for non-expert users. This thesis aims to lower that barrier by providing tools and assistance, reducing the amount of prior experience and skills required. It covers the whole workflow ranging from identifying proper datasets, over possible transformations, up until the export of the result in the form of suitable visualizations

    Gestion de métadonnées utilisant tissage et transformation de modèles

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    The interaction and interoperability between different data sources is a major concern in many organizations. The different formats of data, APIs, and architectures increases the incompatibilities, in a way that interoperability and interaction between components becomes a very difficult task. Model driven engineering (MDE) is a paradigm that enables diminishing interoperability problems by considering every entity as a model. MDE platforms are composed of different kinds of models. Some of the most important kinds of models are transformation models, which are used to define fixed operations between different models. In addition to fixed transformation operations, there are other kinds of interactions and relationships between models. A complete MDE solution must be capable of handling different kinds of relationships. Until now, most research has concentrated on studying transformation languages. This means additional efforts must be undertaken to study these relationships and their implications on a MDE platform. This thesis studies different forms of relationships between models elements. We show through extensive related work that the major limitation of current solutions is the lack of genericity, extensibility and adaptability. We present a generic MDE solution for relationship management called model weaving. Model weaving proposes to capture different kinds of relationships between model elements in a weaving model. A weaving model conforms to extensions of a core weaving metamodel that supports basic relationship management. After proposing the unification of the conceptual foundations related to model weaving, we show how weaving models and transformation models are used as a generic approach for data interoperability. The weaving models are used to produce model transformations. Moreover, we present an adaptive framework for creating weaving models in a semi-automatic way. We validate our approach by developing a generic and adaptive tool called ATLAS Model Weaver (AMW), and by implementing several use cases from different application scenarios.L'interaction et l'interopérabilité entre différentes sources de données sont une préoccupation majeure dans plusieurs organisations. Ce problème devient plus important encore avec la multitude de formats de données, APIs et architectures existants. L'ingénierie dirigée par modèles (IDM) est un paradigme relativement nouveau qui permet de diminuer ces problèmes d'interopérabilité. L'IDM considère toutes les entités d'un système comme un modèle. Les plateformes IDM sont composées par des types de modèles différents. Les modèles de transformation sont des acteurs majeurs de cette approche. Ils sont utilisés pour définir des opérations entre modèles. Par contre, il y existe d'autres types d'interactions qui sont définies sur la base des liens. Une solution d'IDM complète doit supporter des différents types de liens. Les recherches en IDM se sont centrées dans l'étude des transformations de modèles. Par conséquence, il y a beaucoup de travail concernant différents types des liens, ainsi que leurs implications dans une plateforme IDM. Cette thèse étudie des formes différentes de liens entre les éléments de modèles différents. Je montre, à partir d'une étude des nombreux travaux existants, que le point le plus critique de ces solutions est le manque de généricité, extensibilité et adaptabilité. Ensuite, je présente une solution d'IDM générique pour la gestion des liens entre les éléments de modèles. La solution s'appelle le tissage de modèles. Le tissage de modèles propose l'utilisation de modèles de tissage pour capturer des types différents de liens. Un modèle de tissage est conforme à un métamodèle noyau de tissage. J'introduis un ensemble des définitions pour les modèles de tissage et concepts liés. Ensuite, je montre comment les modèles de tissage et modèles de transformations sont une solution générique pour différents problèmes d'interopérabilité des données. Les modèles de tissage sont utilisés pour générer des modèles de transformations. Ensuite, je présente un outil adaptive et générique pour la création de modèles de tissage. L'approche sera validée en implémentant un outil de tissage appel

    Linked Open Data - Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data: Results of the LOD2 Project

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    Database Management; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems and Communication Servic

    Towards unifying spreadsheets with databases for ad-hoc interactive data management at scale

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    We are witnessing the increasing availability of data across a spectrum of domains, necessitating the interactive ad-hoc management and analysis of this data, in order to put it to use. Unfortunately, interactive ad-hoc management of very large datasets presents a host of challenges, ranging from performance to interface usability. This thesis introduces a new research direction of manipulation of large datasets using an interactive interface and makes several steps towards this direction. In particular, we develop DataSpread, a tool that enables users to work with arbitrary large datasets via a direct manipulation interface. DataSpread holistically unifies spreadsheets and relational databases to leverage the benefits of both. However, this holistic integration is not trivial due to the differences in the architecture and ideologies of the two paradigms: spreadsheets and databases. We have built a prototype of DataSpread, which, in addition to motivating the underlying challenges, demonstrates the feasibility and usefulness of this holistic integration. We focus on the following challenges encountered while developing DataSpread. (i) Representation—here, we address the challenges of flexibly representing ad-hoc spreadsheet data within a relational database; (ii) Indexing—here, we develop indexing data structures for supporting and maintaining access by position; (iii) Formula Computation—here, we introduce an asynchronous formula computation framework that addresses the challenge of ensuring consistency and interactivity at the same time; and (iv) Organization—here, we develop a framework to best organize data based on a workload, e.g., queries specified on the spreadsheet interface

    Extending dependencies for improving data quality

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    This doctoral thesis presents the results of my work on extending dependencies for improving data quality, both in a centralized environment with a single database and in a data exchange and integration environment with multiple databases. The first part of the thesis proposes five classes of data dependencies, referred to as CINDs, eCFDs, CFDcs, CFDps and CINDps, to capture data inconsistencies commonly found in practice in a centralized environment. For each class of these dependencies, we investigate two central problems: the satisfiability problem and the implication problem. The satisfiability problem is to determine given a set Σ of dependencies defined on a database schema R, whether or not there exists a nonempty database D of R that satisfies Σ. And the implication problem is to determine whether or not a set Σ of dependencies defined on a database schema R entails another dependency φ on R. That is, for each database D ofRthat satisfies Σ, the D must satisfy φ as well. These are important for the validation and optimization of data-cleaning processes. We establish complexity results of the satisfiability problem and the implication problem for all these five classes of dependencies, both in the absence of finite-domain attributes and in the general setting with finite-domain attributes. Moreover, SQL-based techniques are developed to detect data inconsistencies for each class of the proposed dependencies, which can be easily implemented on the top of current database management systems. The second part of the thesis studies three important topics for data cleaning in a data exchange and integration environment with multiple databases. One is the dependency propagation problem, which is to determine, given a view defined on data sources and a set of dependencies on the sources, whether another dependency is guaranteed to hold on the view. We investigate dependency propagation for views defined in various fragments of relational algebra, conditional functional dependencies (CFDs) [FGJK08] as view dependencies, and for source dependencies given as either CFDs or traditional functional dependencies (FDs). And we establish lower and upper bounds, all matching, ranging from PTIME to undecidable. These not only provide the first results for CFD propagation, but also extend the classical work of FD propagation by giving new complexity bounds in the presence of a setting with finite domains. We finally provide the first algorithm for computing a minimal cover of all CFDs propagated via SPC views. The algorithm has the same complexity as one of the most efficient algorithms for computing a cover of FDs propagated via a projection view, despite the increased expressive power of CFDs and SPC views. Another one is matching records from unreliable data sources. A class of matching dependencies (MDs) is introduced for specifying the semantics of unreliable data. As opposed to static constraints for schema design such as FDs, MDs are developed for record matching, and are defined in terms of similarity metrics and a dynamic semantics. We identify a special case of MDs, referred to as relative candidate keys (RCKs), to determine what attributes to compare and how to compare them when matching records across possibly different relations. We also propose a mechanism for inferring MDs with a sound and complete system, a departure from traditional implication analysis, such that when we cannot match records by comparing attributes that contain errors, we may still find matches by using other, more reliable attributes. We finally provide a quadratic time algorithm for inferring MDs, and an effective algorithm for deducing quality RCKs from a given set of MDs. The last one is finding certain fixes for data monitoring [CGGM03, SMO07], which is to find and correct errors in a tuple when it is created, either entered manually or generated by some process. That is, we want to ensure that a tuple t is clean before it is used, to prevent errors introduced by adding t. As noted by [SMO07], it is far less costly to correct a tuple at the point of entry than fixing it afterward. Data repairing based on integrity constraints may not find certain fixes that are absolutely correct, and worse, may introduce new errors when repairing the data. We propose a method for finding certain fixes, based on master data, a notion of certain regions, and a class of editing rules. A certain region is a set of attributes that are assured correct by the users. Given a certain region and master data, editing rules tell us what attributes to fix and how to update them. We show how the method can be used in data monitoring and enrichment. We develop techniques for reasoning about editing rules, to decide whether they lead to a unique fix and whether they are able to fix all the attributes in a tuple, relative to master data and a certain region. We also provide an algorithm to identify minimal certain regions, such that a certain fix is warranted by editing rules and master data as long as one of the regions is correct