67 research outputs found

    Type Theories and Lexical Networks: using Serious Games as the basis for Multi-Sorted Typed Systems

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    In this paper, we show how a rich lexico-semantic network which has been built using serious games, JeuxDeMots, can help us in grounding our semantic ontologies as well as different sorts of information in doing formal semantics using rich or modern type theories (type theories within the tradition of Martin Löf). We discuss the domain of base types, adjectival and verbal types, hyperonymy/hyponymy relations as well as more advanced issues like homophony and polysemy. We show how one can take advantage of this wealth in a formal compositional semantics framework. This is a way to sidestep the problem of deciding how your type ontology should look like once you have made a move to a many sorted type system. Furthermore, we show how this kind of information can be extracted  from JeuxdeMots and inserted into a proof-assistant like Coq in order to perform reasoning tasks using modern type theoretic semantics

    Si beaucoup d'oiseaux volent, peut-on en déduire que tous les oiseaux volent ? Production endogène de règles déductives dans un réseau lexico-sémantique

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    International audienceEndogenous production of deductive rules in a lexical-semantic network With a lexical-semantic network, it is possible to discover rule inductively from known facts. These rules are instrumental in reducing missing information in the network. In order to minimize emergence of relations that could be erroneous, we approached the question of polysemy and a filtering on rules presenting exceptions is realized.A partir d'un réseau lexico-sémantique, il est possible de générer des règles de façon inductive à partir des faits présents. Ces règles permettent de densifier le réseau et d'en réduire les silences. Afin de minimiser l'émergence de relations qui pourraient être erronées, la question de la polysémie est abordée et un filtrage sur les règles présentant des exceptions est réalisé

    Ontology-driven urban issues identification from social media.

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    As cidades em todo o mundo enfrentam muitos problemas diretamente relacionados ao espaço urbano, especialmente nos aspectos de infraestrutura. A maioria desses problemas urbanos geralmente afeta a vida de residentes e visitantes. Por exemplo, as pessoas podem relatar um carro estacionado em uma calçada que está forçando os pedestres a andar na via, ou um enorme buraco que está causando congestionamento. Além de estarem relacionados com o espaço urbano, os problemas urbanos geralmente demandam ações das autoridades municipais. Existem diversas Redes Sociais Baseadas em Localização (LBSN, em inglês) no domínio das cidades inteligentes em todo o mundo, onde as pessoas relatam problemas urbanos de forma estruturada e as autoridades locais tomam conhecimento para então solucioná-los. Com o advento das redes sociais como Facebook e Twitter, as pessoas tendem a reclamar de forma não estruturada, esparsa e imprevisível, sendo difícil identificar problemas urbanos eventualmente relatados. Dados de mídia social, especialmente mensagens do Twitter, fotos e check-ins, tem desempenhado um papel importante nas cidades inteligentes. Um problema chave é o desafio de identificar conversas específicas e relevantes ao processar dados crowdsourcing ruidosos. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa investiga métodos computacionais a fim de fornecer uma identificação automatizada de problemas urbanos compartilhados em mídias sociais. A maioria dos trabalhos relacionados depende de classificadores baseados em técnicas de aprendizado de máquina, como SVM, Naïve Bayes e Árvores de Decisão; e enfrentam problemas relacionados à representação do conhecimento semântico, legibilidade humana e capacidade de inferência. Com o objetivo de superar essa lacuna semântica, esta pesquisa investiga a Extração de Informação baseada em ontologias, a partir da perspectiva de problemas urbanos, uma vez que tais problemas podem ser semanticamente interligados em plataformas LBSN. Dessa forma, este trabalho propõe uma ontologia no domínio de Problemas Urbanos (UIDO) para viabilizar a identificação e classificação dos problemas urbanos em uma abordagem automatizada que foca principalmente nas facetas temática e geográfica. Uma avaliação experimental demonstra que o desempenho da abordagem proposta é competitivo com os algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina mais utilizados, quando aplicados a este domínio em particular.The cities worldwide face with many issues directly related to the urban space, especially in the infrastructure aspects. Most of these urban issues generally affect the life of both resident and visitant people. For example, people can report a car parked on a footpath which is forcing pedestrians to walk on the road or a huge pothole that is causing traffic congestion. Besides being related to the urban space, urban issues generally demand actions from city authorities. There are many Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN) in the smart cities domain worldwide where people complain about urban issues in a structured way and local authorities are aware to fix them. With the advent of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, people tend to complain in an unstructured, sparse and unpredictable way, being difficult to identify urban issues eventually reported. Social media data, especially Twitter messages, photos, and check-ins, have played an important role in the smart cities. A key problem is the challenge in identifying specific and relevant conversations on processing the noisy crowdsourced data. In this context, this research investigates computational methods in order to provide automated identification of urban issues shared in social media streams. Most related work rely on classifiers based on machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naïve Bayes and Decision Trees; and face problems concerning semantic knowledge representation, human readability and inference capability. Aiming at overcoming this semantic gap, this research investigates the ontology-driven Information Extraction (IE) from the perspective of urban issues; as such issues can be semantically linked in LBSN platforms. Therefore, this work proposes an Urban Issues Domain Ontology (UIDO) to enable the identification and classification of urban issues in an automated approach that focuses mainly on the thematic and geographical facets. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the proposed approach performance is competitive with most commonly used machine learning algorithms applied for that particular domain.CNP

    Training Datasets for Machine Reading Comprehension and Their Limitations

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    Neural networks are a powerful model class to learn machine Reading Comprehen- sion (RC), yet they crucially depend on the availability of suitable training datasets. In this thesis we describe methods for data collection, evaluate the performance of established models, and examine a number of model behaviours and dataset limita- tions. We first describe the creation of a data resource for the science exam QA do- main, and compare existing models on the resulting dataset. The collected ques- tions are plausible – non-experts can distinguish them from real exam questions with 55% accuracy – and using them as additional training data leads to improved model scores on real science exam questions. Second, we describe and apply a distant supervision dataset construction method for multi-hop RC across documents. We identify and mitigate several dataset assembly pitfalls – a lack of unanswerable candidates, label imbalance, and spurious correlations between documents and particular candidates – which often leave shallow predictive cues for the answer. Furthermore we demonstrate that se- lecting relevant document combinations is a critical performance bottleneck on the datasets created. We thus investigate Pseudo-Relevance Feedback, which leads to improvements compared to TF-IDF-based document combination selection both in retrieval metrics and answer accuracy. Third, we investigate model undersensitivity: model predictions do not change when given adversarially altered questions in SQUAD2.0 and NEWSQA, even though they should. We characterise affected samples, and show that the phe- nomenon is related to a lack of structurally similar but unanswerable samples during training: data augmentation reduces the adversarial error rate, e.g. from 51.7% to 20.7% for a BERT model on SQUAD2.0, and improves robustness also in other settings. Finally we explore efficient formal model verification via Interval Bound Propagation (IBP) to measure and address model undersensitivity, and show that using an IBP-derived auxiliary loss can improve verification rates, e.g. from 2.8% to 18.4% on the SNLI test set

    Annotation Protocol for Textbook Enrichment with Prerequisite Knowledge Graph

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    Extracting and formally representing the knowledge embedded in textbooks, such as the concepts explained and the relations between them, can support the provision of advanced knowledge-based services for learning environments and digital libraries. In this paper, we consider a specific type of relation in textbooks referred to as prerequisite relations (PR). PRs represent precedence relations between concepts aimed to provide the reader with the knowledge needed to understand a further concept(s). Their annotation in educational texts produces datasets that can be represented as a graph of concepts connected by PRs. However, building good-quality and reliable datasets of PRs from a textbook is still an open issue, not just for automated annotation methods but even for manual annotation. In turn, the lack of good-quality datasets and well-defined criteria to identify PRs affect the development and validation of automated methods for prerequisite identification. As a contribution to this issue, in this paper, we propose PREAP, a protocol for the annotation of prerequisite relations in textbooks aimed at obtaining reliable annotated data that can be shared, compared, and reused in the research community. PREAP defines a novel textbook-driven annotation method aimed to capture the structure of prerequisites underlying the text. The protocol has been evaluated against baseline methods for manual and automatic annotation. The findings show that PREAP enables the creation of prerequisite knowledge graphs that have higher inter-annotator agreement, accuracy, and alignment with text than the baseline methods. This suggests that the protocol is able to accurately capture the PRs expressed in the text. Furthermore, the findings show that the time required to complete the annotation using PREAP are significantly shorter than with the other manual baseline methods. The paper includes also guidelines for using PREAP in three annotation scenarios, experimentally tested. We also provide example datasets and a user interface that we developed to support prerequisite annotation

    Toward Geo-social Information Systems: Methods and Algorithms

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    The widespread adoption of GPS-enabled tagging of social media content via smartphones and social media services (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare) uncovers a new window into the spatio-temporal activities of hundreds of millions of people. These \footprints" open new possibilities for understanding how people can organize for societal impact and lay the foundation for new crowd-powered geo-social systems. However, there are key challenges to delivering on this promise: the slow adoption of location sharing, the inherent bias in the users that do share location, imbalanced location granularity, respecting location privacy, among many others. With these challenges in mind, this dissertation aims to develop the framework, algorithms, and methods for a new class of geo-social information systems. The dissertation is structured in two main parts: the rst focuses on understanding the capacity of existing footprints; the second demonstrates the potential of new geo-social information systems through two concrete prototypes. First, we investigate the capacity of using these geo-social footprints to build new geo-social information systems. (i): we propose and evaluate a probabilistic framework for estimating a microblog user's location based purely on the content of the user's posts. With the help of a classi cation component for automatically identifying words in tweets with a strong local geo-scope, the location estimator places 51% of Twitter users within 100 miles of their actual location. (ii): we investigate a set of 22 million check-ins across 220,000 users and report a quantitative assessment of human mobility patterns by analyzing the spatial, temporal, social, and textual aspects associated with these footprints. Concretely, we observe that users follow simple reproducible mobility patterns. (iii): we compare a set of 35 million publicly shared check-ins with a set of over 400 million private query logs recorded by a commercial hotel search engine. Although generated by users with fundamentally di erent intentions, we nd common conclusions may be drawn from both data sources, indicating the viability of publicly shared location information to complement (and replace, in some cases), privately held location information. Second, we introduce a couple of prototypes of new geo-social information systems that utilize the collective intelligence from the emerging geo-social footprints. Concretely, we propose an activity-driven search system, and a local expert nding system that both take advantage of the collective intelligence. Speci cally, we study location-based activity patterns revealed through location sharing services and nd that these activity patterns can identify semantically related locations, and help with both unsupervised location clustering, and supervised location categorization with a high con dence. Based on these results, we show how activity-driven semantic organization of locations may be naturally incorporated into location-based web search. In addition, we propose a local expert nding system that identi es top local experts for a topic in a location. Concretely, the system utilizes semantic labels that people label each other, people's locations in current location-based social networks, and can identify top local experts with a high precision. We also observe that the proposed local authority metrics that utilize collective intelligence from expert candidates' core audience (list labelers), signi cantly improve the performance of local experts nding than the more intuitive way that only considers candidates' locations. ii

    A framework for structuring prerequisite relations between concepts in educational textbooks

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    In our age we are experiencing an increasing availability of digital educational resources and self-regulated learning. In this scenario, the development of automatic strategies for organizing the knowledge embodied in educational resources has a tremendous potential for building personalized learning paths and applications such as intelligent textbooks and recommender systems of learning materials. To this aim, a straightforward approach consists in enriching the educational materials with a concept graph, i.a. a knowledge structure where key concepts of the subject matter are represented as nodes and prerequisite dependencies among such concepts are also explicitly represented. This thesis focuses therefore on prerequisite relations in textbooks and it has two main research goals. The first goal is to define a methodology for systematically annotating prerequisite relations in textbooks, which is functional for analysing the prerequisite phenomenon and for evaluating and training automatic methods of extraction. The second goal concerns the automatic extraction of prerequisite relations from textbooks. These two research goals will guide towards the design of PRET, i.e. a comprehensive framework for supporting researchers involved in this research issue. The framework described in the present thesis allows indeed researchers to conduct the following tasks: 1) manual annotation of educational texts, in order to create datasets to be used for machine learning algorithms or for evaluation as gold standards; 2) annotation analysis, for investigating inter-annotator agreement, graph metrics and in-context linguistic features; 3) data visualization, for visually exploring datasets and gaining insights of the problem that may lead to improve algorithms; 4) automatic extraction of prerequisite relations. As for the automatic extraction, we developed a method that is based on burst analysis of concepts in the textbook and we used the gold dataset with PR annotation for its evaluation, comparing the method with other metrics for PR extraction