2,496 research outputs found

    Rakennusprosessin Digitalisointi ja Teollistaminen - Tapaustutkimu

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    This thesis presents an overall description of industrialization and digitalization in construction industry and pipe repair sector and a framework to assess organization's industrial maturity. Industrialization in construction industry strives to make production effective by repeating work processes in factories, design offices and at building sites by the coordination of different activities. In the core of industrialization is the relocation of activities from on-site to specialized off-site factories (e.g. pre-assembly) and to remote digital units (e.g. designing). The two theoretical contributions of this study are i) the new framework for industrial maturity measurement in construction industry and pipe repair sector and ii) the detailed description of case company's current industrial maturity. The industrial maturity framework defines organization's current industrial maturity in six different process categories related to production. These contributions also have managerial relevance as they can be utilized to evaluate and plan a transformative process towards higher industrialization with digitalization as an enabler. The empirical evidence of this study proposes that the existing literature on industrialization might focus too strongly on industrialization as a concept and has not considered the potential of a framework to assess the level of industrialization. By having a framework to assess the current status, organizations can approach industrialization in a more strategic manner, focusing to enhance the weakest areas in the organization.Tämä tutkimus esittelee yleisen kuvauksen teollistumisesta ja digitalisoinnista rakennusalalla ja putkiremonttisektorilla, sekä viitekehyksen organisaation teollisen maturiteetin mittaamiseen. Teollistuminen rakennusalalla pyrkii tekemään tuotannosta tehokkaampaa luomalla toistettavia työsuoritteita tuotantolaitoksissa, suunnittelutoimistoissa ja rakennustyömaalla aktiviteetteja koordinoimalla. Teollistumisen ytimessä on työmaan aktiviteettien uudelleensijoittaminen erikoistuneisiin tuotantolaitoksiin (esivalmistus) ja digitaalisiin yksikköihin (suunnittelu). Tämän tutkmuksen kaksi pääasiallista teoreettista kontribuutiota ovat i) uusi viitekehys teollisen maturiteetin mittaamiseen rakennusalalla ja putkiremonttisektorilla, sekä ii) yksityiskohtainen kuvaus tapaustutkimuksen yrityksen nykyisestä teollisen maturiteetin tasosta. Teollisen maturiteetin viitekehys määrittelee organisaation teollisen maturiteetin nykytilan kuudella eri tuotannon osaalueella. Näillä kontribuutioilla on myös johtoryhmän relevanssia, sillä niiden hyödyntäminen mahdollistaa digitalisaation avulla korkeampaan teollistumiseen tähtäävän muutosprosessin arvioimisen ja suunnittelemisen. Tutkimuksen empiirinen näyttö osoittaa, että nykyinen teollistumista koskeva kirjallisuus on saattanut painottaa liiaksi teollistumista yleisen tason konseptina ja ei ole huomioinut teollisen maturiteetin mittaamiseen käytettävän viitekehyksen arvoa organisaation teollistumisen mittaamiseen. Tutkimuksessa rakennetun viitekehyksen avulla organisaatiot rakennusalalla pystyvät lähestymään teollistumista strategisemmin ja osoittamaan kehityskohteita saavuttaakseen korkeamman teollistumisen taso

    Different Perspectives of a Factory of the Future: An Overview

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    Digitalfactory,andCloudManufacturingaretwoapproaches that aim at addressing the Factory of the Future, i.e., to provide digital support to manufacturing factories. They find their roots in two different geographical areas, respectively Europe and China, and therefore presents some differences as well as the same goal of building the factory of the future. In this paper, we present both the digital factory and the cloud manufacturing approaches and discuss their differences

    A Knowledge-Based Engineering System Framework for the Development of Electric Machines

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    The new concept industry 4.0 is a great opportunity to improve the competitiveness in a global market for small-medium size electric machinery companies. The demand for electric motors have increased in the last decade especially due to applications that try to make a full transition from fuel to electricity. These applications encounter the need for tailor-made motors that must meet demanding requirements. Therefore, it is mandatory small-medium companies adopt new technologies offering customized products fulfilling the customers’ requirements according to their investment capacity. Furthermore, simplify their development process as well as to reduce computational time to achieve a feasible design in shorter periods. In addition, find ways to retain know-how that is typically kept within each designer either to retrieve it or transfer it to new designers. To support the aforementioned issue, a knowledge-based engineering (KBE) system framework for the development of electric machines is devised. The framework is encapsulated in the so-called KBV2-model comprising the standardized macro-level framework for electrical machine and the knowledge base generation process. This thesis describes this model and the integration of KBE applications with current industrial technologies such as Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), multiphysics and analytical design tools. This architecture provides capability to manage and automate tasks in the development process of electric machines. The author of this work has opted to develop KBE applications following the minimum viable product principle. The KBE system framework herein presented is formalized through the experience and analysis of the development and implementation of the KBE applications. From which a guideline is provided following a sequential process in order to achieve a viable KBE system. To substantiate the process a KBE system is created that supports the development of electric motors for the elevator system industry

    Green ICT: A Strategy for Sustainable Development of China's Electronic Information Industry

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    Under the national strategy of “let informatization drive industrialization, and let industrialization promote informatization”, China’s electronic information industry (also referred to as the ICT industry) has achieved continuous and dramatic development during the last three decades. It has now become one of the most essential pillar industries for China’s national economy. However, severe pollution issues and environmental challenges emerge at different stages throughout the lifecycle of ICT products (e.g. desktop PCs, laptops, monitors, and TVs), from their design, development, and manufacturing to use and to disposal. Evidence shows that much effort has been put to increase industrial profit margin, improve indigenous innovation, and overcome the negative effects of the 2008 financial crisis on China’s electronic information industry. Nevertheless, environmental issues have traditionally received less attention from industrial manufacturers and users of ICT products (e.g. CEOs, managers and employees of companies, and individual citizens). China is still in its infant stage in building up a green ICT industry. This paper discusses and highlights the importance and impacts of current environmental challenges faced by the electronic information industry. Subsequently, it proposes the implementation of Green ICT as a key strategy to ensure environment friendly use of ICT equipments, as well as to maintain sustainable development of China’s ICT industry in the long term

    Developing Solution Business : Effectual Service-Dominant Logic Approach

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    This thesis examines solution business development from the perspective of service-dominant (S-D) logic and effectuation theory. A case company in maritime transportation industry provided insights into their solution business development. Since the case company’s data gathered in a Delphi study served as a starting point for the study, a modular abductive methodology was adopted to investigate the development of the company’s solution business over the years. Furthermore, ex-post and ex-ante event-based qualitative analysis of the case company was utilized in conjunction with theoretical literature review to develop a conceptual model of solution business development. This thesis presents a conceptual model for solution business development, which suggests that companies should focus on identifying their means and resources, cocreate value propositions, sell solutions that are within their affordable loss limits, and develop solution platform for solution deliveries. Each of the steps in the model are linked to existing literature related to solution business, S-D logic and effectuation. Thus, the model provides multiple approaches and tools that are highlighted in conjunction with the steps for practitioners to implement on their journey towards solution business. Furthermore, practical insights are presented to assist with formulating solution offerings. In addition, the study highlights the influence of various stakeholders in the maritime transportation industry – customers, classification societies, and even competitors – who all need to be taken into account in the ecosystem when developing solution business.Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee ratkaisuliiketoiminnan kehittämistä palvelulogiikka- (S-D logic) ja effektuaatio- (effectuation) kirjallisuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkielma sai alkunsa meriteollisuuden kohdeyrityksestä, joka oli onnistuneesti kehittänyt ratkaisuliiketoimintaansa. Tämä tarina johti päätökseen käyttää abduktiivista ja modulaarista lähestymistapaa yrityksen ratkaisuliiketoiminnan kehittämisen tarkastelussa. Tarkastelun tarkoituksena on luoda ratkaisuliiketoiminnan kehittämisen prosessimalli ja tarjota käytännön neuvoja ratkaisuliiketoiminnan kehittämiseen meriteollisuudessa. Tutkimuksen aineisto pohjautuu Delphi-tutkimukseen yrityksen kriittisistä tapahtumista menneisyydessä ja tulevaisuudessa. Aineisto analysoitiin kvalitatiivisesti yhdessä teoreettisen kirjallisuuden kanssa. Tämä tutkielma esittää ratkaisuliiketoiminnan kehittämisen prosessimallin, joka ohjaa yrityksiä keskittymään resursseihinsa, luomaan yhdessä arvolupauksia, myymään ratkaisuja hyväksytyin riskein ja kehittämään ratkaisuliiketoiminta-alustaa ratkaisujen toimittamiseen. Prosessimallin jokainen osavaihe on linkitetty ratkaisuliiketoiminta-, palvelulogiikka- ja effektuaatiokirjallisuuteen. Prosessimallin lisäksi tutkielma tarjoaa työkaluja jokaiseen osavaiheeseen, joita työntekijät ja yritykset voivat hyödyntää kehittäessään ratkaisuliiketoimintaa. Tämä tutkielma esittää myös käytännön neuvoja ratkaisuliiketoiminnan kehittämiseen, kuten yrityksen syvällinen ymmärrys käytettävissä olevista resursseista ratkaisuja kehitettäessä. Lisäksi tutkielma kuvaa eri sidosryhmien tärkeyttä meriteollisuudessa. Ekosysteemin eri toimijat – kuten asiakkaat, luokituslaitokset ja kilpailijat – tulisi kaikki huomioida ratkaisuliiketoimintaa kehitettäessä


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    It is unquestionable that the construction performance needs to improve, despite itsimportance to the national economies. This industry is commonly characterized as one that is labour intensive, rather polluting, non-sustainable, with a low level of innovation compared to other sectors. Lessons from the past in other sectors indicate that a sequence of innovations pushed forward productivity and performance, reflecting the existence of a technology and knowledge base amongst the players in those sectors. Notwithstanding some innovative developments in the course of time, a wide spread change of performance on large scale in construction is limited. The objective of this paper is to discuss strategies to enhance the development and use of innovative sustainable building materials in construction. It draws on empirical evidence and contemporary theoretic views regarding the factors impeding or stimulating innovation. These learn that innovationsrequire strong collaboration amongst the construction players in the industry network to achieve sustainability in construction.
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