156 research outputs found

    Querying and Merging Heterogeneous Data by Approximate Joins on Higher-Order Terms

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    An overview of decision table literature 1982-1995.

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    This report gives an overview of the literature on decision tables over the past 15 years. As much as possible, for each reference, an author supplied abstract, a number of keywords and a classification are provided. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. The literature is classified according to application area, theoretical versus practical character, year of publication, country or origin (not necessarily country of publication) and the language of the document. After a description of the scope of the interview, classification results and the classification by topic are presented. The main body of the paper is the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.

    Scalable statistical learning for relation prediction on structured data

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    Relation prediction seeks to predict unknown but potentially true relations by revealing missing relations in available data, by predicting future events based on historical data, and by making predicted relations retrievable by query. The approach developed in this thesis can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including to predict likely new friends on social networks, attractive points of interest for an individual visiting an unfamiliar city, and associations between genes and particular diseases. In recent years, relation prediction has attracted significant interest in both research and application domains, partially due to the increasing volume of published structured data and background knowledge. In the Linked Open Data initiative of the Semantic Web, for instance, entities are uniquely identified such that the published information can be integrated into applications and services, and the rapid increase in the availability of such structured data creates excellent opportunities as well as challenges for relation prediction. This thesis focuses on the prediction of potential relations by exploiting regularities in data using statistical relational learning algorithms and applying these methods to relational knowledge bases, in particular in Linked Open Data in particular. We review representative statistical relational learning approaches, e.g., Inductive Logic Programming and Probabilistic Relational Models. While logic-based reasoning can infer and include new relations via deduction by using ontologies, machine learning can be exploited to predict new relations (with some degree of certainty) via induction, purely based on the data. Because the application of machine learning approaches to relation prediction usually requires handling large datasets, we also discuss the scalability of machine learning as a solution to relation prediction, as well as the significant challenge posed by incomplete relational data (such as social network data, which is often much more extensive for some users than others). The main contribution of this thesis is to develop a learning framework called the Statistical Unit Node Set (SUNS) and to propose a multivariate prediction approach used in the framework. We argue that multivariate prediction approaches are most suitable for dealing with large, sparse data matrices. According to the characteristics and intended application of the data, the approach can be extended in different ways. We discuss and test two extensions of the approach--kernelization and a probabilistic method of handling complex n-ary relationships--in empirical studies based on real-world data sets. Additionally, this thesis contributes to the field of relation prediction by applying the SUNS framework to various domains. We focus on three applications: 1. In social network analysis, we present a combined approach of inductive and deductive reasoning for recommending movies to users. 2. In the life sciences, we address the disease gene prioritization problem. 3. In the recommendation system, we describe and investigate the back-end of a mobile app called BOTTARI, which provides personalized location-based recommendations of restaurants.Die Beziehungsvorhersage strebt an, unbekannte aber potenziell wahre Beziehungen vorherzusagen, indem fehlende Relationen in verfĂŒgbaren Daten aufgedeckt, zukĂŒnftige Ereignisse auf der Grundlage historischer Daten prognostiziert und vorhergesagte Relationen durch Anfragen abrufbar gemacht werden. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Ansatz lĂ€sst sich fĂŒr eine Vielzahl von Zwecken einschließlich der Vorhersage wahrscheinlicher neuer Freunde in sozialen Netzen, der Empfehlung attraktiver SehenswĂŒrdigkeiten fĂŒr Touristen in fremden StĂ€dten und der Priorisierung möglicher Assoziationen zwischen Genen und bestimmten Krankheiten, verwenden. In den letzten Jahren hat die Beziehungsvorhersage sowohl in Forschungs- als auch in Anwendungsbereichen eine enorme Aufmerksamkeit erregt, aufgrund des Zuwachses veröffentlichter strukturierter Daten und von Hintergrundwissen. In der Linked Open Data-Initiative des Semantischen Web werden beispielsweise EntitĂ€ten eindeutig identifiziert, sodass die veröffentlichten Informationen in Anwendungen und Dienste integriert werden können. Diese rapide Erhöhung der VerfĂŒgbarkeit strukturierter Daten bietet hervorragende Gelegenheiten sowie Herausforderungen fĂŒr die Beziehungsvorhersage. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die Vorhersage potenzieller Beziehungen durch Ausnutzung von RegelmĂ€ĂŸigkeiten in Daten unter der Verwendung statistischer relationaler Lernalgorithmen und durch Einsatz dieser Methoden in relationale Wissensbasen, insbesondere in den Linked Open Daten. Wir geben einen Überblick ĂŒber reprĂ€sentative statistische relationale LernansĂ€tze, z.B. die Induktive Logikprogrammierung und Probabilistische Relationale Modelle. WĂ€hrend das logikbasierte Reasoning neue Beziehungen unter der Nutzung von Ontologien ableiten und diese einbeziehen kann, kann maschinelles Lernen neue Beziehungen (mit gewisser Wahrscheinlichkeit) durch Induktion ausschließlich auf der Basis der vorliegenden Daten vorhersagen. Da die Verarbeitung von massiven Datenmengen in der Regel erforderlich ist, wenn maschinelle Lernmethoden in die Beziehungsvorhersage eingesetzt werden, diskutieren wir auch die Skalierbarkeit des maschinellen Lernens sowie die erhebliche Herausforderung, die sich aus unvollstĂ€ndigen relationalen Daten ergibt (z. B. Daten aus sozialen Netzen, die oft fĂŒr manche Benutzer wesentlich umfangreicher sind als fĂŒr Anderen). Der Hauptbeitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, ein Lernframework namens Statistical Unit Node Set (SUNS) zu entwickeln und einen im Framework angewendeten multivariaten PrĂ€diktionsansatz einzubringen. Wir argumentieren, dass multivariate VorhersageansĂ€tze am besten fĂŒr die Bearbeitung von großen und dĂŒnnbesetzten Datenmatrizen geeignet sind. Je nach den Eigenschaften und der beabsichtigten Anwendung der Daten kann der Ansatz auf verschiedene Weise erweitert werden. In empirischen Studien werden zwei Erweiterungen des Ansatzes--ein kernelisierter Ansatz sowie ein probabilistischer Ansatz zur Behandlung komplexer n-stelliger Beziehungen-- diskutiert und auf realen DatensĂ€tzen untersucht. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Anwendung des SUNS Frameworks auf verschiedene Bereiche. Wir konzentrieren uns auf drei Anwendungen: 1. In der Analyse sozialer Netze stellen wir einen kombinierten Ansatz von induktivem und deduktivem Reasoning vor, um Benutzern Filme zu empfehlen. 2. In den Biowissenschaften befassen wir uns mit dem Problem der Priorisierung von Krankheitsgenen. 3. In den Empfehlungssystemen beschreiben und untersuchen wir das Backend einer mobilen App "BOTTARI", das personalisierte ortsbezogene Empfehlungen von Restaurants bietet

    Default reasoning and neural networks

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    In this dissertation a formalisation of nonmonotonic reasoning, namely Default logic, is discussed. A proof theory for default logic and a variant of Default logic - Prioritised Default logic - is presented. We also pursue an investigation into the relationship between default reasoning and making inferences in a neural network. The inference problem shifts from the logical problem in Default logic to the optimisation problem in neural networks, in which maximum consistency is aimed at The inference is realised as an adaptation process that identifies and resolves conflicts between existing knowledge about the relevant world and external information. Knowledge and data are transformed into constraint equations and the nodes in the network represent propositions and constraint equations. The violation of constraints is formulated in terms of an energy function. The Hopfield network is shown to be suitable for modelling optimisation problems and default reasoning.Computer ScienceM.Sc. (Computer Science

    Fuzzy Logic

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    Fuzzy Logic is becoming an essential method of solving problems in all domains. It gives tremendous impact on the design of autonomous intelligent systems. The purpose of this book is to introduce Hybrid Algorithms, Techniques, and Implementations of Fuzzy Logic. The book consists of thirteen chapters highlighting models and principles of fuzzy logic and issues on its techniques and implementations. The intended readers of this book are engineers, researchers, and graduate students interested in fuzzy logic systems

    Reflexive Space. A Constructionist Model of the Russian Reflexive Marker

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    This study examines the structure of the Russian Reflexive Marker ( ся/-сь) and offers a usage-based model building on Construction Grammar and a probabilistic view of linguistic structure. Traditionally, reflexive verbs are accounted for relative to non-reflexive verbs. These accounts assume that linguistic structures emerge as pairs. Furthermore, these accounts assume directionality where the semantics and structure of a reflexive verb can be derived from the non-reflexive verb. However, this directionality does not necessarily hold diachronically. Additionally, the semantics and the patterns associated with a particular reflexive verb are not always shared with the non-reflexive verb. Thus, a model is proposed that can accommodate the traditional pairs as well as for the possible deviations without postulating different systems. A random sample of 2000 instances marked with the Reflexive Marker was extracted from the Russian National Corpus and the sample used in this study contains 819 unique reflexive verbs. This study moves away from the traditional pair account and introduces the concept of Neighbor Verb. A neighbor verb exists for a reflexive verb if they share the same phonological form excluding the Reflexive Marker. It is claimed here that the Reflexive Marker constitutes a system in Russian and the relation between the reflexive and neighbor verbs constitutes a cross-paradigmatic relation. Furthermore, the relation between the reflexive and the neighbor verb is argued to be of symbolic connectivity rather than directionality. Effectively, the relation holding between particular instantiations can vary. The theoretical basis of the present study builds on this assumption. Several new variables are examined in order to systematically model variability of this symbolic connectivity, specifically the degree and strength of connectivity between items. In usage-based models, the lexicon does not constitute an unstructured list of items. Instead, items are assumed to be interconnected in a network. This interconnectedness is defined as Neighborhood in this study. Additionally, each verb carves its own niche within the Neighborhood and this interconnectedness is modeled through rhyme verbs constituting the degree of connectivity of a particular verb in the lexicon. The second component of the degree of connectivity concerns the status of a particular verb relative to its rhyme verbs. The connectivity within the neighborhood of a particular verb varies and this variability is quantified by using the Levenshtein distance. The second property of the lexical network is the strength of connectivity between items. Frequency of use has been one of the primary variables in functional linguistics used to probe this. In addition, a new variable called Constructional Entropy is introduced in this study building on information theory. It is a quantification of the amount of information carried by a particular reflexive verb in one or more argument constructions. The results of the lexical connectivity indicate that the reflexive verbs have statistically greater neighborhood distances than the neighbor verbs. This distributional property can be used to motivate the traditional observation that the reflexive verbs tend to have idiosyncratic properties. A set of argument constructions, generalizations over usage patterns, are proposed for the reflexive verbs in this study. In addition to the variables associated with the lexical connectivity, a number of variables proposed in the literature are explored and used as predictors in the model. The second part of this study introduces the use of a machine learning algorithm called Random Forests. The performance of the model indicates that it is capable, up to a degree, of disambiguating the proposed argument construction types of the Russian Reflexive Marker. Additionally, a global ranking of the predictors used in the model is offered. Finally, most construction grammars assume that argument construction form a network structure. A new method is proposed that establishes generalization over the argument constructions referred to as Linking Construction. In sum, this study explores the structural properties of the Russian Reflexive Marker and a new model is set forth that can accommodate both the traditional pairs and potential deviations from it in a principled manner.Siirretty Doriast

    Memory-Based Grammatical Relation Finding

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