88 research outputs found

    Non-Contact Human Motion Sensing Using Radar Techniques

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    Human motion analysis has recently gained a lot of interest in the research community due to its widespread applications. A full understanding of normal motion from human limb joint trajectory tracking could be essential to develop and establish a scientific basis for correcting any abnormalities. Technology to analyze human motion has significantly advanced in the last few years. However, there is a need to develop a non-invasive, cost effective gait analysis system that can be functional indoors or outdoors 24/7 without hindering the normal daily activities for the subjects being monitored or invading their privacy. Out of the various methods for human gait analysis, radar technique is a non-invasive method, and can be carried out remotely. For one subject monitoring, single tone radars can be utilized for motion capturing of a single target, while ultra-wideband radars can be used for multi-subject tracking. But there are still some challenges that need to be overcome for utilizing radars for motion analysis, such as sophisticated signal processing requirements, sensitivity to noise, and hardware imperfections. The goal of this research is to overcome these challenges and realize a non-contact gait analysis system capable of extracting different organ trajectories (like the torso, hands and legs) from a complex human motion such as walking. The implemented system can be hugely beneficial for applications such as treating patients with joint problems, athlete performance analysis, motion classification, and so on

    Remote Human Vital Sign Monitoring Using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Radar at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies

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    Non-contact respiration rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) monitoring using millimeter-wave (mmWave) radars has gained lots of attention for medical, civilian, and military applications. These mmWave radars are small, light, and portable which can be deployed to various places. To increase the accuracy of RR and HR detection, distributed multi-input multi-output (MIMO) radar can be used to acquire non-redundant information of vital sign signals from different perspectives because each MIMO channel has different fields of view with respect to the subject under test (SUT). This dissertation investigates the use of a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar operating at 77-81 GHz for this application. Vital sign signal is first reconstructed with Arctangent Demodulation (AD) method using phase change’s information collected by the radar due to chest wall displacement from respiration and heartbeat activities. Since the heartbeat signals can be corrupted and concealed by the third/fourth harmonics of the respiratory signals as well as random body motion (RBM) from the SUT, we have developed an automatic Heartbeat Template (HBT) extraction method based on Constellation Diagrams of the received signals. The extraction method will automatically spot and extract signals’ portions that carry good amount of heartbeat signals which are not corrupted by the RBM. The extracted HBT is then used as an adapted wavelet for Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) to reduce interferences from respiratory harmonics and RBM, as well as magnify the heartbeat signals. As the nature of RBM is unpredictable, the extracted HBT may not completely cancel the interferences from RBM. Therefore, to provide better HR detection’s accuracy, we have also developed a spectral-based HR selection method to gather frequency spectra of heartbeat signals from different MIMO channels. Based on this gathered spectral information, we can determine an accurate HR even if the heartbeat signals are significantly concealed by the RBM. To further improve the detection’s accuracy of RR and HR, two deep learning (DL) frameworks are also investigated. First, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been proposed to optimally select clean MIMO channels and eliminate MIMO channels with low SNR of heartbeat signals. After that, a Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network (NN) is utilized to reconstruct the heartbeat signals that will be used to assess and select the final HR with high confidence

    Different Approaches of Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Phenomena in Shaded Pole Motor with Application of Finite Elements Method

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    In this paper is used Finite Element Method-FEM for analysis of electromagnetic quantities of small micro motor – single phase shaded pole motor-SPSPM. FEM is widely used numerical method for solving nonlinear partial differential equations with variable coefficients. For that purpose motor model is developed with exact geometry and material’s characteristics. Two different approaches are applied in FEM analysis of electromagnetic phenomena inside the motor: magneto-static where all electromagnetic quantities are analysed in exact moment of time meaning frequency f=0 Hz and timeharmonic magnetic approach where the magnetic field inside the machine is time varying, meaning frequency f=50 Hz. Obtained results are presented and compared with available analytical result

    Antenna Systems

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    This book offers an up-to-date and comprehensive review of modern antenna systems and their applications in the fields of contemporary wireless systems. It constitutes a useful resource of new material, including stochastic versus ray tracing wireless channel modeling for 5G and V2X applications and implantable devices. Chapters discuss modern metalens antennas in microwaves, terahertz, and optical domain. Moreover, the book presents new material on antenna arrays for 5G massive MIMO beamforming. Finally, it discusses new methods, devices, and technologies to enhance the performance of antenna systems

    A Survey on Fundamental Limits of Integrated Sensing and Communication

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    The integrated sensing and communication (ISAC), in which the sensing and communication share the same frequency band and hardware, has emerged as a key technology in future wireless systems due to two main reasons. First, many important application scenarios in fifth generation (5G) and beyond, such as autonomous vehicles, Wi-Fi sensing and extended reality, requires both high-performance sensing and wireless communications. Second, with millimeter wave and massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technologies widely employed in 5G and beyond, the future communication signals tend to have high-resolution in both time and angular domain, opening up the possibility for ISAC. As such, ISAC has attracted tremendous research interest and attentions in both academia and industry. Early works on ISAC have been focused on the design, analysis and optimization of practical ISAC technologies for various ISAC systems. While this line of works are necessary, it is equally important to study the fundamental limits of ISAC in order to understand the gap between the current state-of-the-art technologies and the performance limits, and provide useful insights and guidance for the development of better ISAC technologies that can approach the performance limits. In this paper, we aim to provide a comprehensive survey for the current research progress on the fundamental limits of ISAC. Particularly, we first propose a systematic classification method for both traditional radio sensing (such as radar sensing and wireless localization) and ISAC so that they can be naturally incorporated into a unified framework. Then we summarize the major performance metrics and bounds used in sensing, communications and ISAC, respectively. After that, we present the current research progresses on fundamental limits of each class of the traditional sensing and ISAC systems. Finally, the open problems and future research directions are discussed

    Localization and Tracking in Wireless MIMO Systems

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    Cognitive radar network design and applications

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    PhD ThesisIn recent years, several emerging technologies in modern radar system design are attracting the attention of radar researchers and practitioners alike, noteworthy among which are multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), ultra wideband (UWB) and joint communication-radar technologies. This thesis, in particular focuses upon a cognitive approach to design these modern radars. In the existing literature, these technologies have been implemented on a traditional platform in which the transmitter and receiver subsystems are discrete and do not exchange vital radar scene information. Although such radar architectures benefit from these mentioned technological advances, their performance remains sub-optimal due to the lack of exchange of dynamic radar scene information between the subsystems. Consequently, such systems are not capable to adapt their operational parameters “on the fly”, which is in accordance with the dynamic radar environment. This thesis explores the research gap of evaluating cognitive mechanisms, which could enable modern radars to adapt their operational parameters like waveform, power and spectrum by continually learning about the radar scene through constant interactions with the environment and exchanging this information between the radar transmitter and receiver. The cognitive feedback between the receiver and transmitter subsystems is the facilitator of intelligence for this type of architecture. In this thesis, the cognitive architecture is fused together with modern radar systems like MIMO, UWB and joint communication-radar designs to achieve significant performance improvement in terms of target parameter extraction. Specifically, in the context of MIMO radar, a novel cognitive waveform optimization approach has been developed which facilitates enhanced target signature extraction. In terms of UWB radar system design, a novel cognitive illumination and target tracking algorithm for target parameter extraction in indoor scenarios has been developed. A cognitive system architecture and waveform design algorithm has been proposed for joint communication-radar systems. This thesis also explores the development of cognitive dynamic systems that allows the fusion of cognitive radar and cognitive radio paradigms for optimal resources allocation in wireless networks. In summary, the thesis provides a theoretical framework for implementing cognitive mechanisms in modern radar system design. Through such a novel approach, intelligent illumination strategies could be devised, which enable the adaptation of radar operational modes in accordance with the target scene variations in real time. This leads to the development of radar systems which are better aware of their surroundings and are able to quickly adapt to the target scene variations in real time.Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Greenwich

    Architectures for embedded multimodal sensor data fusion systems in the robotics : and airport traffic suveillance ; domain

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    Smaller autonomous robots and embedded sensor data fusion systems often suffer from limited computational and hardware resources. Many ‘Real Time’ algorithms for multi modal sensor data fusion cannot be executed on such systems, at least not in real time and sometimes not at all, because of the computational and energy resources needed, resulting from the architecture of the computational hardware used in these systems. Alternative hardware architectures for generic tracking algorithms could provide a solution to overcome some of these limitations. For tracking and self localization sequential Bayesian filters, in particular particle filters, have been shown to be able to handle a range of tracking problems that could not be solved with other algorithms. But particle filters have some serious disadvantages when executed on serial computational architectures used in most systems. The potential increase in performance for particle filters is huge as many of the computational steps can be done concurrently. A generic hardware solution for particle filters can relieve the central processing unit from the computational load associated with the tracking task. The general topic of this research are hardware-software architectures for multi modal sensor data fusion in embedded systems in particular tracking, with the goal to develop a high performance computational architecture for embedded applications in robotics and airport traffic surveillance domain. The primary concern of the research is therefore: The integration of domain specific concept support into hardware architectures for low level multi modal sensor data fusion, in particular embedded systems for tracking with Bayesian filters; and a distributed hardware-software tracking systems for airport traffic surveillance and control systems. Runway Incursions are occurrences at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft. The growing traffic volume kept runway incursions on the NTSB’s ‘Most Wanted’ list for safety improvements for over a decade. Recent incidents show that problem is still existent. Technological responses that have been deployed in significant numbers are ASDE-X and A-SMGCS. Although these technical responses are a significant improvement and reduce the frequency of runway incursions, some runway incursion scenarios are not optimally covered by these systems, detection of runway incursion events is not as fast as desired, and they are too expensive for all but the biggest airports. Local, short range sensors could be a solution to provide the necessary affordable surveillance accuracy for runway incursion prevention. In this context the following objectives shall be reached. 1) Show the feasibility of runway incursion prevention systems based on localized surveillance. 2) Develop a design for a local runway incursion alerting system. 3) Realize a prototype of the system design using the developed tracking hardware.Kleinere autonome Roboter und eingebettete Sensordatenfusionssysteme haben oft mit stark begrenzter Rechenkapazität und eingeschränkten Hardwareressourcen zu kämpfen. Viele Echtzeitalgorithmen für die Fusion von multimodalen Sensordaten können, bedingt durch den hohen Bedarf an Rechenkapazität und Energie, auf solchen Systemen überhaupt nicht ausgeführt werden, oder zu mindesten nicht in Echtzeit. Der hohe Bedarf an Energie und Rechenkapazität hat seine Ursache darin, dass die Architektur der ausführenden Hardware und der ausgeführte Algorithmus nicht aufeinander abgestimmt sind. Dies betrifft auch Algorithmen zu Spurverfolgung. Mit Hilfe von alternativen Hardwarearchitekturen für die generische Ausführung solcher Algorithmen könnten sich einige der typischerweise vorliegenden Einschränkungen überwinden lassen. Eine Reihe von Aufgaben, die sich mit anderen Spurverfolgungsalgorithmen nicht lösen lassen, lassen sich mit dem Teilchenfilter, einem Algorithmus aus der Familie der Bayesschen Filter lösen. Bei der Ausführung auf traditionellen Architekturen haben Teilchenfilter gegenüber anderen Algorithmen einen signifikanten Nachteil, allerdings ist hier ein großer Leistungszuwachs durch die nebenläufige Ausführung vieler Rechenschritte möglich. Eine generische Hardwarearchitektur für Teilchenfilter könnte deshalb die oben genannten Systeme stark entlasten. Das allgemeine Thema dieses Forschungsvorhabens sind Hardware-Software-Architekturen für die multimodale Sensordatenfusion auf eingebetteten Systemen - speziell für Aufgaben der Spurverfolgung, mit dem Ziel eine leistungsfähige Architektur für die Berechnung entsprechender Algorithmen auf eingebetteten Systemen zu entwickeln, die für Anwendungen in der Robotik und Verkehrsüberwachung auf Flughäfen geeignet ist. Das Augenmerk des Forschungsvorhabens liegt dabei auf der Integration von vom Einsatzgebiet abhängigen Konzepten in die Architektur von Systemen zur Spurverfolgung mit Bayeschen Filtern, sowie auf verteilten Hardware-Software Spurverfolgungssystemen zur Überwachung und Führung des Rollverkehrs auf Flughäfen. Eine „Runway Incursion“ (RI) ist ein Vorfall auf einem Flugplatz, bei dem ein Fahrzeug oder eine Person sich unerlaubt in einem Abschnitt der Start- bzw. Landebahn befindet, der einem Verkehrsteilnehmer zur Benutzung zugewiesen wurde. Der wachsende Flugverkehr hat dafür gesorgt, das RIs seit über einem Jahrzehnt auf der „Most Wanted“-Liste des NTSB für Verbesserungen der Sicherheit stehen. Jüngere Vorfälle zeigen, dass das Problem noch nicht behoben ist. Technologische Maßnahmen die in nennenswerter Zahl eingesetzt wurden sind das ASDE-X und das A-SMGCS. Obwohl diese Maßnahmen eine deutliche Verbesserung darstellen und die Zahl der RIs deutlich reduzieren, gibt es einige RISituationen die von diesen Systemen nicht optimal abgedeckt werden. Außerdem detektieren sie RIs ist nicht so schnell wie erwünscht und sind - außer für die größten Flughäfen - zu teuer. Lokale Sensoren mit kurzer Reichweite könnten eine Lösung sein um die für die zuverlässige Erkennung von RIs notwendige Präzision bei der Überwachung des Rollverkehrs zu erreichen. Vor diesem Hintergrund sollen die folgenden Ziele erreicht werden. 1) Die Machbarkeit eines Runway Incursion Vermeidungssystems, das auf lokalen Sensoren basiert, zeigen. 2) Einen umsetzbaren Entwurf für ein solches System entwickeln. 3) Einen Prototypen des Systems realisieren, das die oben gennannte Hardware zur Spurverfolgung einsetzt

    A fuzzy logic approach to localisation in wireless local area networks

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    This thesis examines the use and value of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference in wireless positioning systems and solutions. Various fuzzy-related techniques and methodologies are reviewed and investigated, including a comprehensive review of fuzzy-based positioning and localisation systems. The thesis is aimed at the development of a novel positioning technique which enhances well-known multi-nearest-neighbour (kNN) and fingerprinting algorithms with received signal strength (RSS) measurements. A fuzzy inference system is put forward for the generation of weightings for selected nearest-neighbours and the elimination of outliers. In this study, Monte Carlo simulations of a proposed multivariable fuzzy localisation (MVFL) system showed a significant improvement in the root mean square error (RMSE) in position estimation, compared with well-known localisation algorithms. The simulation outcomes were confirmed empirically in laboratory tests under various scenarios. The proposed technique uses available indoor wireless local area network (WLAN) infrastructure and requires no additional hardware or modification to the network, nor any active user participation. The thesis aims to benefit practitioners and academic researchers of system positioning